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2 /* $Header: payp45p.pkb 120.2 2006/11/08 00:34:26 rmakhija noship $ */
4 /*
5    NAME
6      payp45p.pkb -- procedure  P45 Report
7   --
9      this procedure is used by PAYRPP45 report to retrieve the database
10      items and the balance items.
11   --
13   btailor	  11-JUL-1995 - Created.
14   ctucker         01-SEP-1995 - Return code for Tax basis instead of desc
15 				on procedure get_database_items
16   smrobinson      11-APR-2001 - Added legislation code specifier to
17                                 balance_type_id select in defined_balance_id
18                                 function.
19   smrobins        27-FEB-2002 - Added get_uk_term_dates. Called by HREMEA
20                                 to default the last standard process and
21                                 final process dates.
22   smrobins        01-MAR-2002 - Change to get_uk_term_dates to only return
23                                 a value for final close, which has been
24                                 pushed out nocopy for end date of period
25                                 regular payment date resides in. Change for
26                                 Positive Offsets.
27   rmakhija 115.4  01-MAY-2002 - Changed context and database items for tax
28                                 details
29   rmakhija 115.5  05-JUL-2002 - Changed get_database_items procedure to
30                                 get statutory details from run result
31                                 values before fetching them from DBIs
32   rmakhija 115.6  08-JUL-2002 - Changed DBI names for Previous Pay and Tax
33   gbutler  115.7  27-JAN-2003 - nocopy and gscc fixes
34   amills   115.8  21-JUL-2003 - Agg PAYE changes.
35   amills   115.9  02-MAR-2004 - 3473274. changed get_database_items and
36                                 get_balance_items to handle NDFs.
37   amills   115.10 02-MAR-2004 - Added nocopy hints.
38   npershad 115.11 14-OCT-2005 - 4428406. Removed reference to redundant index
39                                 PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N1 used in hints.
40   rmakhija 115.12 07-NOV-2006 - 5144323, replaced PER_TD_YTD dimension with
41                                 PER_TD_CPE_YTD
42 */
44 /* Constants */
46   -- DataBase Items
47   -- these are the database items used for the values displayed
48   --
49   G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM    varchar2(30) := 'SCL_PAY_GB_TAX_REFERENCE';
55   --
56   -- Balance Items
57   --
58   -- the following are the database items used to retrieve the balances
59   -- for P45 report. Use PERson level for Aggregated PAYE details.
60   --
61   G_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE        varchar2(30) := 'PAYE_ASG_TD_YTD';
62   G_GROSS_PAY_BALANCE          varchar2(30) := 'TAXABLE_PAY_ASG_TD_YTD';
63   G_AGG_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE    varchar2(30) := 'PAYE_PER_TD_CPE_YTD';
65   --
66   -- Balance Types
67   --
68   -- the following are the types associated with the above balances
69   --
70   g_gross_pay_type      varchar2(30) := 'TAXABLE PAY';
71   g_taxable_pay_type    varchar2(30) := 'PAYE';
72   --
73   -- Dimension suffixes
74   --
75   -- the following are the different balance dimension suffixes used by
76   -- the balance items
77   --
78   g_year_to_date         varchar2(30) := '_ASG_YTD';
79   g_tax_district_ytd     varchar2(30) := '_ASG_TD_YTD';
80   g_agg_tax_district_ytd varchar2(30) := '_PER_TD_CPE_YTD';
81 --
82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
83 --
84 -- sets the context for which a database item is to be retrieved and returns
85 -- whether context has been set correctly
86 --
87 function set_database_context (p_database_item in varchar2,
88                                p_payroll_action_id in number   default null,
89                                p_date_earned       in varchar2 default null,
90                                p_assignment_id     in number   default null)
91 return boolean is
92 --
93 begin
94 --
95   if p_database_item = G_TAX_PERIOD_ITEM then
96   --
97     if p_payroll_action_id is not null then
98     --
99       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('payroll_action_id',
100                                    to_char(p_payroll_action_id));
101       --
102       hr_utility.trace('Set context for G_TAX_PERIOD_ITEM.');
103       return true;
104     --
105     else
106     --
107       return false;
108     --
109     end if;
110   --
111   elsif p_database_item = G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM then
112     if p_date_earned is not null and
113        p_assignment_id is not null then
114     --
115       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('date_earned',
