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1 PACKAGE BODY wms_picking_pkg AS
2   /* $Header: WMSPLPDB.pls 120.46.12020000.5 2013/03/29 13:32:49 raminoch ship $ */
4   g_trace_on                  NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 2);
5   g_group_sequence_number     NUMBER := 1;
6   g_max_group_sequence_number NUMBER := -1;  -- Bug#5185031
7   g_period_id                 NUMBER;
9   --for UCC128, same as in WMSUCCSB.pls
10   g_gtin_cross_ref_type VARCHAR2(25) := fnd_profile.value('INV:GTIN_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPE');
11   g_gtin_code_length NUMBER := 14;
13   g_cartonization_ids numset_tabType; --Bug: 7254397  Store LPNs for ClusterPickByLabel
14   g_cartonization_ids_inx NUMBER := 0; --Bug: 7254397
16   --Added for Case Picking Project start
17   g_order_numbers numset_tabType;
18   g_order_numbers_inx NUMBER := 0;
20   g_pick_slip_numbers numset_tabType;
21   g_pick_slip_numbers_inx NUMBER := 0;
22   --Added for Case Picking Project end
24   PROCEDURE mydebug(p_msg IN VARCHAR2, p_api_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
25     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
26   BEGIN
27     IF g_trace_on = 1 THEN
28        inv_mobile_helper_functions.tracelog( p_err_msg => p_msg
29                                            , p_module  => 'WMS_PICKING_PKG.' || p_api_name
30                                            , p_level   => 4
31                                            );
32     END IF;
33   END;
34   -- Bug: 7254397
35   PROCEDURE insert_cartonization_id (
36      p_lpn_id                   IN NUMBER,
37      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
38      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
39      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
40   IS
41   l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'insert_cartonization_id';
42   l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
43   BEGIN
44     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
45        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
46        mydebug('p_lpn_id: ' || TO_CHAR(p_lpn_id), l_api_name);
47     END IF;
48     g_cartonization_ids_inx := g_cartonization_ids_inx + 1;
49     g_cartonization_ids(g_cartonization_ids_inx) := p_lpn_id;
50     x_return_status := 'S';
53       x_return_status :='U';
54       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
55         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'insert_cartonization_id');
56       END IF;
57   END;
59   -- Bug: 7254397
60   FUNCTION list_cartonization_id RETURN numset_t PIPELINED
61   IS
62     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'list_cartonization_id';
63     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
64     l_count NUMBER;
65   BEGIN
66     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
67        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
68     END IF;
69     l_count := g_cartonization_ids.COUNT;
70     FOR i IN 1..l_count LOOP
71       PIPE ROW(g_cartonization_ids(i));
72     END LOOP;
73     RETURN;
76       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
77         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'list_cartonization_id');
78       END IF;
79       RETURN;
80   END;
81   -- Bug: 7254397
82   PROCEDURE clear_cartonization_id(
83      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
84      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
85      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
86   IS
87     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'clear_cartonization_id';
88     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
89   BEGIN
90     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
91        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
92     END IF;
93     g_cartonization_ids.DELETE;
94     g_cartonization_ids_inx := 0;
95     x_return_status :='S';
98       x_return_status :='U';
99       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
100         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'clear_cartonization_id');
101       END IF;
102   END;
104   FUNCTION get_total_lpns RETURN NUMBER IS
105   BEGIN
106     RETURN g_cartonization_ids_inx;
107   END;
109   --Added for Case Picking Project start
110   PROCEDURE insert_order_numbers (
111      p_order_number             IN NUMBER,
112      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
113      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
114      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
115   IS
116   l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'insert_order_numbers';
117   l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
118   BEGIN
119     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
120        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
121        mydebug('p_order_number: ' || TO_CHAR(p_order_number), l_api_name);
122     END IF;
123     g_order_numbers_inx := g_order_numbers_inx + 1;
124     g_order_numbers(g_order_numbers_inx) := p_order_number;
125     x_return_status := 'S';
128       x_return_status :='U';
129       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
130         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'insert_order_numbers');
131       END IF;
132   END;
134   FUNCTION list_order_numbers RETURN numset_t PIPELINED
135   IS
136     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'list_order_numbers';
137     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
138     l_count NUMBER;
139   BEGIN
140     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
141        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
142     END IF;
143     l_count := g_order_numbers.COUNT;
144     mydebug('l_count'||l_count, l_api_name);
145     FOR i IN 1..l_count LOOP
146       PIPE ROW(g_order_numbers(i));
147     END LOOP;
148     RETURN;
151       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
152         mydebug('NO_DATA_NEEDED Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'list_order_numbers');
153       END IF;
155       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
156         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'list_order_numbers');
157       END IF;
158       RETURN;
159   END;
161   PROCEDURE clear_order_numbers(
162      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
163      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
164      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
165   IS
166     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'clear_order_numbers';
167     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
168   BEGIN
169     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
170        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
171     END IF;
172     g_order_numbers.DELETE;
173     g_order_numbers_inx := 0;
174     x_return_status :='S';
177       x_return_status :='U';
178       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
179         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'clear_order_numbers');
180       END IF;
181   END;
183     PROCEDURE insert_pick_slip_number (
184      p_pick_slip_number             IN NUMBER,
185      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
186      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
187      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
188   IS
189   l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'insert_pick_slip_number';
190   l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
191   BEGIN
192     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
193        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
194        mydebug('p_pick_slip_number: ' || TO_CHAR(p_pick_slip_number), l_api_name);
195     END IF;
196     g_pick_slip_numbers_inx := g_pick_slip_numbers_inx + 1;
197     g_pick_slip_numbers(g_pick_slip_numbers_inx) := p_pick_slip_number;
198     x_return_status := 'S';
201       x_return_status :='U';
202       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
203         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'insert_pick_slip_number');
204       END IF;
205   END;
207   FUNCTION list_pick_slip_numbers RETURN numset_t PIPELINED
208   IS
209     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'list_pick_slip_numbers';
210     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
211     l_count NUMBER;
212   BEGIN
213     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
214        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
215     END IF;
216     l_count := g_pick_slip_numbers.COUNT;
217     mydebug('l_count'||l_count, l_api_name);
218     FOR i IN 1..l_count LOOP
219       PIPE ROW(g_pick_slip_numbers(i));
220     END LOOP;
221     RETURN;
224       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
225         mydebug('NO_DATA_NEEDED Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'clear_order_numbers');
226       END IF;
229       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
230         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'list_pick_slip_numbers');
231       END IF;
232       RETURN;
233   END;
235   PROCEDURE clear_pick_slip_number(
236      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
237      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
238      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
239   IS
240     l_api_name                    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'clear_pick_slip_number';
241     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
242   BEGIN
243     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
244        mydebug('Enter:', l_api_name);
245     END IF;
246     g_pick_slip_numbers.DELETE;
247     g_pick_slip_numbers_inx := 0;
248     x_return_status :='S';
251       x_return_status :='U';
252       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
253         mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'clear_pick_slip_number');
254       END IF;
255   END;
258  --Added for Case Picking Project end
262   PROCEDURE change_task_to_active(p_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER, x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
264     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
265   BEGIN
266     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
268     UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
269        SET status = 9
270      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
272     COMMIT;
275       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
276   END;
278   --
279   -- Name
281   --
282   -- Purpose
283   --   Gets the task information.
284   --
285   -- Input Parameters
286   --   p_sign_on_emp_id       => Employee ID
287   --   p_sign_on_org_id       => Organization ID
288   --   p_transaction_temp_id  => Transaction Temp ID (For Manual Pick)
289   --   p_cartonization_id     => Cartonization ID (For Label Picking)
290   --   p_device_id            => Device ID
291   --   p_is_cluster_pick      => Cluster Pick or not
292   --   p_cartons_list         => Carton Grouping ID List (For Cluster Picking)
293   --
294   -- Output Parameters
295   --   x_task_info            => Ref Cursor containing the Task Information
296   --   x_return_status        => FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCESSS or
297   --                             FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
298   --   x_error_code           => Code indicating the error message.
299   --   x_error_mesg           => Error Messages
300   --   x_mesg_count           => Error Messages Count
301   PROCEDURE get_next_task_info(
302     p_sign_on_emp_id      IN            NUMBER
303   , p_sign_on_org_id      IN            NUMBER
304   , p_transaction_temp_id IN            NUMBER := NULL
305   , p_cartonization_id    IN            NUMBER := NULL
306   , p_device_id           IN            NUMBER := NULL
307   , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
308   , x_error_code          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
309   , x_mesg_count          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
310   , x_error_mesg          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
311   , x_task_info           OUT NOCOPY    t_genref
312   , p_is_cluster_pick     IN            VARCHAR2
313   , p_cartons_list        IN            VARCHAR2
314   , p_is_manifest_pick    IN            VARCHAR2 --Added for Case Picking Project
315   ) IS
317     cursor  c_lot_csr(p_temp_id  NUMBER) is
318            select lot_number
319            from mtl_transaction_lots_temp
320            where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
322     cursor  c_same_lot_csr(p_temp_id NUMBER, p_lot VARCHAR2) is
323              select primary_quantity, transaction_quantity, serial_transaction_temp_id
324              from mtl_transaction_lots_temp
325              where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
326              and   lot_number = p_lot;
328 --OVPK Start 1
330     l_check_overpick_passed VARCHAR2(1);
331     l_is_bulk_picked_task   VARCHAR2(1);
332     l_move_order_type       NUMBER;
333     l_temp                  VARCHAR2(1);
335 --OVPK End 1
337     l_api_name                     VARCHAR2(30)   := 'GET_NEXT_TASK_INFO';
338     l_transaction_temp_id          NUMBER;
339     l_task_id                      NUMBER;
340     l_org_id                       NUMBER;
341     l_inventory_item_id            NUMBER;
342     l_cartonization_id             NUMBER;
343     l_allocated_lpn_id             NUMBER;
344     l_serial_number_control_code   NUMBER;
345     l_lot_control_code             NUMBER;
346     l_sl_alloc_flag                VARCHAR2(1)    := 'N';
347     l_serial_temp_id               NUMBER         := -999;
348     l_carton_name                  VARCHAR2(30);
349     l_carton_item_id               NUMBER         := -999;
350     l_carton_item_name             VARCHAR2(40)   := '';
351     l_allocated_lpn_name           VARCHAR2(30)   := '';
352     l_allocated_outermost_lpn_name VARCHAR2(30)   := '';
353     l_nbr_tasks                    NUMBER         := -999;
354     l_sql                          VARCHAR2(20000);
355     l_task_cur                     t_genref;
356     b_is_cluster_pick              BOOLEAN        := FALSE;
357     l_cartons_list                 VARCHAR2(4000) := ' (-999) ';
358     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
360     l_same_lot_rec_cnt      NUMBER;
361     l_same_lot_pri_qty      NUMBER;
362     l_same_lot_tra_qty      NUMBER;
363     l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty  NUMBER;
364     l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty  NUMBER;
365     l_mtlt_rec        mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE;
366     l_lot                   VARCHAR2(2000);  --Bug 6148865
367     l_old_lot               VARCHAR2(2000);  --Bug 6148865
368     l_new_serial_temp_id    NUMBER;
369     l_delivery_id           NUMBER;
370     l_carton_grouping_id    NUMBER;
371     l_cluster_key           VARCHAR2(80);
372     l_transaction_action_id NUMBER;
374     --For UCC128
375     l_item_type VARCHAR2(1);
377     --Start Bug 6682436
378     l_honor_case_pick_flag VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
379     l_template_name VARCHAR2(128) := NULL;
380     --End Bug 6682436
381     l_allocate_lot_flag  VARCHAR2(1); -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible Lot Allocation)
383     -- Start Bug 4434111
384     CURSOR c_get_serials(p_transaction_temp_id NUMBER) IS
385     SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number,
386            msnt.to_serial_number
387     FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
388     WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
389     --
390     l_serial_alloc_flag mtl_material_transactions_temp.serial_allocated_flag%TYPE := 'N';
391     l_user_id           NUMBER;
392     l_fm_serial_number  VARCHAR2(30);
393     l_to_serial_number  VARCHAR2(30);
394     --
395     CURSOR c_get_serialLots(p_transaction_temp_id NUMBER) IS
396     SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number, msnt.to_serial_number
397     FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
398     WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
399     AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
400     -- End Bug 4434111
401   BEGIN
402     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
403        mydebug('Enter to GET_NEXT_TASK_INFO procedure', l_api_name);
404     END IF;
405     x_error_code     := 0;
406     x_mesg_count     := 0;
407     x_error_mesg     := '';
408     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
409     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
410        mydebug('Get the transaction temp id which will be the next task to be processed', l_api_name);
411     END IF;
412     SAVEPOINT next_task_inquiry;
414     IF p_is_cluster_pick = 'Y'
415        OR p_is_cluster_pick = 'y' THEN
416      --{
417       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
418          mydebug('Cluster pick task', l_api_name);
419       END IF;
420      --}
421     ELSE -- not a cluster pick task
422      --{
423       IF (p_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
424         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
425            mydebug('Get the relevant info for transaction temp id: '|| p_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
426         END IF;
428         BEGIN
429           SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
430                , wdt.task_id
431                , mmtt.organization_id
432                , mmtt.inventory_item_id
433                , mmtt.cartonization_id
434                , mmtt.allocated_lpn_id
435                , mmtt.transaction_action_id
436                , DECODE (mmtt.parent_line_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, 'Y', 'N')
437                , mmtt.serial_allocated_flag -- Bug 4434111
438             INTO l_transaction_temp_id
439                , l_task_id
440                , l_org_id
441                , l_inventory_item_id
442                , l_cartonization_id
443                , l_allocated_lpn_id
444                , l_transaction_action_id
445                , l_is_bulk_picked_task
446                , l_serial_alloc_flag -- Bug 4434111
447             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
448            WHERE wdt.person_id = p_sign_on_emp_id
449              AND wdt.organization_id = p_sign_on_org_id
450              AND wdt.status <= 3
451              AND wdt.task_type IN (1, 4, 5, 6)
452              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
453              AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
454         EXCEPTION
456             x_error_code  := 1;
457             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
458         END;
459       ELSIF (p_cartonization_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
460         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
461            mydebug('Get the relevant info for carton id:'|| p_cartonization_id, l_api_name);
462         END IF;
464         BEGIN
465            --bugfix 2961842. Changed the SQL into a subquery so that ORDER BY is evaluated before filtering the first task
466            SELECT   tt.transaction_temp_id
467                  , tt.task_id
468                  , tt.organization_id
469                  , tt.inventory_item_id
470                  , tt.cartonization_id
471                  , tt.allocated_lpn_id
472                  , tt.serial_allocated_flag -- Bug 4434111
473               INTO l_transaction_temp_id
474                  , l_task_id
475                  , l_org_id
476                  , l_inventory_item_id
477                  , l_cartonization_id
478                  , l_allocated_lpn_id
479                  , l_serial_alloc_flag -- Bug 4434111
480               FROM
481               (
482                 SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id transaction_temp_id
483                      , wdt.task_id              task_id
484                      , mmtt.organization_id     organization_id
485                      , mmtt.inventory_item_id   inventory_item_id
486                      , mmtt.cartonization_id    cartonization_id
487                      , mmtt.allocated_lpn_id    allocated_lpn_id
488                      , mmtt.serial_allocated_flag serial_allocated_flag
489                 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_item_locations loc, mtl_secondary_inventories sub
490                 WHERE wdt.person_id = p_sign_on_emp_id
491                   AND wdt.organization_id = p_sign_on_org_id
492                   AND wdt.status <= 3
493                   AND (wdt.task_type IN (1, 4, 5, 6))
494                   AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
495                   AND mmtt.cartonization_id = p_cartonization_id
496                   AND sub.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
497                   AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = mmtt.subinventory_code
498                   AND loc.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
499                   AND loc.inventory_location_id = mmtt.locator_id
500                 ORDER BY wdt.priority, sub.picking_order, -- for task resequencing in the pick load page
501                           loc.picking_order, wdt.task_id
503               ) tt
504              WHERE ROWNUM < 2;
505         EXCEPTION
507             x_error_code  := 1;
508             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
509         END;
510       ELSIF (p_device_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
511         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
512            mydebug('Get the relevant info for device id:'|| p_device_id, l_api_name);
513         END IF;
515         BEGIN
516           --bugfix 2961842. Changed the SQL into a subquery so that ORDER BY is evaluated before filtering the first task
517            SELECT   tt.transaction_temp_id
518                  , tt.task_id
519                  , tt.organization_id
520                  , tt.inventory_item_id
521                  , tt.cartonization_id
522                  , tt.allocated_lpn_id
523                  , tt.serial_allocated_flag -- Bug 4434111
524               INTO l_transaction_temp_id
525                  , l_task_id
526                  , l_org_id
527                  , l_inventory_item_id
528                  , l_cartonization_id
529                  , l_allocated_lpn_id
530                  , l_serial_alloc_flag -- Bug 4434111
531               FROM
532               (
533                 SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id transaction_temp_id
534                      , wdt.task_id              task_id
535                      , mmtt.organization_id     organization_id
536                      , mmtt.inventory_item_id   inventory_item_id
537                      , mmtt.cartonization_id    cartonization_id
538                      , mmtt.allocated_lpn_id    allocated_lpn_id
539                      , mmtt.serial_allocated_flag serial_allocated_flag
540                 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_item_locations loc, mtl_secondary_inventories sub
541                 WHERE wdt.person_id = p_sign_on_emp_id
542                   AND wdt.organization_id = p_sign_on_org_id
543                   AND wdt.status <= 3
544                   AND (wdt.task_type IN (1, 4, 5, 6))
545                   AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
546                   AND wdt.device_id = p_device_id
547                   AND wdt.device_invoked = 'Y'
548                   AND sub.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
549                   AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = mmtt.subinventory_code
550                   AND loc.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
551                   AND loc.inventory_location_id = mmtt.locator_id
552                 ORDER BY wdt.priority, sub.picking_order, -- for task resequencing in the pick load page
553                                                    loc.picking_order, wdt.task_id
554              )tt
555              WHERE ROWNUM < 2;
556         EXCEPTION
558             x_error_code  := 1;
559             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
560         END;
561       ELSE
562         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
563            mydebug('Open cursor eligible_tasks', l_api_name);
564         END IF;
566         BEGIN
567           --bugfix 2961842. Changed the SQL into a subquery so that ORDER BY is evaluated before filtering the first task
568            SELECT   tt.transaction_temp_id
569                  , tt.task_id
570                  , tt.organization_id
571                  , tt.inventory_item_id
572                  , tt.cartonization_id
573                  , tt.allocated_lpn_id
574                  , tt.serial_allocated_flag -- Bug 4434111
575               INTO l_transaction_temp_id
576                  , l_task_id
577                  , l_org_id
578                  , l_inventory_item_id
579                  , l_cartonization_id
580                  , l_allocated_lpn_id
581                  , l_serial_alloc_flag -- Bug 4434111
582               FROM
583               (
584                 SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id transaction_temp_id
585                      , wdt.task_id              task_id
586                      , mmtt.organization_id     organization_id
587                      , mmtt.inventory_item_id   inventory_item_id
588                      , mmtt.cartonization_id    cartonization_id
589                      , mmtt.allocated_lpn_id    allocated_lpn_id
590                      , mmtt.serial_allocated_flag serial_allocated_flag
591                 FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_item_locations loc, mtl_secondary_inventories sub
592                 WHERE wdt.person_id = p_sign_on_emp_id
593                   AND wdt.organization_id = p_sign_on_org_id
594                   AND wdt.status <= 3
595                   AND (wdt.task_type IN (1, 4, 5, 6))
596                   AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
597                   AND sub.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
598                   AND sub.secondary_inventory_name = mmtt.subinventory_code
599                   AND loc.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
600                   AND loc.inventory_location_id = mmtt.locator_id
601                 ORDER BY wdt.priority, sub.picking_order, -- for task resequencing in the pick load page
602                          loc.picking_order, wdt.task_id
603              )tt
604              WHERE ROWNUM < 2;
605         EXCEPTION
607             x_error_code  := 1;
608             RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
609         END;
610       END IF;
611       --}
612     END IF; -- cluster pick check
614     -- Bug# 4185621: update child line posting flag to 'N' for bulking picking task
615     IF (l_is_bulk_picked_task = 'Y') THEN
616         UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
617            SET posting_flag = 'N'
618          WHERE parent_line_id = p_transaction_temp_id
619            AND parent_line_id <> transaction_temp_id;
620     END IF;
621     -- Bug# 4185621: end change
623     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
624        mydebug('Get the next task to be performed. temp id:'|| l_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
625     END IF;
627     SELECT serial_number_control_code
628          , lot_control_code
629       INTO l_serial_number_control_code
630          , l_lot_control_code
631       FROM mtl_system_items_b
632      WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
633        AND organization_id = l_org_id;
635     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
636        mydebug('Serial control code : '|| l_serial_number_control_code, l_api_name);
637        mydebug('Lot control code    : '|| l_lot_control_code, l_api_name);
638     END IF;
640     IF  l_serial_number_control_code <> 1
641         AND l_serial_number_control_code <> 6 THEN
642       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
643          mydebug('Check if the serial numbers are already allocated or not', l_api_name);
644       END IF;
646       BEGIN
647         IF l_lot_control_code = 1 THEN -- not lot controlled
648           SELECT msnt.transaction_temp_id
649             INTO l_serial_temp_id
650             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
651            WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
652              AND ROWNUM < 2;
653         ELSE -- lot controlled
654           --Bug 9473783 Modified the where clause
655           SELECT msnt.transaction_temp_id
656             INTO l_serial_temp_id
657             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
658            WHERE ((msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, -1)
659                  AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id)
660               OR (msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
661                   AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id AND mmtt.lot_number IS NOT NULL ))
662              AND ROWNUM < 2;
663         END IF;
665         l_sl_alloc_flag  := 'Y';
666       EXCEPTION
668           l_sl_alloc_flag  := 'N';
669       END;
670     END IF;
672     -- Start bug 4434111
673     IF (NVL(l_serial_alloc_flag,'N') = 'N' )
674         AND l_sl_alloc_flag = 'Y'
675     THEN
676      --{
677      l_sl_alloc_flag := 'N';
678      l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
680      IF l_lot_control_code = 1 THEN
681       --{
682       -- Only serial controlled item
683       --
684       OPEN c_get_serials(l_transaction_temp_id);
685       LOOP
686        --{
687        EXIT WHEN c_get_serials%NOTFOUND;
688        FETCH c_get_serials INTO
689              l_fm_serial_number, l_to_serial_number;
690        --
691        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
692         mydebug('Not a lot controlled item, just serial', l_api_name);
693         mydebug('From Serial Number = ' || l_fm_serial_number, l_api_name);
694         mydebug('To Serial Number = ' || l_to_serial_number, l_api_name);
695         mydebug('Inventory Item ID = ' || l_inventory_item_id, l_api_name);
696         mydebug('Org ID = ' || l_org_id, l_api_name);
697        END IF;
698        --
699        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
700        SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
701            last_update_date    = Sysdate,
702            last_updated_by     = l_user_id
703        WHERE serial_number     >= l_fm_serial_number
704        AND   serial_number     <= l_to_serial_number
705        AND inventory_item_id    = l_inventory_item_id
706        AND current_organization_id = l_org_id;
708        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
709           mydebug('Rows updated ' || sql%rowcount, l_api_name);
710        END IF;
711        --}
712       END LOOP;
713       CLOSE c_get_serials;
714       --
715       DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
716       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
717       --
718       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
719         mydebug('Rows deleted ' || sql%rowcount, l_api_name);
720       END IF;
721       --}
722     ELSE
723      --{
724      -- Lot and serial controlled item
725      --
726      OPEN c_get_serialLots(l_transaction_temp_id);
727      LOOP
728        --{
729        EXIT WHEN c_get_serialLots%NOTFOUND;
730        FETCH c_get_serialLots INTO
731              l_fm_serial_number, l_to_serial_number;
732        --
733        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
734         mydebug('Lot and serial controlled item', l_api_name);
735         mydebug('From Serial Number = ' || l_fm_serial_number, l_api_name);
736         mydebug('To Serial Number = ' || l_to_serial_number, l_api_name);
737         mydebug('Inventory Item ID = ' || l_inventory_item_id, l_api_name);
738         mydebug('Org ID = ' || l_org_id, l_api_name);
739        END IF;
740        --
741        UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
742        SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
743            last_update_date    = Sysdate,
744            last_updated_by     = l_user_id
745        WHERE serial_number     >= l_fm_serial_number
746        AND   serial_number     <= l_to_serial_number
747        AND inventory_item_id    = l_inventory_item_id
748        AND current_organization_id = l_org_id;
750        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
751           mydebug('Rows updated ' || sql%rowcount, l_api_name);
752        END IF;
753        --}
754       END LOOP;
755       CLOSE c_get_serialLots;
756       --
757       DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
758       WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
759        (
760         SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
761         FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
762         WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
763         AND   mtlt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
764        );
765       --
766       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
767         mydebug('Rows deleted ' || sql%rowcount, l_api_name);
768       END IF;
769      --}
770     END IF;
771     --}
772     END IF;
773     -- End bug 4434111
775     --bug 2755138.  Consolidate mtlt if there are multi record for the same lot number
776     -- if it is not exact lpn match and item is lot controlled
777     -- then check to see if need to consolidate of mtlt table in case there are multi record for the same lot number,
778     -- we need to consolidate them before continue
780     IF  (l_lot_control_code > 1)  THEN
782          open c_lot_csr(l_transaction_temp_id);
783          l_old_lot := null;
784          loop
785              fetch  c_lot_csr into l_lot;
786              exit when c_lot_csr%NOTFOUND;
788              IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
789                    mydebug('consolidate mtlt 00 : lot number:'|| l_lot, l_api_name);
790              END IF;
792              if l_lot <> nvl(l_old_lot, '-999') then
793                 begin
794                   select count(*),sum(primary_quantity),sum(transaction_quantity)
795                   into l_same_lot_rec_cnt,  l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty, l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty
796                   from mtl_transaction_lots_temp
797                   where transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
798                   and   lot_number = l_lot;
799                 exception
800                   when NO_DATA_FOUND  then
801                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
802                            mydebug('consolidate mtlt 11: there is no mtlt record for the lot:'|| l_lot, l_api_name);
803                     END IF;
804                     l_same_lot_rec_cnt :=0;
805                   when others  then
806                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
807                        mydebug(' consolidate mtlt 11: there is an exception', l_api_name);
808                     END IF;
809                     l_same_lot_rec_cnt :=0;
810                 end;
812                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
813                     mydebug('consolidate mtlt 22 : record count for the lot number:'|| l_lot||' is :' ||l_same_lot_rec_cnt, l_api_name);
814                 END IF;
816                 if nvl(l_same_lot_rec_cnt,0) > 1 then
817                   select *
818                   into l_mtlt_rec
819                   from  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
820                   where transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
821                   and   lot_number = l_lot
822                   and   rownum = 1;
824                   IF (l_serial_number_control_code >1 AND l_serial_number_control_code <>6)  -- lot serial controlled
825                          AND l_sl_alloc_flag = 'Y' -- and allocate to serial ON
827                   THEN
828                         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
829                             mydebug('consolidate mtlt 33: lot/serial controlled and allocate to serial ON', l_api_name);
830                         END IF;
831                           SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
832                             INTO l_new_serial_temp_id
833                             FROM  dual;
834                           l_mtlt_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id := l_new_serial_temp_id;
835                           l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty := 0;
836                           l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty := 0;
837                           open  c_same_lot_csr(l_transaction_temp_id, l_lot);
838                           loop
839                               fetch  c_same_lot_csr into  l_same_lot_pri_qty, l_same_lot_tra_qty,  l_serial_temp_id;
840                               exit when c_same_lot_csr%NOTFOUND;
841                               l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty := l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty + l_same_lot_pri_qty;
842                               l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty := l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty + l_same_lot_tra_qty;
844                                UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
845                                   SET group_mark_id = l_new_serial_temp_id
846                                 WHERE current_organization_id = l_org_id
847                                   AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
848                                   AND serial_number in (select fm_serial_number
849                                                          from  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
850                                                          where transaction_temp_id = l_serial_temp_id);
851                                UPDATE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
852                                   SET  transaction_temp_id = l_new_serial_temp_id
853                                 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_serial_temp_id;
855                           end loop;
856                           close  c_same_lot_csr;
857                   ELSIF (l_serial_number_control_code >1 AND l_serial_number_control_code <>6)  -- lot serial controlled
858                              AND l_sl_alloc_flag = 'N' -- and allocate to serial OFF
859                          THEN
860                          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
861                             mydebug('consolidate mtlt 44: lot controlled only OR lot/serial controlled but Allocate to serial OFF', l_api_name);
862                          END IF;
863                          SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
864                          INTO l_new_serial_temp_id
865                          FROM  dual;
866                          l_mtlt_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id := l_new_serial_temp_id;
867                          begin
868                             select sum(primary_quantity), sum(transaction_quantity)
869                             into   l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty, l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty
870                             from   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
871                             where  transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
872                              and   lot_number = l_lot;
873                          exception
874                             when NO_DATA_FOUND  then
875                                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
876                                      mydebug(' consolidate mtlt 50: there is no mtlt record for lot:'||l_lot, l_api_name);
877                                 END IF;
878                             when others  then
879                                 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
880                                      mydebug(' consolidate mtlt 50: there is an exception', l_api_name);
881                                 END IF;
882                          end;
883                   END IF;   -- if l_serial_conde > 1 adn l_serial_code <> 6 and p_sn_allocated_flag = 'Y'
884                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_temp_id := l_transaction_temp_id;
885                   l_mtlt_rec.primary_quantity := l_sum_same_lot_pri_qty;
886                   l_mtlt_rec.transaction_quantity := l_sum_same_lot_tra_qty;
887                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
888                           mydebug(' consolidate mtlt  55: Inserting into MTLT', l_api_name);
889                           mydebug(' consolidate mtlt  55: primary_quantity = ' || l_mtlt_rec.primary_quantity, l_api_name);
890                           mydebug(' consolidate mtlt  55 :transaction_quantity = ' || l_mtlt_rec.transaction_quantity, l_api_name);
891                           mydebug(' consolidate mtlt  55 :serial_transaction_temp_id = ' || l_mtlt_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
892                   END IF;
893                   delete mtl_transaction_lots_temp
894                   where transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
895                   and   lot_number = l_lot;
896                   -- Insert new line into MTLT
897                   inv_rcv_common_apis.insert_mtlt(l_mtlt_rec);
899                   begin
900                    select count(*)
901                      into l_same_lot_rec_cnt
902                     from  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
903                     where transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
904                     and   lot_number = l_lot;
905                   exception
906                    when NO_DATA_FOUND  then
907                         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
908                             mydebug(' consolidate mtlt 66: there is no mtlt record for mmtt', l_api_name);
909                         END IF;
910                         l_same_lot_rec_cnt :=0;
911                    when others  then
912                         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
913                             mydebug(' consolidate mtlt 77: there is an exception', l_api_name);
914                         END IF;
915                         l_same_lot_rec_cnt :=0;
916                   end;
918                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
919                      mydebug('consolidate mtlt 66 : record count for lot number:'||l_lot||' is: '|| l_same_lot_rec_cnt, l_api_name);
920                   END IF;
922                end if;   -- if l_same_lot_rec_cnt > 1
923              end if;  -- if l_lot <> nvl(l_old_lot, '-999');
924              l_old_lot := l_lot;
925          end loop;
926          close c_lot_csr;
928    END IF;  -- if  l_lot_control_code > 1
930    --end of bug 2755138.
