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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

        22 Aug 96       C Barbieri      Deleted function maternity_leave_exists.
                                        With Oracle 7.3.2 it is not possible to
                                        reference a function that returns a
                                        BOOLEAN inside a SELECT statement.

----        ------    -------  ------   -----------
06 Jan 97   M Fender           434233   Fully qualified call to function within
                                        cursor period_of_service with package
                                        name. This is a workaround to a bug in
                                        PL/SQL which is fixed in version 2.3.3.
                                        See related bug 410159 for details.

04-Feb-97   RThirlby  30.34    447690   Altered function continous_employment-
                                        _date to return correct date.

18-Apr-97   RThirlby  30.35    479378   Cursor csr_personal_details altered to
                                        allow for rehired employees - added
                                        subquery with max function on date_start
12-Dec-97   RThirlby  30.36    590966   Fix.
08-Jan-98   RThirlby  30.37             SMP Entries problem solved - on absence
                                        delete the entries were not deleted, or
                                        correction entries were not created if
                                        the entries had been through a payroll
06-Apr-98   AParkes   30.38    648313   Prevented raising of no_data_found in
                                        new_entries block. Changed hr_trace
                                        outputs to prevent errors.
08-Apr-98   AParkes   30.39    653276   Performance fix to csr_existing_entries
                                        cursor; drove from per_assignments using
Line: 79

                                        selection of correction entries; used
Line: 85

                                        altered to update existing unprocessed
                                        entries covering the same week, but
                                        having incorrect amounts.
30-JUL-98   A.Myers   30.41    705553   Added date formatting around week-
                                        commencing passed in attribute 2 to
                                        procedure insert_element_entry (2 calls)
31-JUL-98   A.Myers   30.42    701750   Only inserting temp_affected row if it
                                        does not already exist (new procedure).
01-NOV-99   M.Vilrokx 110.8    960689   Added service.date_start to the cursor
                                        csr_personal_details. This date will be
                                        passed to ssp_ern_ins.ins in stead of the
                                        QW date if the latter is smaller than the
                                        service.date_start. When this is not done
                                        the ssp_ern_ins.ins procedure will try to
                                        validate the QW and raise error 35049
                                        because it is before the effective start
                                        date of the person.
06-JAN-2000  ILeath   110.9   1021179   Remove the stoppage for
                                        check_birth_confirmation. A stoppage
                                        should not be created if the woman
                                        notifies her employer of the date the
                                        baby was born.
11-AUG-2000  DFoster  110.10  1304683   Amended the average_earnings function so
                                        that it calls the nwe version of the
                                        calculate_average_earnings which can
                                        treat Sicknesses and Maternities
30-MAY-2002 SMRobins  115.9             Changes to add changes for APR 2003
                                        legislation. Added woman.MPP_start_date
                                        to call to Calculate_SMP_amounts, and
                                        so extra p_MPP_start_date parameter
                                        to Calculate_SMP_amounts procedure.
                                        Then code splits within
                                        Calculate_SMP_amounts dependent on
                                        whether MPP start date before or
                                        after 06-APR-2003. The code for prior
                                        to 06-APR-2003 can be removed once
                                        this date has elapsed.
28-OCT-2002 SHVEERAB  115.10  2620611   Do not create stoppage for pre-matured
                                        birth of baby.
06-NOV-2002  GButler  115.12  2649315   Changes to EXPECTED_WEEK_OF_CONFINEMENT,
                                        functions and CHECK_DEATH procedure to resolve
                                        translation issues
13-NOV-2002  GButler  115.13  2620413   Change to entitled_to_smp, check on
                                        creation of late notification stoppages
15-NOV-2002  Bhaskar  115.14  2663735   New procedure check_employment_qw is
                                        created to check for employee
                                        terminated in qualifying week.
15-NOV-2002  Bhaskar  115.14  2663899   Check for employee death in the
                                        MPP pay period.
22-NOV-2002  BTHAMMIN 115.16  2663899   SMP was paid one week more than
27-JAN-2003  GButler  115.17		nocopy fix to average_earnings - 2nd
					dummy variable created as placeholder
					to OUT param from ssp_ern_ins
24-FEB-2003  ABlinko  115.18  2811430   Amended csr_maternity in earnings_control
                                        for SAP/SPP
17-APR-2003  MMAhmad  115.19  2801805   Amended code for Late Absence Notification
14-MAY-2003  GButler  115.20  2939058	Changes to csr_period_of_service_qw in
					check_employment_qw to resolve bug
25-AUG-2003  asengar  115.21  3111736   Added to_number to make it compatible for 10g
25-FEB-2004  asengar  115.22  3436510   Cursor period_of_service and Procedure
                              3429978   entitled_to_SMP have been modified.
29-MAR-2004  skhandwa 115.23  3510141   Added condition to generate Late evidence stoppage