116                                    p_date_earned);
117       --
118       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('assignment_id',
119                                    to_char(p_assignment_id));
120       --
121       hr_utility.trace('Set context for G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM.');
122       return true;
123     --
124     else
125     --
126        return false;
127     end if;
128   elsif p_database_item = G_TAX_CODE_ITEM then
129   --
130     if p_payroll_action_id is not null and
131        p_assignment_id is not null then
132     --
133       hr_utility.trace('Set context for G_TAX_CODE_ITEM, payroll_action_id='||to_char(p_payroll_action_id));
134       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('payroll_action_id',
135                                    to_char(p_payroll_action_id));
136       --
137       hr_utility.trace('Set context for G_TAX_CODE_ITEM, assignment_id='||to_char(p_assignment_id));
138       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('assignment_id',
139                                    to_char(p_assignment_id));
140       --
141       hr_utility.trace('Set context for G_TAX_CODE_ITEM.');
142       return true;
143     --
144     else
145     --
146       return false;
147     --
148     end if;
149   --
150   end if;
151 --
152 end;
153 --
154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 procedure get_ele_entry_details(p_assignment_id in number,
156                                 p_effective_date in date,
157                                 p_tax_refno      out nocopy varchar2,
158                                 p_tax_code       out nocopy varchar2,
159                                 p_tax_basis      out nocopy varchar2,
160                                 p_pay_previous   out nocopy varchar2,
161                                 p_tax_previous   out nocopy varchar2) is
162 --
163 l_paye_id number;
164 --
165 cursor csr_paye_id(c_effective_date in date)  is
166   SELECT element_type_id
167   FROM   pay_element_types_f
168   WHERE  element_name = 'PAYE Details'
169   AND  c_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
170                                 AND effective_end_date;
171 --
172 CURSOR csr_tax_ref (c_assignment_id in number,
173                     c_effective_date in date) is
174   select scl.segment1
175    from per_all_assignments_f paf,
176         pay_all_payrolls_f ppf,
177         hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
178    where paf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
179    and paf.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
180    and scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ppf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
181    and c_effective_date between
182       paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
183    and c_effective_date between
184       ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
185 --
186 cursor csr_paye_details(c_assignment_id  NUMBER,
187                         c_effective_date DATE,
188                         c_paye_id in number) IS
189   SELECT  max(decode(iv.name,'Tax Code',screen_entry_value)) tax_code,
190           max(decode(iv.name,'Tax Basis',screen_entry_value)) tax_basis,
191           max(decode(iv.name,'Pay Previous',screen_entry_value))
192                                                                 pay_previous,
193           max(decode(iv.name,'Tax Previous',screen_entry_value))
194                                                                 tax_previous
195   FROM  pay_element_entries_f e,
196         pay_element_entry_values_f v,
197         pay_input_values_f iv,
198         pay_element_links_f link
199   WHERE e.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
200   AND   link.element_type_id = c_paye_id
201   AND   e.element_link_id = link.element_link_id
202   AND   e.element_entry_id = v.element_entry_id
203   AND   iv.input_value_id = v.input_value_id
204   AND   c_effective_date
205           BETWEEN link.effective_start_date AND link.effective_end_date
206   AND   c_effective_date
207           BETWEEN e.effective_start_date AND e.effective_end_date
208   AND   c_effective_date
209           BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date AND iv.effective_end_date
210   AND   c_effective_date
211           BETWEEN v.effective_start_date AND v.effective_end_date;
212 --
214    hr_utility.set_location('get_ele_entry_details',10);
215    --
216    OPEN csr_paye_id(p_effective_date);
217    FETCH csr_paye_id into l_paye_id;
218    CLOSE csr_paye_id;
219    --
220    open csr_tax_ref(p_assignment_id,p_effective_date);
221    fetch csr_tax_ref into p_tax_refno;
222    close csr_tax_ref;
223    --
224    OPEN csr_paye_details(p_assignment_id,p_effective_date,l_paye_id);