932     IF (l_allocated_lpn_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
933       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
934          mydebug('Get the allocated LPN info', l_api_name);
935       END IF;
937       SELECT wlpn1.license_plate_number
938            , wlpn2.license_plate_number
939         INTO l_allocated_lpn_name
940            , l_allocated_outermost_lpn_name
941         FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn1, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn2
942        WHERE wlpn1.lpn_id = l_allocated_lpn_id
943          AND wlpn1.outermost_lpn_id = wlpn2.lpn_id;
944     END IF;
946     IF (l_cartonization_id IS NOT NULL) THEN
948       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
949          mydebug('Get carton information', l_api_name);
950       END IF;
952       -- Bug : 6682436 Start
953       -- To handle the case for pick slip cartonization
954       SELECT license_plate_number
955         INTO l_carton_name
956         FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
957        WHERE lpn_id = l_cartonization_id;
959       BEGIN
960          SELECT l.license_plate_number lpn
961               , l.inventory_item_id itemid
962               , k.concatenated_segments item
963            INTO l_carton_name
964               , l_carton_item_id
965               , l_carton_item_name
966            FROM wms_license_plate_numbers l, mtl_system_items_vl k /* Bug 5581528 */
967           WHERE l.lpn_id = l_cartonization_id
968             AND l.inventory_item_id = k.inventory_item_id
969             AND l.organization_id = k.organization_id;
971       EXCEPTION
973          NULL;
974       END;
975       -- Bug : 6682436 End
977       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
978          mydebug('Check to see how many unloaded tasks are there for this carton', l_api_name);
979       END IF;
980       wms_task_dispatch_gen.check_carton(
981         p_carton_id                  => l_cartonization_id
982       , p_org_id                     => l_org_id
983       , x_nbr_tasks                  => l_nbr_tasks
984       , x_return_status              => x_return_status
985       , x_msg_count                  => x_mesg_count
986       , x_msg_data                   => x_error_mesg
987       );
989       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
990         x_error_code  := 3;
991         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
992       END IF;
993     END IF;
995     -- get the cluster key for the cluster picking   ---patchset J APL cluster picking
996     IF p_cartons_list is not null THEN
997         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
998             mydebug('Start query the cluster key', l_api_name);
999         END IF;
1000         l_delivery_id := null;
1001         IF l_transaction_action_id = 28 THEN -- SO/IO
1002           SELECT
1003                  wda.delivery_id,mtrl.carton_grouping_id
1004             INTO l_delivery_id,l_carton_grouping_id
1005             FROM
1006                  mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1007                , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1008                , wsh_delivery_details wdd
1009                , wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
1010            WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1011                AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id
1012              AND wdd.move_order_line_id  = mtrl.line_id
1013              AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
1014              AND wdd.released_status='S';
1015         ELSE  -- WIP picking or others
1016           SELECT
1017                  mtrl.carton_grouping_id
1018             INTO l_carton_grouping_id
1019             FROM
1020                  mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1021                , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1022            WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1023              AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id;
1024         END IF;
1025         IF l_delivery_id is not null THEN
1026             l_cluster_key := l_delivery_id || 'D';
1027         ELSE
1028             l_cluster_key := l_carton_grouping_id || 'C';
1029         END IF;
1030         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1031             mydebug('Cluster key :'||l_cluster_key, l_api_name);
1032         END IF;
1033     END IF;
1036             --Added for Case Picking Project start
1037 	IF p_is_manifest_pick ='Y' THEN
1038 		l_delivery_id := null;
1039 		l_carton_grouping_id:=null;
1040 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1041 			mydebug('l_transaction_temp_id:'||l_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
1042 		END IF;
1043 	     IF l_transaction_action_id = 28 THEN -- SO/IO
1044 		BEGIN
1045 			SELECT  wda.delivery_id,mtrl.carton_grouping_id
1046 			INTO    l_delivery_id,l_carton_grouping_id
1047 			FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1048 			, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1049 			, wsh_delivery_details wdd
1050 			, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
1051 			WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1052 			AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id
1053 			AND wdd.move_order_line_id  = mtrl.line_id
1054 			AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
1055 			AND wdd.released_status='S';
1058 			IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1059 			   mydebug('In exception block of OTHERS', l_api_name);
1060 		        END IF;
1061 			SELECT mtrl.carton_grouping_id
1062 			INTO l_carton_grouping_id
1063 			FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1064 			, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1065 			WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1066 			AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id;
1067 		END;
1069 		IF l_delivery_id is not null THEN
1070 			l_cluster_key := l_delivery_id || 'D';
1071 		ELSIF l_carton_grouping_id is not null THEN
1072 			l_cluster_key := l_carton_grouping_id || 'C';
1073                 ELSE
1074 		        l_cluster_key :=NULL;
1075 		END IF;
1077 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1078 			mydebug('Cluster key :'||l_cluster_key, l_api_name);
1079 			mydebug('l_delivery_id :'||l_delivery_id, l_api_name);
1080 			mydebug('l_carton_grouping_id :'||l_carton_grouping_id, l_api_name);
1081 		END IF;
1082 	    END IF;
1083 	END IF;
1084 	--Added for Case Picking Project end
1087 --OVPK Start 2
1088     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1089        mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:Checking if it is a Bulk Picked task...',l_api_name);
1090        mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:l_transaction_temp_id = ' || l_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
1091        mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:l_is_bulk_picked_task = '||l_is_bulk_picked_task, l_api_name);
1092     END IF;
1094     --Check if it is a bulk picked task
1095 /*
1096     SELECT DECODE (parent_line_id, transaction_temp_id, 'Y', 'N')
1097       INTO l_is_bulk_picked_task
1098       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1099      WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
1100 */
1102     -- If Yes then set l_check_overpick_passed to 'Y'
1103     IF (l_is_bulk_picked_task = 'Y') THEN
1104        l_check_overpick_passed := 'Y';
1106        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1107           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:It IS a bulk picked task', l_api_name);
1108           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:NOT calling any OVPK code', l_api_name);
1109           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:l_check_overpick_passed = '||l_check_overpick_passed, l_api_name);
1110        END IF;
1112     ELSE
1113        -- Else make some minimal checks to allow/disallow overpicking
1114        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1115           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:It is NOT a bulk picked task', l_api_name);
1116           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:Need to make some minimal checks to allow/disallow overpicking', l_api_name);
1117           mydebug('OVPK:WMSPLPDB:l_transaction_temp_id             = ' || l_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
1118        END IF;
1119 /*
1120        inv_replenish_detail_pub.check_overpick_minimal(
1121          p_transaction_temp_id    => l_transaction_temp_id
1122        , x_check_overpick_passed      => l_check_overpick_passed
1123        , x_return_status              => x_return_status
1124        , x_msg_count                  => x_mesg_count
1125        , x_msg_data                   => x_error_mesg
1126        );
1127 */
1128        --Resolve move_order_type from l_transaction_temp_id
1129        SELECT mtrh.move_order_type
1130          INTO l_move_order_type
1131          FROM mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh,
1132               mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl,
1133               mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1134         WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id
1135           AND mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id
1136           AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
1138          IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1139            mydebug('OVPK: l_org_id          = '||l_org_id, l_api_name);
1140            mydebug('OVPK: l_move_order_type = '||l_move_order_type, l_api_name);
1141          END IF;
1143          --If the MO is of type replenishment / requisition
1144          IF (l_move_order_type IN
1145              (inv_globals.g_move_order_replenishment,
1146               inv_globals.g_move_order_requisition)
1147             ) THEN
1150            INTO l_temp
1151            FROM mtl_parameters
1152           WHERE organization_id = l_org_id;
1153          l_check_overpick_passed := NVL(l_temp, 'Y');
1155          IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1156             mydebug('OVPK: l_temp for replenishment/requisition MO                  = '||l_temp, l_api_name);
1157             mydebug('OVPK: l_check_overpick_passed for replenishment/requisition MO = '||l_check_overpick_passed, l_api_name);
1158          END IF;
1160        ELSIF (l_move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_mfg_pick) THEN
1162         SELECT wip_overpick_enabled
1163            INTO l_temp
1164            FROM mtl_parameters
1165           WHERE organization_id = l_org_id;
1166        l_check_overpick_passed := NVL(l_temp, 'N');
1168          IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1169             mydebug('OVPK: l_temp for WIP MO                  = '||l_temp, l_api_name);
1170             mydebug('OVPK: l_check_overpick_passed for WIP MO = '||l_check_overpick_passed, l_api_name);
1171          END IF;
1173        ELSIF (l_move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_pick_wave) THEN
1175          l_check_overpick_passed := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('WSH_OVERPICK_ENABLED'), 'N');
1177          IF l_debug = 1 THEN
1178             mydebug('OVPK: l_check_overpick_passed for PickWave MO = '||l_check_overpick_passed, l_api_name);
1179          END IF;
1181        END IF;
1183     END IF; -- Not Bulk Picked task
1186 --OVPK End 2
1187     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1188             mydebug('get the item type for ucc128', l_api_name);
1189     END IF;
1191     BEGIN
1192        SELECT 'C'
1193        INTO l_item_type
1194        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
1195             mtl_cross_references mcr
1196       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1197         AND mmtt.inventory_item_id     = mcr.inventory_item_id
1198         AND mcr.cross_reference_type   = g_gtin_cross_ref_type
1199         AND (mcr.organization_id     = mmtt.organization_id
1200            OR mcr.org_independent_flag = 'Y')
1201         AND rownum = 1;
1203       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1204           mydebug('After the Query for item_type :'||l_item_type,l_api_name);
1205       END IF;
1207     EXCEPTION
1208       WHEN no_data_found THEN
1209          l_item_type := NULL;
1210     END;
1212 	--Start Bug 6682436
1214 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1215 			mydebug('Fetching the values of user task attributes', l_api_name);
1216 		END IF;
1218 		BEGIN
1219 			SELECT  wutta.honor_case_pick_flag, pgvl.template_name into l_honor_case_pick_flag, l_template_name
1220 			FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_user_task_type_attributes wutta , wms_page_templates_tl pgtl, WMS_PAGE_TEMPLATES_VL pgvl
1221 			WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1222 			AND mmtt.standard_operation_id = wutta.user_task_type_id
1223 			AND mmtt.organization_id = wutta.organization_id
1224 			AND pgtl.template_id = wutta.pick_load_page_template_id
1225 			AND pgtl.template_id = pgvl.template_id
1226 			AND pgtl.language = userenv('LANG');
1229 			l_honor_case_pick_flag := 'N';
1230 			l_template_name := '-999';
1231 		END;
1233         -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible Lot Allocation)
1234         BEGIN
1235         SELECT 'Y'
1236           INTO l_allocate_lot_flag
1237           FROM DUAL
1238          WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1
1239                          FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
1240                         WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id);
1241         EXCEPTION
1242         WHEN OTHERS THEN
1243          l_allocate_lot_flag := 'N';
1244         END;
1245         -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible Lot Allocation)
1246 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1247 			mydebug('Before opening the ref cursor for WMS_CONTROL.G_CURRENT_RELEASE_LEVEL' || WMS_CONTROL.G_CURRENT_RELEASE_LEVEL, l_api_name);
1248 			mydebug('l_honor_case_pick_flag ' || l_honor_case_pick_flag, l_api_name);
1249 			mydebug('l_template_name ' || l_template_name, l_api_name);
1250 			mydebug('l_allocate_lot_flag ' || l_allocate_lot_flag, l_api_name);-- Added for 14699845 (Flexible Lot Allocation)
1251 		END IF;
1253 		OPEN x_task_info FOR
1254 		SELECT mmtt.cartonization_id
1255 		, mmtt.container_item_id
1256 		, mmtt.inventory_item_id
1257 		, mmtt.lot_number
1258 		, mmtt.revision
1259 		, decode(fulfillment_base, 'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1260 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1261 								      , mmtt.transaction_quantity)
1262 							,mmtt.transaction_quantity) -- muom:sk
1263 		-- , mmtt.transaction_quantity -- muom:sk
1264 		, decode (mmtt.fulfillment_base,'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1265 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1266 								      , mmtt.transaction_uom)
1267 						    , mmtt.transaction_uom) --muom:sk
1268 		-- , mmtt.transaction_uom --muom:sk
1269 		, mmtt.locator_id locator_id
1270 		, mmtt.subinventory_code
1271 		, inv_project.get_locsegs(mmtt.locator_id, mmtt.organization_id) loc
1272 		-- 11
1273 		, msik.concatenated_segments item
1274 		, mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1275 		, mmtt.transfer_subinventory
1276 		, mmtt.transfer_to_location
1277 		, NVL(msik.lot_control_code, 1) lot_code
1278 		, NVL(msik.serial_number_control_code, 1) serial_code
1279 		, mmtt.transaction_type_id
1280 		, NVL(msik.restrict_subinventories_code, 2) subrest
1281 		, NVL(msik.restrict_locators_code, 2) locrest
1282 		, NVL(msik.location_control_code, 1) loccode
1283 		--21
1284 		, msik.primary_uom_code
1285 		, NVL(msik.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) allunits
1286 		, NVL(revision_qty_control_code, 1) revcode
1287 		, wdt.task_id
1288 		, mmtt.cost_group_id
1289 		, mmtt.transaction_header_id
1290 		, mp.allocate_serial_flag
1291 		, mtrl.txn_source_id
1292 		, mmtt.wip_entity_type
1293 		, wdt.task_type
1294 		--31
1295 		, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id
1296 		, NVL(mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, 0)
1297 		, mmtt.pick_slip_number
1298 		, inv_project.get_project_id
1299 		, inv_project.get_task_id
1300 		, inv_project.get_project_number
1301 		, inv_project.get_task_number
1302 		, mmtt.transaction_action_id
1303 		, wdt.device_request_id
1304 		, l_sl_alloc_flag
1305 		--41
1306 		, l_serial_temp_id
1307 		, l_allocated_lpn_name
1308 		, l_allocated_outermost_lpn_name
1309 		, l_carton_name
1310 		, l_carton_item_id
1311 		, l_carton_item_name
1312 		, l_nbr_tasks
1313 		, l_cluster_key cluster_key   -- patchset J APL changed cluster id to cluster key
1314 		, mmtt.parent_line_id
1315 		, msi.lpn_controlled_flag
1316 		--51
1317 		, msik.tracking_quantity_ind
1318 		, msik.ont_pricing_qty_source
1319 		, msik.secondary_default_ind
1320 		, msik.secondary_uom_code
1321 		, msik.dual_uom_deviation_high
1322 		, msik.dual_uom_deviation_low
1323 		, mmtt.trx_source_line_id
1324 		, l_check_overpick_passed  --OVPK
1325 		, Sysdate
1326 		, mp.negative_inv_receipt_code
1327 		--61
1328 		, l_item_type
1329 		, msik.description
1330 		, inv_ui_item_lovs.get_conversion_rate(
1331 			decode(fulfillment_base, 'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
1332 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
1333 								      , mmtt.transaction_uom)
1334 						    , mmtt.transaction_uom),
1335 			mmtt.organization_id,
1336 			mmtt.inventory_item_id,
1337 			mmtt.fulfillment_base) -- MUOM:SK
1338 		-- Bug# 4141928
1339 		-- For OPM convegence
1340 		-- Fetching the sec txn qty and the additional Item attributes
1341 		--64
1342 		, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1343 		, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1344 		, nvl(msik.lot_divisible_flag,'Y')
1345 		/* Added for LMS project */
1346 		, wdt.user_task_type
1347 		, mmtt.operation_plan_id
1348 		/* end for LMS project */
1350 		, l_honor_case_pick_flag --69
1351 		, l_template_name --70
1352         , l_allocate_lot_flag --71 -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible Lot Allocation)
1353         , NVL(mmtt.fulfillment_base, 'P')  -- MUOM:SK	(72)
1354 		FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
1355 		, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1356 		, mtl_system_items_vl msik /* Bug 5581528 */
1357 		, mtl_parameters mp
1358 		, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1359 		, mtl_secondary_inventories msi
1360 		WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1361 		AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1362 		AND mp.organization_id = wdt.organization_id
1363 		AND mmtt.organization_id = msik.organization_id
1364 		AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
1365 		AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id (+)
1366 		AND mmtt.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
1367 		AND mmtt.organization_id = msi.organization_id;
1369 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1370 			mydebug('After opening the ref cursor', l_api_name);
1371 		END IF;
1372 	--End Bug 6682436
1373 	ELSE
1374 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1375 			mydebug('Before opening the ref cursor', l_api_name);
1376 		END IF;
1378 		OPEN x_task_info FOR
1379 		SELECT mmtt.cartonization_id
1380 		, mmtt.container_item_id
1381 		, mmtt.inventory_item_id
1382 		, mmtt.lot_number
1383 		, mmtt.revision
1384 		/* if txn uom is either pri/ sec then take secondary transaction qty. if any thing else take txn qty as is.
1385 		    this is for fulfillment_base = 'S'. for 'P' it should txn qty direclty*/
1386 		, decode(fulfillment_base, 'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1387 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1388 								      , mmtt.transaction_quantity)
1389 							,mmtt.transaction_quantity) -- muom:sk
1390 		-- , mmtt.transaction_quantity -- muom:sk
1391 		, decode (mmtt.fulfillment_base,'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1392 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1393 								      , mmtt.transaction_uom)
1394 						    , mmtt.transaction_uom) --muom:sk
1395 		-- , mmtt.transaction_uom --muom:sk
1396 		, mmtt.locator_id locator_id
1397 		, mmtt.subinventory_code
1398 		, inv_project.get_locsegs(mmtt.locator_id, mmtt.organization_id) loc
1399 		-- 11
1400 		, msik.concatenated_segments item
1401 		, mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1402 		, mmtt.transfer_subinventory
1403 		, mmtt.transfer_to_location
1404 		, NVL(msik.lot_control_code, 1) lot_code
1405 		, NVL(msik.serial_number_control_code, 1) serial_code
1406 		, mmtt.transaction_type_id
1407 		, NVL(msik.restrict_subinventories_code, 2) subrest
1408 		, NVL(msik.restrict_locators_code, 2) locrest
1409 		, NVL(msik.location_control_code, 1) loccode
1410 		--21
1411 		, msik.primary_uom_code
1412 		, NVL(msik.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) allunits
1413 		, NVL(revision_qty_control_code, 1) revcode
1414 		, wdt.task_id
1415 		, mmtt.cost_group_id
1416 		, mmtt.transaction_header_id
1417 		, mp.allocate_serial_flag
1418 		, mtrl.txn_source_id
1419 		, mmtt.wip_entity_type
1420 		, wdt.task_type
1421 		--31
1422 		, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id
1423 		, NVL(mmtt.allocated_lpn_id, 0)
1424 		, mmtt.pick_slip_number
1425 		, inv_project.get_project_id
1426 		, inv_project.get_task_id
1427 		, inv_project.get_project_number
1428 		, inv_project.get_task_number
1429 		, mmtt.transaction_action_id
1430 		, wdt.device_request_id
1431 		, l_sl_alloc_flag
1432 		--41
1433 		, l_serial_temp_id
1434 		, l_allocated_lpn_name
1435 		, l_allocated_outermost_lpn_name
1436 		, l_carton_name
1437 		, l_carton_item_id
1438 		, l_carton_item_name
1439 		, l_nbr_tasks
1440 		, l_cluster_key cluster_key   -- patchset J APL changed cluster id to cluster key
1441 		, mmtt.parent_line_id
1442 		, msi.lpn_controlled_flag
1443 		--51
1444 		, msik.tracking_quantity_ind
1445 		, msik.ont_pricing_qty_source
1446 		, msik.secondary_default_ind
1447 		, msik.secondary_uom_code
1448 		, msik.dual_uom_deviation_high
1449 		, msik.dual_uom_deviation_low
1450 		, mmtt.trx_source_line_id
1451 		, l_check_overpick_passed  --OVPK
1452 		, Sysdate
1453 		, mp.negative_inv_receipt_code
1454 		--61
1455 		, l_item_type
1456 		, msik.description
1457 		, inv_ui_item_lovs.get_conversion_rate(
1458 			decode(fulfillment_base, 'S', decode(mmtt.transaction_uom, msik.primary_uom_code, mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
1459 								      , msik.secondary_uom_code, mmtt.SECONDARY_UOM_CODE
1460 								      , mmtt.transaction_uom)
1461 							, mmtt.transaction_uom ),
1462 			mmtt.organization_id,
1463 			mmtt.inventory_item_id,
1464 			mmtt.fulfillment_base) -- MUOM:SK
1465 		-- Bug# 4141928
1466 		-- For OPM convegence
1467 		-- Fetching the sec txn qty and the additional Item attributes
1468 		--64
1469 		, mmtt.secondary_uom_code
1470 		, mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity
1471 		, nvl(msik.lot_divisible_flag,'Y')
1472 		/* Added for LMS project */
1473 		, wdt.user_task_type
1474 		, mmtt.operation_plan_id
1475 		/* end for LMS project */
1476 		FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
1477 		, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
1478 		, mtl_system_items_vl msik /* Bug 5581528 */
1479 		, mtl_parameters mp
1480 		, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
1481 		, mtl_secondary_inventories msi
1482 		WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id
1483 		AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1484 		AND mp.organization_id = wdt.organization_id
1485 		AND mmtt.organization_id = msik.organization_id
1486 		AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = msik.inventory_item_id
1487 		AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id (+)
1488 		AND mmtt.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
1489 		AND mmtt.organization_id = msi.organization_id;
1491 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1492 			mydebug('After opening the ref cursor', l_api_name);
1493 		END IF;
1494   END IF;
1496     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
1497       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1498       ROLLBACK TO next_task_inquiry;
1499       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_mesg_count, p_data => x_error_mesg);
1500       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1501          mydebug('Error ! SQL Code : '|| SQLCODE, l_api_name);
1502       END IF;
1503     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1504       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1505       ROLLBACK TO next_task_inquiry;
1506       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_mesg_count, p_data => x_error_mesg);
1507       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1508          mydebug('Unexpected Error ! SQL Code : '|| SQLCODE, l_api_name);
1509       END IF;
1511       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1512       ROLLBACK TO next_task_inquiry;
1514       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
1515         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg('WMS_PICKING_PKG', 'GET_NEXT_TASK_INFO');
1516       END IF;
1518       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false, p_count => x_mesg_count, p_data => x_error_mesg);
1519       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1520          mydebug('Other Error ! SQL Code : '|| SQLCODE, l_api_name);
1521       END IF;
1522   END get_next_task_info;
1524   --
1525   -- Name
1527   --
1528   -- Purpose
1529   --   If the LPN has any Bulk Picked Line, then the Parent MMTT record is deleted and the
1530   --   Txn Header ID, Transfer LPN ID and LPN ID of the Parent MMTT record are stamped in
1531   --   each Child MMTT record.
1532   --   Added as part of Bug#2666620. Refer it for any information.
1533   --
1534   -- Input Parameters
1535   --   p_organization_id   => Organization ID
1536   --   p_transfer_lpn_id   => LPN ID
1537   --
1538   -- Output Parameters
1539   --   x_return_status     => FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR or
1540   --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
1542   PROCEDURE handle_bulk_picking(
1543     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1544   , p_organization_id NUMBER
1545   , p_transfer_lpn_id NUMBER
1546   ) IS
1547      CURSOR c_get_bulk_txn(p_org_id IN NUMBER, p_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
1548         SELECT transaction_temp_id, transaction_header_id, lpn_id, transfer_lpn_id
1549           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t1
1550          WHERE transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
1551            AND organization_id = p_org_id
1552            AND parent_line_id IS NULL
1553            AND EXISTS(
1554                       SELECT 1
1555                         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t2
1556                        WHERE t2.parent_line_id = t1.transaction_temp_id
1557                          AND t2.organization_id = t1.organization_id
1558                      );
1559     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
1560   BEGIN
1561      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1562      -- For each transaction returned by the cursor update the Child Records and delete the Parent.
1563      FOR v_rec IN c_get_bulk_txn(p_organization_id, p_transfer_lpn_id) LOOP
1564         -- Updating the Child Records.
