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2 /* $Header: AHLUUCS.pls 120.5.12020000.2 2012/12/10 16:56:59 prakkum ship $ */
5 ---------------------------------------------
6 -- Define Record Type for Item Associations --
7 ----------------------------------------------
8 TYPE Instance_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
9         ITEM_GROUP_ID                   NUMBER,
10         INVENTORY_ITEM_ID               NUMBER,
11         INVENTORY_ORG_ID                NUMBER
12        );
14 TYPE Instance_Tbl_Type IS TABLE OF Instance_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
17 ------------------------------------------------
18 -- SATHAPLI::Bug# 4328454 fix
19 -- Define Record Type for Item Associations for
20 -- API AHL_UTIL_UC_PKG.Check_Invalidate_Instance
21 ------------------------------------------------
22 TYPE Instance_Rec_Type2 IS RECORD (
23         ITEM_GROUP_ID                   NUMBER,
24         INVENTORY_ITEM_ID               NUMBER,
25         INVENTORY_ORG_ID                NUMBER,
26         CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS           VARCHAR2(40),
27         REVISION                        VARCHAR2(3),
28         INTERCHANGE_TYPE                VARCHAR2(80)
29        );
31 TYPE Instance_Tbl_Type2 IS TABLE OF Instance_Rec_Type2 INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
34 -- Define matched part-posn record structure.
35 TYPE matched_rec_type IS RECORD (
36                 object_id                    NUMBER,
37                 subject_id                   NUMBER,
38                 mc_relationship_id           NUMBER,
39                 csi_ii_relationship_id       NUMBER,
40                 csi_ii_object_version        NUMBER);
43 -- Define table for matched part-posn records.
44 TYPE matched_tbl_type IS TABLE OF matched_rec_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
46 -----------------------------------------------------------
47 -- Function to get location description for csi instance --
48 -----------------------------------------------------------
49 FUNCTION GetCSI_LocationDesc(p_location_id           IN  NUMBER,
50                              p_location_type_code    IN  VARCHAR2,
51                              p_inventory_org_id      IN  NUMBER,
52                              p_subinventory_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
53                              p_inventory_locator_id  IN  NUMBER,
54                              p_wip_job_id            IN  NUMBER)
57 --commented pragma after changes made to GetCSI_LocationDesc proc body to fix  bug# 10264213
58 --pragma restrict_references (GetCSI_LocationDesc, WNDS,WNPS, RNPS);
61 ------------------------------------------------------
62 -- Function to get location code for a csi instance --
63 ------------------------------------------------------
64 FUNCTION GetCSI_LocationCode(p_location_id           IN  NUMBER,
65                              p_location_type_code    IN  VARCHAR2)
69 pragma restrict_references (GetCSI_LocationCode, WNDS,WNPS, RNPS);
72 ---------------------------------------------------------
73 -- Procedure to get CSI Transaction ID given the code  --
74 ---------------------------------------------------------
75 PROCEDURE GetCSI_Transaction_ID(p_txn_code    IN         VARCHAR2,
76                                 x_txn_type_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
77                                 x_return_val  OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
80 ----------------------------------------------------------
81 -- Procedure to get CSI Status ID given the status-name --
82 ----------------------------------------------------------
83 PROCEDURE GetCSI_Status_ID (p_status_name  IN         VARCHAR2,
84                             x_status_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
85                             x_return_val   OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
88 ----------------------------------------------------------
89 -- Procedure to get CSI Status name given the status-id --
90 ----------------------------------------------------------
91 PROCEDURE GetCSI_Status_Name (p_status_id      IN         NUMBER,
92                               x_status_name    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
93                               x_return_val     OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
97 -- Procedure to get extended attribute ID given the attribute code --
98 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
99 PROCEDURE GetCSI_Attribute_ID (p_attribute_code  IN         VARCHAR2,
100                                x_attribute_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
101                                x_return_val      OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
104 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
105 -- Procedure to get extended attribute value given the attribute code --
106 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
107 PROCEDURE GetCSI_Attribute_Value (p_csi_instance_id       IN  NUMBER,
108                                   p_attribute_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
109                                   x_attribute_value       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
110                                   x_attribute_value_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
111                                   x_object_version_number OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