225    FETCH csr_paye_details INTO p_tax_code,
226                                p_tax_basis,
227                                p_pay_previous,
228                                p_tax_previous;
229    CLOSE csr_paye_details;
230    --
231    hr_utility.set_location('get_ele_entry_details',20);
232    --
234    p_tax_code := null;
235    p_tax_basis := null;
236    p_tax_refno := null;
237    p_pay_previous := null;
238    p_tax_previous := null;
239 --
240 END get_ele_entry_details;
241 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
242 -- returns the value associated with a given database item assuming that the
243 -- correct context has already been set
244 --
245 function database_item (p_database_item in varchar2) return varchar2 is
246 --
247   -- constants for calls to database items
248   --
249   l_business_group_id number       := null;
250   l_legislation_code  varchar2(30) := 'GB';
251 --
252 begin
253 --
254   return pay_balance_pkg.run_db_item
255                      (p_database_name    => p_database_item,
256                       p_bus_group_id     => l_business_group_id,
257                       p_legislation_code => l_legislation_code);
258 --
259 end;
260 --
261 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
262 --
263 -- retrieves the values to be displayed by calling database items
264 --
265 procedure get_database_items (p_assignment_id     in     number,
266                               p_date_earned       in     varchar2,
267                               p_payroll_action_id in     number,
268                               p_tax_period        in out nocopy varchar2,
269                               p_tax_refno         in out nocopy varchar2,
270                               p_tax_code          in out nocopy varchar2,
271                               p_tax_basis         in out nocopy varchar2,
272                               p_prev_pay_details  in out nocopy varchar2,
273 			      p_prev_tax_details  in out nocopy varchar2) is
274 --
275    l_tax_basis varchar2(30);
276    l_paye_element_id      number;
277    l_tax_code_ipv_id      number;
278    l_tax_basis_ipv_id     number;
279    l_pay_previous_ipv_id  number;
280    l_tax_previous_ipv_id  number;
281    l_max_run_result_id    number;
282 --
283    CURSOR csr_paye_element IS
284    SELECT element_type_id
285    FROM pay_element_types_f
286    WHERE element_name = 'PAYE';
287 --
288    CURSOR csr_input_value(p_ipv_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
289    SELECT input_value_id
290    FROM   pay_input_values_f
291    WHERE  element_type_id = l_paye_element_id
292    AND    name = p_ipv_name;
293 --
294    CURSOR csr_result_value(p_ipv_id IN NUMBER) IS
295    SELECT result_value
296    FROM   pay_run_result_values
297    WHERE  run_result_id = l_max_run_result_id
298    AND    input_value_id = p_ipv_id;
299  --
300    CURSOR csr_max_run_result IS
302                            pact PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK,
303                            r2 PAY_RUN_RESULTS_N50)
304             USE_NL(assact2, pact, r2) */
305             to_number(substr(max(lpad(assact2.action_sequence,15,'0')||r2.source_type||
306                                r2.run_result_id),17))
307             FROM    pay_assignment_actions assact2,
308                     pay_payroll_actions pact,
309                     pay_run_results r2
310             WHERE   assact2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
311             AND     r2.element_type_id+0 = l_paye_element_id
312             AND     r2.assignment_action_id = assact2.assignment_action_id
313             AND     r2.status IN ('P', 'PA')
314             AND     pact.payroll_action_id = assact2.payroll_action_id
315             AND     pact.action_type IN ( 'Q','R','B','I')
316             AND     assact2.action_status = 'C'
317             AND     pact.effective_date <= to_date(p_date_earned,'YYYY/MM/DD')
318             AND NOT EXISTS(
319                SELECT '1'
320                FROM  pay_action_interlocks pai,
321                      pay_assignment_actions assact3,
322                      pay_payroll_actions pact3
323                WHERE   pai.locked_action_id = assact2.assignment_action_id
324                AND     pai.locking_action_id = assact3.assignment_action_id
325                AND     pact3.payroll_action_id = assact3.payroll_action_id
326                AND     pact3.action_type = 'V'
327                AND     assact3.action_status = 'C');
328 begin
329 --
330  hr_utility.set_location('pay_p45_pkg2.get_database_items',10);
331  --
332  -- Bug 3473274. Check that the payroll action is not null or -9999, which
333  -- may have been set if there are no payroll actions found for the
334  -- assignment (new starter). If so, use el entries.
