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Line 163: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

159: IS
160: cursor l_ParentQtyNull_csr
161: is
162: select plpn.line_number
163: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
164: where parent_lpn is null
165: and quantity is null;

Line 189: from pos_exasn_lines plnt, pos_exasn_lpns plpn

186: cursor l_lineVsLpnQty_csr
187: is
188: select plnt.line_number
189: from pos_exasn_lines plnt, pos_exasn_lpns plpn
190: where plnt.line_id = plpn.line_id
191: group by plnt.line_number, plnt.quantity
192: having plnt.quantity <> sum(plpn.quantity)
193: and sum(plpn.quantity) > 0;

Line 230: from pos_exasn_lpns;

227: cursor l_checkLpn_csr
228: is
229: select line_number, license_plate_number, parent_lpn, po_line_loc_id
230: from pos_exasn_lpns;
233: l_error_ln number;
234: l_is_new_lot varchar2(60);

Line 237: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;

233: l_error_ln number;
234: l_is_new_lot varchar2(60);
235: l_lot_ln number;
236: l_lot_number pos_exasn_lots.lot_number%type;
237: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;
238: l_po_line_loc_id number;
240: l_lot_attribute_category varchar2(60);
241: l_cattribute1 varchar2(2000);

Line 405: update pos_exasn_lpns plpn

401: where plot.header_id = pst.header_id
402: and plot.line_id = pst.line_id
403: and plot.lot_id = pst.lot_id);
405: update pos_exasn_lpns plpn
406: set (plpn.po_line_loc_id) = (select plnt.po_line_location_id
407: from pos_exasn_lines plnt
408: where plnt.header_id = plpn.header_id
409: and plnt.line_id = plpn.line_id);

Line 1779: select 1 from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

1775: or
1776: (
1777: plnt.lls_code = 'LPN'
1778: and exists(
1779: select 1 from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
1780: where plpn.line_id = plnt.line_id
1781: and plpn.quantity is not null))
1782: or
1783: (

Line 1961: from pos_exasn_lpns

1957: is
1958: select
1959: distinct
1960: license_plate_number
1961: from pos_exasn_lpns
1962: where header_id = x_header_id
1963: and line_id = x_line_id
1964: and quantity is not null;

Line 1976: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

1972: from pos_exasn_lines plnt
1973: where lls_code = 'LPN';
1974: /*
1975: and (select count(distinct nvl(license_plate_number,'null'))
1976: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
1977: where plpn.line_id = plnt.line_id
1978: and quantity is null) >1;
1979: */
1980: l_ln_header_id number;

Line 2017: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

2013: where line_id = l_line_id;
2015: update pos_exasn_lines plnt
2016: set plnt.quantity = (select plpn.quantity
2017: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
2018: where plpn.header_id = plnt.header_id
2019: and plpn.line_id = plnt.line_id
2020: and plpn.license_plate_number = l_lpn
2021: and plpn.quantity is not null)

Line 2027: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

2023: else
2025: --Get LPN quantity for the the new Line
2026: select plpn.quantity into l_lpn_sum
2027: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
2028: where plpn.license_plate_number = l_lpn
2029: and plpn.header_id = l_ln_header_id
2030: and plpn.line_id = l_line_id
2031: and plpn.quantity is not null;

Line 2035: update pos_exasn_lpns

2031: and plpn.quantity is not null;
2033: CreateNewLine(l_lpn_sum, l_lpn, l_new_line, l_line_id);
2035: update pos_exasn_lpns
2036: set line_id = l_new_line
2037: where line_id = l_line_id
2038: and license_plate_number = l_lpn;

Line 2049: from pos_exasn_lpns

2045: close l_distinctLpn_csr;
2047: select sum(quantity)
2048: into l_total_lpn_qty
2049: from pos_exasn_lpns
2050: where header_id = l_ln_header_id
2051: and line_id >= l_line_id;
2053: if(l_total_lpn_qty < l_ln_quantity) then

Line 2064: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn2

2060: close l_LpnLines_ML_csr;
2061: /*
2062: update pos_exasn_lines plnt
2063: set license_plate_number = (select distinct plpn2.license_plate_number
2064: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn2
2065: where plpn2.line_id = plnt.line_id
2066: and plpn2.license_plate_number is not null)
2067: where lls_code = 'LPN'
2068: and (select count(distinct plpn.license_plate_number)

Line 2069: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn

2065: where plpn2.line_id = plnt.line_id
2066: and plpn2.license_plate_number is not null)
2067: where lls_code = 'LPN'
2068: and (select count(distinct plpn.license_plate_number)
2069: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn
2070: where plpn.line_id = plnt.line_id
2071: and plpn.license_plate_number is not null) = 1;
2072: */
2073: end CreateRTI4Lpn;

