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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

      select 'WIP'                          document_type
      ,      hou.name                       organization_name
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      we.wip_entity_name             wip_job_name
      ,      wdj.wip_entity_id              job_id
      ,      ml1.meaning                    job_type
      ,      ml2.meaning                    status
      ,      wdj.scheduled_start_date       job_start_date
      ,      wdj.scheduled_completion_date  job_end_date
      ,      wdj.start_quantity             start_quantity
      ,      wdj.quantity_completed         quantity_completed
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      wdj.project_id                 project_id
      ,      wdj.task_id                    task_id
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(wdj.scheduled_start_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(wdj.scheduled_completion_date
                                                        ) exception_days2
      from   wip_discrete_jobs              wdj
      ,      wip_entities                   we
      ,      fnd_lookup_values              ml1
      ,      fnd_lookup_values              ml2
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      where  wdj.project_id > 0
      and    wdj.status_type not in (4,5,7,12)
      and    we.wip_entity_id              = wdj.wip_entity_id
      and    ml1.view_application_id       = 700
      and    ml1.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    ml1.lookup_type               = 'WIP_DISCRETE_JOB'
      and    ml1.lookup_code               = wdj.job_type
      and    ml2.view_application_id       = 700
      and    ml2.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    ml2.lookup_type               = 'WIP_JOB_STATUS'
      and    ml2.lookup_code               = wdj.status_type
      and    pp.project_id                 = wdj.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <> 0
             and wdj.scheduled_start_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), wdj.scheduled_start_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , wdj.scheduled_start_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and wdj.scheduled_completion_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), wdj.scheduled_completion_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , wdj.scheduled_completion_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = wdj.task_id
      and    hou.organization_id           = wdj.organization_id
      and    hou.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    mif.organization_id           = wdj.organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = wdj.primary_item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      order by hou.name , we.wip_entity_name
Line: 127

      select 'SO'                           document_type
      ,      ooh.order_number               so_number
      ,      ool.line_id                    so_line_id
      ,      ool.line_number                line_number
      ,      hou.name                       warehouse
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      nvl(ool.ordered_quantity,0)    quantity
      ,      ool.request_date               requested_date
      ,      ool.promise_date               promised_date
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      ool.project_id                 project_id
      ,      ool.task_id                    task_id
      from   oe_order_lines_all             ool
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      oe_order_headers_all           ooh
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      where  ool.project_id > 0
      and    nvl(ool.cancelled_flag,'N')  <> 'Y'
      and    nvl(ool.open_flag,'Y')       <> 'N'
      and    nvl(ool.shipped_quantity,0)+nvl(ool.cancelled_quantity,0) < ool.ordered_quantity
      and    ooh.header_id                 = ool.header_id
      and    hou.organization_id           = ool.ship_from_org_id
      and    hou.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    mif.organization_id           = ool.ship_from_org_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = ool.inventory_item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = ool.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <>0
             and ool.request_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), ool.request_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , ool.request_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and ool.promise_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), ool.promise_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , ool.promise_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = ool.task_id
      order by 2
Line: 214

      select 'FORECAST'                     document_type
      ,      mfdes.forecast_set             forecast_set
      ,      mfd.forecast_designator        forecast_name
      ,      hou.name                       organization_name
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      mfd.forecast_date              forecast_start_date
      ,      mfd.rate_end_date              forecast_end_date
      ,      mfd.current_forecast_quantity  quantity
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      mfd.transaction_id             transaction_id
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(mfd.forecast_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(mfd.rate_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      mfd.project_id                 project_id
      ,      mfd.task_id                    task_id
      from   mrp_forecast_dates             mfd
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      mrp_forecast_designators       mfdes
      where  mfd.project_id > 0
      and    nvl(mfd.current_forecast_quantity,0) <>0
      and    mif.organization_id           = mfd.organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = mfd.inventory_item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = mfd.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                       ) <>0
             and mfd.forecast_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), mfd.forecast_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , mfd.forecast_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and mfd.rate_end_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), mfd.rate_end_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , mfd.rate_end_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = mfd.task_id
      and    hou.organization_id           = mfd.organization_id
      and    hou.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    mfdes.forecast_designator     = mfd.forecast_designator
      and    mfdes.organization_Id         = mfd.organization_id
      order by mfd.forecast_designator
Line: 300

      select 'PR'                           document_type
      ,      prh.segment1                   pr_number
      ,      hou.name                       ship_to_location
      ,      nvl(prh.closed_code,prh.authorization_status) status
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      prd.req_line_quantity          quantity
      ,      prl.need_by_date               need_by_date
      ,      prd.distribution_id            distribution_id
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      prd.project_id                 project_id
      ,      prd.task_id                    task_id
      from   po_requisition_lines_all           prl
      ,      po_req_distributions_all           prd
      ,      po_requisition_headers_all         prh
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      financials_system_params_all   fsp
      where  prd.project_id > 0
      and    prd.requisition_line_id       = prl.requisition_line_id
      and    prh.requisition_header_id     = prl.requisition_header_id
      and    nvl(prh.closed_code,'OPEN') not like '%CLOSED%'
      and    nvl(prh.authorization_status,'NOT')  not in ('CANCELLED','REJECTED','RETURNED')
      and    mif.organization_id           = fsp.inventory_organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = prl.item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = prd.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
                                                        ) <>0
      and    prl.need_by_date
             between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), prl.need_by_date - 1)
                 and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , prl.need_by_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = prd.task_id
      and    hou.organization_id (+)       = prl.destination_organization_id
      and    hou.language (+)              = userenv('LANG')
      and    fsp.org_id = prh.org_id
      order by prh.segment1
Line: 368

