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Line 4744: gl_code_combinations_kfv glv

4740: okl_ae_templates aet,
4741: okl_ae_tmpt_sets aes,
4742: okl_products pdt,
4743: okl_trx_types_b trx,
4744: gl_code_combinations_kfv glv
4745: WHERE aetl.avl_id = aet.id
4746: AND aet.aes_id = aes.id
4747: AND aes.id = pdt.aes_id
4748: AND pdt.id = cp_pdt_id

Line 4758: FROM gl_code_combinations

4754: -- Validate GL CCID
4755: CURSOR c_gl_ccid_valid(cp_ccid IN NUMBER,
4756: cp_bill_date IN DATE) IS
4757: SELECT 'x'
4758: FROM gl_code_combinations
4759: WHERE code_combination_id = cp_ccid
4760: AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
4761: AND cp_bill_date BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active,cp_bill_date)
4762: AND NVL(end_date_active, cp_bill_date);