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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

(    p_from_id           in  hz_merge_parties.from_party_id%type,
     p_to_id             in  hz_merge_parties.to_party_id%type,
     x_return_status     out  nocopy varchar2)
 l_proc_name  varchar2(30) := 'OKS_UPDATE_CONTRACT';
Line: 31

   	SELECT hdr.id, contract_number
     FROM okc_k_headers_b      hdr,
          okc_k_party_roles_b pty
     WHERE hdr.id=pty.chr_id
    AND pty.rle_code='CUSTOMER'
    AND pty.object1_id1= to_char(p_to_id)
    AND hdr.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT (dnz_chr_id)
                   FROM okc_k_lines_b lin
                   WHERE upg_orig_system_ref = 'ORDER'
                   AND lse_id IN (14, 19)
                   AND pty.dnz_chr_id = lin.chr_id);
Line: 47

      SELECT party.NAME
      FROM okc_k_party_roles_v prole,
           okx_parties_v party
      WHERE party.id1 = prole.object1_id1
	 -- hkamdar 17-Feb-2006 Bug # 5012249
	   AND prole.dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
--      AND prole.chr_id = p_chr_id
      AND prole.cle_id IS NULL
      AND prole.rle_code IN ('CUSTOMER', 'SUBSCRIBER');
Line: 79

okc_contract_pub.update_contract_header (
     p_api_version  	=> l_api_version,
     p_init_msg_list  	=> l_init_msg_list,
     x_return_status  	=> l_return_status,
     x_msg_count  	=> l_msg_count,
     x_msg_data  	=> l_msg_data,
     p_restricted_update     => 'F',
     p_chrv_tbl  	=> l_chrv_tbl_in,
     x_chrv_tbl  	=> l_chrv_tbl_out
Line: 95

Line: 127

select contract_number, contract_number_modifier
from okc_k_headers_b
where id = p_chr_id;
Line: 132

select a.sts_code
from okc_k_headers_b a, okc_statuses_b b
where a.id = l_chr_id and a.sts_code = b.code
and  b.ste_code in ('ACTIVE','EXPIRED','SIGNED');
Line: 139

select a.id, a.lse_id
from okc_k_lines_b a, okc_statuses_b b
where a.cle_id is not null and a.dnz_chr_id = l_chr_id
and a.lse_id in (7,8,9,10,11,18,25,35) and a.sts_code = b.code --Bug 3453752
and  b.ste_code in ('ACTIVE','EXPIRED','SIGNED');
Line: 148

select a.object_cle_id
FROM okc_operation_lines a,okc_operation_instances  b,
 okc_class_operations c
 where a.object_chr_id=p_chr_id
 and c.id=b.cop_id
 and c.opn_code in ('REN_CON')
 and b.id=a.oie_id
 and a.subject_cle_id is not null
 and a.subject_chr_id is not null
 and a.process_flag = 'P'
 and a.object_cle_id = l_cle_id;
Line: 241

select id
from okc_k_headers_b
where scs_code in ('WARRANTY', 'SERVICE', 'SUBSCRIPTION') and id = l_chr_id;
Line: 247

select id
from okc_k_lines_b
where dnz_chr_id = l_chr_id and chr_id is not null
and lse_id = 46
and (date_terminated is null or date_terminated >= sysdate);
Line: 255

select id
from okc_k_lines_b
where dnz_chr_id = l_chr_id and cle_id is not null
and lse_id in (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18, 25, 35)
and date_terminated is null;