      select 'RFQ'                          document_type
      ,      ph.segment1                    rfq_number
      ,      hl.location_code               ship_to_location
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      ph.reply_date                  due_date
      ,      pl.po_line_id                  po_line_id
      ,      plc.displayed_field            status
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      pl.project_id                  project_id
      ,      pl.task_id                     task_id
      from   po_lines_all                       pl
      ,      po_headers_all                     ph
      ,      po_lookup_codes                plc
      ,      hr_locations                   hl
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      financials_system_params_all   fsp
      where  pl.project_id > 0
      and    ph.po_header_id               = pl.po_header_id
      and    ph.type_lookup_code           = 'RFQ'
      and    ph.status_lookup_code         <> 'C'
      and    plc.lookup_type               = 'RFQ/QUOTE STATUS'
      and    plc.lookup_code               = ph.status_lookup_code
      and    hl.location_id (+)            = ph.ship_to_location_id
      and    mif.organization_id           = fsp.inventory_organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = pl.item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = pl.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
                                                        ) <>0
      and    ph.reply_date
             between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), ph.reply_date - 1)
                 and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , ph.reply_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = pl.task_id
      and    pl.org_id = ph.org_id
      and    fsp.org_id = pl.org_id
      order by ph.segment1
Line: 436

      select 'QUOTATION'                    document_type
      ,      ph.segment1                    quotation_number
      ,      hl.location_code               ship_to_location
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      ph.start_date                  eff_start_date
      ,      ph.end_date                    eff_end_date
      ,      pl.po_line_id                  po_line_id
      ,      plc.displayed_field            status
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      pl.project_id                  project_id
      ,      pl.task_id                     task_id
      from   po_lines_all                       pl
      ,      po_headers_all                     ph
      ,      po_lookup_codes                plc
      ,      hr_locations                   hl
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      financials_system_params_all   fsp
      where  pl.project_id > 0
      and    ph.po_header_id               = pl.po_header_id
      and    ph.type_lookup_code           = 'QUOTATION'
      and    ph.status_lookup_code         <> 'C'
      and    plc.lookup_type               = 'RFQ/QUOTE STATUS'
      and    plc.lookup_code               = ph.status_lookup_code
      and    hl.location_id (+)            = ph.ship_to_location_id
      and    mif.organization_id           = fsp.inventory_organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = pl.item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = pl.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <>0
             and ph.start_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), ph.start_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , ph.start_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and ph.end_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), ph.end_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , ph.end_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = pl.task_id
      and    pl.org_id = ph.org_id
      and    fsp.org_id = pl.org_id
      order by ph.segment1
Line: 527

      select 'MDS'                          document_type
      ,      msd.schedule_designator        mds_name
      ,      msd.mps_transaction_id         transaction_id
      ,      msd.schedule_level             schedule_level
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      msd.schedule_date              schedule_date
      ,      msd.rate_end_date              schedule_end_date
      ,      msd.original_schedule_quantity quantity
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      hou.name                       organization_name
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(msd.schedule_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(msd.rate_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      msd.project_id                 project_id
      ,      msd.task_id                    task_id
      from   mrp_schedule_dates             msd
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      where  msd.project_id > 0
      and    nvl(decode(mif.repetitive_planning_flag,
                           ,msd.schedule_quantity),0) <>0
      and    msd.supply_demand_type        = 1
      and    msd.schedule_level            = 2
      and    mif.organization_id           = msd.organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = msd.inventory_item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    hou.organization_id           = msd.organization_id
      and    hou.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    pp.project_id                 = msd.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <>0
             and msd.schedule_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), msd.schedule_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , msd.schedule_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and msd.rate_end_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), msd.rate_end_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , msd.rate_end_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = msd.task_id
      order by msd.schedule_designator
Line: 614

      select 'MPS'                          document_type
      ,      msd.schedule_designator        mps_name
      ,      msd.mps_transaction_id         transaction_id
      ,      msd.schedule_level             schedule_level
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      msd.schedule_date              schedule_date
      ,      msd.rate_end_date              schedule_end_date
      ,      msd.original_schedule_quantity quantity
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      hou.name                       organization_name
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(msd.schedule_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(msd.rate_end_date
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      msd.project_id                 project_id
      ,      msd.task_id                    task_id
      from   mrp_schedule_dates             msd
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      where  msd.project_id > 0
      and    nvl(decode(mif.repetitive_planning_flag,
                           ,msd.schedule_quantity),0) <>0
      and    msd.supply_demand_type        = 2
      and    msd.schedule_level            = 2
      and    mif.organization_id           = msd.organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = msd.inventory_item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    hou.organization_id           = msd.organization_id
      and    hou.language                  = userenv('LANG')
      and    pp.project_id                 = msd.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <>0
             and msd.schedule_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), msd.schedule_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , msd.schedule_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and msd.rate_end_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), msd.rate_end_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , msd.rate_end_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = msd.task_id
      order by msd.schedule_designator
Line: 701

