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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

    SELECT MAX(t.cp_service_transaction_id)
      INTO x_first_cp_service_txn_id
      FROM cs_cp_service_transactions   t
     WHERE t.cp_service_id = x_cp_service_id
       AND t.effective_start_date <= x_terminate_effective_date
       AND t.effective_end_date >= x_terminate_effective_date
       AND t.transaction_type_code in ('RENEW', 'ORDER');
Line: 40

    SELECT (t.current_end_date) - (t.effective_start_date),
	   (t.current_end_date) - (x_terminate_effective_date),
	    t.effective_end_date, t.current_end_date
      INTO days_in_original_service,
      FROM cs_cp_service_transactions t
     WHERE t.cp_service_transaction_id = x_first_cp_service_txn_id;
Line: 50

    SELECT (MAX(t.service_selling_price * cp.quantity) -
      INTO available_credit
      FROM cs_cp_service_transactions  t,
           cs_cp_service_transactions  t2,
           cs_cp_services s,
           cs_customer_products cp
     WHERE t.cp_service_transaction_id = x_first_cp_service_txn_id
       AND t.cp_service_transaction_id = t2.terminated_transaction_id(+)
       AND t.cp_service_id = s.cp_service_id
       AND s.customer_product_id = cp.customer_product_id;
Line: 65

       SELECT MAX(cp_service_transaction_id)
         INTO term_cp_serv_txn_id
	 FROM cs_cp_service_transactions
	WHERE transaction_type_code = 'TERMINATE'
	  AND terminated_transaction_id = x_first_cp_service_txn_id
	  AND cp_service_id = x_cp_service_id;
Line: 73

    SELECT NVL(SUM(NVL(t.service_selling_price * cp.quantity , 0)) -
	       SUM(NVL(t.credit_amount, 0)),0)
      INTO remain_credit_amount
      FROM cs_cp_service_transactions  t,
	   cs_cp_services s,
	   cs_customer_products cp
     WHERE t.cp_service_transaction_id > term_cp_serv_txn_id
       AND t.cp_service_id = s.cp_service_id
       AND t.cp_service_id = x_cp_service_id
       AND t.ra_interface_status = 'INV'
       AND t.transaction_type_code in ('ORDER', 'RENEW', 'TERMINATE')
       AND s.customer_product_id = cp.customer_product_id;
Line: 128

							    cp_last_update_login   IN NUMBER,
							    cp_bill_to_contact_id  IN NUMBER,
							    return_status          OUT VARCHAR2,
							    return_msg             OUT VARCHAR2) IS

    l_ret_status                      VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 145

    SELECT employee_id
    INTO   l_employee_id
    WHERE  user_id = control_user_id;
Line: 151

    SELECT customer_id
    INTO   l_customer_id
    FROM   cs_customer_products
    WHERE  customer_product_id = (SELECT customer_product_id
						    FROM   cs_cp_services
						    WHERE  cp_service_id = cp_cp_service_id);
Line: 173

			p_login_id                        => cp_last_update_login,
			p_org_id                          => FND_PROFILE.Value('ORG_ID'),
			p_customer_id                     => l_customer_id,
			p_contact_id                      => cp_bill_to_contact_id,
			p_contact_lastname                => NULL,
			p_contact_firstname               => NULL,
			p_phone_area_code                 => NULL,
			p_phone_number                    => NULL,
			p_phone_extension                 => NULL,
			p_fax_area_code                   => NULL,
			p_fax_number                      => NULL,
			p_email_address                   => NULL,
			p_interaction_type_code           => 'SRV_TER',
			p_interaction_category_code       => 'CS',
			p_interaction_method_code         => 'SYSTEM',
			p_interaction_date                => SYSDATE,
			p_interaction_document_code       => NULL,
			p_source_document_id              => NULL,
			p_source_document_name            => NULL,
			p_reference_form                  => NULL,
			p_source_document_status          => NULL,
			p_employee_id                     => l_employee_id,
			p_public_flag                     => NULL,
			p_follow_up_action                => NULL,
               p_notes                           => NULL,
			p_parent_interaction_id           => parent_interaction_id,
			p_attribute1                      => NULL,
			p_attribute2                      => NULL,
			p_attribute3                      => NULL,
			p_attribute4                      => NULL,
			p_attribute5                      => NULL,
			p_attribute6                      => NULL,
			p_attribute7                      => NULL,
			p_attribute8                      => NULL,
			p_attribute9                      => NULL,
			p_attribute10                     => NULL,
			p_attribute11                     => NULL,
			p_attribute12                     => NULL,
			p_attribute13                     => NULL,
			p_attribute14                     => NULL,
			p_attribute15                     => NULL,
               p_attribute_category              => NULL,
			x_interaction_id                  => l_interaction_id);