112                                   x_return_val            OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
115 ------------------------------------------------
116 -- Procedure to validate csi_item_instance_id --
117 ------------------------------------------------
118 PROCEDURE ValidateCSI_Item_Instance(p_instance_id         IN         NUMBER,
119                                     x_status_name         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
120                                     x_location_type_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
121                                     x_return_val          OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 -- Procedure to return lookup meaning given the code from CSI_Lookups --
125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 PROCEDURE Convert_To_CSIMeaning (p_lookup_type     IN   VARCHAR2,
127                                  p_lookup_code     IN   VARCHAR2,
128                                  x_lookup_meaning  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
129                                  x_return_val      OUT  NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
132 ----------------------------------------------------
133 -- Procedure to check existence of a relationship --
134 -- and if found, returns the position_ref_code    --
135 ----------------------------------------------------
136 Procedure ValidateMC_Relationship(p_relationship_id   IN   NUMBER,
137                                   x_position_ref_code OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
138                                   x_return_val        OUT  NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
142 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 -- Procedure to validate if an inventory item can be assigned to a position --
144 -- SATHAPLI::FP OGMA Issue# 105 - Non-Serialized Item Maintenance, 04-Dec-2007
145 -- Added p_ignore_quant_vald parameter to allow the quantity checks to be ignored when called from Production.
146 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 PROCEDURE Validate_for_Position(p_mc_relationship_id   IN   NUMBER,
148                                 p_Inventory_id         IN   NUMBER,
149                                 p_Organization_id      IN   NUMBER,
150                                 p_quantity             IN   NUMBER,
151                                 p_revision             IN   VARCHAR2,
152                                 p_uom_code             IN   VARCHAR2,
153                                 p_position_ref_meaning IN   VARCHAR2,
154                                 p_ignore_quant_vald    IN   VARCHAR2 := 'N',
155                                 x_item_assoc_id        OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER);
158 -------------------------------------------------------
159 -- Procedure to check if item assigned to a position --
160 -------------------------------------------------------
161 PROCEDURE Check_Position_Assigned (p_csi_item_instance_id   IN  NUMBER,
162                                    p_mc_relationship_id     IN  NUMBER,
163                                    x_subject_id             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
164                                    x_return_val             OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
166 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -- Function will validate if an item is valid for a position or not. --
168 -- It is designed mainly to be used in SQL and views definitions.    --
170 -- This will call Validate_for_Position procedure and will return :  --
171 --   ahl_item_associations.item_association_id that has been matched --
172 --   else if no record matched, it will return 0(zero).              --
173 -- OBSOLETED 10/24/2002.
174 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
175 FUNCTION  Validate_Alternate_Item (p_mc_relationship_id   IN   NUMBER,
176                                    p_Inventory_id         IN   NUMBER,
177                                    p_Organization_id      IN   NUMBER,
178                                    p_quantity             IN   NUMBER,
179                                    p_revision             IN   VARCHAR2,
180                                    p_uom_code             IN   VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
183 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 -- Procedure to match the parts sub-tree(starting with p_csi_item_instance_id) --
185 -- with the master config tree (starting with p_mc_relationship_id)            --
186 -- If the tree matches, x_match_flag returns true else it returns false. The   --
187 -- error messages are written to the error stack.                              --
188 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
189 /*  comment out by Jerry on 09/16/2004 for bug 3893965
190 PROCEDURE Match_Tree_Components (p_csi_item_instance_id  IN         NUMBER,
191                                  p_mc_relationship_id    IN         NUMBER,
192                                  x_match_part_posn_tbl   OUT NOCOPY AHL_UTIL_UC_PKG.matched_tbl_type,
193                                  x_match_flag            OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
195 */
196 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 --  Start of Comments  --
198 --
199 --  Procedure name  : Invalidate_Instance
200 --  Type            : Private
201 --  Function        : Removes the reference to an Instance that has been deleted
202 --                    or referenced from an Item Group.