1565         UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
1566            SET transaction_header_id = v_rec.transaction_header_id
1567              , transfer_lpn_id       = v_rec.transfer_lpn_id
1568              , lpn_id                = v_rec.lpn_id
1569              , parent_line_id        = NULL
1570          WHERE parent_line_id        = v_rec.transaction_temp_id
1571            AND organization_id       = p_organization_id;
1573         -- Deleting the Parent Record.
1574         DELETE FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
1575            WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_rec.transaction_temp_id;
1576      END LOOP;
1579         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1580         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1581            mydebug('Unknown Exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM,'HANDLE_BULK_PICKING');
1582         END IF;
1583   END handle_bulk_picking;
1585   --
1586   -- Name
1588   --
1589   -- Purpose
1590   --   Gets a list of Tasks given the LPN and Organization.
1591   --   Changed as part of Bug#2666620. Refer it for any information.
1592   --
1593   -- Input Parameters
1594   --   p_organization_id   => Organization ID
1595   --   p_transfer_lpn_id   => LPN ID
1596   --
1597   -- Output Parameters
1598   --   x_tasks             => Ref Cursor containing the Tasks
1599   --   x_drop_type         => Either MFG or OTHERS depending on whether LPN has Mfg Picks or not
1600   --   x_multiple_drops    => Whether or not there are multiple drops on LPN
1601   --   x_drop_lpn_option   => Drop LPN Option
1602   --   x_return_status     => FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCESSS or
1603   --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR   or "W" (warning)
1605   PROCEDURE get_tasks(
1606     x_tasks           OUT NOCOPY    t_genref
1607   , x_drop_type       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1608   , x_multiple_drops  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1609   , x_drop_lpn_option OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
1610   , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1611   , p_organization_id IN            NUMBER
1612   , p_transfer_lpn_id IN            NUMBER
1613   ) IS
1615     l_api_name      VARCHAR2(30)  := 'GET_TASKS';
1616     l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
1617     l_message       VARCHAR2(400);
1619     CURSOR c_det_pick_type(p_org_id IN NUMBER, p_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
1620        SELECT DECODE (mtrh.move_order_type
1621                      , inv_globals.g_move_order_mfg_pick, 'MFG'
1622                      , 'OTHERS')
1623          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
1624             , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
1625             , mtl_txn_request_headers         mtrh
1626         WHERE mmtt.organization_id = p_org_id
1627           AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
1628           AND mtrl.line_id         = mmtt.move_order_line_id
1629           AND mtrh.header_id       = mtrl.header_id
1630           AND rownum               = 1;
1632     CURSOR c_get_mfg_drop_details(p_org_id IN NUMBER, p_lpn_id IN NUMBER) IS
1633        SELECT nvl(mmtt.transfer_subinventory,0)  transfer_subinventory
1634             , nvl(mmtt.transfer_to_location,0)   transfer_to_location
1635             , mmtt.transaction_type_id
1636             , mtrl.txn_source_id
1637             , mtrl.txn_source_line_id
1638             , mtrl.reference_id
1639          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
1640             , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
1641         WHERE mmtt.organization_id = p_org_id
1642           AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
1643           AND mtrl.line_id         = mmtt.move_order_line_id;
1645     mfg_drop_rec       c_get_mfg_drop_details%ROWTYPE;
1646     mfg_orig_drop_rec  c_get_mfg_drop_details%ROWTYPE;
1648     b_multiple_drops   BOOLEAN := FALSE;
1650     l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
1651   BEGIN
1652     -- This API just update transfer_locator of each MMTT record for
1653     -- passed transfer_lpn_id.  In case it fails, MMTT will not be updated
1654     -- and pick drop will continue.
1655     wms_op_runtime_pub_apis.update_drop_locator_for_task(
1656       x_return_status              => l_return_status
1657     , x_message                    => l_message
1658     , x_drop_lpn_option            => x_drop_lpn_option
1659     , p_transfer_lpn_id            => p_transfer_lpn_id
1660     );
1662     x_return_status  := l_return_status;
1663     x_drop_type      := 'OTHERS';
1664     x_multiple_drops := 'FALSE';
1666     -- Determine whether the LPN has Manufacturing Picks or Other Pick Types
1667     OPEN c_det_pick_type(p_organization_id, p_transfer_lpn_id);
1668     FETCH c_det_pick_type INTO x_drop_type;
1669     CLOSE c_det_pick_type;
1671     IF x_drop_type = 'MFG' THEN
1672       -- Handling the case of Bulk Picked Lines in the LPN.
1673       handle_bulk_picking(x_return_status, p_organization_id, p_transfer_lpn_id);
1674       IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
1675          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1676       END IF;
1678       -- Determine if the LPN has multiple drop destinations
1679       OPEN c_get_mfg_drop_details(p_organization_id, p_transfer_lpn_id);
1680       FETCH c_get_mfg_drop_details INTO mfg_drop_rec;
1682       IF c_get_mfg_drop_details%FOUND THEN
1683         mfg_orig_drop_rec := mfg_drop_rec;
1684         LOOP
1685           FETCH c_get_mfg_drop_details INTO mfg_drop_rec;
1686           EXIT WHEN c_get_mfg_drop_details%NOTFOUND;
1688           IF ( mfg_drop_rec.transaction_type_id          = INV_Globals.G_TYPE_XFER_ORDER_WIP_ISSUE
1689                AND mfg_orig_drop_rec.transaction_type_id = INV_Globals.G_TYPE_XFER_ORDER_WIP_ISSUE
1690                AND(( mfg_drop_rec.txn_source_id          <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.txn_source_id)
1691                     OR ( mfg_drop_rec.txn_source_line_id <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.txn_source_line_id)
1692                     OR ( mfg_drop_rec.reference_id       <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.reference_id)))
1693           OR ( mfg_drop_rec.transaction_type_id          = INV_Globals.G_TYPE_XFER_ORDER_REPL_SUBXFR
1694                AND mfg_orig_drop_rec.transaction_type_id = INV_Globals.G_TYPE_XFER_ORDER_REPL_SUBXFR
1695                AND (( mfg_drop_rec.transfer_subinventory <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.transfer_subinventory)
1696                  OR ( mfg_drop_rec.transfer_to_location  <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.transfer_to_location)))
1697           OR ( mfg_drop_rec.transaction_type_id          <> mfg_orig_drop_rec.transaction_type_id)
1698           THEN
1699             b_multiple_drops := TRUE;
1700           ELSE
1701             mfg_orig_drop_rec := mfg_drop_rec;
1702           END IF;
1704           EXIT WHEN b_multiple_drops;
1705         END LOOP;
1706       END IF;
1708       CLOSE c_get_mfg_drop_details;
1710       IF b_multiple_drops THEN
1711          x_multiple_drops := 'TRUE';
1712       END IF;
1714       -- For Mfg drops, sub xfers are first followed by component issues,
1715       -- so drops are ordered by txn action descending order
1716       -- (action id of 2 = sub xfer, action id of 1 = comp issue)
1717       OPEN x_tasks FOR
1718         SELECT   mmtt.transaction_action_id
1719                , mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1720                , mmtt.inventory_item_id            item_id
1721                , msik.concatenated_segments        item
1722                , msik.revision_qty_control_code
1723                , msik.lot_control_code
1724                , msik.serial_number_control_code
1725                , mmtt.revision
1726                , mmtt.primary_quantity
1727                , msik.primary_uom_code
1728                , mmtt.transfer_subinventory                          transfer_sub
1729                , NVL(msi.dropping_order, 0)                          sub_dropping_order
1730                , NVL(msi.picking_order, 0)                           sub_picking_order
1731                , inv_project.get_locsegs(mmtt.transfer_to_location,
1732                                          mmtt.organization_id)       transfer_loc
1733                , NVL(mil.dropping_order, 0)                          loc_dropping_order
1734                , NVL(mil.picking_order, 0)                           loc_picking_order
1735                , mmtt.transaction_type_id
1736                , mmtt.wip_entity_type
1737                , wdt.priority
1738                , wdt.task_id    taskid
1739                , wdt.task_type
1740                , inv_project.get_project_id
1741                , inv_project.get_project_number
1742                , inv_project.get_task_id
1743                , inv_project.get_task_number
1744                , 0                            wip_entity_id
1745                , 0                            repetitive_schedule_id
1746                , 0                            operation_seq_num
1747                , mmtt.transfer_to_location  --Bug#2756609
1748             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
1749                , mtl_secondary_inventories       msi
1750                , mtl_item_locations              mil
1751                , wms_dispatched_tasks            wdt
1752                , mtl_system_items_vl             msik /* Bug 5581528 */
1753            WHERE mmtt.organization_id          = p_organization_id
1754              AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id          = p_transfer_lpn_id
1755              AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = inv_globals.g_sourcetype_inventory
1756              AND mmtt.transaction_action_id    = inv_globals.g_action_subxfr
1757              AND msi.organization_id           = mmtt.organization_id
1758              AND msi.secondary_inventory_name  = mmtt.transfer_subinventory
1759              AND mmtt.organization_id          = mil.organization_id
1760              AND mmtt.transfer_subinventory    = mil.subinventory_code
1761              AND mmtt.transfer_to_location     = mil.inventory_location_id
1762              AND wdt.organization_id           = mmtt.organization_id
1763              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id       = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1764              AND wdt.status IN (3, 4)
1765              AND wdt.task_type                 = 1
1766              AND msik.organization_id          = mmtt.organization_id
1767              AND msik.inventory_item_id        = mmtt.inventory_item_id
1768         UNION ALL
1769         SELECT   mmtt.transaction_action_id
1770                , mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1771                , mmtt.inventory_item_id item_id
1772                , msik.concatenated_segments item
1773                , msik.revision_qty_control_code
1774                , msik.lot_control_code
1775                , msik.serial_number_control_code
1776                , mmtt.revision
1777                , mmtt.primary_quantity
1778                , msik.primary_uom_code
1779                , to_char(NULL)            transfer_sub
1780                , to_number(NULL)          sub_dropping_order
1781                , to_number(NULL)          sub_picking_order
1782                , to_char(NULL)            transfer_loc
1783                , to_number(NULL)          loc_dropping_order
1784                , to_number(NULL)          loc_picking_order
1785                , mmtt.transaction_type_id
1786                , mmtt.wip_entity_type
1787                , wdt.priority
1788                , wdt.task_id              taskid
1789                , wdt.task_type
1790                , to_char(NULL)
1791                , to_char(NULL)
1792                , to_char(NULL)
1793                , to_char(NULL)
1794                , mtrl.txn_source_id       wip_entity_id
1795                , mtrl.reference_id        repetitive_schedule_id
1796                , mtrl.txn_source_line_id  operation_seq_num
1797                , to_number(NULL)          transfer_to_location --Bug#2756609
1798             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
1799                , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
1800                , wms_dispatched_tasks            wdt
1801                , mtl_system_items_vl             msik /* Bug 5581528 */
1802            WHERE mmtt.organization_id          = p_organization_id
1803              AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id          = p_transfer_lpn_id
1804              AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = inv_globals.g_sourcetype_wip
1805              AND mmtt.transaction_action_id    = inv_globals.g_action_issue
1806              AND mtrl.line_id                  = mmtt.move_order_line_id
1807              AND wdt.organization_id           = mmtt.organization_id
1808              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id       = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1809              AND wdt.status IN (3, 4)
1810              AND wdt.task_type                 = 1
1811              AND msik.organization_id          = mmtt.organization_id
1812              AND msik.inventory_item_id        = mmtt.inventory_item_id
1813         ORDER BY transaction_action_id DESC
1814                , sub_dropping_order
1815                , sub_picking_order
1816                , transfer_sub
1817                , loc_dropping_order
1818                , loc_picking_order
1819                , transfer_loc
1820                , wip_entity_id
1821                , repetitive_schedule_id
1822                , operation_seq_num
1823                , item_id
1824                , revision
1825                , priority
1826                , taskid;
1827     ELSE
1828       x_drop_type := 'OTHERS';
1829       OPEN x_tasks FOR
1830         SELECT   mmtt.inventory_item_id
1831                , mmtt.lot_number
1832                , mmtt.revision
1833                , mmtt.transaction_quantity
1834                , mmtt.transaction_uom
1835                , mmtt.locator_id
1836                , mmtt.subinventory_code
1837                , nvl(inv_project.get_locsegs(mmtt.transfer_to_location, mmtt.organization_id),'') loc
1838                , msik.concatenated_segments item
1839                , mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1840                , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
1841                , mmtt.transfer_to_location
1842                , mmtt.transaction_type_id
1843                , mmtt.wip_entity_type
1844                , mmtt.transaction_source_type_id
1845                , wdt.priority priority
1846                , wdt.task_id taskid
1847                , wdt.task_type task_type
1848                , inv_project.get_project_id
1849                , inv_project.get_project_number
1850                , inv_project.get_task_id
1851                , inv_project.get_task_number
1852             FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_system_items_vl msik /* Bug 5581528 */
1853            WHERE wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
1854              AND wdt.status IN (3, 4)
1855              AND wdt.task_type IN (1, 4, 5, 7)
1856              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
1857              AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id    = p_transfer_lpn_id
1858              AND mmtt.organization_id    = msik.organization_id
1859              AND mmtt.inventory_item_id  = msik.inventory_item_id
1860         ORDER BY subinventory_code, loc, priority, taskid;
1861     END IF; -- x_drop_type = 'MFG'
1864      WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
1865         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
1867         x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1868         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
1869            mydebug('Unknown exception occurred: ' || SQLERRM, l_api_name);
1870         END IF;
1871   END get_tasks;
1873   --
1874   -- Name
1876   --
1877   -- Purpose
1878   --   Gets the list of all Lots and its Quantity for the passed in list of Transaction Temp IDs.
1879   --   Added as part of Bug#2666620. Refer it for any information.
1880   --
1881   -- Input Parameters
1882   --   p_txn_temp_id_list  => Comma delimited Transaction Temp ID List
1883   --
1884   -- Output Parameters
1885   --   x_return_status     => FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCESSS or
1886   --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
1887   --   x_lot_num_list      => Comma delimited Lot Number List
1888   --   x_lot_qty_list      => Comma delimited Lot Qty List
1889   --   x_display_serials   => Whether Serials are associated with the Txn Temp ID list.
1891   PROCEDURE get_lot_number_info(
1892     x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1893   , x_lot_num_list     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1894   , x_lot_qty_list     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1895   , x_display_serials  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
1896   , p_txn_temp_id_list IN            VARCHAR2
1897   ) IS
1898     l_api_name          VARCHAR2(30)                 := 'GET_LOT_NUMBER_INFO';
1899     l_temp_lot_num_tbl  inv_globals.varchar_tbl_type;
1900     l_temp_lot_qty_tbl  inv_globals.number_tbl_type;
1901     l_lot_num_tbl       inv_globals.varchar_tbl_type;
1902     l_lot_qty_tbl       inv_globals.number_tbl_type;
1903     l_start             NUMBER;
1904     l_end               NUMBER;
1905     l_txn_temp_id       NUMBER;
1906     l_found             BOOLEAN;
1908     CURSOR c_lot_list(p_txn_temp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1909       SELECT lot_number, SUM(primary_quantity)
1910         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
1911        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_txn_temp_id
1912        GROUP BY lot_number;
1914     CURSOR c_display_serials(p_txn_temp_id IN NUMBER) IS
1915       SELECT DECODE(COUNT(serial_transaction_temp_id), 0, 'N', 'Y')
1916         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
1917        WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_txn_temp_id;
1918    BEGIN
1919     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
1921     IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
1922        mydebug('Txn Temp ID List = '||p_txn_temp_id_list, l_api_name);
1923     END IF;
1925     l_start := 1;
1926     LOOP
1927        l_end := INSTR(p_txn_temp_id_list,',',l_start);
1928        IF l_end = 0 THEN
1929           l_end := LENGTH(p_txn_temp_id_list) + 1;
1930        END IF;
1931        -- Get the next Transaction Temp ID.
1932        l_txn_temp_id := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_txn_temp_id_list, l_start, l_end - l_start));
1934        -- For each Transaction Temp ID fetch the lots associated with it.
1935        OPEN c_lot_list(l_txn_temp_id);
1936        FETCH c_lot_list BULK COLLECT INTO l_temp_lot_num_tbl, l_temp_lot_qty_tbl;
1937        CLOSE c_lot_list;
1939        IF l_temp_lot_num_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
1940           -- If the Lot Number already Exists, then add the Quantity. Otherwise create a new record.
1941           FOR j IN l_temp_lot_num_tbl.FIRST .. l_temp_lot_num_tbl.LAST LOOP
1942             IF l_lot_num_tbl.COUNT = 0 THEN
1943                l_lot_num_tbl(1) := l_temp_lot_num_tbl(j);
1944                l_lot_qty_tbl(1) := l_temp_lot_qty_tbl(j);
1945             ELSE
1946                l_found := FALSE;
1947                FOR k IN l_lot_num_tbl.FIRST..l_lot_num_tbl.LAST LOOP
1948                   IF l_lot_num_tbl(k) = l_temp_lot_num_tbl(j) THEN
1949                      l_lot_qty_tbl(k) := l_lot_qty_tbl(k) + l_temp_lot_qty_tbl(j);
1950                      l_found          := TRUE;
1951                      EXIT;
1952                   END IF;
1953                END LOOP;
1954                IF l_found = FALSE THEN
1955                   l_lot_num_tbl(l_lot_num_tbl.COUNT + 1) := l_temp_lot_num_tbl(j);
1956                   l_lot_qty_tbl(l_lot_qty_tbl.COUNT + 1) := l_temp_lot_qty_tbl(j);
1957                END IF;
1958             END IF;
1959           END LOOP;
1960        END IF;
1962        EXIT WHEN l_end = LENGTH(p_txn_temp_id_list) + 1;
1963        l_start := l_end + 1;
1964     END LOOP;
1966     -- Converting the PLSQL records into a comma separated String.
1967     IF l_lot_num_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
1968        x_lot_num_list := l_lot_num_tbl(1);
1969        x_lot_qty_list := l_lot_qty_tbl(1);
1970        FOR i IN 2..l_lot_num_tbl.LAST LOOP
1971           x_lot_num_list := x_lot_num_list || ',' || l_lot_num_tbl(i);
1972           x_lot_qty_list := x_lot_qty_list || ',' || l_lot_qty_tbl(i);
1973        END LOOP;
1974     ELSE
1975        IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
1976           mydebug('No Lots retrieved for the current Query Criteria', l_api_name);
1977        END IF;
1978        x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1979        RETURN;
1980     END IF;
1982     -- Determine whether the Item is Serial Controlled or not.
1983     OPEN c_display_serials(l_txn_temp_id);
1984     FETCH c_display_serials INTO x_display_serials;
1985     CLOSE c_display_serials;
1988       IF c_lot_list%ISOPEN THEN
1989          CLOSE c_lot_list;
1990       END IF;
1991       IF c_display_serials%ISOPEN THEN
1992          CLOSE c_display_serials;
1993       END IF;
1994       IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
1995          mydebug('Exception while getting the Lots: ' || SQLERRM, l_api_name);
1996       END IF;
1997       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
1998   END get_lot_number_info;
2000   --
2001   -- Name
2003   --
2004   -- Purpose
2005   --   Gets the list of all Serials for the passed in list of Transaction Temp IDs. If Lot is given
2006   --   the list contains Serials belonging to that Lot alone.
2007   --   Added as part of Bug#2666620. Refer it for any information.
2008   --
2009   -- Input Parameters
2010   --   p_txn_temp_id_list  => Comma delimited Transaction Temp ID List
2011   --   p_lot_number        => Lot Number
2012   --
2013   -- Output Parameters
2014   --   x_return_status     => FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCESSS or
2015   --                          FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
2016   --   x_serial_list       => Comma delimited Serial List.
2018   PROCEDURE get_serial_numbers(
2019     x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
2020   , x_serial_list      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
2021   , p_txn_temp_id_list IN            VARCHAR2
2022   , p_lot_number       IN            VARCHAR2
2023   ) IS
2024     l_api_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'GET_SERIAL_NUMBERS';
2025     l_temp_serial_list  inv_globals.varchar_tbl_type;
2026     l_start             NUMBER;
2027     l_end               NUMBER;
2028     l_txn_temp_id       NUMBER;
2030     CURSOR c_serial_list(p_txn_temp_id IN NUMBER, p_lot_num IN VARCHAR2) IS
2031       SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number
2032         FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt, mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
2033        WHERE p_lot_num IS NOT NULL
2034          AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_txn_temp_id
2035          AND mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_num
2036          AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
2037       UNION ALL
2038       SELECT msnt.fm_serial_number
2039         FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
2040        WHERE p_lot_num IS NULL
2041          AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_txn_temp_id
2042       ORDER BY 1;
2043   BEGIN
2044     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2046     IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2047        mydebug('Txn Temp ID List = '||p_txn_temp_id_list||' : Lot Number = '||p_lot_number, l_api_name);
2048     END IF;
2050     l_start := 1;
2051     LOOP
2052        l_end := INSTR(p_txn_temp_id_list,',',l_start);
2053        IF l_end = 0 THEN
2054           l_end := LENGTH(p_txn_temp_id_list) + 1;
2055        END IF;
2056        -- Get the next Transaction Temp ID.
2057        l_txn_temp_id := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(p_txn_temp_id_list, l_start, l_end - l_start));
2059        -- Fetch the Serials associated with the Transaction Temp ID and Lot Number (If Lot Ctrl).
2060        OPEN c_serial_list(l_txn_temp_id,p_lot_number);
2061        FETCH c_serial_list BULK COLLECT INTO l_temp_serial_list;
2062        CLOSE c_serial_list;
2064        -- Converting the PLSQL records into a comma separated String
2065        IF l_temp_serial_list.COUNT > 0 THEN
2066           IF x_serial_list IS NULL THEN
2067              x_serial_list := l_temp_serial_list(1);
2068           ELSE
2069              x_serial_list := x_serial_list || ',' || l_temp_serial_list(1);
2070           END IF;
2071           FOR ii IN 2..l_temp_serial_list.LAST LOOP
2072              x_serial_list := x_serial_list || ',' || l_temp_serial_list(ii);
2073           END LOOP;
2074        END IF;
2075        l_start := l_end + 1;
2076        EXIT WHEN l_end = LENGTH(p_txn_temp_id_list) + 1;
2077     END LOOP;
2079     IF x_serial_list IS NULL THEN
2080        IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2081           mydebug('No Serials retrieved for the given Query Criteria',l_api_name);
2082        END IF;
2083        x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
2084     END IF;
2087       IF c_serial_list%ISOPEN THEN
2088         CLOSE c_serial_list;
2089       END IF;
2090       IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2091          mydebug('Exception on getting the Serials : '|| SQLERRM, l_api_name);
2092       END IF;
2093       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
2094   END get_serial_numbers;
2096   PROCEDURE manual_pick
2097     (p_employee_id           IN          NUMBER,
2098      p_effective_start_date  IN          DATE,
2099      p_effective_end_date    IN          DATE,
2100      p_organization_id       IN          NUMBER,
2101      p_subinventory_code     IN          VARCHAR2,
2102      p_equipment_id          IN          NUMBER,
2103      p_equipment_serial      IN          VARCHAR2,
2104      p_transaction_temp_id   IN          NUMBER,
2105      p_allow_unreleased_task    IN VARCHAR2     :='Y', -- for manual picking only bug 4718145
2106      x_task_type_id          OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
2107      x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
2108      x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
2109      x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS
2111     l_person_resource_id         NUMBER;
2112     l_machine_resource_id        NUMBER;
2113     l_standard_operation_id      NUMBER;
2114     l_operation_plan_id          NUMBER;
2115     l_move_order_line_id         NUMBER;
2116     l_user_id                    NUMBER;
2117     l_mmtt_rowcnt        NUMBER;
2118     l_wdt_rowcnt         NUMBER;
2119     l_undispatched_picks NUMBER;
2120     l_equipment_serial         WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS.EQUIPMENT_INSTANCE%TYPE;
2121     l_debug              NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
2122     l_status             NUMBER ;  --Bug#5157839.
2124     /*6009436 Begin */
2125     CURSOR c_fm_to_serial_number IS
2126         SELECT
2127           msnt.fm_serial_number,
2128           msnt.to_serial_number
2129           FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
2130           WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
2132      CURSOR c_fm_to_lot_serial_number IS
2133         SELECT
2134           msnt.fm_serial_number,
2135           msnt.to_serial_number
2136           FROM
2137           mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
2138           mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
2139           WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2140           AND   msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id;
2142     l_item_id            NUMBER := NULL;
2143     l_serial_ctrl_code   NUMBER;
2144     l_lot_ctrl_code      NUMBER ;
2145     l_fm_serial_number   MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP.FM_SERIAL_NUMBER%TYPE;
2146     l_to_serial_number   MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP.TO_SERIAL_NUMBER%TYPE;
2147     l_txn_hdr_id         NUMBER;
2148    /*6009436 End */
2150   BEGIN
2152      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2153         mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: In Manual Pick API', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2154         mydebug('p_allow_unreleased_task is : ' || p_allow_unreleased_task, 'MANUAL_PICK');
2155      END IF;
2157      -- Bug #4090630 - inserting NULL into WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS.equipement_instance
2158      -- if p_equipment_serial is NONE
2159      l_equipment_serial := p_equipment_serial;
2160      IF (p_equipment_serial = 'NONE') then
2161    	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2162    		mydebug('l_equipment_serial is null', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2163    	END IF;
2164   		l_equipment_serial := NULL;
2165      END IF;
2167      x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2169      l_mmtt_rowcnt    := 0;
2170      l_wdt_rowcnt     := 0;
2173      -- Restricting the user not to load the child task
2174      -- that are merged using bulk pick. Added the condition parent_line_id
2175      -- not null for the same.
