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Line 1167: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.short_name%TYPE;

1163: PROCEDURE is_crit_rate_short_name_uniq( sname in varchar2,
1164: rateId in number,
1165: bgId in number,
1166: isValid out nocopy varchar2)is
1167: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.short_name%TYPE;
1168: cursor c11 is
1169: SELECT SHORT_NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
1170: where upper(short_name) = upper(sname)
1171: and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId

Line 1169: SELECT SHORT_NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl

1165: bgId in number,
1166: isValid out nocopy varchar2)is
1167: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.short_name%TYPE;
1168: cursor c11 is
1169: SELECT SHORT_NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
1170: where upper(short_name) = upper(sname)
1171: and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId
1172: and business_group_id = bgId;
1173: begin

Line 1192: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.name%TYPE;

1188: PROCEDURE is_crit_rate_name_uniq(cname in varchar2,
1189: rateId in number,
1190: bgId in number,
1191: isValid out nocopy varchar2)is
1192: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.name%TYPE;
1193: cursor c11 is
1194: SELECT NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
1195: where upper(name) = upper(cname)
1196: and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId

Line 1194: SELECT NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl

1190: bgId in number,
1191: isValid out nocopy varchar2)is
1192: l_name pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl.name%TYPE;
1193: cursor c11 is
1194: SELECT NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
1195: where upper(name) = upper(cname)
1196: and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId
1197: and business_group_id = bgId;
1198: begin

Line 1384: from pqh_criteria_rate_factors a, pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl b

1380: AND table_alias = 'PLN';
1381: --
1382: Cursor csr_find_parent(p_rate_matrix_id in number, p_criteria_rate_defn_id in number) is
1383: select a.parent_criteria_rate_defn_id parent_id, b.name parent_name
1384: from pqh_criteria_rate_factors a, pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl b
1385: Where a.criteria_rate_defn_id = p_criteria_rate_defn_id
1386: and (parent_rate_matrix_id is null or parent_rate_matrix_id = p_rate_matrix_id)
1387: and a.parent_criteria_rate_defn_id = b.criteria_rate_defn_id;
1388: --