Line 2395: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn,

2391: plpn.po_line_loc_id,
2392: plpn.parent_lpn,
2393: plnt.lpn_group_id,
2394: plpn.line_number
2395: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn,
2396: pos_exasn_lines plnt
2397: where plnt.line_id = plpn.line_id;
2398: l_txn_intf_id number;
2399: l_ser_intf_id number;

Line 2435: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;

2431: l_to_serial pos_exasn_serials.to_serial%type;
2432: l_ser_origination_date pos_exasn_serials.origination_date%type;
2433: l_ser_status_id pos_exasn_serials.status_id%type;
2434: l_ser_territory_code pos_exasn_serials.territory_code%type;
2435: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;
2436: l_parent_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.parent_lpn%type;
2437: l_lpn_Group_id number;
2439: l_lot_status varchar2(1);

Line 2436: l_parent_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.parent_lpn%type;

2432: l_ser_origination_date pos_exasn_serials.origination_date%type;
2433: l_ser_status_id pos_exasn_serials.status_id%type;
2434: l_ser_territory_code pos_exasn_serials.territory_code%type;
2435: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;
2436: l_parent_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.parent_lpn%type;
2437: l_lpn_Group_id number;
2439: l_lot_status varchar2(1);
2440: l_lot_msg_data varchar2(2000);

Line 3514: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;

3510: and plnt.line_id = pst.line_id;
3512: --To Check that for all the child-parent lpn relationship, the child lpn exists
3513: --as either a parent in some other row, or as a lpn in the lot/serial/lpn row (with quantity specified)
3514: l_lpn pos_exasn_lpns.license_plate_number%type;
3515: cursor l_check_lpnref_csr
3516: is
3517: select
3518: LPN, LINE_NUM from

Line 3524: pos_exasn_lpns a1,

3520: select
3521: a1.license_plate_number LPN,
3522: a1.line_number LINE_NUM
3523: from
3524: pos_exasn_lpns a1,
3525: pos_exasn_lines ln
3526: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3527: and ln.lls_code in ('LOT','LAS')
3528: and not exists

Line 3535: from pos_exasn_lpns a2

3531: where t.line_id = a1.line_id
3532: and t.license_plate_number = a1.license_plate_number)
3533: and not exists
3534: ( select 1
3535: from pos_exasn_lpns a2
3536: where a2.line_id = a1.line_id
3537: and a2.parent_lpn = a1.license_plate_number)
3539: union all

Line 3545: pos_exasn_lpns a1,

3541: select
3542: a1.license_plate_number LPN,
3543: a1.line_number LINE_NUM
3544: from
3545: pos_exasn_lpns a1,
3546: pos_exasn_lines ln
3547: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3548: and ln.lls_code = 'SER'
3549: and not exists

Line 3556: from pos_exasn_lpns a2

3552: where s.line_id = a1.line_id
3553: and s.license_plate_number = a1.license_plate_number)
3554: and not exists
3555: ( select 1
3556: from pos_exasn_lpns a2
3557: where a2.line_id = a1.line_id
3558: and a2.parent_lpn = a1.license_plate_number)
3560: union all

Line 3568: pos_exasn_lpns a1,

3564: a1.license_plate_number LPN,
3565: a1.line_number LINE_NUM
3567: from
3568: pos_exasn_lpns a1,
3569: pos_exasn_lines ln
3570: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3571: and ln.lls_code = 'LPN'
3572: and a1.quantity is not null

Line 3574: from pos_exasn_lpns p

3570: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3571: and ln.lls_code = 'LPN'
3572: and a1.quantity is not null
3573: and exists ( select 1
3574: from pos_exasn_lpns p
3575: where p.line_id = a1.line_id
3576: and a1.quantity is not null
3577: and p.parent_lpn = a1.license_plate_number)

Line 3586: pos_exasn_lpns a1,

3582: select
3583: a1.license_plate_number LPN,
3584: a1.line_number LINE_NUM
3585: from
3586: pos_exasn_lpns a1,
3587: pos_exasn_lines ln
3588: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3589: and ln.lls_code = 'LPN'
3590: and a1.quantity is null

Line 3592: from pos_exasn_lpns a2

3588: where a1.line_id = ln.line_id
3589: and ln.lls_code = 'LPN'
3590: and a1.quantity is null
3591: and not exists ( select 1
3592: from pos_exasn_lpns a2
3593: where a2.line_id = a1.line_id
3594: and a1.quantity is null
3595: and a2.parent_lpn = a1.license_plate_number)

Line 4177: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn1, pos_exasn_lpns plpn2,

4174: cursor l_checkLpnContra_csr
4175: is
4176: select plpn1.line_number, plpn2.line_number
4177: from pos_exasn_lpns plpn1, pos_exasn_lpns plpn2,
4178: pos_exasn_lines plnt1, pos_exasn_lines plnt2
4179: where plpn1.license_plate_number = plpn2.license_plate_number
4180: and plpn1.parent_lpn <> plpn2.parent_lpn
4181: and plnt1.line_id = plpn1.line_id