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1 PACKAGE gl_autopost_options_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: glistaps.pls 120.4 2005/05/05 01:22:21 kvora ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package
5 --   gl_autopost_options_pkg
6 -- Purpose
7 --   To contain validation and insertion routines for
8 --   gl_automatic_posting_options
9 -- History
10 --   10-20-93  	D. J. Ogg	Created
12   --
13   -- Procedure
14   --   check_unique
15   -- Purpose
16   --   Checks to make sure that the ledger, period name, source, category and
17   --   actual flag combination is unique for the autopost set.
18   -- History
19   --   10-20-93  D. J. Ogg    Created
20   --   07-24-97  U. Thimmappa Modified to include Release 11 changes.
21   --   12-30-02  K  Vora      Ledger Architecture changes
22   -- Arguments
23   --   x_autopost_set_id	The autopost set ID
24   --   x_ledger_id              The ledger ID
25   --   x_actual_flag		The actual flag
26   --   x_period_name		The name of the period
27   --   x_source_name  	  	The name of the journal source
28   --   x_category_name    	The name of the category
29   --   row_id			The current rowid
30   --
32   PROCEDURE check_unique(x_autopost_set_id NUMBER,
33                          x_ledger_id     NUMBER,
34 			 x_actual_flag   VARCHAR2,
35 			 x_period_name   VARCHAR2,
36 			 x_source_name   VARCHAR2,
37 			 x_category_name VARCHAR2,
38 			 row_id VARCHAR2);
40 PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                   IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
41                      X_Autopost_Set_Id                       NUMBER,
42                      X_Ledger_Id                             NUMBER,
43                      X_Actual_Flag                           VARCHAR2,
44                      X_Period_Name                           VARCHAR2,
45                      X_Je_Source_Name                        VARCHAR2,
46                      X_Je_Category_Name                      VARCHAR2,
47                      X_Posting_Priority                      NUMBER,
48                      X_Last_Update_Date                      DATE,
49                      X_Last_Updated_By                       NUMBER,
50                      X_Creation_Date                         DATE,
51                      X_Created_By                            NUMBER,
52                      X_Last_Update_Login                     NUMBER,
53                      X_Attribute1                            VARCHAR2,
54                      X_Attribute2                            VARCHAR2,
55                      X_Attribute3                            VARCHAR2,
56                      X_Attribute4                            VARCHAR2,
57                      X_Attribute5                            VARCHAR2,
58                      X_Attribute6                            VARCHAR2,
59                      X_Attribute7                            VARCHAR2,
60                      X_Attribute8                            VARCHAR2,
61                      X_Attribute9                            VARCHAR2,
62                      X_Attribute10                           VARCHAR2,
63                      X_Attribute11                           VARCHAR2,
64                      X_Attribute12                           VARCHAR2,
65                      X_Attribute13                           VARCHAR2,
66                      X_Attribute14                           VARCHAR2,
67                      X_Attribute15                           VARCHAR2,
68                      X_Context                               VARCHAR2
69                      );
71 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                   VARCHAR2,
72                    X_Autopost_Set_ID                         NUMBER,
73                    X_Ledger_Id                               NUMBER,
74                    X_Actual_Flag                             VARCHAR2,
75                    X_Period_Name                             VARCHAR2,
76                    X_Je_Source_Name                          VARCHAR2,
77                    X_Je_Category_Name                        VARCHAR2,
78                    X_Posting_Priority                        NUMBER,
79                    X_Attribute1                              VARCHAR2,
80                    X_Attribute2                              VARCHAR2,
81                    X_Attribute3                              VARCHAR2,
82                    X_Attribute4                              VARCHAR2,
83                    X_Attribute5                              VARCHAR2,
84                    X_Attribute6                              VARCHAR2,
85                    X_Attribute7                              VARCHAR2,
86                    X_Attribute8                              VARCHAR2,
87                    X_Attribute9                              VARCHAR2,
88                    X_Attribute10                             VARCHAR2,
89                    X_Attribute11                             VARCHAR2,
90                    X_Attribute12                             VARCHAR2,
91                    X_Attribute13                             VARCHAR2,
92                    X_Attribute14                             VARCHAR2,
93                    X_Attribute15                             VARCHAR2,
94                    X_Context                                 VARCHAR2
95                    );
97 PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
98                      X_Autopost_Set_ID                       NUMBER,
99                      X_Ledger_Id                             NUMBER,
100                      X_Actual_Flag                           VARCHAR2,
101                      X_Period_Name                           VARCHAR2,
102                      X_Je_Source_Name                        VARCHAR2,
103                      X_Je_Category_Name                      VARCHAR2,
104                      X_Posting_Priority                      NUMBER,
105                      X_Last_Update_Date                      DATE,
106                      X_Last_Updated_By                       NUMBER,
107                      X_Last_Update_Login                     NUMBER,
108                      X_Attribute1                            VARCHAR2,
109                      X_Attribute2                            VARCHAR2,
110                      X_Attribute3                            VARCHAR2,
111                      X_Attribute4                            VARCHAR2,
112                      X_Attribute5                            VARCHAR2,
113                      X_Attribute6                            VARCHAR2,
114                      X_Attribute7                            VARCHAR2,
115                      X_Attribute8                            VARCHAR2,
116                      X_Attribute9                            VARCHAR2,
117                      X_Attribute10                           VARCHAR2,
118                      X_Attribute11                           VARCHAR2,
119                      X_Attribute12                           VARCHAR2,
120                      X_Attribute13                           VARCHAR2,
121                      X_Attribute14                           VARCHAR2,
122                      X_Attribute15                           VARCHAR2,
123                      X_Context                               VARCHAR2
124                      );
126 PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2);
128 END gl_autopost_options_pkg;