203 --  Pre-reqs        :
204 --
205 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
206 --      p_api_version                   IN      NUMBER                      Required
207 --      p_init_msg_list                 IN      VARCHAR2                    Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
208 --      p_commit                        IN      VARCHAR2                    Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
209 --      p_validation_level              IN      NUMBER                      Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
210 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
211 --      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2                    Required
212 --      x_msg_count                     OUT     NUMBER                      Required
213 --      x_msg_data                      OUT     VARCHAR2                    Required
214 --
215 --  Invalidate_Instance parameters :
216 --  p_instance_table    IN  Instance_Tbl_Type
217 --              A table of inv item id, inv org id and item_group_id
218 --
219 --  History:
220 --      06/03/03       SBethi       CREATED
221 --
222 --  Version :
223 --      Initial Version   1.0
224 --
225 --  End of Comments.
226 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 PROCEDURE Invalidate_Instance(
229   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
230   p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_TRUE,
231   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
232   p_validation_level      IN  NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
233   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
234   x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
235   x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
236   p_instance_tbl          IN  Instance_Tbl_Type
237 );
239 -- Function to get the Status (Meaning) of a Unit Configuration
240 -- This function considers if the unit is installed in another unit, if it is expired etc.
241 -- It returns the concatenation of the status with the active status if the status
242 -- ic Complete or Incomplete
243 FUNCTION Get_UC_Status(p_uc_header_id IN NUMBER)
246 -- Added by Jerry on 03/29/2005 in order for fixing a VWP bug 4251688(Siberian)
247 -- Function to get the Status (code) of a Unit Configuration
248 -- This function considers if the unit is installed in another unit, if it is expired etc.
249 -- This function is similar to the previous one but this one returns code instead of
250 -- meaning. It doesn't check the active status.
251 FUNCTION Get_UC_Status_code(p_uc_header_id IN NUMBER)
254 -- Define Procedure copy_uc_header_to_history --
255 -- This common utility API is used to copy a UC header to history table whenever this UC is just newly created
256 -- or updated
257 PROCEDURE copy_uc_header_to_history (
258   p_uc_header_id          IN  NUMBER,
259   x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
260 );
261 --  Start of Comments  --
262 --
263 --  Procedure name  : copy_uc_header_to_history
264 --  Type            :
265 --  Function        : to copy a UC header to UC header history table.
266 --  Pre-reqs        :
267 --
268 --  migrate_uc_tree parameters :
269 --  p_uc_header_id     IN NUMBER  Required
270 --
271 --  Version :
272 --      Initial Version   1.0
273 --
274 --  End of Comments  --
276 -- Define Procedure get_root_uc_attr --
277 -- This common utility is used to get the root UC's basic attributes for this particular UC
278 PROCEDURE get_root_uc_attr(
279   p_uc_header_id          IN  NUMBER,
280   x_uc_header_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
281   x_instance_id           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
282   x_uc_status_code        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
283   x_active_uc_status_code OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
284   x_uc_header_ovn         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
286 --  Start of Comments  --
287 --
288 --  Procedure name  : get_root_uc_status_code
289 --  Type            :
290 --  Function        : to get the root UC's basic attributes for this particular UC
291 --  Pre-reqs        :
292 --
293 --  migrate_uc_tree parameters :
294 --  p_uc_header_id     IN NUMBER  Required
295 --
296 --  Version :
297 --      Initial Version   1.0
298 --
299 --  End of Comments  --
301 -- Define Function extra_node --
302 -- This common utility is used to check whether a given instance is an extra node
303 FUNCTION extra_node(p_instance_id IN NUMBER, p_top_instance_id NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
305 --  Start of Comments  --
306 --
307 --  Procedure name  : extra_node
308 --  Type            :