2176      BEGIN
2177         IF nvl(p_allow_unreleased_task,'Y') = 'Y' THEN
2178           SELECT 1
2179             INTO l_mmtt_rowcnt
2180             FROM dual
2181             WHERE exists (SELECT 1
2182                           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
2183                           WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2184                           AND organization_id = p_organization_id
2185                           AND (parent_line_id is NULL  -- regular task
2186                                OR parent_line_id = transaction_temp_id)); -- bulk task
2187         ELSE
2188           SELECT 1
2189             INTO l_mmtt_rowcnt
2190             FROM dual
2191             WHERE exists (SELECT 1
2192                           FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
2193                           WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2194                           AND organization_id = p_organization_id
2195                           AND wms_task_status <>  8  -- unreleased
2196                           AND (
2197                                parent_line_id is NULL  -- regular task
2198                                OR parent_line_id = transaction_temp_id)); -- bulk task
2200         END IF;
2201     EXCEPTION
2202         WHEN no_data_found THEN
2203            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2204               mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: No mmtt rows found for pick slip' || p_transaction_temp_id, 'MANUAL_PICK');
2205            END IF;
2207            l_mmtt_rowcnt  := 0;
2208            fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVALID_PICKID');
2209            fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2210            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2211      END;
2213      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2214         mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: MMTT record is available', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2215      END IF;
2217     IF l_mmtt_rowcnt > 0 THEN
2218       -- Check if this line has been sent to somebody else
2220       BEGIN
2221          SELECT 1
2222            INTO l_wdt_rowcnt
2223            FROM dual
2224            WHERE exists (SELECT 1
2225                          FROM wms_dispatched_tasks t
2226                          WHERE t.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2227                          AND person_id <> p_employee_id);
2228       EXCEPTION
2230             l_wdt_rowcnt  := 0;
2231       END;
2233       IF l_wdt_rowcnt > 0 THEN
2234          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2235             mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: Task has been assigned to somebody else', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2236          END IF;
2238          fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TASK_UNAVAIL');
2239          fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2240          RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2241       ELSE
2242        BEGIN   --bug#5157839.Start fix
2243             SELECT wdt.status  INTO l_status FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
2244             WHERE wdt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
2246             IF l_status NOT  IN (1,2,3) THEN
2247                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2248                   mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: The WDT has status other than 1 or 2 ', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2249                END IF;
2250                fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INVALID_PICKID');
2251                fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2252                RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2253             END IF;
2254          EXCEPTION
2255           WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
2256             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2257                mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: The WDT is not present', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2258             END IF;
2259          END;  --bug#5157839.End of fix
2261          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2262             mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: WDT record is available', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2263          END IF;
2265          -- Update MMTT record with a new header
2266          l_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;
2268          SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL txnhdrid
2269           INTO l_txn_hdr_id
2270          FROM DUAL;
2272          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
2273            SET transaction_header_id = l_txn_hdr_id ,
2274                last_update_date      = Sysdate,
2275                last_updated_by       = l_user_id,
2276                creation_date         = Sysdate,
2277                created_by            = l_user_id
2278              , posting_flag = 'Y' -- Bug4185621: this will change the parent posting flag to 'Y' for bulking picking
2279                                   -- If not bulking picking, this has not effect
2280            WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2281            returning wms_task_type INTO x_task_type_id;
2286          BEGIN
2287             SELECT 1
2288               INTO l_wdt_rowcnt
2289               FROM dual
2290               WHERE exists (SELECT 1
2291                             FROM wms_dispatched_tasks t
2292                             WHERE t.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id);
2294             g_previous_task_status(p_transaction_temp_id) := 2;
2295          EXCEPTION
2296             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
2297                l_wdt_rowcnt  := 0;
2298                g_previous_task_status(p_transaction_temp_id) := 1;
2299          END;
2301          IF l_wdt_rowcnt = 0 THEN
2302             BEGIN
2303                SELECT bremp.resource_id role_id,
2304                       t.wms_task_type,
2305                       t.standard_operation_id,
2306                       t.operation_plan_id,
2307                       t.move_order_line_id,
2308                       t.inventory_item_id
2309                  INTO l_person_resource_id,
2310                       x_task_type_id,
2311                       l_standard_operation_id,
2312                       l_operation_plan_id,
2313                       l_move_order_line_id,
2314                       l_item_id
2315                  FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t, bom_std_op_resources bsor, bom_resources bremp
2316                  WHERE t.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
2317                  AND t.standard_operation_id = bsor.standard_operation_id
2318                  AND bsor.resource_id = bremp.resource_id
2319                  AND bremp.resource_type = 2
2320                  AND ROWNUM < 2;
2322                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2323                   mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: After getting Resource ID....', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2324                END IF;
2326             EXCEPTION
2327                WHEN no_data_found THEN
2328                   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2329                      mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: No Person Resource ID found', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2330                   END IF;
2332                   RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2333             END;
2335             IF p_equipment_id IS NOT NULL AND
2336                p_equipment_id <> -999 THEN
2337                BEGIN
2338                   -- bug fix 1772907, lezhang
2340                   SELECT resource_id
2341                     INTO l_machine_resource_id
2342                     FROM bom_resource_equipments
2343                     WHERE inventory_item_id = p_equipment_id
2344                     AND ROWNUM < 2;
2345                EXCEPTION
2346                   WHEN no_data_found THEN
2347                      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2348                         mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: No Machine Resource ID found', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2349                      END IF;
2351                      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2352                END;
2353             END IF;
2355        --Bug6009436.Begin
2356 	SELECT msi.serial_number_control_code
2357              , msi.lot_control_code
2358           INTO l_serial_ctrl_code
2359              , l_lot_ctrl_code
2360          FROM mtl_system_items msi
2361 	 WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = l_item_id
2362          AND msi.organization_id =p_organization_id ;
2364 	  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2365                mydebug('manual_pick:serial control code:'||l_serial_ctrl_code || ',lot control code :'||l_lot_ctrl_code,'MANUAL_PICK');
2366            END IF;
2368 	 IF (l_serial_ctrl_code NOT IN (1,6)  ) THEN  --Serial controlled item
2369           BEGIN
2370 	   IF (l_lot_ctrl_code > 1 ) THEN             --Serial and lot controlled item
2371    	     OPEN c_fm_to_lot_serial_number;
2372              LOOP
2373                 FETCH c_fm_to_lot_serial_number
2374                 INTO l_fm_serial_number,l_to_serial_number;
2375                 EXIT WHEN c_fm_to_lot_serial_number%NOTFOUND;
2378 	        SET  GROUP_MARK_ID=l_txn_hdr_id
2379 	        WHERE msn.current_organization_id=p_organization_id
2380 	        AND msn.inventory_item_id= l_item_id
2381 	        AND msn.SERIAL_NUMBER BETWEEN l_fm_serial_number AND
2382 	 	                                l_to_serial_number;
2383 	     END LOOP;
2384 	     CLOSE c_fm_to_lot_serial_number;
2386 	     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
2387 	     SET group_header_id= l_txn_hdr_id
2388 	     WHERE transaction_temp_id in ( SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
2389 	                                   FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
2390 					   WHERE transaction_temp_id= p_transaction_temp_id );
2391            ELSE                            --Non-Lot item
2393   	     OPEN c_fm_to_serial_number;
2394              LOOP
2395                 FETCH c_fm_to_serial_number
2396                 INTO l_fm_serial_number,l_to_serial_number;
2397                 EXIT WHEN c_fm_to_serial_number%NOTFOUND;
2399                 UPDATE MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS msn
2400                 SET  GROUP_MARK_ID=l_txn_hdr_id
2401 	        WHERE msn.current_organization_id=p_organization_id
2402 	        AND msn.inventory_item_id= l_item_id
2403 	        AND msn.SERIAL_NUMBER BETWEEN l_fm_serial_number AND
2404 		                                l_to_serial_number;
2405 	     END LOOP;
2406 	     CLOSE c_fm_to_serial_number;
2408 	     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
2409 	     SET group_header_id= l_txn_hdr_id
2410              WHERE transaction_temp_id=p_transaction_temp_id ;
2412          END IF;
2414       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2415               mydebug('manual_pick: Updated MSNT', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2416       END IF;
2418       EXCEPTION
2419          WHEN OTHERS THEN
2420            IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2421                mydebug('manual_pick:EXCEPTION!!! while updating MSNT', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2422            END IF;
2423 	   raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
2424       END ;
2425     END IF;
2426     --Bug6009436.End
2428             -- Insert into WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS for this user
2429             INSERT INTO wms_dispatched_tasks
2430               (task_id,
2431                transaction_temp_id,
2432                organization_id,
2433                user_task_type,
2434                person_id,
2435                effective_start_date,
2436                effective_end_date,
2437                equipment_id,
2438                equipment_instance,
2439                person_resource_id,
2440                machine_resource_id,
2441                status,
2442                dispatched_time,
2443                last_update_date,
2444                last_updated_by,
2445                creation_date,
2446                created_by,
2447                task_type,
2448                operation_plan_id,
2449                move_order_line_id)
2450               VALUES
2451               (wms_dispatched_tasks_s.NEXTVAL,
2452                p_transaction_temp_id,
2453                p_organization_id,
2454                l_standard_operation_id,
2455                p_employee_id,
2456                p_effective_start_date,
2457                p_effective_end_date,
2458                p_equipment_id,
2459                l_equipment_serial,
2460                l_person_resource_id,
2461                l_machine_resource_id,
2462                3, -- Dispatched
2463                SYSDATE,
2464                SYSDATE,
2465                l_user_id,
2466                SYSDATE,
2467                l_user_id,
2468                x_task_type_id,
2469                l_operation_plan_id,
2470                l_move_order_line_id);
2472             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2473                mydebug('MANUAL_PICK: After Insert into WDT', 'MANUAL_PICK');
2474             END IF;
2475          END IF;
2476       END IF;
2477     END IF; --mmtt rowcount if
2479     x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2481     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
2482       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
2483       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
2485       x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
2486       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
2487   END manual_pick;
2490   PROCEDURE get_next_task_in_group
2491     (p_employee_id              IN NUMBER,
2492      p_organization_id          IN NUMBER,
2493      p_subinventory_code        IN VARCHAR2,
2494      p_device_id                IN NUMBER,
2495      p_grouping_document_type   IN VARCHAR2,
2496      p_grouping_document_number IN NUMBER,
2497      p_grouping_source_type_id  IN NUMBER,
2498      x_task_id                  OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2499      x_transaction_temp_id      OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2500      x_task_type_id             OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2501      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
2502      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
2503      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER)
2504     IS
2505   BEGIN
2506      IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2507         mydebug('Inside get_next_task_in_group', 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2508         mydebug('Device ID: ' || p_device_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2509         mydebug('Grouping Document Type: ' || p_grouping_document_type, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2510         mydebug('Grouping Document Number: ' || p_grouping_document_number, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2511         mydebug('Grouping Source Type ID: ' || p_grouping_source_type_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2512      END IF;
2514      BEGIN
2515         g_group_sequence_number := g_group_sequence_number + 1;
2517         IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2518            mydebug('Looking for task with Group Sequence Number: ' || g_group_sequence_number, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2519         END IF;
2521         IF p_grouping_document_type = 'PICK_SLIP' THEN
2523            SELECT wdt.task_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, wdt.task_type
2524              INTO x_task_id, x_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id
2525              FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt,
2526                   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
2527              WHERE wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2528              AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2529              AND wdt.task_type in (1,4,5,6) -- Picking,Replenishment bug#8770642 BUG13985098
2530 	     AND wdt.status = 3
2531              AND Nvl(wdt.device_id, -1) = Nvl(p_device_id, -1)
2532              AND Decode(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked) = 'Y'
2533              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2534              AND Decode(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code, p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2535              AND mmtt.pick_slip_number = p_grouping_document_number
2536              AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number;
2538          ELSIF p_grouping_document_type = 'ORDER' THEN
2540            SELECT wdt.task_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, wdt.task_type
2541              INTO x_task_id, x_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id
2542              FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt,
2543                   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
2544              WHERE wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2545              AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2546              AND wdt.task_type = 1 -- Picking
2547              AND wdt.status = 3
2548              AND Nvl(wdt.device_id, -1) = Nvl(p_device_id, -1)
2549              AND Decode(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked) = 'Y'
2550              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2551              AND Decode(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code, p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2552              AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id = p_grouping_source_type_id
2553              AND mmtt.transaction_source_id = p_grouping_document_number
2554              AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number;
2556          ELSIF p_grouping_document_type = 'CARTON'  THEN
2557 	   /* bug9507152 */
2558 	   SELECT task_id, transaction_temp_id, task_type
2559              INTO x_task_id, x_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id
2560 	     FROM   (SELECT   wdt.task_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, wdt.task_type
2561 	     FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt,
2562                   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
2563 		  mtl_secondary_inventories msi,
2564 		  mtl_item_locations mil
2565 	     WHERE wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2566              AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2567              AND wdt.task_type = 1 -- Picking
2568              AND wdt.status = 3
2569              AND Nvl(wdt.device_id, -1) = Nvl(p_device_id, -1)
2570              AND Decode(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked) = 'Y'
2571              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2572              AND Decode(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code, p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2573              AND mmtt.cartonization_id = p_grouping_document_number
2574              --AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number;
2575 	     AND mmtt.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
2576 	     AND mmtt.organization_id = msi.organization_id
2577              AND mmtt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
2578 	     AND mmtt.organization_id = mil.organization_id
2579 	     ORDER BY wdt.priority DESC, msi.picking_order, mil.picking_order,wdt.task_id
2580 	     )
2581 	     WHERE  ROWNUM < 2;
2582 	   /* bug9507152 */
2583 	--Bug: 7254397 added for ClusterPickByLabel
2584         ELSIF p_grouping_document_type = 'CLUSTERPICKBYLABEL'  THEN
2586            SELECT wdt.task_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, wdt.task_type
2587              INTO x_task_id, x_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id
2588              FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt,
2589                   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
2590              WHERE wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2591              AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2592              AND wdt.task_type = 1 -- Picking
2593              AND wdt.status = 3
2594              AND Nvl(wdt.device_id, -1) = Nvl(p_device_id, -1)
2595              AND Decode(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked) = 'Y'
2596              AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2597              AND Decode(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code, p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2598              --AND mmtt.cartonization_id = p_grouping_document_number
2599              AND mmtt.cartonization_id IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(list_cartonization_id))
2600              AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number;
2601          ELSIF p_grouping_document_type = 'CLUSTER' THEN    -- for cluster picking
2603            SELECT task_id, transaction_temp_id, task_type
2604              INTO x_task_id, x_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id
2605              FROM (select wdt.task_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id, wdt.task_type
2606                      FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt,
2607                           mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
2608                           mtl_secondary_inventories msi,
2609                           mtl_item_locations mil
2610                      WHERE wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2611                        AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2612                        AND wdt.task_type = 1 -- Picking
2613                        AND wdt.status = 3
2614                        AND wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2615                        AND Decode(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code,
2616                         p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2617                        AND mmtt.subinventory_code = msi.secondary_inventory_name
2618                        AND mmtt.organization_id = msi.organization_id
2619                        AND mmtt.locator_id = mil.inventory_location_id
2620                        AND mmtt.organization_id = mil.organization_id
2621                        AND wdt.task_method = 'CLUSTER'
2622                    ORDER BY msi.picking_order, mil.picking_order, wdt.priority, wdt.status, wdt.task_id
2623                   )
2624             WHERE rownum <2;
2625 	 --Added for Case Picking Project start
2626 	 ELSIF ( p_grouping_document_type = 'MANIFESTORDER' ) THEN
2628 	        IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2629 			mydebug('MANIFESTORDER ' || g_group_sequence_number, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2630 		END IF;
2632 		SELECT     task_id            ,
2633 			   transaction_temp_id,
2634 			   task_type
2635 		INTO       x_task_id            ,
2636 			   x_transaction_temp_id,
2637 			   x_task_type_id
2638 		FROM (
2639 			SELECT     wdt.task_id             ,
2640 				   mmtt.transaction_temp_id,
2641 				   wdt.task_type
2642 			FROM       wms_dispatched_tasks wdt           ,
2643 				   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
2644 				   mtl_secondary_inventories msi      ,
2645 				   mtl_item_locations mil
2646 			WHERE  wdt.person_id                                                                 = p_employee_id
2647 			   AND wdt.organization_id                                                           = p_organization_id
2648 			   AND wdt.task_type                                                                 = 1 -- Picking
2649 			   AND wdt.status                                                                    = 3
2650 			   AND NVL(wdt.device_id, -1)                                                        = NVL(p_device_id, -1)
2651 			   AND DECODE(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked)                          ='Y'
2652 			   AND wdt.transaction_temp_id                                                       = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2653 			   AND DECODE(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code,p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2654 			   AND mmtt.subinventory_code                                                        = msi.secondary_inventory_name
2655 			   AND mmtt.organization_id                                                          = msi.organization_id
2656 			   AND mmtt.locator_id                                                               = mil.inventory_location_id
2657 			   AND mmtt.organization_id                                                          = mil.organization_id
2658 			   AND wdt.task_method                                                               = 'MANIFESTORDER'
2659 			   AND mmtt.transaction_source_type_id                                               = p_grouping_source_type_id
2660 			   AND mmtt.transaction_source_id IN  ( SELECT sales_order_id FROM mtl_sales_orders WHERE segment1 IN (SELECT  *  FROM    TABLE(list_order_numbers))   ) --Modified for bug 13644087,previously comparing transaction source id with order number
2661 			   AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number
2662 			   AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NULL  -- Added for bulk task
2663 			ORDER BY msi.picking_order, mil.picking_order, wdt.priority , wdt.status , wdt.task_id
2664 		      )
2665 		WHERE  rownum <2;
2667 		IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2668 			mydebug('MANIFESTORDER x_task_id' || x_task_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2669 			mydebug('MANIFESTORDER x_transaction_temp_id' || x_transaction_temp_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2670 			mydebug('MANIFESTORDER x_task_type_id' || x_task_type_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2671 		END IF;
2673 	ELSIF ( p_grouping_document_type = 'MANIFESTPICKSLIP' ) THEN
2675 		IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2676 			mydebug('Looking for task with Group Sequence Number: ' || g_group_sequence_number, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2677 		END IF;
2679 		SELECT     task_id            ,
2680 			   transaction_temp_id,
2681 			   task_type
2682 		INTO       x_task_id            ,
2683 			   x_transaction_temp_id,
2684 			   x_task_type_id
2685 		FROM (
2686 			SELECT     wdt.task_id             ,
2687 				   mmtt.transaction_temp_id,
2688 				   wdt.task_type
2689 			FROM       wms_dispatched_tasks wdt           ,
2690 				   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
2691 				   mtl_secondary_inventories msi      ,
2692 				   mtl_item_locations mil
2693 			WHERE  wdt.person_id                                                                 = p_employee_id
2694 			   AND wdt.organization_id                                                           = p_organization_id
2695 			   AND wdt.task_type                                                                 = 1 -- Picking
2696 			   AND wdt.status                                                                    = 3
2697 			   AND NVL(wdt.device_id, -1)                                                        = NVL(p_device_id, -1)
2698 			   AND DECODE(wdt.device_id, NULL, 'Y', wdt.device_invoked)                          ='Y'
2699 			   AND wdt.transaction_temp_id                                                       = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
2700 			   AND DECODE(p_subinventory_code, NULL, mmtt.subinventory_code,p_subinventory_code) = mmtt.subinventory_code
2701 			   AND mmtt.subinventory_code                                                        = msi.secondary_inventory_name
2702 			   AND mmtt.organization_id                                                          = msi.organization_id
2703 			   AND mmtt.locator_id                                                               = mil.inventory_location_id
2704 			   AND mmtt.organization_id                                                          = mil.organization_id
2705 			   AND wdt.task_method                                                               = 'MANIFESTPICKSLIP'
2706 			   AND mmtt.pick_slip_number IN (SELECT * FROM    TABLE(list_pick_slip_numbers) )
2707 			   AND wdt.task_group_id = g_group_sequence_number
2708 			   AND mmtt.parent_line_id IS NULL  -- Added for bulk task
2709 			ORDER BY msi.picking_order, mil.picking_order, wdt.priority , wdt.status , wdt.task_id
2710 		     )
2711 		WHERE  rownum <2;
2713 	      IF (g_trace_on = 1) THEN
2714 		      mydebug('MANIFESTPICKSLIP x_task_id' || x_task_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2715 		      mydebug('MANIFESTPICKSLIP x_transaction_temp_id' || x_transaction_temp_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2716 		      mydebug('MANIFESTPICKSLIP x_task_type_id' || x_task_type_id, 'GET_NEXT_TASK_IN_GROUP');
2717 	      END IF;
2718 	  --Added for Case Picking Project start
2720         END IF;
2721      EXCEPTION
2722         WHEN no_data_found THEN
2723            NULL;
2724      END;
2725   END get_next_task_in_group;
2727   PROCEDURE next_task
2728     (p_employee_id              IN NUMBER,
2729      p_effective_start_date     IN DATE,
2730      p_effective_end_date       IN DATE,
2731      p_organization_id          IN NUMBER,
2732      p_subinventory_code        IN VARCHAR2,
2733      p_equipment_id             IN NUMBER,
2734      p_equipment_serial         IN VARCHAR2,
2735      p_number_of_devices        IN NUMBER,
2736      p_device_id                IN NUMBER,
2737      p_task_filter              IN VARCHAR2,
2738      p_task_method              IN VARCHAR2,
2739      p_prioritize_dispatched_tasks IN VARCHAR2 := 'N', -- 4560814
2740      p_retain_dispatch_task	IN VARCHAR2	:= 'N', -- 4560814
2741      p_allow_unreleased_task    IN VARCHAR2     :='Y', -- for manual picking only bug 4718145
2742      p_max_clusters             IN NUMBER := null, -- added for cluster picking
2743      p_dispatch_needed          IN VARCHAR2 := 'Y', -- added for cluster picking
2744      x_grouping_document_type   IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
2745      x_grouping_document_number IN OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2746      x_grouping_source_type_id  IN OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2747      x_is_changed_group         IN OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
2748      x_task_info                OUT nocopy t_genref,
2749      x_task_number              OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2750      x_num_of_tasks             OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2751      x_task_type_id             OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2752      x_avail_device_id          OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2753      x_device_request_id        OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2754      x_return_status            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
2755      x_msg_count                OUT nocopy NUMBER,
2756      x_msg_data                 OUT nocopy VARCHAR2)
2757     IS
2758        l_cartonization_id         NUMBER;
2759        l_device_id                NUMBER := p_device_id;
2760        l_equipment_id             NUMBER := p_equipment_id;
2761        l_equipment_serial         WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS.EQUIPMENT_INSTANCE%TYPE;
2762        l_subinventory_code        VARCHAR2(10) := p_subinventory_code;
2763        l_assignment_temp_id       NUMBER;
2764        l_loop_device_id           NUMBER;
2766        l_task_id                  NUMBER;
2767        l_transaction_temp_id      NUMBER;
2768        l_next_transaction_temp_id NUMBER;
2769        l_device_invoked           VARCHAR2(1);
2771        task_record                task_record_type;
2772        l_task_cursor              task_cursor_type;
2774        l_request_msg              VARCHAR2(200);
2776        l_error_code               NUMBER;
2778        l_task_from_group          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2779        l_need_dispatch            BOOLEAN := TRUE;
2780        l_invoked_device_id        NUMBER;
2781        l_first_task               VARCHAR2(1);
2783        l_open_past_period         BOOLEAN;
2784        l_request_id               NUMBER;
2786        l_group_sequence_number    NUMBER;
2787        l_deliveries_list          VARCHAR2(2000);
2788        l_cartons_list             VARCHAR2(2000);
2789        l_user_id                  NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id;
2790        l_count                    NUMBER := 0;
2791        I                          NUMBER :=0;
2792        J                          NUMBER :=NULL;
2794 -- Following variables were added for bug fix 4507435
2795        l_task_method_wdt		VARCHAR2(15);
2796        l_count_wdt			NUMBER;
2797        l_cluster_size_wdt		NUMBER;
2798        l_return_status		VARCHAR2(1);
2799        l_pick_slip_number	NUMBER;
2800        l_is_manifest_pick         VARCHAR2(1); --Added for Case Picking Project
2801        l_is_cluster_pick          VARCHAR2(1);
2804     CURSOR following_device_list(p_emp_id NUMBER, p_current_device_temp_id NUMBER) IS
2805       SELECT wdat.device_id,
2806              wdat.assignment_temp_id,
2807              wdb.subinventory_code
2808       FROM wms_device_assignment_temp wdat, wms_devices_b wdb
2809       WHERE wdat.assignment_temp_id >= p_current_device_temp_id
2810         AND wdat.employee_id = p_emp_id
2811         AND wdb.device_type_id <> 100
2812         AND wdat.device_id = wdb.device_id
2813       ORDER BY wdat.assignment_temp_id;
2815     CURSOR preceding_device_list(p_emp_id NUMBER, p_current_device_temp_id NUMBER) IS
2816       SELECT wdat.device_id,
2817              wdat.assignment_temp_id,
2818              wdb.subinventory_code
2819       FROM wms_device_assignment_temp wdat, wms_devices_b wdb
2820       WHERE wdat.assignment_temp_id < p_current_device_temp_id
2821         AND wdat.employee_id = p_emp_id
2822         AND wdb.device_type_id <> 100
2823         AND wdat.device_id = wdb.device_id
2824       ORDER BY wdat.assignment_temp_id;
2826 	-- Following cursor is for 4507435, to count the dispatched cluster size
2827       CURSOR cluster_size_wdt IS SELECT mmtt.transaction_source_id, count (*)
2828 	FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
2829 	WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = wdt.transaction_temp_id
2830 	AND wdt.status = 3
2831 	AND wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
2832 	AND wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
2833 	AND wdt.task_method = 'CLUSTER'
2834 	GROUP BY mmtt.transaction_source_id;
2836      --Bug#5188179.Cursor for task filter
2837       CURSOR c_task_filter(v_filter_name VARCHAR2) IS
2838       SELECT task_filter_source, task_filter_value
2839         FROM wms_task_filter_b wtf, wms_task_filter_dtl wtfd
2840         WHERE task_filter_name = v_filter_name
2841         AND wtf.task_filter_id = wtfd.task_filter_id;
2843     l_task_status           NUMBER; -- bug 4310093
2845     l_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
2846     l_api_name              VARCHAR2(30) := 'WMS_PICKING_PKG.NEXT_TASK';
2847     --
2848     -- Bug 4722574
2849     --
2850     l_ignore_equipment      NUMBER;
2851     --
2852     l_max_seq_number        NUMBER :=0; -- Bug#5185031
2854     --Bug#5188179
2855     l_so_allowed            NUMBER  := 0;
2856     l_io_allowed            NUMBER  := 0;
2857     l_wip_allowed           NUMBER  := 0;
2858     l_mot_allowed           NUMBER  := 0;
2859     l_rep_allowed           NUMBER  := 0;
2860     l_moi_allowed           NUMBER  := 0;
2861     --Bug#5188179
2863     l_wdt_count							NUMBER; -- Bug# 5599049
2865      --Bug#8322661
2866     l_dup_task              BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2867     l_first_task_id         NUMBER;
2868     l_task_type_id          NUMBER;
2869   BEGIN
2871      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2872         mydebug('- - - - - - - - -', l_api_name);
2873      END IF;
2875      -- Establish a savepoint
2876      SAVEPOINT next_task_sp;
2878      x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
2880      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2881         mydebug('Need to check if the period is open', l_api_name);
2882      END IF;
2884      -- Clear the message stack
2885      fnd_msg_pub.delete_msg;
2887      -- Check if the period is open
2888      -- TODO: Cache this
2889      IF g_period_id IS NULL THEN
2890         invttmtx.tdatechk(org_id           => p_organization_id,
2891                           transaction_date => SYSDATE,
2892                           period_id        => g_period_id,
2893                           open_past_period => l_open_past_period);
2894      END IF;
2896      IF g_period_id <= 0 THEN
2897         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2898            mydebug('Period is invalid', l_api_name);
2899         END IF;
2901         fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_NO_OPEN_PERIOD');
2902         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
2903         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
2904      END IF;
2906      -- Ignore devices if multiple device signon and task methods not in
2907      -- discrete/wave
2908      IF p_number_of_devices > 1 AND p_task_method NOT IN ('DISCRETE', 'WAVE') THEN
2909         l_device_id := NULL;
2910      END IF;
2912      IF l_device_id = 0 THEN
2913         l_device_id := NULL;
2914      END IF;
2916      IF l_equipment_id = 0 THEN
2917         l_equipment_id  := NULL;
2918      END IF;
2920      -- Bug #4090630 - passing NONE to the task dispatching engine if
2921      -- p_equipment_serial is NULL
2922      l_equipment_serial := p_equipment_serial;
2923      IF (l_equipment_id is null and l_equipment_serial is null) then
2924    	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2925    		mydebug('l_equipment_id is null and l_equipment_serial is null', l_api_name);
2926    	END IF;
2927         --
2928         -- Start Bug 4722574
2929         --
2930         l_ignore_equipment := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('WMS_IGNORE_EQUIPMENT'), 1);
2931         IF l_ignore_equipment = 2 THEN
2932          l_equipment_serial := 'NONE';
2933         END IF;
2934         --
2935         -- End Bug 4722574
2936         --
2937      END IF;
2940      IF x_grouping_document_type IS NULL THEN
2941         IF p_task_method = 'DISCRETE' THEN
2942            x_grouping_document_type := 'PICK_SLIP';
2943          ELSIF p_task_method = 'ORDERPICK' THEN
2944            x_grouping_document_type := 'ORDER';
2945          ELSIF p_task_method = 'PICKBYLABEL' THEN
2946            x_grouping_document_type := 'CARTON';
2947          ELSIF p_task_method = 'CLUSTER' THEN
2948            x_grouping_document_type := 'CLUSTER';   -- for cluster picking
2949          ELSIF p_task_method = 'MANUAL' THEN
2950            x_grouping_document_type := 'TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID';
2951         END IF;
2952      END IF;
2954      IF x_grouping_document_number = 0 THEN
2955         x_grouping_document_number := NULL;
2956      END IF;
2958      IF x_grouping_document_type = 'CARTON' THEN
2959         l_cartonization_id := x_grouping_document_number;
2960       ELSIF x_grouping_document_type = 'CYCLE_COUNT' THEN
2961         x_grouping_document_number := NULL;
2962      END IF;
2964      x_num_of_tasks := 0;
2966      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2967         mydebug('Device ID: ' || l_device_id, l_api_name);
2968         mydebug('Equipment ID: ' || l_equipment_id, l_api_name);
2969         mydebug('Equipment Instance:'|| l_equipment_serial, l_api_name);
2970         mydebug('Grouping Document Type: ' || x_grouping_document_type, l_api_name);
2971         mydebug('Grouping Document Number: ' || x_grouping_document_number, l_api_name);
2972         mydebug('Task Method: ' || p_task_method, l_api_name);
2974         mydebug('Current Group Sequence Number: ' || g_group_sequence_number, l_api_name);
2975         mydebug('Maximum Group Sequence Number: ' || g_max_group_sequence_number, l_api_name);
2976      END IF;
2978      --viks selecting temp-ids form pl/sql table for the split task when start_over
2979    --button is pressed
2981        l_count := g_start_over_tempid.COUNT;
2983        IF      l_count > 0 THEN
2986         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2987          FOR I in g_start_over_tempid.FIRST .. g_start_over_tempid.LAST LOOP
2988           mydebug('Tempid in I loop : ', g_start_over_tempid(I));
2989           IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
2990           mydebug ('Tempid  not found ',I );
2991           END IF;
2992          END LOOP;
2993         END IF;
2996         l_next_transaction_temp_id := g_start_over_tempid(g_start_over_tempid.FIRST);
2997         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
2998          mydebug('Tempid count ' || l_count ,l_next_transaction_temp_id);
2999         mydebug ('First Index is ' , g_start_over_tempid.FIRST);
3000         END IF;
3002         UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
3003         SET transaction_header_id = mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL,
3004                        last_update_date      = Sysdate,
3005                        last_updated_by       = l_user_id
3006         WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_next_transaction_temp_id
3007         returning wms_task_type INTO x_task_type_id;
3008         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3009         mydebug('Tempid in table to be deleted viks : ', l_next_transaction_temp_id );
3010         END IF;
3012         g_start_over_tempid.DELETE(g_start_over_tempid.FIRST);
3014       END IF; --viks changes end
3016     -- BugFix #4507435
3017      IF(p_prioritize_dispatched_tasks = 'Y') THEN -- default 'N'
3019 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3020 	 mydebug('Before fetching from MMTT...','');
3021          mydebug('PRIORITIZE_DISPATCHED_TASK: ' || p_prioritize_dispatched_tasks, '');
3022 	 mydebug('GROUPING DOCUMENT NUMBER: '|| x_grouping_document_number,'');
3023 	 mydebug('GROUPING SOURCE TYPE ID: '|| x_grouping_source_type_id,'');
3024         END IF;
3025         BEGIN
3027 	       --Bug#5188179.The dispatched tasks should be filtered as per task_filter.
