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APPS.PAY_US_1099R_UDFS dependencies on FF_CONTEXTS

Line 406: ff_contexts fc2,

402: c_tax_unit_id hr_organization_units.organization_id%type)
403: IS
404: SELECT target.value
405: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
406: ff_contexts fc2,
407: ff_archive_items target
408: WHERE target.user_entity_id = c_user_entity_id
409: AND target.context1 = to_char(c_assignment_action_id)
410: /* context assignment action id */

Line 556: ff_contexts fc3,

552: select nvl(sum(target.value),0)
553: from
554: ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
555: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
556: ff_contexts fc3,
557: ff_contexts fc2,
558: ff_archive_items target,
559: ff_database_items fdi
560: where fdi.user_name = 'A_CITY_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'

Line 557: ff_contexts fc2,

553: from
554: ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
555: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
556: ff_contexts fc3,
557: ff_contexts fc2,
558: ff_archive_items target,
559: ff_database_items fdi
560: where fdi.user_name = 'A_CITY_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
561: and target.user_entity_id = fdi.user_entity_id