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Line 100: FROM gl_period_statuses

97: --get gl date from open accounting period
98: CURSOR c_get_gl_date(cp_date IN DATE) IS SELECT * from (
99: SELECT trunc(cp_date) gl_date, 1 Counter
100: FROM gl_period_statuses
101: WHERE application_id = 222
102: -- BEGIN abindal bug 4356410 --
103: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
104: -- END abindal bug 4356410 --

Line 110: FROM gl_period_statuses

106: AND trunc(cp_date) between start_date and end_date
107: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
108: UNION
109: SELECT MAX(end_date) gl_date, 2 Counter
110: FROM gl_period_statuses
111: WHERE application_id = 222
112: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
113: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
114: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)

Line 118: FROM gl_period_statuses

114: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)
115: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
116: UNION
117: SELECT MIN(start_date) gl_date, 3 Counter
118: FROM gl_period_statuses
119: WHERE application_id = 222
120: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
121: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
122: AND start_date >= trunc(cp_date)

Line 643: FROM gl_period_statuses

640: --get gl date from open accounting period
641: CURSOR c_get_gl_date(cp_date IN DATE) IS SELECT * from (
642: SELECT end_date gl_date, 1 Counter
643: FROM gl_period_statuses
644: WHERE application_id = 222
645: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
646: AND trunc(cp_date) between start_date and end_date
647: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 650: FROM gl_period_statuses

646: AND trunc(cp_date) between start_date and end_date
647: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
648: UNION
649: SELECT MAX(end_date) gl_date, 2 Counter
650: FROM gl_period_statuses
651: WHERE application_id = 222
652: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
653: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
654: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)

Line 658: FROM gl_period_statuses

654: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)
655: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
656: UNION
657: SELECT MIN(end_date) gl_date, 3 Counter
658: FROM gl_period_statuses
659: WHERE application_id = 222
660: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
661: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
662: AND start_date >= trunc(cp_date)

Line 673: FROM gl_period_statuses

669: -- BEGIN abindal bug 4316610 --
670: --get gl date from open accounting period -- min date
671: CURSOR c_get_gl_date_start(cp_date IN DATE) IS SELECT * from (
672: SELECT start_date gl_date, 1 Counter
673: FROM gl_period_statuses
674: WHERE application_id = 222
675: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
676: AND trunc(cp_date) between start_date and end_date
677: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 680: FROM gl_period_statuses

676: AND trunc(cp_date) between start_date and end_date
677: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
678: UNION
679: SELECT MAX(start_date) gl_date, 2 Counter
680: FROM gl_period_statuses
681: WHERE application_id = 222
682: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
683: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
684: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)

Line 688: FROM gl_period_statuses

684: AND end_date <= trunc(cp_date)
685: AND adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
686: UNION
687: SELECT MIN(start_date) gl_date, 3 Counter
688: FROM gl_period_statuses
689: WHERE application_id = 222
690: AND ledger_id = okl_accounting_util.get_set_of_books_id
691: AND closing_status IN ('F','O')
692: AND start_date >= trunc(cp_date)