3028                FOR task_filter_rec IN c_task_filter(p_task_filter) LOOP
3029                       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3030                         mydebug('Task Filter Source: ' || task_filter_rec.task_filter_source, '');
3031                         mydebug('Task Filter Value: ' || task_filter_rec.task_filter_value, '');
3032                       END IF;
3034                      IF task_filter_rec.task_filter_value = 'Y' THEN
3035                          IF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 1 THEN -- Internal Order
3036                               l_io_allowed        := 1;
3037                          ELSIF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 2 THEN -- Move Order Issue
3038                               l_moi_allowed       := 1;
3039                          ELSIF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 3 THEN -- Move Order Transfer
3040                               l_mot_allowed       := 1;
3041                          ELSIF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 4 THEN -- Replenishment
3042                               l_rep_allowed       := 1;
3043                          ELSIF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 5 THEN -- Sales Order
3044                               l_so_allowed        := 1;
3045                          ELSIF task_filter_rec.task_filter_source = 6 THEN -- Work Order
3046                               l_wip_allowed       := 1;
3047                          END IF;
3048                     END IF;
3049                 END LOOP; --Bug#5188179.End of fix.
3052 	       -- Bug#5185031 Fetched the value for l_max_seq_number.
3053 	       select wdt.task_method, count(*),  max(wdt.task_group_id)
3054 	        into l_task_method_wdt, l_count_wdt ,l_max_seq_number
3055                 from wms_dispatched_tasks wdt, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
3056 		where mmtt.transaction_temp_id = wdt.transaction_temp_id
3057 		and wdt.status = 3
3058 		and wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
3059 		and wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
3060                 and Decode(mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,   /*Bug5188179. Apply task filter*/
3061                              2, l_so_allowed,
3062                              4, Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 1, l_moi_allowed, 2, decode(wms_task_type, 4, l_rep_allowed, l_mot_allowed)),
3063                              5, Decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id, 35, l_wip_allowed),
3064                              8, l_io_allowed,
3065                              13, Decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id,
3066                                    51, l_wip_allowed,
3067                                    Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 2, decode(wms_task_type, 4, l_rep_allowed)))) = 1
3069 		group by wdt.task_method;
3071 	        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3072 	           mydebug(l_task_method_wdt|| ' : ' || l_count_wdt,'');
3073                 END IF;
3075 		IF l_count_wdt > 0 AND p_task_method <> l_task_method_wdt THEN
3076 			mydebug('Dispatched tasks need be completed first. Use the picking method used before','');
3077 			x_return_status := 'E';
3078 			x_msg_data := l_task_method_wdt;
3079 			RETURN;
3080 		END IF;
3082 		mydebug('No Tasks in WDT','');
3083 	END;
3085 	IF l_task_method_wdt = 'CLUSTER' THEN
3086 		l_cluster_size_wdt := 0;
3087 		for rec in cluster_size_wdt loop
3088 			l_cluster_size_wdt := l_cluster_size_wdt + 1;
3089 		end loop;
3090 		IF l_cluster_size_wdt <> p_max_clusters THEN
3091 			mydebug('Dispatched cluster size and input cluster size doesnt match','');
3092 			l_return_status := 'W';
3093 			x_msg_data := l_cluster_size_wdt;
3094 		ELSE
3095 			mydebug('Dispatched cluster size and input cluster size matches','');
3096 		END IF;
3097 	END IF;
3098 	-- check if any dispatched tasks in WDT
3099 	-- fetch the document number, source type id
3100 	IF l_count_wdt > 0 AND x_grouping_source_type_id IS NULL AND ( x_grouping_document_number IS NULL OR
3101 		( x_grouping_document_number IS NOT NULL AND x_grouping_document_type = 'CARTON') ) THEN
3102 		-- Bug 4597257, Changed the condition since for cartonized tasks, the grouping_document_number wont be null
3103 	     BEGIN
3106                 -- bug 5266450
3107 		-- Change select pending tasks as sub-query with order by first
3108 		-- Move rownum clause out of the order by query to ensure the lowerest
3109 		-- row is selected from the pending tasks
3110 		--
3111 		-- bug 5094839
3112 		-- Restore task_goup_id in the select statement to
3113 		-- (task_group_id - 1) for getting the correct task_group_id
3115 		select transaction_source_id, transaction_source_type_id, device_id,
3116 		       (task_group_id - 1), pick_slip_number, cartonization_id
3118 		INTO x_grouping_document_number, x_grouping_source_type_id, l_device_id,
3119 		     g_group_sequence_number, l_pick_slip_number, l_cartonization_id
3121 		From
3122 		( select mmtt.transaction_source_id, mmtt.transaction_source_type_id, wdt.device_id,
3123 			wdt.task_group_id, mmtt.pick_slip_number, mmtt.cartonization_id
3125 		  from mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
3126 		  where mmtt.transaction_temp_id = wdt.transaction_temp_id
3127 		  and wdt.status = 3
3128 		  and wdt.person_id = p_employee_id
3129 		  and wdt.organization_id = p_organization_id
3130 		  and Decode(mmtt.transaction_source_type_id,   /*Bug5188179. Apply task filter*/
3131                              2, l_so_allowed,
3132                              4, Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 1, l_moi_allowed, 2, decode(wms_task_type, 4, l_rep_allowed, l_mot_allowed)),
3133                              5, Decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id, 35, l_wip_allowed),
3134                              8, l_io_allowed,
3135                              13, Decode(mmtt.transaction_type_id,
3136                                    51, l_wip_allowed,
3137                                    Decode(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 2, decode(wms_task_type, 4, l_rep_allowed)))) = 1
3138 		  order by wdt.task_group_id, wdt.transaction_temp_id )-- 4584860
3139 		  Where rownum = 1;  -- bug 5264450
3142 		IF x_grouping_document_type = 'PICK_SLIP' THEN -- Added this for 4580273
3143 			x_grouping_document_number := l_pick_slip_number;
3144 		ELSIF x_grouping_document_type = 'CARTON' THEN
3145 			x_grouping_document_number := l_cartonization_id;
3146 		END IF;
3148 		IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3149 		 mydebug('After fetching from MMTT...','');
3150 		 mydebug('PRIORITIZE_DISPATCHED_TASK: ' || p_prioritize_dispatched_tasks, '');
3151 		 mydebug('GROUPING DOCUMENT NUMBER: '|| x_grouping_document_number,'');
3152 		 mydebug('GROUPING SOURCE TYPE ID: '|| x_grouping_source_type_id,'');
3153 		END IF;
3154 		-- If the above select doesnt return any rows, just fetch it from MMTT as usual
3156 			mydebug('No Task in WDT, so fetching from MMTT: ','');
3157 	    END;
3158 	END IF;
3159     END IF;
3160     -- End of Code #4507435
3162     --Bug#5185031 Added the IF block.
3163     IF g_max_group_sequence_number <= 0 THEN
3164        g_max_group_sequence_number := l_max_seq_number;
3165     END IF;
3167     -- Get next task in group
3169     IF (l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NULL) THEN
3171      IF (p_task_method NOT IN ('MANUAL') AND
3172          x_grouping_document_number IS NOT NULL AND
3173          (g_group_sequence_number <= g_max_group_sequence_number) AND
3174          (p_number_of_devices <= 1 OR l_device_id IS null))
3175            OR (p_task_method = 'CLUSTER' AND p_dispatch_needed = 'N') -- cluster picking
3176 	   OR (p_task_method = 'CLUSTERPICKBYLABEL') -- cluster pick by label
3177      THEN
3178         get_next_task_in_group
3179           (p_employee_id              => p_employee_id,
3180            p_organization_id          => p_organization_id,
3181            p_subinventory_code        => p_subinventory_code,
3182            p_device_id                => l_device_id,
3183            p_grouping_document_type   => x_grouping_document_type,
3184            p_grouping_document_number => x_grouping_document_number,
3185            p_grouping_source_type_id  => x_grouping_source_type_id,
3186            x_task_id                  => l_task_id,
3187            x_transaction_temp_id      => l_next_transaction_temp_id,
3188            x_task_type_id             => x_task_type_id,
3189            x_return_status            => x_return_status,
3190            x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data,
3191            x_msg_count                => x_msg_count);
3193         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3194            mydebug('Return Status from get_next_task_in_group: ' || x_return_status,l_api_name);
3195         END IF;
3197         IF x_return_status = 'U' THEN
3198            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3199          ELSIF x_return_status = 'E' THEN
3200            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
3201         END IF;
3203         IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3204            x_num_of_tasks := 1;
3205            l_task_from_group := TRUE;
3206         END IF;
3208       ELSIF p_task_method = 'MANUAL' THEN
3209         manual_pick
3210           (p_employee_id           =>  p_employee_id,
3211            p_effective_start_date  =>  p_effective_start_date,
3212            p_effective_end_date    =>  p_effective_end_date,
3213            p_organization_id       =>  p_organization_id,
3214            p_subinventory_code     =>  p_subinventory_code,
3215            p_equipment_id          =>  p_equipment_id,
3216            p_equipment_serial      =>  l_equipment_serial,
3217            p_transaction_temp_id   =>  x_grouping_document_number,
3218            p_allow_unreleased_task =>  p_allow_unreleased_task,
3219            x_task_type_id          =>  x_task_type_id,
3220            x_return_status         =>  x_return_status,
3221            x_msg_count             =>  x_msg_count,
3222            x_msg_data              =>  x_msg_data);
3224         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3225            mydebug('Return Status from manual_pick: ' || x_return_status,l_api_name);
3226         END IF;
3228         IF x_return_status = 'U' THEN
3229            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3230          ELSIF x_return_status = 'E' THEN
3231            RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
3232         END IF;
3234         l_next_transaction_temp_id := x_grouping_document_number;
3235         x_num_of_tasks := 1;
3237         g_max_group_sequence_number := 1;
3238         g_group_sequence_number := 1;
3239      END IF;
3240     END IF;
3242      IF g_group_sequence_number > g_max_group_sequence_number THEN
3243         x_is_changed_group := 'Y';
3244       ELSE
3245         x_is_changed_group := 'N';
3246      END IF;
3248      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3249         mydebug('Next Transaction Temp ID: ' || l_next_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
3250      END IF;
3252      IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NULL and (p_dispatch_needed IS NULL
3253                                                 OR p_dispatch_needed <>'N')  THEN
3255         x_is_changed_group := 'Y';
3257         IF l_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3258            -- Get the subinventory and the assignment temp ID
3259            SELECT wdat.assignment_temp_id, wd.subinventory_code
3260              INTO l_assignment_temp_id, l_subinventory_code
3261              FROM wms_device_assignment_temp wdat, wms_devices_b wd
3262              WHERE wdat.device_id = l_device_id
3263              AND wdat.device_id = wd.device_id
3264              AND wdat.employee_id = p_employee_id;
3266            IF p_number_of_devices <= 1 OR
3267              p_task_method IN ('DISCRETE', 'WAVE') THEN
3268               OPEN following_device_list(p_employee_id, l_assignment_temp_id);
3269               OPEN preceding_device_list(p_employee_id, l_assignment_temp_id);
3270             ELSE
3271               l_device_id := NULL;
3272            END IF;
3273         END IF;
3275         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3276            mydebug('Device ID: ' || l_device_id, l_api_name);
3277         END IF;
3278         LOOP
3279            IF l_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3281               <<search_device_loop>>
3282                 -- loop to find the available task and check if we need to dispatch task to some devices
3283                 LOOP
3284                    FETCH following_device_list INTO l_loop_device_id, l_assignment_temp_id, l_subinventory_code;
3286                    IF (following_device_list%NOTFOUND) THEN
3287                       FETCH preceding_device_list INTO l_loop_device_id, l_assignment_temp_id, l_subinventory_code;
3289                       IF (preceding_device_list%NOTFOUND) THEN
3290                          CLOSE following_device_list;
3291                          CLOSE preceding_device_list;
3293                          l_need_dispatch := FALSE;
3294                          EXIT search_device_loop;
3295                       END IF;
3296                    END IF;
3298                    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3299                       mydebug('Loop Device ID: ' || l_loop_device_id, l_api_name);
3300                       mydebug('Subinventory: ' || l_subinventory_code, l_api_name);
3301                    END IF;
3303                    BEGIN
3304                       SELECT transaction_temp_id, task_type,
3305                              device_invoked, device_request_id
3306                         INTO l_transaction_temp_id, x_task_type_id,
3307                              l_device_invoked, l_request_id
3308                         FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
3309                         WHERE person_id = p_employee_id
3310                         AND organization_id = p_organization_id
3311                         AND device_id = l_loop_device_id
3312                         AND task_type IN(1, 3, 4, 5, 6)
3313                         AND status = 3
3314                         AND ROWNUM = 1
3315                         ORDER BY 1;
3317                       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3318                          mydebug('Transaction Temp ID: ' || l_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
3319                          mydebug('Device Invoked: ' || l_device_invoked, l_api_name);
3320                       END IF;
3322                       IF l_device_invoked = 'N' AND x_task_type_id <> 3 THEN
3323                          wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request
3324                            (p_bus_event      => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_pick_load,
3325                             p_call_ctx       => wms_device_integration_pvt.dev_req_auto,
3326                             p_task_trx_id    => l_transaction_temp_id,
3327                             p_org_id         => p_organization_id,
3328                             x_request_msg    => l_request_msg,
3329                             x_return_status  => x_return_status,
3330                             x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
3331                             x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
3332                             p_request_id     => l_request_id);
3334                          -- always dispatch the task whether invoking device successfully or not
3335                          -- So update the table always
3337                          UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
3338                            SET device_invoked = 'Y',
3339                                device_request_id = l_request_id
3340                            WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
3342                          IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3343                             IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3344                                mydebug('Failed to invoke device ' || TO_CHAR(l_loop_device_id), l_api_name);
3345                             END IF;
3346                          END IF;
3347                       END IF;
3350                       IF x_avail_device_id IS NULL THEN
3351                          x_avail_device_id := l_loop_device_id;
3352                          l_next_transaction_temp_id := l_transaction_temp_id;
3353                          x_device_request_id := l_request_id;
3354                       END IF;
3356                    EXCEPTION
3357                       WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
3358                          l_need_dispatch  := TRUE;
3359                          EXIT search_device_loop;
3360                    END;
3361                 END LOOP;
3362            END IF;
3364            EXIT WHEN l_need_dispatch = FALSE;
3366 	   LOOP  --Bug#8322661
3368 		   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3369 		      mydebug('Before Calling TD Engine', l_api_name);
3370 		   END IF;
3372 		   -- Remove any rows from wms_ordered_tasks
3373 		   DELETE FROM wms_ordered_tasks;
3375 		   IF (p_task_method = 'CLUSTER') THEN  -- call for the overloaded dispatch_task
3377 		     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3378 			 mydebug('calling task_dispatch for cluster picking',l_api_name);
3379 		     END IF;
3381 		     wms_task_dispatch_engine.dispatch_task(
3382 		       p_api_version                => 1.0
3383 		     , p_init_msg_list              => 'F'
3384 		     , p_commit                     => NULL
3385 		     , p_sign_on_emp_id             => p_employee_id
3386 		     , p_sign_on_org_id             => p_organization_id
3387 		     , p_sign_on_zone               => l_subinventory_code
3388 		     , p_sign_on_equipment_id       => p_equipment_id
3389 		     , p_sign_on_equipment_srl      => l_equipment_serial
3390 		     , p_task_type                  => 'ALL'
3391 		     , p_task_filter                => p_task_filter
3392 		     , x_task_cur                   => l_task_cursor
3393 		     , x_return_status              => x_return_status
3394 		     , x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count
3395 		     , x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data
3396 		     , p_cartonization_id           => null
3397 		     , p_max_clusters               => p_max_clusters
3398 		     , x_deliveries_list            => l_deliveries_list
3399 		     , x_cartons_list               => l_cartons_list
3400 		     );
3403 		    ELSE
3405 		     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3406 			 mydebug('calling task_dispatch for non cluster picking',l_api_name);
3407 		     END IF;
3409 		     wms_task_dispatch_engine.dispatch_task
3410 		       (p_api_version                => 1.0,
3411 			p_init_msg_list              => 'F',
3412 			p_commit                     => NULL,
3413 			p_sign_on_emp_id             => p_employee_id,
3414 			p_sign_on_org_id             => p_organization_id,
3415 			p_sign_on_zone               => l_subinventory_code,
3416 			p_sign_on_equipment_id       => p_equipment_id,
3417 			p_sign_on_equipment_srl      => l_equipment_serial,
3418 			p_task_filter                => p_task_filter,
3419 			p_task_method                => p_task_method,
3420 			x_grouping_document_type     => x_grouping_document_type,
3421 			x_grouping_document_number   => x_grouping_document_number,
3422 			x_grouping_source_type_id    => x_grouping_source_type_id,
3423 			x_task_cur                   => l_task_cursor,
3424 			x_return_status              => x_return_status,
3425 			x_msg_count                  => x_msg_count,
3426 			x_msg_data                   => x_msg_data);
3427 		   END IF;
3429 		   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3430 		      mydebug('Task Dispatching Engine returned: ' || x_return_status, l_api_name);
3431 		   END IF;
3433 		   IF x_return_status = 'S' THEN
3434 		      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3435 			 mydebug('Grouping Document Type: ' || x_grouping_document_type, l_api_name);
3436 			 mydebug('Grouping Document Number: ' || x_grouping_document_number, l_api_name);
3437 		      END IF;
3439 		      l_first_task  := 'Y';
3440 		      l_group_sequence_number := 1;
3441 		      g_group_sequence_number := 1;
3442 		      l_dup_task := FALSE;  --Bug#8322661
3444 		      LOOP
3445 			 FETCH l_task_cursor INTO task_record;
3447 			 EXIT WHEN l_task_cursor%NOTFOUND;
3449 			 x_num_of_tasks := x_num_of_tasks + 1;
3451 									--Bug#5599049: We need to make sure that the task is not being performed by other users.
3452 						SELECT count(1) INTO l_wdt_count
3453 						FROM wms_dispatched_tasks WDT
3454 						WHERE WDT.transaction_temp_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id
3455 						AND   WDT.person_id <> p_employee_id
3456 						AND   WDT.status in (3,9);
3458 						IF l_wdt_count > 0  then
3459 					IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3460 			     mydebug('ERROR...This task has been dispatched to some other user.', l_api_name);
3461 					END IF;
3463 					fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TASK_LOCKED');
3464 					fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3465 					RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3466 						END IF;
3467 							--Bug#5599049 .Fix ends.
3469 			 IF l_group_sequence_number = 1 AND
3470 			   l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NULL THEN
3471 			    -- bug 5368659
3472 			    IF (p_task_method <> 'PICKBYLABEL') THEN --9507152
3473 			       l_next_transaction_temp_id := task_record.transaction_temp_id;
3474 			    END IF;
3476 			    --l_next_transaction_temp_id := task_record.transaction_temp_id;--9507152
3477 			    x_avail_device_id := l_loop_device_id;
3478 			    x_task_type_id := task_record.task_type;
3480 			    IF x_task_type_id = 3 THEN
3481 			       x_grouping_document_number := task_record.transaction_temp_id;
3482 			    END IF;
3483 			 END IF;
3485 			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3486 			    mydebug('Transaction Temp ID: ' || task_record.transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
3487 			 END IF;
3489 			 l_request_id := NULL;
3491 			 /* IF l_first_task = 'Y' AND x_task_type_id <> 3 THEN -- invoke the device  --Bug#8322661 Moved below
3492 			    wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request
3493 			      (p_bus_event         => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_pick_load,
3494 			       p_call_ctx          => wms_device_integration_pvt.dev_req_auto,
3495 			       p_task_trx_id       => task_record.transaction_temp_id,
3496 			       p_org_id            => p_organization_id,
3497 			       x_request_msg       => l_request_msg,
3498 			       x_return_status     => x_return_status,
3499 			       x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
3500 			       x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
3501 			       p_request_id        => l_request_id);
3503 			    IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3504 			       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3505 				  mydebug('Failed to invoke device ' || TO_CHAR(l_loop_device_id), l_api_name);
3506 			       END IF;
3507 			    END IF;
3509 			    IF x_device_request_id IS NULL THEN
3510 			       x_device_request_id := l_request_id;
3511 			    END IF;
3513 			 END IF;
3515 			 IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3516 			    mydebug('Device Request ID: ' || l_request_id, l_api_name);
3517 			 END IF; */
3519 			 UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
3520 			   SET transaction_header_id = mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
3521 			     , last_update_date      = Sysdate
3522 			     , last_updated_by       = l_user_id
3523 			     , posting_flag = 'Y' -- Bug4185621: this will change the parent posting flag to 'Y' for bulking picking
3524 						  -- If not bulking picking, this has not effect
3525 			   WHERE transaction_temp_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id;
3527 			 BEGIN --bug 4310093
3528 			 -- Check if this record already exists in WDD
3529 			 -- and the task status
3531 			 INTO l_task_Status
3532 			 FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
3533 			 WHERE transaction_temp_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id;
3535 			-- Bug 4507435, if retain_dispatch_Task is null.