15-JUN-2004  ssekhar  115.24  3693735   Added to_number to make it compatible for 10g
12-JUL-2004  ablinko  115.25  3682122   Changes for recalculating lump sum updates
11-OCT-2005  npershad 115.26  4621910   Fixed two problems with date conversion,
                                        one in the cursor csr_existing_entries
                                        and twice when calling insert_element_entry
09-FEB-2006  kthampan 115.27  4891953   Fixed performance bug.
21-MAR-2006  kthampan 115.28  5105039   Added function to calculate max SMP paid date.
16-JUN-2006  ajeyam   115.29  5210118   In check_continuity_rule procedure,
                                        period_of_service cursor changed to fetch the
                                        latest start date for rehired persons.
23-AUG-2006  kthampan 115.30  5482199   Change from per_people_f and per_assignments_f
                                        to per_all_people_f and per_all_assignments_f
19-SEP-2006  kthampan 115.31  5547703   Amend smp_control to call generate_payments
                                        with insert-mode if absence is > 0 and
                                        also change csr_check_if_existing_entries
                                        not to reference from per_absence_attendances
19-OCT-2006  kthampan 115.32  5604330   Amend check_death to create the stoppage based
                                        on the '7 day rolling weeks', currently it
                                        will always created using the next Sunday after
                                        the date of death.
09-DEC-2006  kthampan 115.33  5706912   Amend procedure ins_ssp_temp_affected_rows_mat
                                        and person_control
06-JAN-2009  npannamp 115.34  7680593  In csr_existing_entries cursor, trimmed
                                        the Group seperator before calling to_number.
                                        'HR: Number Separator' profile causing issue.
15-May-2009  pbalu    115.35  8470655   Problems with 'Some work done' is corrected.
20-May-2009  pbalu    115.36  8470655   Changes for Code review coments
20-May-2009  npannamp 115.38 12949461   check_average_earnings procedure modified to get
                                        NI Lel value as on QW + 6 instead of as on QW.
g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ssp_smp_pkg.';  -- Global package name
Line: 190

        select  absence.absence_attendance_id,
                nvl (absence.date_end, hr_general.end_of_time) date_end,
        from    per_absence_attendances ABSENCE
        where absence.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
        order by absence.date_start;
Line: 204

        select  maternity.person_id,
                ssp_smp_pkg.qualifying_week (due_date) QW,
                ssp_smp_pkg.expected_week_of_confinement (due_date) EWC,
                nvl (service.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time)
        from    ssp_maternities                         MATERNITY,
                per_all_people_f                        PERSON,
                per_periods_of_service                  SERVICE
        where   person.person_id = maternity.person_id
        and     person.person_id = service.person_id
        and     maternity.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
        -- Bug 2663899
        -- When employee is terminated, the person.date_of_death
        -- is null in the old record. Check the dates with
        -- actual termination date+1
        and     nvl(service.actual_termination_date+1,service.date_start)
                between person.effective_start_date
                and     person.effective_end_date
        and     service.date_start = (select max(serv.date_start)
                                     from per_periods_of_service serv
                                     where serv.person_id = person.person_id);
Line: 432

        select  1
        from    ssp_maternities
        where   person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 463

        select  average_earnings_amount
        from    ssp_earnings_calculations
        where   person_id = woman.person_id
        and     effective_date = l_effective_date;
Line: 517

        select  count (*)
        from    per_absence_attendances
        where   person_id = woman.person_id
        and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 525

select  /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from    per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
        pay_element_types_f     ETYPE,
        pay_element_entries_f   ENTRY
where   PAAF.person_id   = woman.person_id
and     ETYPE.element_name = c_SMP_element_name
and     ETYPE.legislation_code = 'GB'
and     ENTRY.element_type_id = ETYPE.element_type_id
and     entry.creator_type = c_SMP_creator_type
and     entry.creator_id   = p_maternity_id
and     entry.assignment_id = PAAF.assignment_id
and not exists (
        -- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action
        -- taken against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
        select 1
        from pay_element_entries_f      ENTRY2
        where entry.element_entry_id=entry2.target_entry_id
        and   entry.assignment_id = entry2.assignment_id)
and not exists (
        -- Do not select reversal entries
        select  1
        from    pay_element_links_f LINK,
                pay_element_types_f TYPE
        where   link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
        and     entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date and link.effective_end_date
        and     link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
        and     link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date and type.effective_end_date
        and     type.element_name = c_SMP_Corr_element_name);
Line: 637