335  IF p_payroll_action_id is null OR
336     p_payroll_action_id = -9999 THEN
337     --
338      hr_utility.trace('Payroll Action invalid, obtain El Entries');
339      get_ele_entry_details(p_assignment_id  => p_assignment_id,
340                            p_effective_date => to_date(p_date_earned,'YYYY/MM/DD'),
341                            p_tax_refno      => p_tax_refno,
342                            p_tax_code       => p_tax_code,
343                            p_tax_basis      => p_tax_basis,
344                            p_pay_previous   => p_prev_pay_details,
345                            p_tax_previous   => p_prev_tax_details);
347     --
348     hr_utility.trace('Tax Ref: '||p_tax_refno);
349  ELSE
350   hr_utility.set_location('pay_p45_pkg2.get_database_items',20);
351   -- There is a valid Payroll Action, continue selecting information.
352   -- Set context for Tax Period database item and retrieve it
353   --
354   if set_database_context (p_database_item     => G_TAX_PERIOD_ITEM,
355                            p_payroll_action_id => p_payroll_action_id) then
356   --
357     hr_utility.trace('Getting G_TAX_PERIOD_ITEM.');
358     p_tax_period      := database_item (G_TAX_PERIOD_ITEM);
359   --
360   --
361   --
362   -- set context for the Tax Refno database item and retrieve it
363   if set_database_context (p_database_item     => G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM,
364                            p_date_earned       => p_date_earned,
365                            p_assignment_id     => p_assignment_id) then
366   --
367     hr_utility.trace('Getting G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM.');
368     p_tax_refno        := database_item (G_TAX_REFNO_ITEM);
369     --
370     -- Look for tax details in run results first and if not found then
371     -- call dbis
372     -- Get element id for PAYE element
373     OPEN csr_paye_element;
374     FETCH csr_paye_element INTO l_paye_element_id;
375     CLOSE csr_paye_element;
376     --
377     -- Get input_value_id for Tax Code input value
378     OPEN csr_input_value('Tax Code');
379     FETCH csr_input_value INTO l_tax_code_ipv_id;
380     CLOSE csr_input_value;
381     --
382     -- Get input_value_id for Tax Basis input value
383     OPEN csr_input_value('Tax Basis');
384     FETCH csr_input_value INTO l_tax_basis_ipv_id;
385     CLOSE csr_input_value;
386     --
387     -- Get input_value_id for Pay Previous input value
388     OPEN csr_input_value('Pay Previous');
389     FETCH csr_input_value INTO l_pay_previous_ipv_id;
390     CLOSE csr_input_value;
391     --
392     -- Get input_value_id for Tax Previous input value
393     OPEN csr_input_value('Tax Previous');
394     FETCH csr_input_value INTO l_tax_previous_ipv_id;
395     CLOSE csr_input_value;
397     -- Get tax code from run results of PAYE element
398     BEGIN
399        -- Get max run_result_id for PAYE element
400        OPEN csr_max_run_result;
401        FETCH csr_max_run_result INTO l_max_run_result_id;
402        -- if max run result found then get values from run result values
403        IF csr_max_run_result%FOUND THEN
404           OPEN csr_result_value(l_tax_code_ipv_id);
405           FETCH csr_result_value INTO p_tax_code;
406           CLOSE csr_result_value;
407           --
408           OPEN csr_result_value(l_tax_basis_ipv_id);
409           FETCH csr_result_value INTO p_tax_basis;
410           CLOSE csr_result_value;
411           --
412           OPEN csr_result_value(l_pay_previous_ipv_id);
413           FETCH csr_result_value INTO p_prev_pay_details;
414           CLOSE csr_result_value;
415           --
416           OPEN csr_result_value(l_tax_previous_ipv_id);
417           FETCH csr_result_value INTO p_prev_tax_details;
418           CLOSE csr_result_value;
419           --
420        ELSE
421           -- set context for tax code database item , which is also
422           -- used for the remaining items, and retrieve the remaining items
423           --
424           if set_database_context (p_database_item     => G_TAX_CODE_ITEM,
425                            p_payroll_action_id => p_payroll_action_id,
426                            p_assignment_id     => p_assignment_id) then
427              --
428              hr_utility.trace('Getting G_TAX_CODE_ITEM.');
429              p_tax_code         := database_item (G_TAX_CODE_ITEM);
430              --
431              p_tax_basis        := database_item (G_TAX_BASIS_ITEM);
432              --
433              -- Tax Basis is translated into its meaning
434              --
435              -- ctucker: NO!
