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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 76

                                  delete next change for element type with
                                  input values. Amended del_bf_input_value to
                                  include this message.
    11-Jun-01  M.Reid     115.6   Bug 1783351.  Removed suppression of BG id
                                  for CBO to allow the view to be merged.
    30-JUL-02  RThirlby   115.7   Bug 2430399 Added p_mode parameter to
                                  ins_bf_bal_class, so can be called from
                                  hr_legislation, and not raise an error in
                                  ins_bal_feed, if the feed already exists.
  05-AUG-2002  RThirlby   115.8   Removed development debug statements.
    31-Oct-02  A.Logue    115.9   Performance fix in cursor
                                  csr_bf_upd_del_sub_class_rule. Bug 2649208.
    10-Dec-02  A.Logue    115.10  Performance fix to cursor csr_bal_feed
                                  in bf_chk_proc_run_results. Bug 2668076.
    29-JAN-03  RThirlby   115.11  Bug 2767760 - Issues with creation of feeds
                                  due to translated pay value input value name
                                  being used, instead of the base table name.
                                  Search for this bug no. for further details.
                                  NB - also fixed a compilation error caused
                                  by a change in version 115.10.
   14-APR-2003 RThirlby  115.12   Bug 2888183. Added p_mode parameter to
                                  ins_bf_sub_class_rule and ins_bf_pay_value,
                                  so they can be called from
                                  hr_legislation_elements, and not raise an
                                  error in ins_bal_feed, if the feed already
   24-FEB-2005 M.Reid    115.13   Bug 4187885.  Added no unnest hint as 10g
                                  workaround for ST bug 3120429
   22-NOV-2005 A.Logue   115.14   Rewrote csr_proc_run_result due to CBO
                                  choosing non-optimal plan
   29-DEC-2005 A.Logue   115.15   Rewrote csr_proc_run_result due to CBO
                                  choosing non-optimal plan. Bug 4914604.
   17-JAN-2006 A.Logue   115.16   Reimplemented csr_proc_run_result for
                                  balance feed creation for performance.
                                  Bug 4958471.
   15-FEB-2006 A.Logue   115.17   Further performance enhancments to
                                  feed insertion code.
                                  Bug 5040393.
   10-AUG-2006 A.Logue   115.18   Disable changed balance value check in
                                  bf_chk_proc_run_results for new balance feeds
                                  if CHANGED_BALANCE_VALUE_CHECK
                                  pay_action_parameter set to N. Bug 5442547.
   05-SEP-2011 vpallapo  115.19   Disable changed balance value check in
                                  bf_chk_proc_run_results for the updated feeds
                                  if CHANGED_BALANCE_VALUE_CHECK
                                  pay_action_parameter set to N. Bug 12770789.
   07-DEC-2012 pparate   115.20   Applied change to disable balance value check
                                  based on parameter CHANGED_BALANCE_VALUE_CHECK
                                  for SUB_CLASSIFICATION_RULE mode.
                                  Bug 14780261.
 -- NAME                                                                     --
 -- hr_balance_feeds.lock_balance_type                                       --
 --                                                                          --
 -- DESCRIPTION                                                              --
 -- Takes a row level lock out on a specified balance type.                  --
 procedure lock_balance_type
  p_balance_type_id number
 ) is
   cursor csr_lock_balance
           p_balance_type_id number
          ) is
     select bt.balance_type_id
     from   pay_balance_types bt
     where  bt.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
     for update;
Line: 187

     select bcl.classification_id
     from   pay_balance_classifications bcl
     where  bcl.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 224

     select bf.balance_feed_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f         bf,
            pay_input_values_f          inv,
            pay_element_types_f         elt,
            pay_element_classifications ec
     where  bf.balance_type_id                      = p_balance_type_id
       and  bf.input_value_id                       = inv.input_value_id
       and  inv.element_type_id                     = elt.element_type_id
       and  elt.classification_id                   = ec.classification_id
       and  nvl(ec.balance_initialization_flag,'N') = 'N'
       and  not exists
              (select null
               from   pay_balance_classifications bc
               where  bc.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id);
Line: 270

     select hl.meaning
     into   v_pay_value_name
     from   hr_lookups hl
     where  hl.lookup_type = 'NAME_TRANSLATIONS'
       and  hl.lookup_code = 'PAY VALUE';
Line: 306

     select iv.input_value_id
     from   pay_input_values_f iv
     where  iv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name;
Line: 356

     select ecl.parent_classification_id
     into   v_parent_classification_id
     from   pay_element_classifications ecl
     where  ecl.classification_id = p_classification_id;
Line: 413

