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Line 68: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

65: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66: -- Procedure Name : PURGE_SERVICEREQUESTS
67: --
68: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
69: --
70: -- IN OUT
71: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
72: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.

Line 71: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard

67: --
68: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
69: --
70: -- IN OUT
71: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
72: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
73: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
74: -- is called instead.
75: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard

Line 75: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard

71: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
72: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
73: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
74: -- is called instead.
75: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard
76: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
77: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
78: -- is called instead.
79: --

Line 167: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for

163: * ) + 1'. After that the child concurrent requests are
164: * launched and the SRs are purged. This procedure waits for all the child
165: * concurrent requests to complete purging the SRs allocated to them and then
166: * ends.
167: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for
168: * concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.
169: * set_completion_status is called instead.
170: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter
171: * for concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.

Line 170: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter

166: * ends.
167: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for
168: * concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.
169: * set_completion_status is called instead.
170: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter
171: * for concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.
172: * set_completion_status is called instead.
173: * @param p_incident_id Indicates that SR with this id needs to be purged
174: * @param p_incident_status_id Indicates that SR with this status id needs

Line 1443: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

1440: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1441: -- Procedure Name : PURGE_SR_WORKER
1442: --
1443: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
1444: --
1445: -- IN OUT
1446: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
1447: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.

Line 1446: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard

1442: --
1443: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
1444: --
1445: -- IN OUT
1446: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
1447: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
1448: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
1449: -- is called instead.
1450: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard

Line 1450: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard

1446: -- errbuf : This parameter is not used but is a standard
1447: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
1448: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
1449: -- is called instead.
1450: -- errcode : This parameter is not used but is a standard
1451: -- parameter for concurrent program procedures.
1452: -- The function fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status
1453: -- is called instead.
1454: --

Line 1509: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for

1505: * these rows into the global temp table JTF_OBJECT_PURGE_PARAM_TMP and calls
1506: * the SR Delete API. At any point in time, several copies of this procedure
1507: * may be running in parallel since the Purge Concurrent Program will generate
1508: * multiple Worker Concurrent Programs based on its parameter no_of_workers.
1509: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for
1510: * concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.
1511: * set_completion_status is called instead.
1512: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter
1513: * for concurrent program procedures. The function

Line 1512: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter

1508: * multiple Worker Concurrent Programs based on its parameter no_of_workers.
1509: * @param errbuf This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter for
1510: * concurrent program procedures. The function fnd_concurrent.
1511: * set_completion_status is called instead.
1512: * @param errcode This parameter is not used but is a standard parameter
1513: * for concurrent program procedures. The function
1514: * fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status is called instead.
1515: * @param p_worker_id The number assigned to this worker which enables the
1516: * worker concurrent program to identify the SRs in the staging table that

Line 2585: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

2582: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2583: -- Procedure Name : ACTIVITY_SUMMARIZER
2584: --
2585: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
2586: -- None.
2587: --
2588: -- Description
2589: -- This procedure helps the administrator to get a summary of the

Line 4085: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

4082: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4083: -- Procedure Name : VALIDATE_PURGE_PARAMS
4084: --
4085: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
4086: --
4087: -- OUT
4088: --
4089: -- x_creation_from_date : If the p_creation_from_date is supplied, the

Line 5762: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

5759: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5760: -- Procedure Name : FORM_AND_EXEC_STATEMENT
5761: --
5762: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
5763: --
5764: -- IN
5765: --
5766: -- p_request_id : Concurrent Request Id of the

Line 6977: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)

6974: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6975: -- Procedure Name : WRITE_PURGE_OUTPUT
6976: --
6977: -- Parameters (other than standard ones)
6978: -- p_purge_batch_size : Used to indicate the number of rows that need to
6979: -- be inserted into the output file at any point in time.
6980: -- This parameter is the same batch size that is used
6981: -- while picking up SRs for purging.