3536 			 IF ((l_task_status <> 3) OR ( l_task_status = 3 AND p_retain_dispatch_task = 'Y')) THEN
3537 			 mydebug('Updating Temp ID in WDT: ' || task_record.transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
3538 			    UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
3539 			      SET status                = 3, -- Dispatched
3540 				  task_group_id         = l_group_sequence_number,
3541 				  device_id             = l_loop_device_id,
3542 				  device_invoked        = Decode(l_loop_device_id, NULL, To_char(NULL),
3543 							      Decode(l_first_task, 'Y', 'Y', 'N')),
3544 				  device_request_id     = l_request_id,
3545 				  -- Bugfix 4101378
3546 				  equipment_id          = p_equipment_id,
3547 				  equipment_instance    = p_equipment_serial,
3548 				  machine_resource_id   = task_record.machine_resource_id,
3549 				  -- End of code Bugfix 4101378
3550 				  last_update_date      = Sysdate,
3551 				  last_updated_by       = l_user_id,
3552 				  task_method           = p_task_method,
3553 					dispatched_time       = Sysdate -- BUG# 9800410
3554 			      WHERE transaction_temp_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id;
3556 			    g_previous_task_status(task_record.transaction_temp_id) := 2;
3558 			 ELSE
3559 			     g_previous_task_status(task_record.transaction_temp_id):=1;                      -- dispatched to return back to pending
3560 			 END IF;
3562 			 -- If the above update did not find any WDD record, insert a new record into WDD
3563 			 EXCEPTION  --bug 4310093
3566 			    g_previous_task_status(task_record.transaction_temp_id) := 1;
3568 			    BEGIN  --Bug#8322661 Kept the INSERT in a BEGIN-END block
3570 			    -- Insert into WMS_DISPATCHED_TASKS for this user
3571 				    INSERT INTO wms_dispatched_tasks
3572 				      (task_id,
3573 				       transaction_temp_id,
3574 				       organization_id,
3575 				       user_task_type,
3576 				       person_id,
3577 				       effective_start_date,
3578 				       effective_end_date,
3579 				       equipment_id,
3580 				       equipment_instance,
3581 				       person_resource_id,
3582 				       machine_resource_id,
3583 				       status,
3584 				       dispatched_time,
3585 				       last_update_date,
3586 				       last_updated_by,
3587 				       creation_date,
3588 				       created_by,
3589 				       task_type,
3590 				       priority,
3591 				       operation_plan_id,
3592 				       move_order_line_id,
3593 				       device_id,
3594 				       device_invoked,
3595 				       device_request_id,
3596 				       task_group_id,
3597 				       task_method)     -- add for cluster picking but others can use it too
3598 				      VALUES
3599 				      (wms_dispatched_tasks_s.NEXTVAL,
3600 				       task_record.transaction_temp_id,
3601 				       p_organization_id,
3602 				       NVL(task_record.standard_operation_id, 2),
3603 				       p_employee_id,
3604 				       sysdate , --task_record.effective_start_date, --bug#6409956
3605 				       sysdate , --task_record.effective_end_date,   --bug#6409956
3606 				       p_equipment_id,
3607 				       p_equipment_serial,
3608 				       task_record.person_resource_id,
3609 				       task_record.machine_resource_id,
3610 				       3, -- Dispatched
3611 				       Sysdate,
3612 				       Sysdate,
3613 				       l_user_id,
3614 				       Sysdate,
3615 				       l_user_id,
3616 				       task_record.task_type,
3617 				       task_record.priority,
3618 				       task_record.operation_plan_id,
3619 				       task_record.move_order_line_id,
3620 				       l_loop_device_id,
3621 				       Decode(l_loop_device_id, NULL, To_char(NULL), Decode(l_first_task, 'Y', 'Y', 'N')),
3622 				       l_request_id,
3623 				       l_group_sequence_number,
3624 				       p_task_method);   -- add for cluster picking
3626 			       EXCEPTION
3628 				 l_dup_task := TRUE;
3629 			       END;  --Bug#8322661
3631 			    IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3632 			       mydebug('Inserted into WDT', l_api_name);
3633 			    END IF;
3634 			 END;  -- end the begin for updating and inserting to WDT4310093
3636 			 -- Increment the group sequence number by 1
3637 			 l_group_sequence_number := l_group_sequence_number + 1;
3639 			 IF x_avail_device_id IS NULL AND l_loop_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3640 			    x_avail_device_id := l_loop_device_id;
3641 			    x_device_request_id := l_request_id;
3642 			 END IF;
3644 			 IF l_first_task = 'Y' THEN -- invoke the device
3645 			    l_first_task := 'N';
3646 			    l_first_task_id := task_record.transaction_temp_id;  --Bug#8322661
3647 			    l_task_type_id  := task_record.task_type;  --Bug#8322661
3648 			 END IF;
3650 		      END LOOP;
3652 		      IF l_task_type_id <> 3 THEN -- invoke the device  --Bug#8322661 Moved here from above
3653 			     wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request
3654 			       (p_bus_event         => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_pick_load,
3655 				p_call_ctx          => wms_device_integration_pvt.dev_req_auto,
3656 				p_task_trx_id       => l_first_task_id,
3657 				p_org_id            => p_organization_id,
3658 				x_request_msg       => l_request_msg,
3659 				x_return_status     => x_return_status,
3660 				x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
3661 				x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
3662 				p_request_id        => l_request_id);
3664 			     IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3665 				IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3666 				   mydebug('Failed to invoke device ' || TO_CHAR(l_loop_device_id), l_api_name);
3667 				END IF;
3668 			     END IF;
3670 			     IF x_device_request_id IS NULL THEN
3671 				x_device_request_id := l_request_id;
3672 			     END IF;
3674 		      END IF;
3676 		      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3677 			 mydebug('Device Request ID: ' || l_request_id, l_api_name);
3678 		      END IF;  --Bug#8322661
3680 		      -- bug 5368659
3681 		      IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NULL and p_task_method='PICKBYLABEL' THEN  --9507152
3682 			 get_next_task_in_group
3683 			      (p_employee_id              => p_employee_id,
3684 			       p_organization_id          => p_organization_id,
3685 			       p_subinventory_code        => p_subinventory_code,
3686 			       p_device_id                => l_device_id,
3687 			       p_grouping_document_type   => x_grouping_document_type,
3688 			       p_grouping_document_number => x_grouping_document_number,
3689 			       p_grouping_source_type_id  => x_grouping_source_type_id,
3690 			       x_task_id                  => l_task_id,
3691 			       x_transaction_temp_id      => l_next_transaction_temp_id,
3692 			       x_task_type_id             => x_task_type_id,
3693 			       x_return_status            => x_return_status,
3694 			       x_msg_data                 => x_msg_data,
3695 			       x_msg_count                => x_msg_count);
3697 			   IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3698 			       mydebug('Return Status from get_next_task_in_group: ' || x_return_status,l_api_name);
3699 			   END IF;
3701 			   IF x_return_status = 'U' THEN
3702 			      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3703 			   ELSIF x_return_status = 'E' THEN
3704 			      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
3705 			   END IF;
3707 			   IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3708 			      x_num_of_tasks := 1;
3709 			      l_task_from_group := TRUE;
3710 			   END IF;
3712 		      END IF;
3713 		      -- end bug 5368659
3716 		    ELSIF x_return_status = 'U' THEN
3717 		      fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TD_TDENG_ERROR');
3718 		      fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3719 		      RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3720 		    ELSIF x_return_status = 'E' THEN
3721 		      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3722 			 mydebug('Setting status as S', l_api_name);
3723 		      END IF;
3724 		      x_return_status  := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3725 		   END IF;
3727 		EXIT WHEN l_dup_task = FALSE;  --Bug#8322661
3728  	   END LOOP;  --Bug#8322661
3730            -- If there are no devices then get out of the loop
3731            IF l_device_id IS NULL THEN
3732               l_need_dispatch  := FALSE;
3733            END IF;
3734         END LOOP; -- end loop of the devices
3737         IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL AND Nvl(x_num_of_tasks, 0) <= 0 THEN
3738            x_num_of_tasks := 1;
3739         END IF;
3741         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3742            mydebug('Number of tasks: ' || x_num_of_tasks, l_api_name);
3743         END IF;
3745         g_max_group_sequence_number := x_num_of_tasks;
3746      END IF; -- If there are more tasks in the group
3748      IF l_next_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
3750         IF x_task_type_id <> 3 THEN
3751            IF (p_task_method = 'CLUSTER') THEN
3752                 l_cartons_list := ' '; -- make it not null to be used in the following API
3753            END IF;
3755 	     --Added for Case Picking Project start
3756 	     IF (p_task_method = 'MANIFESTORDER' OR  p_task_method = 'MANIFESTPICKSLIP') THEN
3757 		  l_is_manifest_pick := 'Y';
3758 	     ELSE
3759 		  l_is_manifest_pick := 'N';
3760 	     END IF;
3761 	     --Added for Case Picking Project end
3763            x_num_of_tasks := g_max_group_sequence_number;
3764            x_task_number := g_group_sequence_number;
3766            -- Need to get detailed information for the next task
3767            get_next_task_info
3768              (p_sign_on_emp_id       => p_employee_id,
3769               p_sign_on_org_id       => p_organization_id,
3770               p_transaction_temp_id  => l_next_transaction_temp_id,
3771               p_cartonization_id     => l_cartonization_id,
3772               p_device_id            => x_avail_device_id,
3773               x_return_status        => x_return_status,
3774               x_error_code           => l_error_code,
3775               x_mesg_count           => x_msg_count,
3776               x_error_mesg           => x_msg_data,
3777               x_task_info            => x_task_info,
3778               p_is_cluster_pick      => 'N',
3779               p_cartons_list         => l_cartons_list,
3780 	      p_is_manifest_pick     => l_is_manifest_pick); --Added for Case Picking Project
3783            mydebug('get_next_task_info returned: ' || x_return_status, l_api_name);
3785            IF x_return_status <> 'S' THEN
3786               fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_TD_TDENG_ERROR');
3787               fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3788               RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
3789            END IF;
3791            l_request_id := NULL;
3792                 -- viks For start over button pressed l_count >0 for multiple device
3794            IF ((l_task_from_group OR p_task_method = 'MANUAL') OR l_count >0) THEN
3796               IF x_avail_device_id IS NULL THEN
3797                  IF p_device_id = 0 THEN
3798                     x_avail_device_id := NULL;
3799                   ELSE
3800                     x_avail_device_id := p_device_id;
3801                  END IF;
3802               END IF;
3804               wms_device_integration_pvt.device_request
3805                 (p_bus_event      => wms_device_integration_pvt.wms_be_pick_load,
3806                  p_call_ctx       => wms_device_integration_pvt.dev_req_auto,
3807                  --p_task_trx_id    => l_transaction_temp_id,
3808                  p_task_trx_id    => l_next_transaction_temp_id,
3809                  p_org_id         => p_organization_id,
3810                  x_request_msg    => l_request_msg,
3811                  x_return_status  => x_return_status,
3812                  x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
3813                  x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
3814                  p_request_id     => l_request_id);
3816               x_device_request_id := l_request_id;
3818               -- always dispatch the task whether invoking device successfully or not
3819               -- So update the table always
3821               IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
3822                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3823                     mydebug('Failed to invoke device ' || TO_CHAR(l_loop_device_id), l_api_name);
3824                  END IF;
3825               END IF;
3826            END IF;
3828            UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
3829              SET status            = 9, -- Active
3830                  device_id         = x_avail_device_id,
3831                  device_invoked    = Decode(x_avail_device_id, NULL, To_char(NULL), 'Y'),
3832                  device_request_id = x_device_request_id,
3833                  last_update_date      = Sysdate,
3834                  last_updated_by       = l_user_id
3835              WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_next_transaction_temp_id;
3836          ELSE-- cycle count task
3837           mydebug('Updated Cycle count task to active: '||l_next_transaction_temp_id, l_api_name);
3838           UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
3839           SET status                = 9, -- Active
3840               last_update_date      = Sysdate,
3841               last_updated_by       = l_user_id
3842           WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_next_transaction_temp_id;
3843           x_grouping_document_number := l_next_transaction_temp_id;
3844         END IF; -- Not a cycle count task
3846         -- Delete from the skip tasks exceptions table
3847         DELETE FROM wms_skip_task_exceptions
3848           WHERE task_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id
3849           AND task_id IN (SELECT wste.task_id
3850                           FROM wms_skip_task_exceptions wste, mtl_parameters mp
3851                           WHERE ABS((SYSDATE - wste.creation_date) * 24 * 60) > mp.skip_task_waiting_minutes
3852                           AND wste.task_id = task_record.transaction_temp_id
3853                           AND wste.organization_id = mp.organization_id);
3855         -- Committing these tasks to this user
3856         COMMIT;
3858         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3859            mydebug('Committed tasks to the user', l_api_name);
3861            mydebug('Current Group Sequence Number: ' || g_group_sequence_number, l_api_name);
3862            mydebug('Maximum Group Sequence Number: ' || g_max_group_sequence_number, l_api_name);
3863         END IF;
3865      END IF;
3867      inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_message => x_msg_data);
3869      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3871      IF x_return_status = 'S' AND l_return_status = 'W' THEN -- Bug 4507435
3872 		mydebug('Good One','');
3873 		x_return_status := 'W';
3874      END IF;
3878      WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
3879         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3880            mydebug('Error', l_api_name);
3881         END IF;
3882         x_return_status := 'E';
3884         inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_message => x_msg_data);
3886         ROLLBACK TO next_task_sp;
3888         IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3889            mydebug('Unexpected Error: ' || Sqlerrm, l_api_name);
3890         END IF;
3891         x_return_status := 'U';
3893         inv_mobile_helper_functions.get_stacked_messages(x_message => x_msg_data);
3895         ROLLBACK TO next_task_sp;
3896   END next_task;
3898 --Start Bug 6682436
3899 PROCEDURE split_mmtt_lpn(
3900     p_transaction_temp_id   IN  NUMBER
3901   , p_line_quantity         IN  NUMBER
3902   , p_transaction_UOM       IN  VARCHAR2
3903   , p_lpn_id		    IN	NUMBER
3904   , l_transaction_temp_id   OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER
3905    ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
3906    ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
3907    ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
3908   )
3909   IS
3910   qty_tbl                       wms_Task_mgmt_pub.TASK_QTY_TBL_TYPE;
3911   l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3912   l_resultant_task_details      wms_Task_mgmt_pub.TASK_DETAIL_TBL_TYPE;
3913   l_resultant_tasks             wms_Task_mgmt_pub.TASK_TAB_TYPE;
3914   l_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
3916 BEGIN
3918    mydebug('inside split_mmtt_lpn  p_transaction_temp_id' || p_transaction_temp_id, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3919    mydebug('inside split_mmtt_lpn  p_line_quantity' || p_line_quantity, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3920    mydebug('inside split_mmtt_lpn  p_transaction_UOM' || p_transaction_UOM, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3921    mydebug('inside split_mmtt_lpn  p_lpn_id' || p_lpn_id, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3923    qty_tbl(1).quantity := p_line_quantity;
3924    qty_tbl(1).uom := p_transaction_UOM;
3928 	   wms_picking_pkg.split_task(
3929 		    p_source_transaction_number    => p_transaction_temp_id
3930 	          , p_split_quantities             => qty_tbl
3931 		  , p_commit                       => FND_API.G_FALSE
3932 	          , x_resultant_tasks              => l_resultant_tasks
3933 		  , x_resultant_task_details       => l_resultant_task_details
3934 	          , x_return_status                => l_return_status
3935 		  , x_msg_count                    => x_msg_count
3936 	          , x_msg_data                     => x_msg_data
3937 		  );
3939 	   mydebug('l_resultant_tasks.COUNT' || l_resultant_tasks.COUNT , 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3940 	   if( l_resultant_tasks.COUNT > 0 ) THEN
3941 		mydebug('l_resultant_tasks(1).task_id ' || l_resultant_tasks(1).task_id, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3942 		l_transaction_temp_id := l_resultant_tasks(1).task_id;
3944 		--Modified for bug 6717052
3945       update mtl_material_transactions_temp
3946 		set transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
3947 		where transaction_temp_id = l_resultant_tasks(1).task_id;
3949 		x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
3950 	    ELSE
3951 		l_transaction_temp_id := -9999;
3952 		x_return_status := 'E';
3953 	    END IF;
3954    END IF;
3958 	IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
3959 		mydebug('sqlerrm' || SQLERRM, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3960 		mydebug('sqlcode ' || SQLCODE, 'split_mmtt_lpn');
3961 	END IF;
3962 	--fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_PRINT_LABEL_FAIL');
3963 	fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
3964 END split_mmtt_lpn;
3966 PROCEDURE split_task( p_source_transaction_number IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL ,
3967 		      p_split_quantities IN wms_Task_mgmt_pub.TASK_QTY_TBL_TYPE ,
3968 		      p_commit IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE ,
3969 		      x_resultant_tasks OUT NOCOPY WMS_TASK_MGMT_PUB.task_tab_type ,
3970 		      x_resultant_task_details OUT NOCOPY wms_Task_mgmt_pub.TASK_DETAIL_TBL_TYPE ,
3971 		      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
3972 		      x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
3973 		      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
3975         CURSOR mtlt_changed (p_ttemp_id IN NUMBER)
3976         IS
3977                 SELECT  *
3978                 FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
3979                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_ttemp_id
3980                 ORDER BY lot_number;
3981         l_mtlt_row MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP%ROWTYPE;
3982         --      l_split_uom_quantities               qty_changed_tbl_type;
3983         l_task_tbl_qty_count        NUMBER          := p_split_quantities.COUNT;
3984         l_decimal_precision         CONSTANT NUMBER := 5;
3985         l_task_tbl_primary_qty      NUMBER;
3986         l_task_tbl_transaction_qty  NUMBER;
3987         l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty   NUMBER := 0;
3988         l_sum_tbl_primary_qty       NUMBER := 0;
3989         l_new_mol_id                NUMBER;
3990         l_orig_mol_id               NUMBER;
3991         l_new_transaction_temp_id   NUMBER;
3992         l_new_transaction_header_id NUMBER;
3993         l_new_task_id               NUMBER;
3994         l_remaining_primary_qty     NUMBER := 0;
3995         l_remaining_transaction_qty NUMBER := 0;
3996         l_mol_num                   NUMBER;
3997         l_serial_control_code       NUMBER;
3998         l_lot_control_code          NUMBER;
3999         l_index                     NUMBER;
4000         l_new_tasks_output WMS_TASK_MGMT_PUB.task_tab_type;
4001         l_new_tasks_tbl WMS_TASK_MGMT_PUB.task_tab_type;
4002         x_task_table WMS_TASK_MGMT_PUB.task_tab_type;
4003         l_return_status          VARCHAR2(10);
4004         l_msg_count              NUMBER;
4005         l_msg_data               VARCHAR(200);
4006         l_validation_status      VARCHAR2(10);
4007         l_error_msg              VARCHAR2(1000);
4008         l_task_return_status     VARCHAR2(10);
4009         l_mmtt_return_status     VARCHAR2(1);
4010         l_wdt_return_status      VARCHAR2(1);
4011         l_lot_ser_return_status  VARCHAR2(1);
4012         l_serial_return_status   VARCHAR2(1);
4013         l_mtlt_transaction_qty   NUMBER;
4014         l_msnt_transaction_qty   NUMBER;
4015         l_val_task_ret_status    VARCHAR2(1);
4016         l_mmtt_inventory_item_id NUMBER;
4017         l_mmtt_task_status       NUMBER;
4018         l_mmtt_organization_id   NUMBER;
4019         l_split_uom_quantities WMS_TASK_MGMT_PUB.QTY_CHANGED_TBL_TYPE;
4020         l_val_qty_ret_status   VARCHAR2(1);
4021         l_invalid_task         EXCEPTION;
4022         l_invalid_quantities   EXCEPTION;
4023         l_unexpected_error     EXCEPTION;
4024         l_query_task_exception EXCEPTION;
4026 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
4027 BEGIN
4028         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4029                 mydebug(  'In Split Task ', 'split_task');
4030         END IF;
4031         x_return_status := 'S';
4032         new_task_table.delete;
4033         /*validate_task( p_transaction_temp_id => p_source_transaction_number , x_return_status => x_return_status , x_error_msg => l_error_msg , x_msg_data => x_msg_data , x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
4034         IF g_debug                           = 1 THEN
4035                 mydebug(  ' Validate task return status : '|| x_return_status);
4036         END IF;
4037         IF NVL(x_return_status,'E') <> 'S' THEN
4038                 RAISE l_invalid_task;
4039         END IF;
4040 	*/
4041         validate_quantities(
4042 		p_transaction_temp_id => p_source_transaction_number ,
4043 		p_split_quantities => p_split_quantities ,
4044 		x_lot_control_code => l_lot_control_code ,
4045 		x_serial_control_code => l_serial_control_code ,
4046 		x_split_uom_quantities => l_split_uom_quantities ,
4047 		x_return_status => x_return_status ,
4048 		x_msg_data => x_msg_data ,
4049 		x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
4050         IF NVL(x_return_status,'E')               <> 'S' THEN
4051                 RAISE l_invalid_quantities;
4052         END IF;
4053         IF g_debug     = 1 THEN
4054                 FOR i in l_split_uom_quantities.FIRST .. l_split_uom_quantities.LAST
4055                 LOOP
4056                         mydebug(' l_split_uom_quantities('||i|| ').primary_quantity: '||l_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity , 'split_task');
4057                         mydebug(' l_split_uom_quantities('||i|| ').transaction_quantity: '||l_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity, 'split_task');
4058                 END LOOP;
4059         END IF;
4060         SAVEPOINT wms_split_task;
4061         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4062                 mydebug(' SAVEPOINT wms_split_task established', 'split_task');
4063         END IF;
4064         FOR i IN l_split_uom_quantities.FIRST .. l_split_uom_quantities.LAST
4065         LOOP
4066                 SELECT  mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
4067                 INTO    l_new_transaction_header_id
4068                 FROM    dual;
4069                 SELECT  mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
4070                 INTO    l_new_transaction_temp_id
4071                 FROM    dual;
4072                 SELECT wms_dispatched_tasks_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_new_task_id FROM dual;
4073                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4074                         mydebug(  ' Calling split_mmtt for Txn. temp id : '||p_source_transaction_number,'split_task');
4075                 END IF;
4076                 split_mmtt(
4077 			p_orig_transaction_temp_id => p_source_transaction_number ,
4078 			p_new_transaction_temp_id => l_new_transaction_temp_id ,
4079 			p_new_transaction_header_id => l_new_transaction_header_id ,
4080 			p_new_mol_id => l_orig_mol_id ,
4081 			p_transaction_qty_to_split => l_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity ,
4082 			p_primary_qty_to_split => l_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity ,
4083 			x_return_status => x_return_status ,
4084 			x_msg_data => x_msg_data ,
4085 			x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
4086                 IF g_debug                             = 1 THEN
4087                         mydebug(  ' x_return_status : ' || x_return_status, 'split_task');
4088                 END IF;
4089                 IF NVL(x_return_status, 'E') <> 'S' THEN
4090                         IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4091                                 mydebug( ' Unable to split MMTT, unexpected error has occurred', 'split_task');
4092                         END IF;
4093                         RAISE l_unexpected_error;
4094                 END IF;
4095                 BEGIN
4096                         SELECT  status
4097                         INTO    l_mmtt_task_status
4098                         FROM    wms_dispatched_tasks
4099                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_source_transaction_number;
4100                 EXCEPTION
4101                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
4102                         l_mmtt_task_status := -9999;
4103                         NULL;
4104                 END;
4105                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4106                         mydebug(   'l_mmtt_task_status :  '|| l_mmtt_task_status, 'split_task');
4107                 END IF;
4108                 --IF l_mmtt_task_status            = 2 THEN
4109                         split_wdt(
4110 				p_new_task_id => l_new_task_id ,
4111 				p_new_transaction_temp_id => l_new_transaction_temp_id ,
4112 				p_new_mol_id => l_orig_mol_id ,
4113 				p_orig_transaction_temp_id => p_source_transaction_number ,
4114 				x_return_status => x_return_status ,
4115 				x_msg_data => x_msg_data ,
4116 				x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
4117                         IF g_debug               = 1 THEN
4118                                 mydebug(  ' x_return_status : '||x_return_status, 'split_task');
4119                         END IF;
4120                         IF NVL(x_return_status, 'E') <> 'S' THEN
4121                                 IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4122                                         mydebug( ' Unable to split WDT, unexpected error has occurred', 'split_task');
4123                                 END IF;
4124                                 RAISE l_unexpected_error;
4125                         END IF;
4126                 --END IF;
4127                 IF (l_lot_control_code = 2 AND l_serial_control_code IN (2,5)) OR (l_lot_control_code = 2 AND l_serial_control_code NOT IN (2,5)) THEN
4128                         split_lot_serial(
4129 				p_source_transaction_number ,
4130 				l_new_transaction_temp_id ,
4131 				l_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity ,
4132 				l_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity ,
4133 				l_mmtt_inventory_item_id ,
4134 				l_mmtt_organization_id ,
4135 				x_return_status ,
4136 				x_msg_data ,
4137 				x_msg_count );
4139                         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4140                                 mydebug(  ' x_return_status : ' || x_return_status, 'split_task');
4141                         END IF;
4142                         IF NVL(x_return_status, 'E') <> 'S' THEN
4143                                 IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4144                                         mydebug( ' Was not able to split lot serial', 'split_task');
4145                                 END IF;
4146                                 RAISE l_unexpected_error;
4147                         END IF;
4148                 ELSIF l_lot_control_code                         = 1 AND l_serial_control_code IN (2,5) THEN
4149                         split_serial(
4150 				p_orig_transaction_temp_id => p_source_transaction_number ,
4151 				p_new_transaction_temp_id => l_new_transaction_temp_id ,
4152 				p_transaction_qty_to_split => l_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity ,
4153 				p_primary_qty_to_split => l_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity ,
4154 				p_inventory_item_id => l_mmtt_inventory_item_id ,
4155 				p_organization_id => l_mmtt_organization_id ,
4156 				x_return_status => x_return_status ,
4157 				x_msg_data => x_msg_data ,
4158 				x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
4160                         IF g_debug                               = 1 THEN
4161                                 mydebug(  ' x_return_status : '||x_return_status, 'split_task');
4162                         END IF;
4163                         IF NVL(x_return_status, 'E') <> 'S' THEN
4164                                 IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4165                                         mydebug( ' Was not able to split serials', 'split_task');
4166                                 END IF;
4167                                 RAISE l_unexpected_error;
4168                         END IF;
4169                 END IF;
4170                 -- Update the original row
4171                 BEGIN
4172                         UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
4173                         SET     primary_quantity     = primary_quantity     - l_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity     ,
4174                                 transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity - l_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity ,
4175                                 last_updated_by      = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
4176                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id  = p_source_transaction_number;
4177                 EXCEPTION
4178                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
4179                         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4180                                 mydebug(  ' Error Code : '|| SQLCODE || ' Error Message :'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,100), 'split_task');
4181                         END IF;
4182                         RAISE l_unexpected_error;
4183                 END;
4184                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4185                         mydebug( ' Updated original txn. temp id :'||p_source_transaction_number, 'split_task');
4186                 END IF;
4187                 l_index                                     := new_task_table.count + 1;
4188                 new_task_table(l_index).transaction_temp_id := l_new_transaction_temp_id;
4189         END LOOP;
4190         l_index                                     := new_task_table.count + 1;
4191         new_task_table(l_index).transaction_temp_id := p_source_transaction_number;
4192         IF g_debug                                   = 1 THEN
4193                 mydebug( ' Split done sucessfully for txn. temp id :'||p_source_transaction_number, 'split_task');
4194         END IF;
4195         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4196                 mydebug( ' lot control code :'||l_lot_control_code ||  ' serial control code : '|| l_serial_control_code, 'split_task');
4197         END IF;
4198         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4199                 mydebug( '***********New Task Table***********', 'split_task');
4200                 mydebug( '*** Transaction temp id ***', 'split_task');
4201                 FOR i IN new_task_table.FIRST .. new_task_table.LAST
4202                 LOOP
4203                         mydebug(   '   '|| new_task_table(i).transaction_temp_id, 'split_task');
4204                 END LOOP;
4205         END IF;
4206         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4207                 mydebug( 'Inserting Lot/Serial details of the new tasks in X_RESULTANT_TASK_DETAILS', 'split_task');
4208         END IF;
4209         IF l_lot_control_code = 2 THEN
4210                 FOR i        IN new_task_table.FIRST .. new_task_table.LAST
4211                 LOOP
4212                         OPEN mtlt_changed(new_task_table(i).transaction_temp_id);
4213                         LOOP
4214                                 FETCH mtlt_changed INTO l_mtlt_row;
4215                                 EXIT
4216                         WHEN mtlt_changed%NOTFOUND;
4217                                 l_index                                                    := x_resultant_task_details.count + 1;
4218                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).parent_task_id           := l_mtlt_row.transaction_temp_id;
4219                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).lot_number               := l_mtlt_row.lot_number;
4220                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).lot_expiration_date      := l_mtlt_row.lot_expiration_date;
4221                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).lot_primary_quantity     := l_mtlt_row.primary_quantity;
4222                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).lot_transaction_quantity := l_mtlt_row.transaction_quantity;
4223                                 IF l_mtlt_row.serial_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
4224                                         x_resultant_task_details(l_index).number_of_serials := l_mtlt_row.primary_quantity;
4225                                         SELECT  MIN(FM_SERIAL_NUMBER) ,
4226                                                 MAX(FM_SERIAL_NUMBER) ,
4227                                                 MAX(status_id)
4228                                         INTO    x_resultant_task_details(l_index).from_serial_number ,
4229                                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).to_serial_number   ,
4230                                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).serial_status_id
4231                                         FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4232                                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = l_mtlt_row.serial_transaction_temp_id;
4233                                 END IF;
4234                         END LOOP;
4235                         CLOSE mtlt_changed;
4236                 END LOOP;
4237         ELSIF l_serial_control_code IN (2,5) THEN
4238                 FOR i               IN new_task_table.FIRST .. new_task_table.LAST
4239                 LOOP
4240                         l_index                                          := x_resultant_task_details.count + 1;
4241                         x_resultant_task_details(l_index).parent_task_id := new_task_table(i).transaction_temp_id;
4242                         SELECT  MIN(FM_SERIAL_NUMBER) ,
4243                                 MAX(FM_SERIAL_NUMBER) ,
4244                                 MAX(status_id)        ,
4245                                 COUNT(*)
4246                         INTO    x_resultant_task_details(l_index).from_serial_number ,
4247                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).to_serial_number   ,
4248                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).serial_status_id   ,
4249                                 x_resultant_task_details(l_index).number_of_serials
4250                         FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4251                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = new_task_table(i).transaction_temp_id;
4252                 END LOOP;
4253         END IF;
4254         IF g_debug                                = 1 THEN
4255                 IF x_resultant_task_details.COUNT > 0 THEN
4256                         mydebug( 'Task Id    Lot    quantity  fm_serial   to_serial   num_of_serials', 'split_task');
4257                         FOR i IN x_resultant_task_details.FIRST .. x_resultant_task_details.LAST
4258                         LOOP
4259                            mydebug(x_resultant_task_details(i).parent_task_id ||' '|| x_resultant_task_details(i).lot_number ||' '||x_resultant_task_details(i).lot_primary_quantity, 'split_task');
4260 			   mydebug(x_resultant_task_details(i).from_serial_number||' '||x_resultant_task_details(i).to_serial_number||' '||x_resultant_task_details(i).number_of_serials, 'split_task');
4261                         END LOOP;
4262                 ELSE
4263                         mydebug('Table x_resultant_task_details is empty, item is not serial or lot controlled', 'split_task');
4264                 END IF;
4265         END IF;
4266         FOR i IN new_task_table.FIRST .. new_task_table.LAST
4267         LOOP
4268 		x_resultant_tasks(i).task_id := new_task_table(i).transaction_temp_id;
4269         END LOOP;
4272         IF g_debug                         = 1 THEN
4273                 IF x_resultant_tasks.COUNT > 0 THEN
4274                         mydebug( 'Task Id   item_id  sub   locator   Qty', 'split_task');
4275                         FOR i IN x_resultant_tasks.FIRST .. x_resultant_tasks.LAST
4276                         LOOP
4277                            mydebug( x_resultant_tasks(i).task_id ||' '||x_resultant_tasks(i).inventory_item_id||' '||x_resultant_tasks(i).subinventory||' '||x_resultant_tasks(i).locator||' '||x_resultant_tasks(i).transaction_quantity, 'split_task');
4278                         END LOOP;
4279                 ELSE
4280                         mydebug( 'Table x_resultant_tasks is empty', 'split_task');
4281                 END IF;
4282         END IF;
4283         IF p_commit        = FND_API.G_TRUE THEN
4284                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4285                         mydebug( ' p_commit is TRUE, so COMMITING the transactions.', 'split_task');
4286                 END IF;
4287                 COMMIT;
4288         ELSE
4289                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4290                         mydebug( ' p_commit is FALSE, so not COMMITING the transactions.', 'split_task');
4291                 END IF;
4292         END IF;
4293         x_return_status := 'S';
4296         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4297                 mydebug('EXCEPTION BLOCK  : Unexpected error has occured, ROLLING BACK THE TRANSACTIONS', 'split_task');
4298         END IF;
4299         x_return_status := 'E';
