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Line 747: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_qualifiers c

743: update qp_pte_segments d set used_in_setup='Y'
744: where nvl(used_in_setup,'N')='N'
745: and exists
746: (select 'x'
747: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_qualifiers c
748: where c.list_header_id = p_PRICE_LIST_rec.list_header_id
749: and a.segment_mapping_column = c .qualifier_attribute
750: and a.segment_id = d.segment_id
751: and a.prc_context_id = b.prc_context_id

Line 759: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_pricing_attributes c

755: update qp_pte_segments d set used_in_setup='Y'
756: where nvl(used_in_setup,'N')='N'
757: and exists
758: (select 'x'
759: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_pricing_attributes c
760: where c.list_header_id = p_PRICE_LIST_rec.list_header_id
761: and a.segment_mapping_column = c.pricing_attribute
762: and a.segment_id = d.segment_id
763: and a.prc_context_id = b.prc_context_id

Line 771: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_pricing_attributes c

767: update qp_pte_segments d set used_in_setup='Y'
768: where nvl(used_in_setup,'N')='N'
769: and exists
770: (select 'x'
771: from qp_segments_b a,qp_prc_contexts_b b,qp_pricing_attributes c
772: where c.list_header_id = p_PRICE_LIST_rec.list_header_id
773: and a.segment_mapping_column = c.product_attribute
774: and a.segment_id = d.segment_id
775: and a.prc_context_id = b.prc_context_id