                select  stoppage_id
                from    ssp_stoppages
                where   user_entered <>'Y'
                and     override_stoppage <> 'Y'
                and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 669

                select 1
                from   per_periods_of_service
                where  person_id = woman.person_id
                and    ssp_smp_pkg.continuous_employment_date(woman.due_date) >=
                       (select max(date_start)
                        from   per_periods_of_service
                        where  person_id = woman.person_id
Line: 714

  select nvl(ser.actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time)  termination_date
        ,leaving_reason               leaving_reason
  from   per_periods_of_service ser
  where  ser.person_id       = woman.person_id
  and    ssp_smp_pkg.continuous_employment_date(woman.due_date)
  	 between ser.date_start and nvl(ser.actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time);
Line: 729

    select upper(meaning)
    from   hr_lookups
    where  lookup_type = 'LEAV_REAS'
    and    lookup_code = p_leaving_reason
    and    enabled_flag = 'Y' ;
Line: 893

  select to_char(mpp_start_date,'DAY')
  from   dual;
Line: 1006

                select  *
                from    ssp_medicals
                where   maternity_id = woman.maternity_id
                and     evidence_status = 'CURRENT';
Line: 1507

      select    entry.element_entry_id,
          ssp_smp_pkg.c_rate_name),'HIGH',l_high_rate,l_low_rate) RATE,
        /*to_date (ssp_smp_support_pkg.value
	(entry.element_entry_id,ssp_smp_pkg.c_week_commencing_name)) WEEK_COMMENCING,
-- Start Bug Fix for 7680593
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_smp_pkg.c_amount_name)) AMOUNT,
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_smp_pkg.c_recoverable_amount_name)) RECOVERABLE_AMOUNT
        to_number(replace(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_smp_pkg.c_amount_name), l_group_separator, '')) AMOUNT,
        to_number(replace(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_smp_pkg.c_recoverable_amount_name), l_group_separator, '')) RECOVERABLE_AMOUNT
-- End Bug Fix for 7680593
      from      pay_element_entries_f ENTRY,
            per_all_assignments_f     asg
      where     creator_type = c_SMP_creator_type
      and creator_id = p_maternity_id
      and asg.person_id     = woman.person_id
      and asg.assignment_id = entry.assignment_id
      and       entry.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                               and asg.effective_end_date
      and not exists (
        -- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action taken
        -- against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
        select 1
        from pay_element_entries_f      ENTRY2
        where entry.element_entry_id= entry2.target_entry_id
        and   entry.assignment_id   = entry2.assignment_id)
      and not exists (
        -- Do not select reversal entries
        select 1
        from    pay_element_links_f LINK,
          pay_element_types_f TYPE
        where link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
        and     entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date
                and link.effective_end_date
        and link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
        and     link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date
                and type.effective_end_date
        and type.element_name = c_SMP_Corr_element_name);
Line: 1569

        select  count (*)
        from    per_absence_attendances
        where   person_id = woman.person_id
        and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1592

                select  stoppage_id
                from    ssp_stoppages
                where   user_entered <>'Y'
                and     override_stoppage <> 'Y'
                and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1663

             and g_smp_update = 'N')
                  or (old_entry.effective_start_date
             = hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (entry_number)
             and old_entry.week_commencing
             = hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (entry_number)
             and not hypothetical_entry.stopped (entry_number) = 'TRUE'
             and g_smp_update = 'Y'));
Line: 1704

            hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' unprocessed - update it');
Line: 1705

            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (
              p_dt_update_mode => 'CORRECTION',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_SMP_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_SMP_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_SMP_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1=> hypothetical_entry.rate (entry_number),
              p_entry_value2=> hypothetical_entry.amount(entry_number),
                      hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (entry_number));
Line: 1742

            hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
              p_dt_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id);
Line: 1757

                          ' Inserting CORRECTION entry for week commencing ' ||
                          to_char (old_entry.week_commencing));
Line: 1802

	hr_utility.trace('Insert element entry');
Line: 1804

        hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
          p_effective_start_date=> old_entry.effective_start_date,
          p_effective_end_date => old_entry.effective_end_date,
          p_element_entry_id  => l_dummy,
          p_target_entry_id  => old_entry.element_entry_id,
          p_assignment_id  => old_entry.assignment_id,
          p_element_link_id  => old_entry.element_link_id,
          p_creator_type  => c_SMP_creator_type,
          p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
          p_entry_type  => c_SMP_entry_type,
          p_input_value_id1=> g_SMP_correction_element.rate_id,
          p_input_value_id2=> g_SMP_correction_element.week_commencing_id,
          p_input_value_id3=> g_SMP_correction_element.amount_id,
          p_input_value_id4=> g_SMP_correction_element.recoverable_amount_id,
          p_entry_value1=> old_entry.rate,
        --p_entry_value2  => to_char(old_entry.week_commencing,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
	  p_entry_value2  => fnd_date.date_to_chardate(old_entry.week_commencing),
          p_entry_value3=> old_entry.amount * -1,
          p_entry_value4=> old_entry.recoverable_amount * -1);
Line: 1838

