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1 package body gmf_get_opm_code as
2 /*       $Header: gmfopmcb.pls 115.3 2004/09/10 06:37:55 anthiyag ship $ */
4 -----------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- The pl/sql table to contain all the session generated codes
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------
7 type session_code_tab_type is table of op_ship_mst.shipper_code%TYPE
8 index by binary_integer;
10 g_session_code_tab     session_code_tab_type;
12 -------------------------------------------
13 -- Declare all the cursors here
14 -------------------------------------------
15 cursor c_fobc(p_original_code varchar2) is
16        select count(*)
17        from op_fobc_mst
18        where fob_code = p_original_code;
20 cursor c_term(p_original_code varchar2) is
21        select count(*)
22        from op_term_mst
23        where terms_code = p_original_code;
25 cursor c_frgt(p_original_code varchar2) is
26        select count(*)
27        from op_frgt_mth
28        where frtbill_mthd = p_original_code;
30 cursor c_ship(p_original_code varchar2) is
31        select count(*)
32        from op_ship_mst
33        where shipper_code = p_original_code;
35 --Bug # 3464154 ANTHIYAG Anand Thiyagarajan 05-05-2004	GL Exchange Rate Type Enhancement Start
37 Cursor c_xrtc (p_original_code varchar2) is
38        select count (*)
39        from gl_rate_typ
40        where rate_type_code = p_original_code;
42 --Bug # 3464154 ANTHIYAG Anand Thiyagarajan 05-05-2004	GL Exchange Rate Type Enhancement End
44 ----------------------------------------------
45 -- Declare all the variables here
46 ----------------------------------------------
47 l_counter               NUMBER:=0;
49 --------------------------------------------
50 -- Forward declaration of functions
51 --------------------------------------------
52 function code_exists (p_original_code varchar2,
53 		      p_table_code varchar2) return boolean;
54 procedure insert_code (p_original_code varchar2);
57 function generate_code (p_original_code varchar2,
58 			p_table_code    varchar2)
59 			return varchar2 is
60   l_count_code 	          number;
61   l_length                number;
62   l_original_code         varchar2(4);
63 begin
64   if    (p_table_code='FOBC') then
65      open c_fobc(p_original_code);
66      fetch c_fobc into l_count_code;
67      close c_fobc;
68   elsif (p_table_code='TERM') then
69      open c_term(p_original_code);
70      fetch c_term into l_count_code;
71      close c_term;
72   elsif (p_table_code='FRGT') then
73      open c_frgt(p_original_code);
74      fetch c_frgt into l_count_code;
75      close c_frgt;
76   elsif (p_table_code='SHIP') then
77      open c_ship(p_original_code);
78      fetch c_ship into l_count_code;
79      close c_ship;
81 --Bug # 3464154 ANTHIYAG Anand Thiyagarajan 05-05-2004	GL Exchange Rate Type Enhancement Start
83   elsif (p_table_code='XRTC') then
84      open c_xrtc (p_original_code);
85      fetch c_xrtc into l_count_code;
86      close c_xrtc;
88 --Bug # 3464154 ANTHIYAG Anand Thiyagarajan 05-05-2004	GL Exchange Rate Type Enhancement End
90   else
91      -- Raise an invalid table type passed
92      -- Return error
93      return('-1');
94   end if;
96   if ((l_count_code = 0) and (code_exists(p_original_code,p_table_code))) then
97     l_counter:=0;
98     return (p_original_code);
99   end if;
101   l_counter:=l_counter+1;
103   if (l_counter > 999) then
104     -- Raise an error, no unique code generated
105     --return;
106     return('-2');
107   end if;
108   --------------------------
109   -- Length of counter
110   --------------------------
111   l_length:=length(l_counter);
113   -------------------------
114   -- Make a new code, rtrim is used so that the string does not go beyond 4 byetes
115   --------------------------
116   l_original_code:=rtrim(substrb(p_original_code,1,4-l_length))||to_char(l_counter);
117   ------------------------------------
118   -- Give a recursive call to function
119   ------------------------------------
120   return generate_code(l_original_code,p_table_code);
121 end generate_code;
124 --------------------------------------------------------------------
125 -- Function to find if the code exists in pl/sql table
126 --------------------------------------------------------------------
127 function code_exists (p_original_code varchar2,
128 	              p_table_code   varchar2)
129 		      return boolean is
130 l_table_index   number;
131 begin
132   if ( p_table_code in ('FOBC','TERMS', 'XRTC'))  then
133     return true;
134   else
135     if g_session_code_tab.last is not null then
136       l_table_index:=g_session_code_tab.first;
137       while l_table_index is not null
138         loop
139 	  if (g_session_code_tab(l_table_index)=p_original_code) then
140             return false;
141           end if;
142 	  l_table_index:=g_session_code_tab.next(l_table_index);
143         end loop;
144       insert_code(p_original_code);
145       return true;
146     else
147       insert_code(p_original_code);
148       return true;
149     end if;
150   end if;
151 end code_exists;
153 ----------------------------------------------------------
154 -- Procedure to store generated code in the same session
155 ----------------------------------------------------------
156 procedure insert_code(p_original_code varchar2)  is
157 l_table_index	binary_integer;
158   begin
159     if g_session_code_tab.last is null then
160       l_table_index:=1;
161     else
162       l_table_index:=g_session_code_tab.last+1;
163    end if;
164    g_session_code_tab(l_table_index) :=p_original_code;
165   end insert_code;
168 ----------------------------------------------------------
169 -- delete  plsql table, called from the form at the time
170 -- of commit or exit form
171 ----------------------------------------------------------
172 function delete_session_codes_tab
173          return number is
174 begin
175   g_session_code_tab.delete;
176   return  1;
177 exception
178   when no_data_found then
179    return  1;
180   when others then
181    return -1;
182 end delete_session_codes_tab;
185 ----------------------------------------------------------
186 -- delete   a row in plsql table, called from the form at
187 -- clear_record
188 ----------------------------------------------------------
189 function delrow_session_tab(p_original_code varchar2)
190                             return number is
191 l_table_index         binary_integer;
192 begin
193 l_table_index:=g_session_code_tab.first;
194   while l_table_index <= g_session_code_tab.LAST
195     loop
196       if (g_session_code_tab(l_table_index)=p_original_code) then
197         g_session_code_tab.delete(l_table_index);
198 	return 1;
199       end if;
200       l_table_index:=g_session_code_tab.next(l_table_index);
201     end loop;
202 return -1;
203 end delrow_session_tab;
204 end gmf_get_opm_code;