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Line 22: During Average Costing, Instead of populating MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table we stated populating

18: - In the Begin of the Procedure mta_entry, Changed the condition from
19: "if NVL(ln_tax_amount, 0) = 0 then " to "if NVL(p_tax_amount, 0) = 0 then"
21: 3 10/10/2004 Vijay Shankar for Bug#3899897 (3927371), Version:115.2
22: During Average Costing, Instead of populating MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table we stated populating
23: MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE and MTL_TXN_COST_DET_INTERFACE. This new route is followed to remove the incosistancy in
24: the way the costing happens. This is porting of Bug#3841831
25: New Internal Package Procedure MTI_ENTRY is introduced with this fix. Procedure name MMTT_ENTRY is modified as AVERAGE_COSTING

Line 189: mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval ,

185: ln_src_line_id ,
186: ln_src_header_id ,
187: ln_process_flag ,
188: ln_transaction_mode ,
189: mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval ,
190: decode( p_txn_header_id, null ,
191: mtl_material_transactions_s.currval ,
192: p_txn_header_id
193: ) ,

Line 191: mtl_material_transactions_s.currval ,

187: ln_process_flag ,
188: ln_transaction_mode ,
189: mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval ,
190: decode( p_txn_header_id, null ,
191: mtl_material_transactions_s.currval ,
192: p_txn_header_id
193: ) ,
194: p_item_id ,
195: p_organization_id ,

Line 1531: from mtl_material_transactions mmt

1527: --ln_accounting_line_type mtl_transaction_accounts.accounting_line_type%TYPE; --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#3889243
1529: cursor c_fetch_mmt_details(cp_transaction_id number) IS
1530: select *
1531: from mtl_material_transactions mmt
1532: where mmt.rcv_transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
1534: /* Bug 5243532. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
1535: * Removed cursor c_fetch_org_information and variable r_org_dtls