4300         ROLLBACK TO wms_split_task;
4301         fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR');
4302         fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
4303         fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
4304         x_return_status                  := 'E';
4305         IF g_debug                        = 1 THEN
4306                 mydebug(  'EXCEPTION BLOCK  :  Error Code : '|| SQLCODE || 'EXCEPTION BLOCK  :  Error Message :'||SQLERRM, 'split_task');
4307         END IF;
4308 END split_task;
4310 PROCEDURE validate_quantities( p_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
4311 			       p_split_quantities IN wms_Task_mgmt_pub.task_qty_tbl_type ,
4312 			       x_lot_control_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
4313 			       x_serial_control_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ,
4314 			       x_split_uom_quantities OUT NOCOPY wms_Task_mgmt_pub.qty_changed_tbl_type ,
4315 			       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
4316 			       x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
4317 			       x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
4319         l_mmtt_inventory_item_id     NUMBER;
4320         l_mmtt_primary_quantity      NUMBER;
4321         l_mmtt_transaction_quantity  NUMBER;
4322         l_mmtt_transaction_uom_code  NUMBER;
4323         l_mmtt_organization_id       NUMBER;
4324         l_mmtt_transaction_uom       VARCHAR2(3);
4325         l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code VARCHAR2(3);
4326         l_lot_control_code           NUMBER;
4327         l_serial_control_code        NUMBER;
4328         l_decimal_precision          CONSTANT NUMBER := 5;
4329         l_mtlt_transaction_qty       NUMBER          := 0;
4330         l_msnt_transaction_qty       NUMBER          := 0;
4331         l_task_tbl_transaction_qty   NUMBER          := 0;
4332         l_task_tbl_primary_qty       NUMBER          := 0;
4333         l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty    NUMBER          := 0;
4334         l_sum_tbl_primary_qty        NUMBER          := 0;
4335         l_remaining_primary_qty      NUMBER          := 0;
4336         l_remaining_transaction_qty  NUMBER          := 0;
4337 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
4338 BEGIN
4339         x_return_status := 'E';
4340         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4341                 mydebug( 'Entered','validate_quantities');
4342         END IF;
4343         IF p_split_quantities.COUNT = 0 THEN
4344                 x_return_status    := 'E';
4345                 IF g_debug          = 1 THEN
4346                         mydebug( 'Quantities table is empty, exiting', 'validate_quantities');
4347                 END IF;
4348                 RETURN;
4349         END IF;
4350         SELECT  transaction_uom       ,
4351                 inventory_item_id     ,
4352                 primary_quantity      ,
4353                 transaction_quantity  ,
4354                 item_primary_uom_code ,
4355                 transaction_uom       ,
4356                 organization_id
4357         INTO    l_mmtt_transaction_uom       ,
4358                 l_mmtt_inventory_item_id     ,
4359                 l_mmtt_primary_quantity      ,
4360                 l_mmtt_transaction_quantity  ,
4361                 l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code ,
4362                 l_mmtt_transaction_uom       ,
4363                 l_mmtt_organization_id
4364         FROM    mtl_material_transactions_temp
4365         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
4366         SELECT  lot_control_code ,
4367                 serial_number_control_code
4368         INTO    l_lot_control_code ,
4369                 l_serial_control_code
4370         FROM    mtl_system_items_b
4371         WHERE   inventory_item_id = l_mmtt_inventory_item_id
4372             AND organization_id   = l_mmtt_organization_id;
4373         x_lot_control_code       := l_lot_control_code;
4374         x_serial_control_code    := l_serial_control_code;
4375         IF g_debug                = 1 THEN
4376                 FOR i            IN p_split_quantities.FIRST .. p_split_quantities.LAST
4377                 LOOP
4378                         mydebug(' Inside For loop i = ' || i ||' Task :'||p_transaction_temp_id||' Quantity : '||p_split_quantities(i).quantity || ' Suggested UOM :' || p_split_quantities(i).uom, 'validate_quantities');
4379 			mydebug(' MMTT transaction UOM :' ||l_mmtt_transaction_uom, 'validate_quantities');
4380                 END LOOP;
4381         END IF;
4382         FOR i IN p_split_quantities.FIRST .. p_split_quantities.LAST
4383         LOOP
4384                 IF p_split_quantities(i).uom IS NULL THEN
4385                         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4386                                 mydebug( 'UOM cannot be passed as NULL', 'validate_quantities');
4387                         END IF;
4388                         x_return_status := 'E';
4389                         RETURN;
4390                 END IF;
4391                 --Bug 6924526
4392                 /*IF RTRIM(LTRIM(p_split_quantities(i).uom)) NOT IN (l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code,l_mmtt_transaction_uom) THEN
4393                         x_return_status                        := 'E';
4394                         IF g_debug                              = 1 THEN
4395                                 mydebug( 'UOM validation failed, only primary or transaction UOM allowed :', 'validate_quantities');
4396                         END IF;
4397                         RETURN;
4398                 END IF;*/
4399                 -- All UOMs are same
4400                 IF l_mmtt_transaction_uom                               = l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code THEN
4401                         x_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity     := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4402                         x_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4403                 ELSE
4404                         IF l_mmtt_transaction_uom = p_split_quantities(i).uom THEN
4405                                 IF g_debug        = 1 THEN
4406                                         mydebug( ' mmtt transaction UOM is same as UOM in quantity table', 'validate_quantities');
4407                                 END IF;
4408                                 l_task_tbl_transaction_qty                     := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4409                                 x_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4410                         ELSE
4411                                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4412                                         mydebug( ' mmtt transaction UOM quantity table UOM are not same, calling inv_convert.inv_um_convert with :', 'validate_quantities');
4413                                         mydebug(  ' item_id  : '||l_mmtt_inventory_item_id, 'validate_quantities');
4414                                         mydebug(  ' PRECISION : '|| l_decimal_precision, 'validate_quantities');
4415                                         mydebug( ' from_quantity :'|| p_split_quantities(i).quantity, 'validate_quantities');
4416                                         mydebug( ' from_unit :'||p_split_quantities(i).uom, 'validate_quantities');
4417                                         mydebug( ' to_unit :'||l_mmtt_transaction_uom, 'validate_quantities');
4418                                 END IF;
4419                                 l_task_tbl_transaction_qty   := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
4420 									item_id => l_mmtt_inventory_item_id ,
4421 									PRECISION => l_decimal_precision ,
4422 									from_quantity => p_split_quantities(i).quantity ,
4423 									from_unit => p_split_quantities(i).uom ,
4424 									to_unit => l_mmtt_transaction_uom ,
4425 									from_name => NULL ,
4426 									to_name => NULL );
4428                                 IF l_task_tbl_transaction_qty = -9999 THEN
4429                                         IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4430                                                 mydebug( ' No conversion defined from :'||p_split_quantities(i).uom|| ' to :'|| l_mmtt_transaction_uom || ' , or UOM does not exist.', 'validate_quantities');
4431                                         END IF;
4432                                         x_return_status := 'E';
4433                                         RETURN;
4434                                 END IF;
4435                                 x_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity := l_task_tbl_transaction_qty;
4436                         END IF;
4437                         IF l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code = p_split_quantities(i).uom THEN
4438                                 IF g_debug              = 1 THEN
4439                                         mydebug( ' primary UOM is same as UOM in quantity table', 'validate_quantities');
4440                                 END IF;
4441                                 l_task_tbl_primary_qty                     := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4442                                 x_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity := p_split_quantities(i).quantity;
4443                         ELSE
4444                                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4445                                         mydebug( ' primary UOM not same as UOM in quantity table', 'validate_quantities');
4446                                         mydebug(  ' For primary quantity ', 'validate_quantities');
4447                                         mydebug(  ' item_id  : '||l_mmtt_inventory_item_id, 'validate_quantities');
4448                                         mydebug(  ' PRECISION : '|| l_decimal_precision, 'validate_quantities');
4449                                         mydebug( ' from_quantity :'|| p_split_quantities(i).quantity, 'validate_quantities');
4450                                         mydebug( ' from_unit :'||p_split_quantities(i).uom, 'validate_quantities');
4451                                         mydebug( ' to_unit :'||l_mmtt_transaction_uom, 'validate_quantities');
4452                                 END IF;
4453                                 l_task_tbl_primary_qty := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
4454 									item_id => l_mmtt_inventory_item_id ,
4455 									PRECISION => l_decimal_precision ,
4456 									from_quantity => p_split_quantities(i).quantity ,
4457 									from_unit => p_split_quantities(i).uom ,
4458 									to_unit => l_mmtt_item_primary_uom_code ,
4459 									from_name => NULL ,
4460 									to_name => NULL);
4462                                 IF l_task_tbl_transaction_qty = -9999 THEN
4463                                         IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4464                                                 mydebug( ' No conversion defined from :'||p_split_quantities(i).uom|| ' to :'|| l_mmtt_transaction_uom || ' , or UOM does not exist.', 'validate_quantities');
4465                                         END IF;
4466                                         x_return_status := 'E';
4467                                         RETURN;
4468                                 END IF;
4469                                 x_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity := l_task_tbl_primary_qty;
4470                         END IF;
4471                 END IF;
4472                 IF x_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity <= 0 OR x_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity <= 0 THEN
4473                         IF g_debug                                 = 1 THEN
4474                                 mydebug('Negative and zero quantities are not allowed in quantities table, exiting.', 'validate_quantities');
4475                         END IF;
4476                         x_return_status := 'E';
4477                         RETURN;
4478                 END IF;
4479                 l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty := l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty + x_split_uom_quantities(i).transaction_quantity;
4480                 l_sum_tbl_primary_qty     := l_sum_tbl_primary_qty     + x_split_uom_quantities(i).primary_quantity;
4481         END LOOP;
4482         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4483                 mydebug( 'l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty : '||l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty, 'validate_quantities');
4484                 mydebug( 'l_sum_tbl_primary_qty : '||l_sum_tbl_primary_qty, 'validate_quantities');
4485         END IF;
4486         IF l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty >= l_mmtt_transaction_quantity THEN
4487                 IF g_debug            = 1 THEN
4488                         mydebug('Sum of qty table :'|| l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty || 'should be less than the mmtt line quantity:'||l_mmtt_transaction_quantity , 'validate_quantities');
4489                 END IF;
4490                 x_return_status := 'E';
4491                 RETURN;
4492         END IF;
4493         --Validate lot/serial quantity
4494         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4495                 mydebug('Validating lot/serial if allocations are present', 'validate_quantities');
4496                mydebug( 'lot_control_code : '|| l_lot_control_code, 'validate_quantities');
4497                 mydebug( 'serial_control_code : '|| l_serial_control_code, 'validate_quantities');
4498         END IF;
4499         IF l_lot_control_code = 2 AND l_serial_control_code IN (2,5) THEN
4500                 BEGIN
4501                         --Lot quantity
4502                         SELECT  sum(transaction_quantity)
4503                         INTO    l_mtlt_transaction_qty
4504                         FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
4505                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
4506                         IF g_debug                  = 1 THEN
4507                                 mydebug( 'l_mtlt_transaction_qty : '||l_mtlt_transaction_qty|| ' l_mmtt_transaction_quantity : '||l_mmtt_transaction_quantity, 'validate_quantities');
4508                         END IF;
4509                         IF l_mtlt_transaction_qty <> l_mmtt_transaction_quantity THEN
4510                                 x_return_status   := 'E';
4511                                 IF g_debug         = 1 THEN
4512                                         mydebug('Mismatch in MMTT and MTLT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4513                                 END IF;
4514                                 RETURN;
4515                         END IF;
4516                 EXCEPTION
4517                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
4518                         x_return_status := 'E';
4519                         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4520                                 mydebug('No Data Found : Mismatch in MMTT and MTLT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4521                         END IF;
4522                         RETURN;
4523                 END;
4524                 BEGIN
4525                         --serial quantity
4526                         SELECT  sum(1)
4527                         INTO    l_msnt_transaction_qty
4528                         FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4529                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id IN
4530                                 (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
4531                                 FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
4532                                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
4533                                 );
4534                         IF l_msnt_transaction_qty <> l_mmtt_transaction_quantity THEN
4535                                 x_return_status   := 'E';
4536                                 IF g_debug         = 1 THEN
4537                                         mydebug('Mismatch in MMTT and MSNT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4538                                 END IF;
4539                                 RETURN;
4540                         END IF;
4541                 EXCEPTION
4542                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
4543                         x_return_status := 'E';
4544                         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4545                                 mydebug('No Data Found :Mismatch in MMTT and MSNT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4546                         END IF;
4547                         RETURN;
4548                 END;
4549         ELSIF l_lot_control_code = 2 AND l_serial_control_code NOT IN (2,5) THEN
4550                 BEGIN
4551                         --Lot quantity
4552                         SELECT  sum(transaction_quantity)
4553                         INTO    l_mtlt_transaction_qty
4554                         FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
4555                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
4556                         IF l_mtlt_transaction_qty  <> l_mmtt_transaction_quantity THEN
4557                                 x_return_status    := 'E';
4558                                 IF g_debug          = 1 THEN
4559                                         mydebug('Mismatch in MMTT and MTLT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4560                                 END IF;
4561                                 RETURN;
4562                         END IF;
4563                 EXCEPTION
4564                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
4565                         x_return_status := 'E';
4566                         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4567                                 mydebug('No Data Found :Mismatch in MMTT and MTLT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4568                         END IF;
4569                         RETURN;
4570                 END;
4571         ELSIF l_lot_control_code = 1 AND l_serial_control_code IN (2,5) THEN
4572                 BEGIN
4573                         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4574                                 mydebug('Checking for MMTT and MSNT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4575                         END IF;
4576                         --Serial quantity
4577                         SELECT  sum(1)
4578                         INTO    l_msnt_transaction_qty
4579                         FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp
4580                         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
4581                         IF l_msnt_transaction_qty  <> l_mmtt_transaction_quantity THEN
4582                                 x_return_status    := 'E';
4583                                 IF g_debug          = 1 THEN
4584                                         mydebug('Mismatch in MMTT and MSNT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4585                                 END IF;
4586                                 RETURN;
4587                         END IF;
4588                 EXCEPTION
4589                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
4590                         x_return_status := 'E';
4591                         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4592                                 mydebug('No Data Found :Mismatch in MMTT and MSNT quantity', 'validate_quantities');
4593                         END IF;
4594                         RETURN;
4595                 END;
4596         END IF;
4597         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
4598                 mydebug( 'l_mmtt_primary_quantity  -  l_sum_tbl_primary_qty '||l_mmtt_primary_quantity ||  ' - '||l_sum_tbl_transaction_qty, 'validate_quantities');
4599         END IF;
4600         x_return_status := 'S';
4603         x_return_status := 'E';
4604 END validate_quantities;
4606 PROCEDURE split_mmtt( p_orig_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
4607 		      p_new_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
4608 		      p_new_transaction_header_id IN NUMBER ,
4609 		      p_new_mol_id IN NUMBER ,
4610 		      p_transaction_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
4611 		      p_primary_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
4612 		      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
4613 		      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
4614 		      x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
4616         l_sysdate DATE                := SYSDATE;
4617 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
4618 BEGIN
4619         x_return_status := 'E';
4620         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
4621                 mydebug(  ' Entered ', 'split_mmtt');
4622         END IF;
4623         INSERT
4624         INTO    mtl_material_transactions_temp
4625                 (
4626                         currency_conversion_date       ,
4627                         shipment_number                ,
4628                         org_cost_group_id              ,
4629                         cost_type_id                   ,
4630                         transaction_status             ,
4631                         standard_operation_id          ,
4632                         task_priority                  ,
4633                         wms_task_type                  ,
4634                         parent_line_id                 ,
4635                         source_lot_number              ,
4636                         transfer_cost_group_id         ,
4637                         lpn_id                         ,
4638                         transfer_lpn_id                ,
4639                         wms_task_status                ,
4640                         content_lpn_id                 ,
4641                         container_item_id              ,
4642                         cartonization_id               ,
4643                         pick_slip_date                 ,
4644                         rebuild_item_id                ,
4645                         rebuild_serial_number          ,
4646                         rebuild_activity_id            ,
4647                         rebuild_job_name               ,
4648                         organization_type              ,
4649                         transfer_organization_type     ,
4650                         owning_organization_id         ,
4651                         owning_tp_type                 ,
4652                         xfr_owning_organization_id     ,
4653                         transfer_owning_tp_type        ,
4654                         planning_organization_id       ,
4655                         planning_tp_type               ,
4656                         xfr_planning_organization_id   ,
4657                         transfer_planning_tp_type      ,
4658                         secondary_uom_code             ,
4659                         secondary_transaction_quantity ,
4660                         allocated_lpn_id               ,
4661                         schedule_number                ,
4662                         scheduled_flag                 ,
4663                         class_code                     ,
4664                         schedule_group                 ,
4665                         build_sequence                 ,
4666                         bom_revision                   ,
4667                         routing_revision               ,
4668                         bom_revision_date              ,
4669                         routing_revision_date          ,
4670                         alternate_bom_designator       ,
4671                         alternate_routing_designator   ,
4672                         transaction_batch_id           ,
4673                         transaction_batch_seq          ,
4674                         operation_plan_id              ,
4675                         intransit_account              ,
4676                         fob_point                      ,
4677                         transaction_header_id          ,
4678                         transaction_temp_id            ,
4679                         source_code                    ,
4680                         source_line_id                 ,
4681                         transaction_mode               ,
4682                         lock_flag                      ,
4683                         last_update_date               ,
4684                         last_updated_by                ,
4685                         creation_date                  ,
4686                         created_by                     ,
4687                         last_update_login              ,
4688                         request_id                     ,
4689                         program_application_id         ,
4690                         program_id                     ,
4691                         program_update_date            ,
4692                         inventory_item_id              ,
4693                         revision                       ,
4694                         organization_id                ,
4695                         subinventory_code              ,
4696                         locator_id                     ,
4697                         transaction_quantity           ,
4698                         primary_quantity               ,
4699                         transaction_uom                ,
4700                         transaction_cost               ,
4701                         transaction_type_id            ,
4702                         transaction_action_id          ,
4703                         transaction_source_type_id     ,
4704                         transaction_source_id          ,
4705                         transaction_source_name        ,
4706                         transaction_date               ,
4707                         acct_period_id                 ,
4708                         distribution_account_id        ,
4709                         transaction_reference          ,
4710                         requisition_line_id            ,
4711                         requisition_distribution_id    ,
4712                         reason_id                      ,
4713                         lot_number                     ,
4714                         lot_expiration_date            ,
4715                         serial_number                  ,
4716                         receiving_document             ,
4717                         demand_id                      ,
4718                         rcv_transaction_id             ,
4719                         move_transaction_id            ,
4720                         completion_transaction_id      ,
4721                         wip_entity_type                ,
4722                         schedule_id                    ,
4723                         repetitive_line_id             ,
4724                         employee_code                  ,
4725                         primary_switch                 ,
4726                         schedule_update_code           ,
4727                         setup_teardown_code            ,
4728                         item_ordering                  ,
4729                         negative_req_flag              ,
4730                         operation_seq_num              ,
4731                         picking_line_id                ,
4732                         trx_source_line_id             ,
4733                         trx_source_delivery_id         ,
4734                         physical_adjustment_id         ,
4735                         cycle_count_id                 ,
4736                         rma_line_id                    ,
4737                         customer_ship_id               ,
4738                         currency_code                  ,
4739                         currency_conversion_rate       ,
4740                         currency_conversion_type       ,
4741                         ship_to_location               ,
4742                         move_order_header_id           ,
4743                         serial_allocated_flag          ,
4744                         trx_flow_header_id             ,
4745                         logical_trx_type_code          ,
4746                         original_transaction_temp_id   ,
4747                         vendor_lot_number              ,
4748                         encumbrance_account            ,
4749                         encumbrance_amount             ,
4750                         transfer_cost                  ,
4751                         transportation_cost            ,
4752                         transportation_account         ,
4753                         freight_code                   ,
4754                         containers                     ,
4755                         waybill_airbill                ,
4756                         expected_arrival_date          ,
4757                         transfer_subinventory          ,
4758                         transfer_organization          ,
4759                         transfer_to_location           ,
4760                         new_average_cost               ,
4761                         value_change                   ,
4762                         percentage_change              ,
4763                         material_allocation_temp_id    ,
4764                         demand_source_header_id        ,
4765                         demand_source_line             ,
4766                         demand_source_delivery         ,
4767                         item_segments                  ,
4768                         item_description               ,
4769                         item_trx_enabled_flag          ,
4770                         item_location_control_code     ,
4771                         item_restrict_subinv_code      ,
4772                         item_restrict_locators_code    ,
4773                         item_revision_qty_control_code ,
4774                         item_primary_uom_code          ,
4775                         item_uom_class                 ,
4776                         item_shelf_life_code           ,
4777                         item_shelf_life_days           ,
4778                         item_lot_control_code          ,
4779                         item_serial_control_code       ,
4780                         item_inventory_asset_flag      ,
4781                         allowed_units_lookup_code      ,
4782                         department_id                  ,
4783                         department_code                ,
4784                         wip_supply_type                ,
4785                         supply_subinventory            ,
4786                         supply_locator_id              ,
4787                         valid_subinventory_flag        ,
4788                         valid_locator_flag             ,
4789                         locator_segments               ,
4790                         current_locator_control_code   ,
4791                         number_of_lots_entered         ,
4792                         wip_commit_flag                ,
4793                         next_lot_number                ,
4794                         lot_alpha_prefix               ,
4795                         next_serial_number             ,
4796                         serial_alpha_prefix            ,
4797                         shippable_flag                 ,
4798                         posting_flag                   ,
4799                         required_flag                  ,
4800                         process_flag                   ,
4801                         ERROR_CODE                     ,
4802                         error_explanation              ,
4803                         attribute_category             ,
4804                         attribute1                     ,
4805                         attribute2                     ,
4806                         attribute3                     ,
4807                         attribute4                     ,
4808                         attribute5                     ,
4809                         attribute6                     ,
4810                         attribute7                     ,
4811                         attribute8                     ,
4812                         attribute9                     ,
4813                         attribute10                    ,
4814                         attribute11                    ,
4815                         attribute12                    ,
4816                         attribute13                    ,
4817                         attribute14                    ,
4818                         attribute15                    ,
4819                         movement_id                    ,
4820                         reservation_quantity           ,
4821                         shipped_quantity               ,
4822                         transaction_line_number        ,
4823                         task_id                        ,
4824                         to_task_id                     ,
4825                         source_task_id                 ,
4826                         project_id                     ,
4827                         source_project_id              ,
4828                         pa_expenditure_org_id          ,
4829                         to_project_id                  ,
4830                         expenditure_type               ,
4831                         final_completion_flag          ,
4832                         transfer_percentage            ,
4833                         transaction_sequence_id        ,
4834                         material_account               ,
4835                         material_overhead_account      ,
4836                         resource_account               ,
4837                         outside_processing_account     ,
4838                         overhead_account               ,
4839                         flow_schedule                  ,
4840                         cost_group_id                  ,
4841                         demand_class                   ,
4842                         qa_collection_id               ,
4843                         kanban_card_id                 ,
4844                         overcompletion_transaction_qty ,
4845                         overcompletion_primary_qty     ,
4846                         overcompletion_transaction_id  ,
4847                         end_item_unit_number           ,
4848                         scheduled_payback_date         ,
4849                         line_type_code                 ,
4850                         parent_transaction_temp_id     ,
4851                         put_away_strategy_id           ,
4852                         put_away_rule_id               ,
4853                         pick_strategy_id               ,
4854                         pick_rule_id                   ,
4855                         move_order_line_id             ,
4856                         task_group_id                  ,
4857                         pick_slip_number               ,
4858                         reservation_id                 ,
4859                         common_bom_seq_id              ,
4860                         common_routing_seq_id          ,
4861                         ussgl_transaction_code         ,
4862                         fulfillment_base               --16574325
4863                 )
4864         SELECT  currency_conversion_date       ,
4865                 shipment_number                ,
4866                 org_cost_group_id              ,
4867                 cost_type_id                   ,
4868                 transaction_status             ,
4869                 standard_operation_id          ,
4870                 task_priority                  ,
4871                 wms_task_type                  ,
4872                 parent_line_id                 ,
4873                 source_lot_number              ,
4874                 transfer_cost_group_id         ,
4875                 lpn_id                         ,
4876                 transfer_lpn_id                ,
4877                 wms_task_status                ,
4878                 content_lpn_id                 ,
4879                 container_item_id              ,
4880                 cartonization_id               ,
4881                 pick_slip_date                 ,
4882                 rebuild_item_id                ,
4883                 rebuild_serial_number          ,
4884                 rebuild_activity_id            ,
4885                 rebuild_job_name               ,
4886                 organization_type              ,
4887                 transfer_organization_type     ,
4888                 owning_organization_id         ,
4889                 owning_tp_type                 ,
4890                 xfr_owning_organization_id     ,
4891                 transfer_owning_tp_type        ,
4892                 planning_organization_id       ,
4893                 planning_tp_type               ,
4894                 xfr_planning_organization_id   ,
4895                 transfer_planning_tp_type      ,
4896                 secondary_uom_code             ,
4897                 secondary_transaction_quantity ,
4898                 allocated_lpn_id               ,
4899                 schedule_number                ,
4900                 scheduled_flag                 ,
4901                 class_code                     ,
4902                 schedule_group                 ,
4903                 build_sequence                 ,
4904                 bom_revision                   ,
4905                 routing_revision               ,
4906                 bom_revision_date              ,
4907                 routing_revision_date          ,
4908                 alternate_bom_designator       ,
4909                 alternate_routing_designator   ,
4910                 transaction_batch_id           ,
4911                 transaction_batch_seq          ,
4912                 operation_plan_id              ,
4913                 intransit_account              ,
4914                 fob_point                      ,
4915                 p_new_transaction_header_id --TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID
4916                 ,
4917                 p_new_transaction_temp_id --TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID
4918                 ,
4919                 source_code      ,
4920                 source_line_id   ,
4921                 transaction_mode ,
4922                 lock_flag        ,
4923                 l_sysdate --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
4924                 ,
4925                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID ,
4926                 l_sysdate --CREATION_DATE
4927                 ,
4928                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID     ,
4929                 last_update_login      ,
4930                 request_id             ,
4931                 program_application_id ,
4932                 program_id             ,
4933                 program_update_date    ,
4934                 inventory_item_id      ,
4935                 revision               ,
4936                 organization_id        ,
4937                 subinventory_code      ,
4938                 locator_id             ,
4939                 p_transaction_qty_to_split --TRANSACTION_QUANTITY
4940                 ,
4941                 p_primary_qty_to_split --PRIMARY_QUANTITY
4942                 ,
