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Line 1642: -- Initialize all the standard variables.

1638: BEGIN
1640: l_stmt_num := 10;
1642: -- Initialize all the standard variables.
1643: l_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
1644: l_login_id := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
1645: l_request_id := FND_GLOBAL.CONC_REQUEST_ID;
1646: l_application_id := FND_GLOBAL.RESP_APPL_ID;

Line 1952: and msi.bom_item_type = 4; --standard item

1948: and mir1.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
1949: and mir1.effectivity_date <= sysdate )
1950: and msi.revision_qty_control_code = 2 --revision controlled items only
1951: and msi.base_item_id is null -- not preconfig or config
1952: and msi.bom_item_type = 4; --standard item
1954: Exception when others then
1955: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
1956: oe_debug_pub.add('Revision not populated because '||SQLERRM);

Line 4541: --and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION')

4537: --
4538: and (oel.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
4539: or(oel.line_id=oel.ato_line_id
4540: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
4541: --and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION')
4542: and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION','INCLUDED')
4543: )
4544: )-- 4172156. Added Condition to pickup ATO item Line also
4545: and msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'

Line 4542: and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION','INCLUDED')

4538: and (oel.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
4539: or(oel.line_id=oel.ato_line_id
4540: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
4541: --and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION')
4542: and oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION','INCLUDED')
4543: )
4544: )-- 4172156. Added Condition to pickup ATO item Line also
4545: and msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
4546: and oel.ato_line_id is not null -- bugfix 3164399: although item_type_code will restrict

Line 5230: --' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION''))) '||

5226: 'and oel.ato_line_id is not null ' ||
5227: 'and (oel.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'' '||
5228: ' or (oel.ato_line_id=oel.line_id '||
5229: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
5230: --' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION''))) '||
5231: ' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION'', ''INCLUDED''))) '||
5232: 'and msi.pick_components_flag = ''N'' '||
5233: 'and was.item_type = ''OEOL'' '||
5234: 'and was.activity_status = ''NOTIFIED'' '||

Line 5231: ' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION'', ''INCLUDED''))) '||

5227: 'and (oel.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'' '||
5228: ' or (oel.ato_line_id=oel.line_id '||
5229: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
5230: --' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION''))) '||
5231: ' and oel.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'', ''OPTION'', ''INCLUDED''))) '||
5232: 'and msi.pick_components_flag = ''N'' '||
5233: 'and was.item_type = ''OEOL'' '||
5234: 'and was.activity_status = ''NOTIFIED'' '||
5235: 'and was.item_type = wpa.activity_item_type '||

Line 5283: --' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'') '||

5279: 'from oe_order_lines_all oelc '||
5280: 'where oelc.ato_line_id = :p_sales_order_line_id '||
5281: 'and (oelc.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'' '||
5282: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
5283: --' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'') '||
5284: ' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'',''INCLUDED'') '||
5285: ' and ato_line_id = line_id)) '||
5286: ') ';
5287: end if;

Line 5284: ' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'',''INCLUDED'') '||

5280: 'where oelc.ato_line_id = :p_sales_order_line_id '||
5281: 'and (oelc.item_type_code = ''CONFIG'' '||
5282: --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
5283: --' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'') '||
5284: ' or (oelc.item_type_code in (''STANDARD'',''OPTION'',''INCLUDED'') '||
5285: ' and ato_line_id = line_id)) '||
5286: ') ';
5287: end if;