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Line 84: from jtf_rs_role_relations rel, jtf_rs_roles_b rol,jtf_rs_resource_extns ext

80: l_manager varchar2(1) := 'N';
82: Cursor get_manager_role_c(l_user_id number) is
83: select nvl(rol.manager_flag,'N') manager_role
84: from jtf_rs_role_relations rel, jtf_rs_roles_b rol,jtf_rs_resource_extns ext
85: where rel.role_resource_id = ext.resource_id
86: and rol.role_id = rel.role_id
87: and rol.active_flag = 'Y'
88: and rol.role_code = 'IEX_MANAGER'

Line 629: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns

625: AND hp.party_id = p_party_id;
627: CURSOR c_get_resource(p_person_id NUMBER) IS
628: SELECT resource_id, source_id, user_id, source_name, user_name
629: FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns
630: WHERE source_id = p_person_id;
631: --AND start_date_active <= sysdate
632: --AND end_date_active > sysdate;

Line 654: 'FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns ' ||

650: AND hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id
651: and ac.employee_id is not null
652: AND hp.party_id = p_party_id ' ||
653: 'SELECT resource_id, source_id, user_id, source_name, user_name ' ||
654: 'FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns ' ||
655: 'WHERE source_id = p_person_id');
656: END IF;
657: SAVEPOINT Access_Resources_Pvt;

Line 742: FROM as_accesses acc, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi

738: x_resource_tab OUT NOCOPY resource_tab_type) IS
739: /* cursor rewritten to avoid full table scan iex_strategy_work_items
740: CURSOR c_get_person IS
741: SELECT acc.person_id, acc.salesforce_id, count(work_item_id)
742: FROM as_accesses acc, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi
743: WHERE acc.customer_id = p_party_id and rs.resource_id = acc.salesforce_id
744: and acc.salesforce_id = wi.resource_id(+)
745: and wi.status_code(+) = 'OPEN'
746: and acc.sales_lead_id is null and acc.lead_id is null

Line 755: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,

751: --Territory Assignment Changes
752: CURSOR c_get_person IS
753: (
754: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(work_item_id)
755: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,
756: ar_collectors ac
757: WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id
758: and hp.cust_account_id = -1
759: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id

Line 768: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac

764: and ac.employee_id is not null
765: group by ac.resource_id, ac.employee_id
766: union all
767: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, 0
768: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac
769: WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id
770: and hp.cust_account_id = -1
771: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
772: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id

Line 851: ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi, '||

847: get_access_resources ************');
848: l_init_msg_list := p_init_msg_list;
849: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('get_person cursor = ' ||
850: 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(work_item_id) ' ||
851: ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi, '||
852: ' ar_collectors ac ' ||
853: ' WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id ' ||
854: ' and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id' ||
855: ' and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id' ||

Line 939: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,

935: --Territory Assignment Changes
936: /* CURSOR c_get_person IS
937: (
938: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(work_item_id)
939: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,
940: ar_collectors ac
941: WHERE hp.cust_account_id = p_account_id
942: and hp.site_use_id is null
943: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id

Line 952: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac

948: and ac.employee_id is not null
949: group by ac.resource_id, ac.employee_id
950: union all
951: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, 0
952: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac
953: WHERE hp.cust_account_id = p_account_id
954: and hp.site_use_id is null
955: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
956: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id

Line 1024: ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi, '||

1020: get_access_resources ************');
1021: l_init_msg_list := p_init_msg_list;
1022: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('get_person cursor = ' ||
1023: 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(work_item_id) ' ||
1024: ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi, '||
1025: ' ar_collectors ac ' ||
1026: ' WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id ' ||
1027: ' and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id' ||
1028: ' and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id' ||

Line 1111: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac

1107: x_resource_tab OUT NOCOPY resource_tab_type) IS
1108: --Territory Assignment Changes
1109: CURSOR c_get_person IS
1110: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(cas_id)
1111: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac
1112: WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id
1113: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
1114: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id
1115: and ac.resource_id = wi.owner_resource_id(+)

Line 1139: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac

1136: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('**** BEGIN get_case_resources ************');
1137: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('get_person cursor = ' ||
1138: 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(cas_id)
1139: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac
1140: WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id
1141: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
1142: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id
1143: and ac.resource_id = wi.owner_resource_id(+)

Line 1279: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,

1275: --Territory Assignment Changes
1276: /* CURSOR c_get_person IS
1277: (
1278: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id
1279: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,
1280: ar_collectors ac
1281: WHERE hp.site_use_id = p_site_use_id
1282: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
1283: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id

Line 1289: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac

1285: and ac.employee_id is not null
1286: group by ac.resource_id, ac.employee_id
1287: union all
1288: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, 0
1289: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs,ar_collectors ac
1290: WHERE hp.site_use_id = p_site_use_id
1291: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
1292: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id
1293: and rs.user_id is not null and

Line 1349: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,ar_collectors ac

1345: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('**** BEGIN on all
1346: get_billto_resources ************');
1347: iex_debug_pub.logmessage ('get_person cursor = ' ||
1348: ' SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(work_item_id)
1349: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_strategy_work_items wi,ar_collectors ac
1350: WHERE hp.site_use_id = p_site_use_id
1351: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
1352: and ac.resource_id = wi.resource_id
1353: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id

Line 4865: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac

4861: ) order by 3;
4863: CURSOR c_case_collector IS
4864: SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(cas_id)
4865: FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac
4866: WHERE hp.party_id = p_party_id
4867: and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id
4868: and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id
4869: and ac.resource_id = wi.owner_resource_id(+)

Line 4947: l_select1 := l_select1 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, ';