     select min(bf.effective_start_date)
     into   v_next_bal_feed_start_date
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf
     where  bf.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
       and  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  bf.effective_end_date >= p_session_date
       and  bf.balance_feed_id <> nvl(p_balance_feed_id,0);
Line: 429

       select max(iv.effective_end_date)
       into   v_max_inp_val_end_date
       from   pay_input_values_f iv
       where  iv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id;
Line: 496

   insert into pay_balance_feeds_f
   from sys.dual
   where not exists
         (select null
          from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf
          where  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
            and  bf.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
            and  p_effective_start_date <= bf.effective_end_date
            and  p_effective_end_date >= bf.effective_start_date
            and nvl(legislation_code, nvl(p_legislation_code,'~~nvl~~')) = nvl(p_legislation_code,'~~nvl~~')
            and nvl(business_group_id,nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1));
Line: 581

     select bt.balance_type_id,
            min(iv.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
            max(iv.effective_end_date) effective_end_date,
            nvl(iv.business_group_id,bt.business_group_id) business_group_id,
                   null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,bt.legislation_code),
                         null) legislation_code
     from   pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_element_classifications ec,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  bc.balance_classification_id = p_balance_classification_id
       and  ec.classification_id = bc.classification_id
       and  ec.parent_classification_id is null
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  et.classification_id = ec.classification_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  iv.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                        and et.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
     group by bt.balance_type_id,
                     null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,bt.legislation_code),
     select bt.balance_type_id,
                    bt.business_group_id)) business_group_id,
                   null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,
                         null) legislation_code
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_element_classifications ec,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  bc.balance_classification_id = p_balance_classification_id
       and  ec.classification_id = bc.classification_id
       and  ec.parent_classification_id is not null
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  scr.classification_id = ec.classification_id
       and  et.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  scr.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                         and et.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
Line: 784

     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            pay_element_classifications ec
     where  bc.balance_classification_id = p_balance_classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  bf.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
       and  ec.classification_id = bc.classification_id
       and ((ec.parent_classification_id is null and
               (select null
                from   pay_element_types_f et,
                       pay_input_values_f iv
                where  iv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                  and  et.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
                  and  et.classification_id = bc.classification_id))
        or  (ec.parent_classification_id is not null and
               (select null
                from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
                       pay_input_values_f iv
                where  iv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                  and  scr.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
                  and  scr.classification_id = bc.classification_id)))
     for update;
Line: 816

     if p_mode = 'UPDATE' then
       update pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       set    bf.scale = p_scale
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 822

     elsif p_mode = 'DELETE' then
       delete from pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 864

     select bt.balance_type_id,
            nvl(iv.business_group_id,bt.business_group_id) business_group_id,
                   null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,bt.legislation_code),
                         null) legislation_code
     from   pay_balance_types bt,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  iv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  et.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
       and  bc.classification_id = et.classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  iv.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                        and et.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
     for update of bt.balance_type_id;
Line: 920

     select bt.balance_type_id,
                    bt.business_group_id)) business_group_id,
                   null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,
                         null) legislation_code
     from   pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  iv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  et.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
       and  scr.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  bc.classification_id = scr.classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  iv.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                        and et.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
     for update of bt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1041

     select bt.balance_type_id,
                    bt.business_group_id)) business_group_id,
                   null, nvl(iv.legislation_code,
                         null) legislation_code
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  scr.sub_classification_rule_id = p_sub_classification_rule_id
       and  bc.classification_id = scr.classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  et.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  scr.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                         and et.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
     for update of bt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1169

     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_types bt
     where  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id
     for update;
Line: 1178

   cursor csr_bal_feeds_delete
           p_input_value_id        number,
           p_validation_start_date date
          ) is
     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_types bt
     where  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  bf.effective_start_date >= p_validation_start_date
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id
     for update;
Line: 1193

   cursor csr_bal_feeds_update
           p_input_value_id        number,
           p_validation_start_date date
          ) is
     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_types bt
     where  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  bf.effective_end_date >= p_validation_start_date
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id
     for update;
Line: 1213

     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_types bt
     where  bf.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id
       and  bf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(bf2.effective_end_date)
               from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf2
               where  bf2.balance_feed_id = bf.balance_feed_id)
       and  exists
              (select null
               from   pay_balance_classifications bc
               where  bc.balance_type_id = bf.balance_type_id)
     for update;
Line: 1237

       delete from pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1246

   elsif p_dt_mode = 'DELETE' then
     for v_bf_rec in csr_bal_feeds_delete
                        p_validation_start_date) loop
       delete from pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1257

     for v_bf_rec in csr_bal_feeds_update
                        p_validation_start_date) loop
       update pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       set    bf.effective_end_date = p_validation_start_date - 1
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1270

