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Line 600: from ecx_tp_headers eth

596: -- get the email address from tp headers
597: begin
598: select company_admin_email
599: into i_email_addr
600: from ecx_tp_headers eth
601: where eth.party_id = i_party_id
602: and eth.party_site_id = i_party_site_id
603: and eth.party_type = nvl(party_type, eth.party_type);
604: exception

Line 1040: ecx_tp_headers eth,

1036: into i_transaction_id,i_email_addr
1037: from ecx_ext_processes eep,
1038: ecx_standards es,
1039: ecx_tp_details etd,
1040: ecx_tp_headers eth,
1041: ecx_transactions et,
1042: fnd_user usr
1043: where eep.ext_type = l_transaction_type
1044: and eep.ext_subtype = l_transaction_subtype