309 --  Function        : to check whether a given instance is an extra node
310 --  Pre-reqs        :
311 --
312 --  migrate_uc_tree parameters :
313 --  p_instance_id     IN NUMBER  Required
314 --  p_top_instance_id IN NUMBER  Required, the instance_id of the top node in which p_instance_id
315 --                               is installed
316 --
317 --  Version :
318 --      Initial Version   1.0
319 --
320 --  End of Comments  --
322 -- Define Function item_match --
323 -- This common utility is used to check whether a given item can be assigned to
324 -- a given position in MC
325 FUNCTION item_match(p_mc_relationship_id   IN   NUMBER,
326                     p_inventory_item_id    IN   NUMBER,
327                     p_organization_id      IN   NUMBER,
328                     p_revision             IN   VARCHAR2,
329                     p_quantity             IN   NUMBER,
330                     p_uom_code             IN   VARCHAR2)
332 --  Start of Comments  --
333 --
334 --  Procedure name  : extra_node
335 --  Type            :
336 --  Function        : to check whether a given instance is an extra node
337 --  Pre-reqs        :
338 --
339 --  migrate_uc_tree parameters :
340 --  p_mc_relationship_id     IN NUMBER  Required
341 --  p_inventory_item_id      IN NUMBER  Required
342 --  p_organization_id        IN NUMBER  Required
343 --  p_quantity               IN NUMBER  Required
344 --  p_uom_code               IN NUMBER  Required
345 --
346 --  Version :
347 --      Initial Version   1.0
348 --
349 --  End of Comments  --
351 -- Define procedure get_parent_uc_header --
352 -- This common utility is used to get the parent uc_header_id and parent instance_id
353 -- for a given instance_id. This procedure always returns the parent uc_header_id and
354 -- the instance_id of the parent_uc_header_id (not necessary to be the immediated parent
355 -- instance_id of itself). If the given instance happens to be a standalone unit instance,
356 -- then both the return variables will be null.
357 PROCEDURE get_parent_uc_header(p_instance_id           IN  NUMBER,
358                                x_parent_uc_header_id   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
359                                x_parent_uc_instance_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
360 --  Start of Comments  --
361 --
362 --  Procedure name  : get_parent_uc_header
363 --  Type            :
364 --  Function        : to get the parent uc_header_id for a given instance_id
365 --  Pre-reqs        :
366 --
367 --  get_parent_uc_header parameters :
368 --  p_instance_id            IN NUMBER  Required
369 --  x_parent_uc_header_id    OUT NUMBER
370 --  x_parent_uc_instance_id  OUT NUMBER
371 --
372 --  Version :
373 --      Initial Version   1.0
374 --
375 --  End of Comments  --
377 ------------------------------------------------------
378 -- Function to map an instance id to a relationship id
379 ------------------------------------------------------
380 FUNCTION Map_Instance_to_RelID(p_csi_ii_id           IN  NUMBER)
383 -- Define procedure get_unit_name --
384 -- This common utility is used to get the root unit name for a given instance_id
385 -- The unit name is the highest standalone UC name to which the instance_id belongs.
386 -- IF the instance happens to be the root unit instance, then return the unit name
387 -- of itself
388 FUNCTION get_unit_name(p_instance_id  IN  NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
389 --  Start of Comments  --
390 --
391 --  Procedure name: get_unit_name
392 --  Type:
393 --  Function: to get the root unit name for a given instance_id
394 --  Pre-reqs:
395 --
396 --  Parameters:
397 --    p_instance_id     IN NUMBER  Required
398 --
399 --  Version:
400 --    Initial Version   1.0
401 --
402 --  End of Comments  --
404 -- Define procedure get_uc_header_id --
405 -- This common utility is used to get the root uc_header_id for a given instance_id
406 -- The uc_header_id is the highest standalone unit to which the instance belongs.
407 -- IF the instance happens to be the root unit instance, then return the uc_header_id
408 -- of itself
409 FUNCTION get_uc_header_id(p_instance_id  IN  NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
410 --  Start of Comments  --
411 --
412 --  Procedure name: get_uc_header_id
413 --  Type:
414 --  Function: to get the root uc_header_id for a given instance_id
415 --  Pre-reqs:
416 --
417 --  Parameters:
418 --    p_instance_id     IN NUMBER  Required
419 --
420 --  Version:
421 --    Initial Version   1.0
422 --
423 --  End of Comments  --
425 -- Define function get_sub_unit_name --
426 -- This common utility is used to get the sub unit name for a given instance_id
427 -- The unit name is the lowest sub UC name to which the instance_id belongs.