   elsif (p_dt_mode = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' and
          p_validation_end_date = c_eot)
      or  p_dt_mode = 'FUTURE_CHANGE' then
     -- See if input value being extended is the Pay Value NB. automatic
     -- balance feeds are only created for the Pay Value. Extend the balance
     -- feed to the new end date of the input value.
     if hr_balance_feeds.is_pay_value(p_input_value_id) then
       for v_bf_rec in csr_bal_feeds_extend
                         (p_input_value_id) loop
         update pay_balance_feeds_f bf
         set    bf.effective_end_date = p_validation_end_date
         where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1292

     if p_dt_mode = 'DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE' then
Line: 1332

     select bf.rowid row_id
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt
     where  scr.sub_classification_rule_id = p_sub_classification_rule_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  bc.classification_id = scr.classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  bf.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
       and  bf.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
       and  bf.effective_start_date = scr.effective_start_date
       and  bf.effective_end_date   = scr.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
     for update;
Line: 1372

       delete from pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1380

   elsif p_dt_mode = 'DELETE' then
     for v_bf_rec in csr_bal_feeds_sub_class_rule
                        v_pay_value_name) loop
       update pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       set    bf.effective_end_date = p_validation_start_date - 1
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1396

   elsif p_dt_mode in ('DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE','FUTURE_CHANGE') then
     for v_bf_rec in csr_bal_feeds_sub_class_rule
                        v_pay_value_name) loop
       update pay_balance_feeds_f bf
       set    bf.effective_end_date = p_validation_end_date
       where  bf.rowid = v_bf_rec.row_id;
Line: 1451

     select iv.input_value_id,
            min(iv.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
            max(iv.effective_end_date) effective_end_date
     from   pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_element_classifications ec,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  bt.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
       and  ec.classification_id = p_classification_id
       and  ec.parent_classification_id is null
       and  et.classification_id = ec.classification_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  iv.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                        and et.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
     group by iv.input_value_id
     select iv.input_value_id,
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_element_classifications ec,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  bt.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
       and  ec.classification_id = p_classification_id
       and  ec.parent_classification_id is not null
       and  scr.classification_id = ec.classification_id
       and  et.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  scr.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                         and et.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
Line: 1546

     select bf.balance_feed_id
     from   pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_element_classifications ec
     where  bc.balance_classification_id = p_balance_classification_id
       and  bf.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  ec.classification_id = bc.classification_id
       and ((ec.parent_classification_id is null and
               (select null
                from   pay_element_types_f et,
                       pay_input_values_f iv
                where  iv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                  and  et.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
                  and  et.classification_id = bc.classification_id))
        or  (ec.parent_classification_id is not null and
               (select null
                from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
                       pay_input_values_f iv
                where  iv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                  and  scr.element_type_id = iv.element_type_id
                  and  scr.classification_id = bc.classification_id)))
       and  exists
              (select null
               from   pay_run_results rr,
                      pay_run_result_values rrv
               where  rrv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                 and  rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
                 and  rr.status like 'P%');
Line: 1583

     select 1
     from   dual
     where  exists
              (select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(rrv rr aa pa)
                          INDEX(rrv PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES_PK) */ null
               from   pay_run_result_values rrv,
                      pay_run_results rr,
                      pay_assignment_actions aa,
                      pay_payroll_actions pa
               where  rrv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
                 and  rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
                 and  rr.status like 'P%'
                 and  aa.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
                 and  pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id
                 and  pa.effective_date between p_validation_start_date
                                            and p_validation_end_date);
Line: 1608

     select iv.input_value_id,
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_element_types_f et,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_balance_classifications bc,
            pay_balance_types bt,
            per_business_groups_perf ivbg,
            per_business_groups_perf btbg
     where  bc.classification_id = p_classification_id
       and  bt.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  et.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
       and  iv.name = p_pay_value_name
       and  substr(iv.uom,1,1) = substr(bt.balance_uom,1,1)
       and  (bt.balance_uom <> 'M' or
            (bt.balance_uom = 'M' and
             bt.currency_code = et.output_currency_code))
       and  scr.effective_start_date between et.effective_start_date
                                         and et.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
          Join are to get the legislation code for the business groups of the
          balance and input value being matched.
       and  iv.business_group_id = ivbg.business_group_id (+)
       and  bt.business_group_id = btbg.business_group_id (+)
          Match on business group OR
          Business groups do not match so try to match on legislation NB.
          need to protect against the case where the business groups are
          different but share the same legislation code.
       and  (
             nvl(ivbg.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(btbg.business_group_id,-2) or
             nvl(iv.legislation_code,nvl(ivbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) =
             nvl(bt.legislation_code,nvl(btbg.legislation_code,'GENERIC')) and
             nvl(iv.business_group_id, nvl(bt.business_group_id, -1)) =
             nvl(bt.business_group_id, nvl(iv.business_group_id, -1))
Line: 1659

