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Line 561: -- to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) || ''' ' ;

557: --l_curr_string := ' VAL_' || ltrim(to_char(elmt_rec.seq_num,'09')) || ' = ''' || to_char(l_temp_dt) || ''' ' ;
558: l_value := to_char(l_temp_dt) ;
559: else
560: --l_curr_string := ' VAL_' || ltrim(to_char(elmt_rec.seq_num,'09')) || ' = ''' ||
561: -- to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) || ''' ' ;
562: l_col_name := ' VAL_' || ltrim(to_char(elmt_rec.seq_num,'09')) ;
563: l_value := to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) ;
564: end if;
565: --

Line 563: l_value := to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) ;

559: else
560: --l_curr_string := ' VAL_' || ltrim(to_char(elmt_rec.seq_num,'09')) || ' = ''' ||
561: -- to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) || ''' ' ;
562: l_col_name := ' VAL_' || ltrim(to_char(elmt_rec.seq_num,'09')) ;
563: l_value := to_char(l_temp_dt,hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',elmt_rec.frmt_mask_cd)) ;
564: end if;
565: --
566: /*
567: if l_tot_string is null then

Line 1220: hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',b.frmt_mask_cd) frmt_mask_cd,

1216: b.ext_data_elmt_id,
1217: b.data_elmt_typ_cd,
1218: b.data_elmt_rl,
1219: b.name,
1220: hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',b.frmt_mask_cd) frmt_mask_cd,
1221: b.frmt_mask_cd frmt_mask_lookup_cd ,
1222: b.string_val,
1223: b.dflt_val,
1224: b.max_length_num,

Line 4727: if HR_SECURITY.VIEW_ALL = 'Y' and hr_general.get_xbg_profile = 'Y' then

4723: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,5);
4724: -- hr_utility.set_location ('person '||p_person_id ,5);
4725: -- end if;
4727: if HR_SECURITY.VIEW_ALL = 'Y' and hr_general.get_xbg_profile = 'Y' then
4728: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting '||l_proc,5);
4729: return l_return ;
4730: end if ;

Line 4734: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'

4730: end if ;
4732: /* moved down
4733: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4734: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4735: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4736: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> p_business_group_id then
4737: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4738: Return false ;

Line 4735: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null

4732: /* moved down
4733: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4734: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4735: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4736: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> p_business_group_id then
4737: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4738: Return false ;
4739: end if ;

Line 4736: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> p_business_group_id then

4732: /* moved down
4733: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4734: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4735: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4736: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> p_business_group_id then
4737: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4738: Return false ;
4739: end if ;

Line 4757: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'

4756: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4757: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4758: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4759: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id then
4760: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4761: Return false ;

Line 4758: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null

4756: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4757: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4758: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4759: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id then
4760: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4761: Return false ;
4762: end if ;

Line 4759: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id then

4756: -- this is common validation for asg and person
4757: if hr_general.get_xbg_profile <> 'Y'
4758: and hr_general.get_business_group_id is not null
4759: and hr_general.get_business_group_id <> l_business_group_id then
4760: -- hr_utility.set_location ('Exiting false'||l_proc,8);
4761: Return false ;
4762: end if ;