436              --p_tax_basis        := hr_general.decode_lookup ('GB_TAX_BASIS', l_tax_basis);
437              --
438              p_prev_pay_details := database_item (G_PREV_PAY_DETAILS);
439              --
440              p_prev_tax_details := database_item (G_PREV_TAX_DETAILS);
441              --
442           end if;
443        END IF;
444     END;
445   end if;
446   end if;
447  END IF; -- payroll action not found.
448 --
450 --
451   p_tax_period        := null;
452   p_tax_refno         := null;
453   p_tax_code          := null;
454   p_tax_basis         := null;
455   p_prev_pay_details  := null;
456   p_prev_tax_details  := null;
457 --
458 END get_database_items;
459 --
460 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
461 --
462 -- returns the defined balance ID associated with a given balance database
463 -- item - the balance is defined in terms of its type and the balance
464 -- dimension
465 --
466 function defined_balance_id (p_balance_type     in varchar2,
467                              p_dimension_suffix in varchar2) return number is
468 --
469   cursor c_defined_balance is
470     select defined_balance_id
471     from pay_defined_balances
472     --
473     where balance_type_id = (select balance_type_id
474                              from pay_balance_types
475                              where upper(balance_name) = p_balance_type
476                              and legislation_code = 'GB')
477       --
478       and balance_dimension_id = (select balance_dimension_id
479                                   from pay_balance_dimensions
480                                   where upper(database_item_suffix) =
481                                                           p_dimension_suffix);
482 --
483   l_result number;
484 --
485 begin
486 --
487   open c_defined_balance;
488   fetch c_defined_balance into l_result;
489   close c_defined_balance;
490   --
491   return l_result;
492 end;
493 --
494 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 --
496 -- returns the value associated with a given balance database item
497 -- this is derived by translating the balance name into its balance type
498 -- and dimension
499 -- using the type and dimesnion to derive the defined balance ID
500 -- using the defined balance ID to obtain the current value for the balance
501 -- for the given assignment action ID
502 --
503 function balance_item_value (p_balance_name         in varchar2,
504                              p_assignment_action_id in number) return number is
505 --
506   l_balance_type         varchar2(30);
507   l_dimension_suffix     varchar2(30);
508   l_defined_balance_id   number;
509 --
510 begin
511 --
512   if p_balance_name = G_GROSS_PAY_BALANCE then
513   --
514     l_balance_type     := g_gross_pay_type;
515     l_dimension_suffix := g_tax_district_ytd ;
516   --
517   elsif p_balance_name = G_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE then
518   --
519     l_balance_type     := g_taxable_pay_type;
520     l_dimension_suffix := g_tax_district_ytd;
521   --
522   elsif p_balance_name = G_AGG_GROSS_PAY_BALANCE then
523   --
524     l_balance_type     := g_gross_pay_type;
525     l_dimension_suffix := g_agg_tax_district_ytd ;
526   --
527   elsif p_balance_name = G_AGG_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE then
528   --
529     l_balance_type     := g_taxable_pay_type;
530     l_dimension_suffix := g_agg_tax_district_ytd;
531   --
532   end if;
533   --
534   -- derive defined balance ID
535   --
536   l_defined_balance_id := defined_balance_id
537                                (p_balance_type     => l_balance_type,
538                                 p_dimension_suffix => l_dimension_suffix);
539   --
540   return pay_balance_pkg.get_value
541                             (p_defined_balance_id   => l_defined_balance_id,
542                              p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id);
543 --
544 end;
545 --
546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 -- Retrieves the balance items.