     select bf.balance_feed_id
     from   pay_sub_classification_rules_f scr,
            pay_input_values_f iv,
            pay_balance_feeds_f bf,
            pay_balance_classifications bc
     where  scr.sub_classification_rule_id = p_sub_classification_rule_id
       and  iv.element_type_id = scr.element_type_id
       and  bc.classification_id = scr.classification_id
       and  bf.balance_type_id = bc.balance_type_id
       and  bf.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
       and  bf.effective_start_date = scr.effective_start_date
       and  bf.effective_end_date   = scr.effective_end_date
       and  scr.effective_start_date between iv.effective_start_date
                                         and iv.effective_end_date
       and  exists
              (select /*+ ORDERED*/
               from   pay_run_result_values rrv,
                      pay_run_results rr,
                      pay_assignment_actions aa,
                      pay_payroll_actions pa
               where  rrv.input_value_id = bf.input_value_id
                 and  rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
                 and  rr.status like 'P%'
                 and  aa.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
                 and  pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id
                 and  pa.effective_date between p_validation_start_date
                                            and p_validation_end_date);
Line: 1694

     select 1
       from dual
            exists (select /*+ FIRST_ROWS ORDERED
                               USE_NL(rrv rr aa pa)
                               INDEX(rrv PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES_PK)
                               INDEX(rr PAY_RUN_RESULTS_PK)
                               INDEX(aa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_PK)
                               INDEX(pa PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
                          */ 1
                    from   pay_run_result_values rrv,
                           pay_run_results rr,
                           pay_assignment_actions aa,
                           pay_payroll_actions pa
                    where  rrv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
                      and  rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
                      and  rr.status like 'P%'
                      and  aa.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
                      and  pa.payroll_action_id = aa.payroll_action_id
                      and  pa.effective_date between p_validation_start_date
                                                 and p_validation_end_date);
Line: 1721

     select /*+ INDEX(pa pay_payroll_actions_n5)*/
       from pay_payroll_actions pa
      where pa.effective_date between p_validation_start_date
                                  and p_validation_end_date
        and action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'B', 'I', 'V')
      order by payroll_action_id desc;
Line: 1733

     select 1
       from dual
            exists (select 1
                    from   pay_run_result_values rrv
                    where  rrv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id);
Line: 1745

     select 1
       from dual
            exists (select /*+ FIRST_ROWS ORDERED
                               USE_NL(rr aa rrv)
                               INDEX(rrv PAY_RUN_RESULT_VALUES_N50)
                               INDEX(rr PAY_RUN_RESULTS_N50)
                               INDEX(aa PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N50)
                          */ 1
                    from   pay_assignment_actions aa,
                           pay_run_results rr,
                           pay_run_result_values rrv
                    where  rrv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
                      and  rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
                      and  rr.status like 'P%'
                      and  aa.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
                      and  aa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id);
Line: 1776

        select parameter_value
        into v_check_value
        from pay_action_parameters pap
        where pap.parameter_name = 'CHANGED_BALANCE_VALUE_CHECK';
Line: 1793

       p_dml_mode = 'UPDATE_DELETE' and
       p_balance_classification_id is not null) then
     open csr_bf_upd_del_bal_class
Line: 1808

          p_dml_mode = 'UPDATE_DELETE' and
          p_balance_feed_id is not null) then
/* Bug 12770789, starts here*/
     if v_check_value = 'N' then
        v_rrv_found := FALSE;
Line: 1817

        select distinct input_value_id
        into   v_iv_id
        from   pay_balance_feeds_f
        where  balance_feed_id = p_balance_feed_id;
Line: 1837

          p_dml_mode = 'UPDATE_DELETE' and
          p_sub_classification_rule_id is not null) then
/* Bug 14780261, starts here*/
     if v_check_value = 'N' then
        v_rrv_found := FALSE;
Line: 1861

          p_dml_mode = 'INSERT' and
          p_classification_id is not null) then
/* Bug 14780261, starts here*/
     if v_check_value = 'N' then
        v_rrv_found := FALSE;
Line: 1897

          p_dml_mode = 'INSERT' and
          p_classification_id is not null) then
     for v_iv_rec in csr_bf_ins_bal_class
                        v_pay_value_name) loop
       open csr_proc_run_result
Line: 1927

          p_dml_mode = 'INSERT' and
          p_input_value_id is not null) then
     -- Check if this warning check has been disabled
     /* Bug 12770789, This check is moved to the starting of this function */
        select parameter_value
        into v_check_value
        from pay_action_parameters pap
        where pap.parameter_name = 'CHANGED_BALANCE_VALUE_CHECK';