      select 'PO'                           document_type
      ,      ph.segment1                    po_number
      ,      PO_HEADERS_SV3.GET_PO_STATUS(ph.po_header_id)  status
      ,      hou.name                       ship_to_location
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      pd.quantity_ordered            ordered_quantity
      ,      pd.quantity_delivered          delivered_quantity
      ,      pd.po_distribution_id          po_distribution_id
      ,      pll.promised_date              promised_date
      ,      pll.need_by_date               need_by_date
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(pll.promised_date
                                                       ) exception_days1
                                                        ) exception_days2
      ,      pd.project_id                  project_id
      ,      pd.task_id                     task_id
      from   po_distributions_all               pd
      ,      po_line_locations_all              pll
      ,      po_lines_all                       pl
      ,      po_headers_all                     ph
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      financials_system_params_all   fsp
      where  pd.project_id > 0
      and    pd.po_release_id is null
      and    pll.line_location_id          = pd.line_location_id
      and    pl.po_line_id                 = pll.po_line_id
      and    ph.po_header_id               = pl.po_header_id
      and    nvl(pl.cancel_flag, 'N') <> 'Y' /* Bug 6262080; base bug 5757447 */
Line: 799

      select 'BLANKET_RELEASE'              document_type
      ,      ph.segment1                    po_number
      ,      PO_HEADERS_SV3.GET_PO_STATUS(ph.po_header_id)  status
      ,      hou.name                       ship_to_location
      ,      pr.release_num                 release_number
      ,      mif.item_number                item_number
      ,      mif.description                description
      ,      pd.quantity_ordered            ordered_quantity
      ,      pd.quantity_delivered          delivered_quantity
      ,      pd.po_distribution_id          po_distribution_id
      ,      pll.promised_date              promised_date
      ,      pll.need_by_date               need_by_date
      ,      pp.segment1                    project_number
      ,      pp.name                        project_name
      ,      pp.start_date                  project_start_date
      ,      pp.completion_date             project_end_date
      ,      pt.task_number                 task_number
      ,      pt.task_name                   task_name
      ,      pt.start_date                  task_start_date
      ,      pt.completion_date             task_end_date
      ,      PJM_INTEGRATION_PROJ_MFG.PJM_EXCEPTION_DAYS(pll.promised_date
                                                        ) exception_days1
                                                       ) exception_days2
      ,      pd.project_id                  project_id
      ,      pd.task_id                     task_id
      from   po_distributions_all               pd
      ,      po_releases_all                    pr
      ,      po_line_locations_all              pll
      ,      po_lines_all                       pl
      ,      po_headers_all                     ph
      ,      mtl_item_flexfields            mif
      ,      pa_projects_all                pp
      ,      pa_tasks                       pt
      ,      hr_all_organization_units_tl   hou
      ,      financials_system_params_all   fsp
      where  pd.project_id > 0
      and    pd.po_release_id is not null
      and    pr.po_release_id              = pd.po_release_id
      and    pll.line_location_id          = pd.line_location_id
      and    pl.po_line_id                 = pll.po_line_id
      and    ph.po_header_id               = pl.po_header_id
      and    nvl(ph.closed_code,'OPEN') not like '%CLOSED%'
      and    nvl(ph.authorization_status,'N') not in ('CANCELLED','REJECTED')
      and    nvl(pr.closed_code,'OPEN') not like '%CLOSED%'
      and    nvl(pr.authorization_status,'N') not in ('CANCELLED','REJECTED')
      and    nvl(pr.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
      and    mif.organization_id           = fsp.inventory_organization_id
      and    mif.inventory_item_id         = pl.item_id
      and    ( c_item_from is null or mif.item_number >= c_item_from )
      and    ( c_item_to   is null or mif.item_number <= c_item_to )
      and    pp.project_id                 = pd.project_id
      and    ( c_project_from is null or pp.project_id >= c_project_from )
      and    ( c_project_to   is null or pp.project_id <= c_project_to )
      and    ((
                                                        ) <>0
             and pll.promised_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), pll.promised_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , pll.promised_date + 1)
             ) or (
                                                        ) <>0
             and pll.need_by_date
                 between nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_from), pll.need_by_date - 1)
                     and nvl( fnd_date.canonical_to_date(d_date_to)  , pll.need_by_date + 1)
      and    pt.task_id (+)                = pd.task_id
      and    hou.organization_id (+)       = pd.destination_organization_id
      and    hou.language (+)              = userenv('LANG')
      and    ph.org_id = pl.org_id
      and    pl.org_id = pd.org_id
      and    pl.org_id = fsp.org_id
      and    pl.org_id = pll.org_id
      and    pl.org_id = pr.org_id
      order by ph.segment1