        hr_utility.trace('Deleting an absence so don''t insert entries');
Line: 1844

            hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
              p_effective_start_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (new_entry),
              p_effective_end_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_end_date (new_entry),
              p_element_entry_id => l_dummy,
              p_assignment_id  => hypothetical_entry.assignment_id (new_entry),
              p_element_link_id => hypothetical_entry.element_link_id (new_entry),
              p_creator_type  => c_SMP_creator_type,
              p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
              p_entry_type  => c_SMP_entry_type,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_SMP_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_SMP_element.week_commencing_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_SMP_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id4 => g_SMP_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1  => hypothetical_entry.rate (new_entry),
--            p_entry_value2  => hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (new_entry),
              p_entry_value2  => to_char(hypothetical_entry.week_commencing(new_entry),'DD-MON-YYYY'),
              p_entry_value3  => hypothetical_entry.amount (new_entry),
              p_entry_value4  =>
                          hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (new_entry));
Line: 1928

                select  1
                from    ssp_stoppages STP,
                        ssp_withholding_reasons WRE
                where   stp.override_stoppage <> 'Y'
                -- and the stoppage ovelaps the period or the stoppage is for
                -- death and is prior to the period
                and     ((wre.reason <> employee_died
                           and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date
                           and nvl (stp.withhold_to, hr_general.end_of_time)
                                >= p_start_date)
                        or (wre.reason = employee_died
                           -- Bug 2663899
                           and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date))
                and     stp.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
                and     stp.reason_id = wre.reason_id;
Line: 1991

                select  meaning
                from    hr_lookups
                where   lookup_type = 'SMP_RATES'
                and     lookup_code = p_rate_band;
Line: 2192

        select  1
        from    ssp_maternities
        where   maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 2200

select /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from   per_absence_attendances PAA,
       per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
       pay_element_entries_f   entry
where  PAA.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    PAAF.person_id = PAA.person_id
and    entry.creator_type = 'M'
and    entry.creator_id = p_maternity_id
and    entry.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id;
Line: 2213

select count(*)
from   ssp_maternities mat,
       per_absence_attendances ab
where  mat.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    ab.person_id = mat.person_id
and    ab.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id;
Line: 2258

      hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
                           p_dt_delete_mode    => 'ZAP',
                           p_session_date      => obsolete.effective_start_date,
                           p_element_entry_id  => obsolete.element_entry_id);
Line: 2265

g_smp_update := 'N';
Line: 2293

   insert into ssp_temp_affected_rows (MATERNITY_ID, p_deleting, locked)
   select p_maternity_id, l_deleting_ch, userenv('sessionid')
     from sys.dual
    where not exists
          (select null
             from ssp_temp_affected_rows t2
            where t2.maternity_id = p_maternity_id);
Line: 2318

g_smp_update := 'N';
Line: 2336

g_smp_update := 'Y';
Line: 2371

        select  mat.maternity_id
        from    ssp_maternities mat
        where   mat.person_id = p_person_id
        and     p_effective_date = decode(mat.leave_type,
        and     exists (select 1
                        from per_absence_attendances abs
                        where abs.person_id = p_person_id
                        and abs.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id);
Line: 2419

        select  maternity.maternity_id
        from    ssp_maternities MATERNITY,
                pay_element_types_f     ELEMENT
        where   maternity.person_id = p_person_id
        and     element.legislation_code = 'GB'
        and     element.element_name = c_SMP_element_name
        and     maternity.due_date between element.effective_start_date
                                        and element.effective_end_date
        and     p_date_of_death <= maternity.MPP_start_date
                                        + (element.element_information6 * 7)
        and     EXISTS  (
                        select  1
                        from    per_absence_attendances ABSENCE
                        where   ABSENCE.maternity_id = MATERNITY.maternity_id
Line: 2488

    select mpp_start_date, due_date
    from   ssp_maternities
    where  maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 2493

    select to_number(element_information4)
    from   pay_element_types_f
    where  element_name = c_SMP_element_name
    and	   l_due_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 2519

    select to_number(element_information4)
    from   pay_element_types_f
    where  element_name = c_SMP_element_name
    and    p_due_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;