548 --
549 PROCEDURE get_balance_items (p_assignment_action_id in     number,
550                              p_gross_pay            in out nocopy number,
551                              p_taxable_pay          in out nocopy number,
552                              p_agg_paye_flag        in     varchar2 default null) IS
553 --
554   l_ni_a_employee_value    number;
555   l_ni_b_employee_value    number;
556   l_ni_d_employee_value    number;
557   l_ni_e_employee_value    number;
558 --
560 --
561   hr_utility.set_location('pay_p45_pkg2.get_balance_items',10);
562   -- if the assignment action id is not specified then do nothing.
563   -- this may have been set to -9999 to denote no action found.
564   --
565   if p_assignment_action_id is null or
566      p_assignment_action_id = -9999 then
567   --
568     hr_utility.trace('Assignment Action invalid, return');
569     return;
570   --
571   end if;
572   --
573   if p_agg_paye_flag = 'Y' then
574       -- Use the Person Level Balance names
575       p_gross_pay   := balance_item_value
576                       (p_balance_name         => G_AGG_GROSS_PAY_BALANCE,
577                        p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id);
578       --
579       p_taxable_pay := balance_item_value
580                       (p_balance_name         => G_AGG_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE,
581                        p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id);
582   else
583       -- Use the assignment level balance names
584       p_gross_pay   := balance_item_value
585                       (p_balance_name         => G_GROSS_PAY_BALANCE,
586                        p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id);
587       --
588       p_taxable_pay := balance_item_value
589                       (p_balance_name         => G_TAXABLE_PAY_BALANCE,
590                        p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id);
591   end if;
592   --
593 --
594 END;
595 --
596 -- Default Last Standard Process Date and Final Process Date
597 -- to Regular Payment Date for Current Period on Termination
598 -- Form. Called from HREMEA library. (Positive Offset Enhancement)
599 --
600  PROCEDURE get_uk_term_dates(p_person_id                 in   number,
601                             p_period_of_service_id      in   number,
602                             p_act_term_date             in   date,
603                             p_reg_pay_end_date          out nocopy  date) IS
604 --
605 -- Deliberately getting the end date of the period that the
606 -- regular payment date resides in as opposed to the
607 -- end date of the period for regular payment dates
608 -- to push Fianl Process date out further.
609 -- Called by HREMEA library.
610 --
611     cursor  get_reg_pay_date_period is
612     select  ptp2.end_date regular_payment_end_date
613     from    per_time_periods ptp1,
614             per_time_periods ptp2
615     where   p_act_term_date between ptp1.start_date and ptp1.end_date
616     and     ptp1.payroll_id IN (select pa.payroll_id
617                                from   per_assignments pa
618                                where  pa.period_of_Service_id = p_period_of_service_id
619                                and    pa.person_id = p_person_id)
620     and     ptp1.regular_payment_date between ptp2.start_date and ptp2.end_date
621     and     ptp2.payroll_id IN (select pa2.payroll_id
622                                 from   per_assignments pa2
623                                 where  pa2.period_of_service_id = p_period_of_Service_id
624                                 and    pa2.person_id = p_person_id);
625 --
626     l_pay_dates get_reg_pay_date_period%ROWTYPE;
627  BEGIN
628     open get_reg_pay_date_period;
629     fetch get_reg_pay_date_period into l_pay_dates;
630     close get_reg_pay_date_period;
631     p_reg_pay_end_date := l_pay_dates.regular_payment_end_date;
632  END;
633 END PAY_P45_PKG2;