4943                 transaction_uom                ,
4944                 transaction_cost               ,
4945                 transaction_type_id            ,
4946                 transaction_action_id          ,
4947                 transaction_source_type_id     ,
4948                 transaction_source_id          ,
4949                 transaction_source_name        ,
4950                 transaction_date               ,
4951                 acct_period_id                 ,
4952                 distribution_account_id        ,
4953                 transaction_reference          ,
4954                 requisition_line_id            ,
4955                 requisition_distribution_id    ,
4956                 reason_id                      ,
4957                 lot_number                     ,
4958                 lot_expiration_date            ,
4959                 serial_number                  ,
4960                 receiving_document             ,
4961                 demand_id                      ,
4962                 rcv_transaction_id             ,
4963                 move_transaction_id            ,
4964                 completion_transaction_id      ,
4965                 wip_entity_type                ,
4966                 schedule_id                    ,
4967                 repetitive_line_id             ,
4968                 employee_code                  ,
4969                 primary_switch                 ,
4970                 schedule_update_code           ,
4971                 setup_teardown_code            ,
4972                 item_ordering                  ,
4973                 negative_req_flag              ,
4974                 operation_seq_num              ,
4975                 picking_line_id                ,
4976                 trx_source_line_id             ,
4977                 trx_source_delivery_id         ,
4978                 physical_adjustment_id         ,
4979                 cycle_count_id                 ,
4980                 rma_line_id                    ,
4981                 customer_ship_id               ,
4982                 currency_code                  ,
4983                 currency_conversion_rate       ,
4984                 currency_conversion_type       ,
4985                 ship_to_location               ,
4986                 move_order_header_id           ,
4987                 serial_allocated_flag          ,
4988                 trx_flow_header_id             ,
4989                 logical_trx_type_code          ,
4990                 original_transaction_temp_id   ,
4991                 vendor_lot_number              ,
4992                 encumbrance_account            ,
4993                 encumbrance_amount             ,
4994                 transfer_cost                  ,
4995                 transportation_cost            ,
4996                 transportation_account         ,
4997                 freight_code                   ,
4998                 containers                     ,
4999                 waybill_airbill                ,
5000                 expected_arrival_date          ,
5001                 transfer_subinventory          ,
5002                 transfer_organization          ,
5003                 transfer_to_location           ,
5004                 new_average_cost               ,
5005                 value_change                   ,
5006                 percentage_change              ,
5007                 material_allocation_temp_id    ,
5008                 demand_source_header_id        ,
5009                 demand_source_line             ,
5010                 demand_source_delivery         ,
5011                 item_segments                  ,
5012                 item_description               ,
5013                 item_trx_enabled_flag          ,
5014                 item_location_control_code     ,
5015                 item_restrict_subinv_code      ,
5016                 item_restrict_locators_code    ,
5017                 item_revision_qty_control_code ,
5018                 item_primary_uom_code          ,
5019                 item_uom_class                 ,
5020                 item_shelf_life_code           ,
5021                 item_shelf_life_days           ,
5022                 item_lot_control_code          ,
5023                 item_serial_control_code       ,
5024                 item_inventory_asset_flag      ,
5025                 allowed_units_lookup_code      ,
5026                 department_id                  ,
5027                 department_code                ,
5028                 wip_supply_type                ,
5029                 supply_subinventory            ,
5030                 supply_locator_id              ,
5031                 valid_subinventory_flag        ,
5032                 valid_locator_flag             ,
5033                 locator_segments               ,
5034                 current_locator_control_code   ,
5035                 number_of_lots_entered         ,
5036                 wip_commit_flag                ,
5037                 next_lot_number                ,
5038                 lot_alpha_prefix               ,
5039                 next_serial_number             ,
5040                 serial_alpha_prefix            ,
5041                 shippable_flag                 ,
5042                 posting_flag                   ,
5043                 required_flag                  ,
5044                 process_flag                   ,
5045                 ERROR_CODE                     ,
5046                 error_explanation              ,
5047                 attribute_category             ,
5048                 attribute1                     ,
5049                 attribute2                     ,
5050                 attribute3                     ,
5051                 attribute4                     ,
5052                 attribute5                     ,
5053                 attribute6                     ,
5054                 attribute7                     ,
5055                 attribute8                     ,
5056                 attribute9                     ,
5057                 attribute10                    ,
5058                 attribute11                    ,
5059                 attribute12                    ,
5060                 attribute13                    ,
5061                 attribute14                    ,
5062                 attribute15                    ,
5063                 movement_id                    ,
5064                 reservation_quantity           ,
5065                 shipped_quantity               ,
5066                 transaction_line_number        ,
5067                 task_id                        ,
5068                 to_task_id                     ,
5069                 source_task_id                 ,
5070                 project_id                     ,
5071                 source_project_id              ,
5072                 pa_expenditure_org_id          ,
5073                 to_project_id                  ,
5074                 expenditure_type               ,
5075                 final_completion_flag          ,
5076                 transfer_percentage            ,
5077                 transaction_sequence_id        ,
5078                 material_account               ,
5079                 material_overhead_account      ,
5080                 resource_account               ,
5081                 outside_processing_account     ,
5082                 overhead_account               ,
5083                 flow_schedule                  ,
5084                 cost_group_id                  ,
5085                 demand_class                   ,
5086                 qa_collection_id               ,
5087                 kanban_card_id                 ,
5088                 overcompletion_transaction_qty ,
5089                 overcompletion_primary_qty     ,
5090                 overcompletion_transaction_id  ,
5091                 end_item_unit_number           ,
5092                 scheduled_payback_date         ,
5093                 line_type_code                 ,
5094                 parent_transaction_temp_id     ,
5095                 put_away_strategy_id           ,
5096                 put_away_rule_id               ,
5097                 pick_strategy_id               ,
5098                 pick_rule_id                   ,
5099                 move_order_line_id             ,
5100                 task_group_id                  ,
5101                 pick_slip_number               ,
5102                 reservation_id                 ,
5103                 common_bom_seq_id              ,
5104                 common_routing_seq_id          ,
5105                 ussgl_transaction_code         ,
5106                 fulfillment_base               --16574325
5107         FROM    mtl_material_transactions_temp
5108         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_orig_transaction_temp_id;
5109         x_return_status            := 'S';
5112         x_return_status := 'E';
5113         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
5114                 mydebug(  ' Error Code : '|| SQLCODE || ' Error Message :'||SQLERRM , 'split_mmtt');
5115         END IF;
5116         RETURN;
5117 END split_mmtt;
5119 PROCEDURE split_wdt( p_new_task_id IN NUMBER ,
5120 		     p_new_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5121 		     p_new_mol_id IN NUMBER ,
5122 		     p_orig_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5123 		     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5124 		     x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5125 		     x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
5127         l_sysdate DATE                := SYSDATE;
5128 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5129 BEGIN
5130         x_return_status := 'E';
5131         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
5132                 mydebug(  ' Entered ','SPLIT_WDT');
5133         END IF;
5134         INSERT
5135         INTO    wms_dispatched_tasks
5136                 (
5137                         op_plan_instance_id         ,
5138                         task_method                 ,
5139                         task_id                     ,
5140                         transaction_temp_id         ,
5141                         organization_id             ,
5142                         user_task_type              ,
5143                         person_id                   ,
5144                         effective_start_date        ,
5145                         effective_end_date          ,
5146                         equipment_id                ,
5147                         equipment_instance          ,
5148                         person_resource_id          ,
5149                         machine_resource_id         ,
5150                         status                      ,
5151                         dispatched_time             ,
5152                         loaded_time                 ,
5153                         drop_off_time               ,
5154                         last_update_date            ,
5155                         last_updated_by             ,
5156                         creation_date               ,
5157                         created_by                  ,
5158                         last_update_login           ,
5159                         attribute_category          ,
5160                         attribute1                  ,
5161                         attribute2                  ,
5162                         attribute3                  ,
5163                         attribute4                  ,
5164                         attribute5                  ,
5165                         attribute6                  ,
5166                         attribute7                  ,
5167                         attribute8                  ,
5168                         attribute9                  ,
5169                         attribute10                 ,
5170                         attribute11                 ,
5171                         attribute12                 ,
5172                         attribute13                 ,
5173                         attribute14                 ,
5174                         attribute15                 ,
5175                         task_type                   ,
5176                         priority                    ,
5177                         task_group_id               ,
5178                         device_id                   ,
5179                         device_invoked              ,
5180                         device_request_id           ,
5181                         suggested_dest_subinventory ,
5182                         suggested_dest_locator_id   ,
5183                         operation_plan_id           ,
5184                         move_order_line_id          ,
5185                         transfer_lpn_id
5186                 )
5187         SELECT  op_plan_instance_id ,
5188                 task_method         ,
5189                 p_new_task_id --task_id
5190                 ,
5191                 p_new_transaction_temp_id --transaction_temp_id
5192                 ,
5193                 organization_id      ,
5194                 user_task_type       ,
5195                 person_id            ,
5196                 effective_start_date ,
5197                 effective_end_date   ,
5198                 equipment_id         ,
5199                 equipment_instance   ,
5200                 person_resource_id   ,
5201                 machine_resource_id  ,
5202                 status               ,
5203                 dispatched_time      ,
5204                 loaded_time          ,
5205                 drop_off_time        ,
5206                 l_sysdate --last_update_date
5207                 ,
5208                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID ,
5209                 l_sysdate --creation_date
5210                 ,
5211                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID          ,
5212                 last_update_login           ,
5213                 attribute_category          ,
5214                 attribute1                  ,
5215                 attribute2                  ,
5216                 attribute3                  ,
5217                 attribute4                  ,
5218                 attribute5                  ,
5219                 attribute6                  ,
5220                 attribute7                  ,
5221                 attribute8                  ,
5222                 attribute9                  ,
5223                 attribute10                 ,
5224                 attribute11                 ,
5225                 attribute12                 ,
5226                 attribute13                 ,
5227                 attribute14                 ,
5228                 attribute15                 ,
5229                 task_type                   ,
5230                 priority                    ,
5231                 task_group_id               ,
5232                 device_id                   ,
5233                 device_invoked              ,
5234                 device_request_id           ,
5235                 suggested_dest_subinventory ,
5236                 suggested_dest_locator_id   ,
5237                 operation_plan_id           ,
5238                 p_new_mol_id                ,
5239                 transfer_lpn_id
5240         FROM    wms_dispatched_tasks
5241         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_orig_transaction_temp_id;
5242         x_return_status            := 'S';
5245         x_return_status := 'E';
5246         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
5247                 mydebug(  ' Error Code : '|| SQLCODE || ' Error Message :'||SQLERRM,'SPLIT_WDT');
5248         END IF;
5249         RETURN;
5250 END split_wdt;
5252 PROCEDURE split_lot_serial( p_orig_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5253 			    p_new_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5254 			    p_transaction_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5255 			    p_primary_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5256 			    p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER ,
5257 			    p_organization_id IN NUMBER ,
5258 			    x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5259 			    x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5260 			    x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
5262         CURSOR C_MTLT
5263         IS
5264                 SELECT  rowid,
5265                         mtlt.*
5266                 FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
5267                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_orig_transaction_temp_id
5268                 ORDER BY lot_number;
5269         l_transaction_remaining_qty NUMBER;
5270         l_primary_remaining_qty     NUMBER;
5271         l_txn_remaining_qty_mtlt    NUMBER;
5272         l_prim_remaining_qty_mtlt   NUMBER;
5273         l_lot_control_code          NUMBER;
5274         l_serial_control_code       NUMBER;
5275         l_new_serial_txn_temp_id    NUMBER;
5276         l_lot_control_code          NUMBER;
5277         l_serial_control_code       NUMBER;
5278         x_lot_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
5280 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5281 BEGIN
5282         x_return_status := 'E';
5283         IF g_debug       = 1 THEN
5284                 mydebug( 'Entered.', 'SPLIT_LOT_SERIAL');
5285         END IF;
5286         l_transaction_remaining_qty := p_transaction_qty_to_split;
5287         l_primary_remaining_qty     := p_primary_qty_to_split;
5288         FOR mtlt                    IN C_MTLT
5289         LOOP
5290                 IF g_debug = 1 THEN
5291                   mydebug('In for loop(cursor mtlt) for transaction_temp_id : '||p_orig_transaction_temp_id||'l_transaction_remaining_qty : '||l_transaction_remaining_qty||  'l_primary_remaining_qty : '||l_primary_remaining_qty, 'SPLIT_LOT_SERIAL');
5292                 END IF;
5293                 IF l_transaction_remaining_qty >= mtlt.transaction_quantity THEN
5294                         -- Then this whole row can be consumed there is not need to split.
5295                         -- Update the row with the new ttemp_id and transaction_quantity.
5296                         -- Calculate remaining quantity.
5297                         -- Update mtl_lot_number
5298                         l_transaction_remaining_qty := l_transaction_remaining_qty - mtlt.transaction_quantity;
5299                         l_primary_remaining_qty     := l_primary_remaining_qty     - mtlt.primary_quantity;
5300                         UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
5301                                 SET transaction_temp_id = p_new_transaction_temp_id ,
5302                                 last_updated_by         = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
5303                         WHERE   rowid                   = mtlt.rowid;
5304                         IF l_transaction_remaining_qty  = 0 THEN
5305                                 EXIT;
5306                         END IF;
5307                 ELSE
5308                         -- Oops the mtlt quantity is bigger gotta split the row.
5309                         -- Insert a new row with the transaction_quantity.
5310                         -- Update the old row with the remaining quantity.
5311                         -- Update mtl_lot_number
5312                         split_mtlt (
5313 				p_new_transaction_temp_id ,
5314 				l_transaction_remaining_qty ,
5315 				l_primary_remaining_qty ,
5316 				mtlt.rowid ,
5317 				x_lot_return_status ,
5318 				x_msg_data ,
5319 				x_msg_count );
5321                         IF mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id IS NOT NULL THEN
5322                                 SELECT  mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
5323                                 INTO    l_new_serial_txn_temp_id
5324                                 FROM    dual;
5325                                 UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
5326                                         SET serial_transaction_temp_id   = l_new_serial_txn_temp_id ,
5327                                         last_updated_by                  = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
5328                                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id              = p_new_transaction_temp_id
5329                                     AND lot_number                       = mtlt.lot_number;
5330                                 split_serial(
5331 					p_orig_transaction_temp_id => mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id ,
5332 					p_new_transaction_temp_id => l_new_serial_txn_temp_id ,
5333 					p_transaction_qty_to_split => l_transaction_remaining_qty ,
5334 					p_primary_qty_to_split => l_primary_remaining_qty ,
5335 					p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id ,
5336 					p_organization_id => p_organization_id ,
5337 					x_return_status => x_return_status ,
5338 					x_msg_data => x_msg_data ,
5339 					x_msg_count => x_msg_count );
5340                         END IF;
5341                         l_txn_remaining_qty_mtlt  := mtlt.transaction_quantity - l_transaction_remaining_qty;
5342                         l_prim_remaining_qty_mtlt := mtlt.primary_quantity     - l_primary_remaining_qty;
5343                         -- Update the remaining qty in the mtlt after insert.
5344                         UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
5345                                 SET transaction_quantity = l_txn_remaining_qty_mtlt  ,
5346                                 primary_quantity         = l_prim_remaining_qty_mtlt ,
5347                                 last_updated_by          = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
5348                         WHERE   rowid                    = mtlt.rowid;
5349                         -- As the remaining quantity is already consumed we can safely exit
5350                         EXIT ;
5351                 END IF;
5352         END LOOP;
5353         x_return_status := 'S';
5356         IF g_debug = 1 THEN
5357                 mydebug(  'Error occurred : '|| SQLERRM, 'SPLIT_LOT_SERIAL');
5358         END IF;
5359         x_return_status := 'E';
5360         RETURN;
5361 END split_lot_serial;
5363 PROCEDURE split_serial( p_orig_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5364 			p_new_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5365 			p_transaction_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5366 			p_primary_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5367 			p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER ,
5368 			p_organization_id IN NUMBER ,
5369 			x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5370 			x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5371 			x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
5373         CURSOR C_MSNT
5374         IS
5375                 SELECT  rowid,
5376                         msnt.*
5377                 FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
5378                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_orig_transaction_temp_id
5379                 ORDER BY fm_serial_number;
5381         l_transaction_remaining_qty NUMBER;
5382         l_primary_remaining_qty     NUMBER;
5383 	g_debug                 NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 0);
5384 BEGIN
5385         x_return_status             := 'E';
5386         l_transaction_remaining_qty := p_transaction_qty_to_split;
5387         l_primary_remaining_qty     := p_primary_qty_to_split;
5388         IF g_debug                   = 1 THEN
5389                 mydebug(  'In for loop(cursor msnt) for transaction_temp_id : '||p_orig_transaction_temp_id ||  'l_transaction_remaining_qty : '||l_transaction_remaining_qty||  'l_primary_remaining_qty : '||l_primary_remaining_qty, 'SPLIT_SERIAL');
5390         END IF;
5391         FOR msnt IN C_MSNT
5392         LOOP
5393                 l_transaction_remaining_qty := l_transaction_remaining_qty - 1;
5394                 UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
5395                         SET transaction_temp_id = p_new_transaction_temp_id ,
5396                         last_updated_by         = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
5397                 WHERE   rowid                   = msnt.rowid;
5398                 UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers msn
5399                         SET msn.group_mark_id   = p_new_transaction_temp_id ,
5400                         last_updated_by         = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
5401                 WHERE   msn.inventory_item_id   = p_inventory_item_id
5402                     AND serial_number           = msnt.fm_serial_number
5403                     AND current_organization_id = p_organization_id;
5404                 IF l_transaction_remaining_qty  = 0 THEN
5405                         mydebug('All the quantity has been consumed, going back', 'SPLIT_SERIAL');
5406                         EXIT;
5407                 END IF;
5408         END LOOP;
5409         x_return_status := 'S';
5412         x_return_status := 'E';
5413         RETURN;
5414 END split_serial;
5416 PROCEDURE split_mtlt ( p_new_transaction_temp_id IN NUMBER ,
5417 		       p_transaction_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5418 		       p_primary_qty_to_split IN NUMBER ,
5419 		       p_row_id IN ROWID ,
5420 		       x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5421 		       x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ,
5422 		       x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) IS
5424 BEGIN
5425         x_return_status := 'E';
5426         INSERT
5427         INTO    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
5428                 (
5429                         TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID        ,
5430                         LAST_UPDATE_DATE           ,
5431                         LAST_UPDATED_BY            ,
5432                         CREATION_DATE              ,
5433                         CREATED_BY                 ,
5434                         LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          ,
5435                         REQUEST_ID                 ,
5436                         PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID     ,
5437                         PROGRAM_ID                 ,
5438                         PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE        ,
5439                         TRANSACTION_QUANTITY       ,
5440                         PRIMARY_QUANTITY           ,
5441                         LOT_NUMBER                 ,
5442                         LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE        ,
5443                         ERROR_CODE                 ,
5444                         SERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID ,
5445                         GROUP_HEADER_ID            ,
5446                         PUT_AWAY_RULE_ID           ,
5447                         PICK_RULE_ID               ,
5448                         DESCRIPTION                ,
5449                         VENDOR_NAME                ,
5450                         SUPPLIER_LOT_NUMBER        ,
5451                         ORIGINATION_DATE           ,
5452                         DATE_CODE                  ,
5453                         GRADE_CODE                 ,
5454                         CHANGE_DATE                ,
5455                         MATURITY_DATE              ,
5456                         STATUS_ID                  ,
5457                         RETEST_DATE                ,
5458                         AGE                        ,
5459                         ITEM_SIZE                  ,
5460                         COLOR                      ,
5461                         VOLUME                     ,
5462                         VOLUME_UOM                 ,
5463                         PLACE_OF_ORIGIN            ,
5464                         BEST_BY_DATE               ,
5465                         LENGTH                     ,
5466                         LENGTH_UOM                 ,
5467                         RECYCLED_CONTENT           ,
5468                         THICKNESS                  ,
5469                         THICKNESS_UOM              ,
5470                         WIDTH                      ,
5471                         WIDTH_UOM                  ,
5472                         CURL_WRINKLE_FOLD          ,
5473                         LOT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY     ,
5474                         C_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5475                         C_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5476                         C_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5477                         C_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5478                         C_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5479                         C_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5480                         C_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5481                         C_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5482                         C_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5483                         C_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5484                         C_ATTRIBUTE11              ,
5485                         C_ATTRIBUTE12              ,
5486                         C_ATTRIBUTE13              ,
5487                         C_ATTRIBUTE14              ,
5488                         C_ATTRIBUTE15              ,
5489                         C_ATTRIBUTE16              ,
5490                         C_ATTRIBUTE17              ,
5491                         C_ATTRIBUTE18              ,
5492                         C_ATTRIBUTE19              ,
5493                         C_ATTRIBUTE20              ,
5494                         D_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5495                         D_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5496                         D_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5497                         D_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5498                         D_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5499                         D_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5500                         D_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5501                         D_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5502                         D_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5503                         D_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5504                         N_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5505                         N_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5506                         N_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5507                         N_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5508                         N_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5509                         N_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5510                         N_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5511                         N_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5512                         N_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5513                         N_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5514                         VENDOR_ID                  ,
5515                         TERRITORY_CODE             ,
5516                         SUBLOT_NUM                 ,
5517                         SECONDARY_QUANTITY         ,
5518                         SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE  ,
5519                         QC_GRADE                   ,
5520                         REASON_CODE                ,
5521                         PRODUCT_CODE               ,
5522                         PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID     ,
5523                         ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY         ,
5524                         ATTRIBUTE1                 ,
5525                         ATTRIBUTE2                 ,
5526                         ATTRIBUTE3                 ,
5527                         ATTRIBUTE4                 ,
5528                         ATTRIBUTE5                 ,
5529                         ATTRIBUTE6                 ,
5530                         ATTRIBUTE7                 ,
5531                         ATTRIBUTE8                 ,
5532                         ATTRIBUTE9                 ,
5533                         ATTRIBUTE10                ,
5534                         ATTRIBUTE11                ,
5535                         ATTRIBUTE12                ,
5536                         ATTRIBUTE13                ,
5537                         ATTRIBUTE14                ,
5538                         ATTRIBUTE15
5539                 )
5540         SELECT  p_new_transaction_temp_id --TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID
5541                 ,
5542                 sysdate --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
5543                 ,
5544                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID ,
5545                 sysdate --CREATION_DATE
5546                 ,
5547                 FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID     ,
5548                 LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      ,
5549                 REQUEST_ID             ,
5550                 PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID ,
5551                 PROGRAM_ID             ,
5552                 PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE    ,
5553                 p_transaction_qty_to_split --TRANSACTION_QUANTITY
5554                 ,
5555                 p_primary_qty_to_split --PRIMARY_QUANTITY
5556                 ,
5557                 LOT_NUMBER                 ,
5558                 LOT_EXPIRATION_DATE        ,
5559                 ERROR_CODE                 ,
5560                 SERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID ,
5561                 GROUP_HEADER_ID            ,
5562                 PUT_AWAY_RULE_ID           ,
5563                 PICK_RULE_ID               ,
5564                 DESCRIPTION                ,
5565                 VENDOR_NAME                ,
5566                 SUPPLIER_LOT_NUMBER        ,
5567                 ORIGINATION_DATE           ,
5568                 DATE_CODE                  ,
5569                 GRADE_CODE                 ,
5570                 CHANGE_DATE                ,
5571                 MATURITY_DATE              ,
5572                 STATUS_ID                  ,
5573                 RETEST_DATE                ,
5574                 AGE                        ,
5575                 ITEM_SIZE                  ,
5576                 COLOR                      ,
5577                 VOLUME                     ,
5578                 VOLUME_UOM                 ,
5579                 PLACE_OF_ORIGIN            ,
5580                 BEST_BY_DATE               ,
5581                 LENGTH                     ,
5582                 LENGTH_UOM                 ,
5583                 RECYCLED_CONTENT           ,
5584                 THICKNESS                  ,
5585                 THICKNESS_UOM              ,
5586                 WIDTH                      ,
5587                 WIDTH_UOM                  ,
5588                 CURL_WRINKLE_FOLD          ,
5589                 LOT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY     ,
5590                 C_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5591                 C_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5592                 C_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5593                 C_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5594                 C_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5595                 C_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5596                 C_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5597                 C_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5598                 C_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5599                 C_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5600                 C_ATTRIBUTE11              ,
5601                 C_ATTRIBUTE12              ,
5602                 C_ATTRIBUTE13              ,
5603                 C_ATTRIBUTE14              ,
5604                 C_ATTRIBUTE15              ,
5605                 C_ATTRIBUTE16              ,
5606                 C_ATTRIBUTE17              ,
5607                 C_ATTRIBUTE18              ,
5608                 C_ATTRIBUTE19              ,
5609                 C_ATTRIBUTE20              ,
5610                 D_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5611                 D_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5612                 D_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5613                 D_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5614                 D_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5615                 D_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5616                 D_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5617                 D_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5618                 D_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5619                 D_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5620                 N_ATTRIBUTE1               ,
5621                 N_ATTRIBUTE2               ,
5622                 N_ATTRIBUTE3               ,
5623                 N_ATTRIBUTE4               ,
5624                 N_ATTRIBUTE5               ,
5625                 N_ATTRIBUTE6               ,
5626                 N_ATTRIBUTE7               ,
5627                 N_ATTRIBUTE8               ,
5628                 N_ATTRIBUTE9               ,
5629                 N_ATTRIBUTE10              ,
5630                 VENDOR_ID                  ,
5631                 TERRITORY_CODE             ,
5632                 SUBLOT_NUM                 ,
5633                 SECONDARY_QUANTITY         ,
5634                 SECONDARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE  ,
5635                 QC_GRADE                   ,
5636                 REASON_CODE                ,
5637                 PRODUCT_CODE               ,
5638                 PRODUCT_TRANSACTION_ID     ,
5639                 ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY         ,
5640                 ATTRIBUTE1                 ,
5641                 ATTRIBUTE2                 ,
5642                 ATTRIBUTE3                 ,
5643                 ATTRIBUTE4                 ,
5644                 ATTRIBUTE5                 ,
5645                 ATTRIBUTE6                 ,
5646                 ATTRIBUTE7                 ,
5647                 ATTRIBUTE8                 ,
5648                 ATTRIBUTE9                 ,
5649                 ATTRIBUTE10                ,
5650                 ATTRIBUTE11                ,
5651                 ATTRIBUTE12                ,
5652                 ATTRIBUTE13                ,
5653                 ATTRIBUTE14                ,
5654                 ATTRIBUTE15
5655         FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp
5656         WHERE   rowid    = p_row_id;
5657         x_return_status := 'S';
5660         x_return_status := 'E';
5661         RETURN;
5662 END split_mtlt;
5665 --End Bug 6682436
5666 END wms_picking_pkg;