4943: --Start Bug 7134688 gnramasa 17th June 08
4945: -- Initialize SQL statements - REMEMBER CHANGING 1 MEANS CHANGING ALL
4946: l_select1 := 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, 0 ';
4947: l_select1 := l_select1 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, ';
4948: l_select1 := l_select1 || ' jtf_rs_role_relations jtr, jtf_rs_roles_b jtrr '; -- Added by bibeura for bug 12562473
4949: l_where1 := 'WHERE ';
4950: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
4951: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_RESOURCE'' ';

Line 4966: l_select2 := l_select2 || ' ar_collectors ac, jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

4962: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and TRUNC(NVL(jtr.end_date_active,sysdate)) >= TRUNC(sysdate) '; -- Added by bibeura for bug 12562473
4964: l_select2 := 'SELECT jtg.person_id, jtg.resource_id, count(work_item_id) ';
4965: l_select2 := l_select2 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, iex_strategy_work_items wi, ';
4966: l_select2 := l_select2 || ' ar_collectors ac, jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
4967: l_select2 := l_select2 || ' , jtf_rs_role_relations jtr,JTF_RS_ROLES_b jtrr ';
4968: l_where2 := 'WHERE ';
4969: l_where2 := l_where2 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
4970: l_where2 := l_where2 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_GROUP'' ';

Line 4993: l_select3 := l_select3 || ' jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

4989: l_group2 := 'group by jtg.resource_id, jtg.person_id ';
4991: l_select3 := 'SELECT jtg.person_id, jtg.resource_id, 0 ';
4992: l_select3 := l_select3 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac, ';
4993: l_select3 := l_select3 || ' jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
4994: l_select3 := l_select3 || ' , jtf_rs_role_relations jtr,JTF_RS_ROLES_b jtrr ';
4995: l_where3 := ' WHERE ';
4996: l_where3 := l_where3 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
4997: l_where3 := l_where3 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_GROUP'' ';

Line 5021: -- l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac ';

5017: l_group3 := ' group by jtg.resource_id, jtg.person_id ';
5019: l_select4 := 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(cas_id) ';
5020: --Begin Bug#6962575 29-Jul-2008 barathsr
5021: -- l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac ';
5022: l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_all_b wi,ar_collectors ac ';
5023: --End Bug#6962575 29-Jul-2008 barathsr
5024: l_where4 := ' WHERE hp.party_id = :1 ';
5025: l_where4 := l_where4 || ' and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id ';

Line 5022: l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_all_b wi,ar_collectors ac ';

5019: l_select4 := 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id, count(cas_id) ';
5020: --Begin Bug#6962575 29-Jul-2008 barathsr
5021: -- l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_vl wi,ar_collectors ac ';
5022: l_select4 := l_select4 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs, iex_cases_all_b wi,ar_collectors ac ';
5023: --End Bug#6962575 29-Jul-2008 barathsr
5024: l_where4 := ' WHERE hp.party_id = :1 ';
5025: l_where4 := l_where4 || ' and rs.resource_id = ac.resource_id ';
5026: l_where4 := l_where4 || ' and hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';

Line 5040: l_select5 := l_select5 || ' ar_collectors ac, jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

5036: --Begin Bug#5229763 schekuri 27-Jul-2006
5037: --Added following sql's for getting resource for task creation in dunning callback concurrent program
5038: l_select5 := ' SELECT jtg.person_id, jtg.resource_id, count(t.task_id) ';
5039: l_select5 := l_select5 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, jtf_tasks_vl t, jtf_task_statuses_vl s, ';
5040: l_select5 := l_select5 || ' ar_collectors ac, jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
5041: l_select5 := l_select5 || ' , jtf_rs_role_relations jtr,JTF_RS_ROLES_b jtrr ';
5042: l_where5 := ' WHERE ';
5043: l_where5 := l_where5 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
5044: l_where5 := l_where5 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_GROUP'' ';

Line 5069: l_select6 := l_select6 || ' jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

5065: l_group5 := 'group by jtg.resource_id, jtg.person_id ';
5067: l_select6 := 'SELECT jtg.person_id, jtg.resource_id, 0 ';
5068: l_select6 := l_select6 || ' FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac, ';
5069: l_select6 := l_select6 || ' jtf_rs_group_members jtg, jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
5070: l_select6 := l_select6 || ' , jtf_rs_role_relations jtr,JTF_RS_ROLES_b jtrr ';
5071: l_where6 := ' WHERE ';
5072: l_where6 := l_where6 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
5073: l_where6 := l_where6 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_GROUP'' ';

Line 5266: l_select1 := l_select1 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

5262: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
5264: -- Initialize SQL statements - REMEMBER CHANGING 1 MEANS CHANGING ALL
5265: l_select1 := 'SELECT ac.employee_id, ac.resource_id ';
5266: l_select1 := l_select1 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
5267: l_where1 := 'WHERE ';
5268: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
5269: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_RESOURCE'' ';
5270: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and trunc(nvl(ac.inactive_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate) ';

Line 5277: l_select2 := l_select2 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';

5273: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and ac.resource_id = rs.resource_id ';
5274: l_where1 := l_where1 || ' and trunc(nvl(rs.end_date_active,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate) ';
5276: l_select2 := 'SELECT ac.employee_id, rs.resource_id ';
5277: l_select2 := l_select2 || 'FROM hz_customer_profiles hp, ar_collectors ac,jtf_rs_resource_extns rs ';
5278: l_where2 := 'WHERE ';
5279: l_where2 := l_where2 || ' hp.collector_id = ac.collector_id ';
5280: l_where2 := l_where2 || ' and ac.resource_type = ''RS_GROUP'' ';
5281: l_where2 := l_where2 || ' and trunc(nvl(ac.inactive_date,sysdate)) >= trunc(sysdate) ';