428 -- IF the instance happens to be the sub unit instance, then return the sub unit name
429 -- of itself
430 FUNCTION get_sub_unit_name(p_instance_id  IN  NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
431 --  Start of Comments  --
432 --
433 --  Procedure name: get_sub_unit_name
434 --  Type:
435 --  Function: to get the lowerest sub unit name for a given instance_id
436 --  Pre-reqs:
437 --
438 --  Parameters:
439 --    p_instance_id     IN NUMBER  Required
440 --
441 --  Version:
442 --    Initial Version   1.0
443 --
447 -- This common utility is used to get the sub uc_header_id  for a given instance_id
444 --  End of Comments  --
446 -- Define function get_sub_uc_header_id --
448 -- The uc_header_id is the lowest sub uc_header_id to which the instance_id belongs.
449 -- IF the instance happens to be the sub unit instance, then return the sub uc_header_id
450 -- of itself
451 FUNCTION get_sub_uc_header_id(p_instance_id  IN  NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
452 --  Start of Comments  --
453 --
454 --  Procedure name: get_sub_uc_header_id
455 --  Type:
456 --  Function: to get the lowerest sub uc_header_id of a given instance_id
457 --  Pre-reqs:
458 --
459 --  Parameters:
460 --    p_instance_id     IN NUMBER  Required
461 --
462 --  Version:
463 --    Initial Version   1.0
464 --
465 --  End of Comments  --
467 --  ACL :: Added for R12 changes.
469 --  Start of Comments  --
470 --
471 --  Procedure name: IS_UNIT_QUARANTINED
472 --  Type:
473 --  Function: This API will return FND_API.G_TRUE if a UC is in Quarantine or Deactivate
474 --            Quarantine Status
475 --
476 --  Parameters:
477 --    p_unit_header_id  IN NUMBER
478 --    p_instance_id     IN NUMBER
479 --
480 --  Version:
481 --    Initial Version   1.0
482 --
483 --  End of Comments  --
485 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
486 --  Start of Comments  --
487 --
488 --  Procedure name  : Check_Invalidate_Instance
489 --  Type            : Private
490 --  Function        : Validates the updation of interchange_type_code in an item group
491 --                    against active UCs where the item is installed.
492 --  Pre-reqs        :
493 --
494 --  Standard IN  Parameters :
495 --      p_api_version                IN      NUMBER     Required
496 --      p_init_msg_list              IN      VARCHAR2   Default  FND_API.G_TRUE
497 --      p_commit                     IN      VARCHAR2   Default  FND_API.G_FALSE
498 --      p_validation_level           IN      NUMBER     Default  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
499 --  Standard OUT Parameters :
500 --      x_return_status              OUT     VARCHAR2   Required
501 --      x_msg_count                  OUT     NUMBER     Required
502 --      x_msg_data                   OUT     VARCHAR2   Required
503 --
504 --  Check_Invalidate_Instance parameters :
505 --      p_instance_table             IN      Instance_Tbl_Type2
506 --      A table of inv item id, inv org id, item_group_id, item name, item rev and
507 --      item interchange type
508 --
509 --  History:
510 --      07-JUN-06       SATHAPLI       CREATED
511 --
512 --  Version :
513 --      Initial Version   1.0
514 --
515 --  End of Comments.
516 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 PROCEDURE Check_Invalidate_Instance
519           (
520             p_api_version           IN  NUMBER,
521             P_INIT_MSG_LIST         IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_TRUE,
522             p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2  := FND_API.G_FALSE,
523             p_validation_level      IN  NUMBER    := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
524             p_instance_tbl          IN  Instance_Tbl_Type2,
525             p_operator              IN  VARCHAR2,
526             x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
527             x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
528             x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
529           );
531 -- Added by jaramana on March 10, 2008 for fixing the Bug 6723950 (FP of 6720010)
532 -- This API will validate if the instance can become the new item through part change.
533 -- p_instance_id can be currently in an IB Tree or UC or it may be a stand alone instance.
534 -- It may also be the root node of a unit.
535 -- The return value x_matches_flag will be FND_API.G_TRUE or FND_API.G_FALSE.
536 PROCEDURE Item_Matches_Instance_Pos(p_inventory_item_id  IN NUMBER,
537                                     p_item_revision      IN VARCHAR2 default NULL,
538                                     p_instance_id        IN NUMBER,
539                                     x_matches_flag       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);