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1 Package Body JTF_RS_GRP_SUM_PUB AS
2 /* $Header: jtfrssgb.pls 120.1 2006/02/09 15:48:00 baianand noship $ */
4 ---------------------------------------------------------
5 --    Start of Comments
6 --    ---------------------------------------------------
8 --    ---------------------------------------------------
9 --    PURPOSE
10 --      Get group details for Group Summary Screen (jsp)
11 --    NOTES
12 --      This package is publicly available for use
13 --
14 --    HISTORY
15 --      04/30/2001    NSINGHAI    Created
16 --      04/17/2002	  SURAWAT	  Modified - Added the logic for "Last"
17 --                                function. At the beginning of each new set, the
18 --                                previous set is flushed out of the PL/SQL table.
19 --      07/15/2002    ASACHAN     Fixed problem of next button getting wrongly
20 --                                disabled.
21 --    End of Comments
22 --
23 --
24 -- ***************************************************
25 --              GLOBAL VARIABLES
26 -- ***************************************************
28    G_FILE_NAME     CONSTANT VARCHAR2(12):='jtfrssgb.pls';
30    G_NEW_LINE        VARCHAR2(02) := FND_GLOBAL.Local_Chr(10);
31    G_APPL_ID         NUMBER       := FND_GLOBAL.Prog_Appl_Id;
32    G_LOGIN_ID        NUMBER       := FND_GLOBAL.Conc_Login_Id;
33    G_PROGRAM_ID      NUMBER       := FND_GLOBAL.Conc_Program_Id;
34    G_USER_ID         NUMBER       := FND_GLOBAL.User_Id;
35    G_REQUEST_ID      NUMBER       := FND_GLOBAL.Conc_Request_Id;
36    G_APP_SHORT_NAME  VARCHAR2(15) := FND_GLOBAL.Application_Short_Name;
38 -- ***************************************************
39 --    start of comments
40 --    ***************************************************
41 --    api name       : Get Group Summary
42 --    type           : public.
43 --    function       : Get the Groups summary information
44 --    pre-reqs       : depends on jtf_rs_groups_vl
45 --    parameters     :
46 -- end of comments
48 procedure Get_Group
49 (   p_range_low           IN NUMBER,
50     p_range_high          IN NUMBER,
51     p_called_from         IN VARCHAR2,
52     p_user_id             IN NUMBER,
53     p_group_name          IN VARCHAR2,
54     p_group_number        IN VARCHAR2,
55     p_group_desc          IN VARCHAR2,
56     p_group_email         IN VARCHAR2,
57     p_from_date           IN VARCHAR2,
58     p_to_date             IN VARCHAR2,
59     p_date_format         IN VARCHAR2,
60     p_group_id            IN NUMBER,
61     p_group_usage         IN VARCHAR2,
62     x_total_rows          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
63     x_result_tbl          OUT NOCOPY grp_sum_tbl_type)
65 IS
67    cursor main_uid_cur(l_uid number) is
68           select mem.group_id group_id,
69 		 grp.group_name group_name,
70                  upper(grp.group_name) u_group_name,
71 		 grp.group_desc group_desc,
72 		 grp.group_number group_number,
73 		 grp.start_date_active start_date_active,
74                  grp.end_date_active end_date_active
75             from jtf_rs_group_members mem,
76 		 jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
77            where mem.resource_id in
78                      (select rsc.resource_id
79 		      from   jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc
80 		      where  rsc.user_id  = l_uid)
81             and nvl(mem.delete_flag,'N') = 'N'
82 	    and  mem.group_id = grp.group_id
83             order by u_group_name, mem.group_id  ;
85       r_main_cur main_uid_cur%rowtype;
87       cursor main_qf_cur(l_group varchar2) is
88 	     select group_id,
89 		    group_name,
90                     upper(group_name) u_group_name,
91 		    group_desc,
92 		    group_number ,
93 		    start_date_active,
94 		    end_date_active
95      	      from  jtf_rs_groups_vl
96 	      where upper(group_name) like l_group
97 	      union
98 	     select group_id,
99 		    group_name,
100                     upper(group_name) u_group_name,
101 		    group_desc,
102 		    group_number,
103 		    start_date_active,
104 		    end_date_active
105      	      from  jtf_rs_groups_vl
106 	      where group_number like l_group
107 /*	      union
108 	     select group_id,
109 		    group_name,
110                     upper(group_name) u_group_name,
111 		    group_desc,
112 		    group_number,
113 		    start_date_active,
114 		    end_date_active
115      	      from  jtf_rs_groups_vl
116 	      where group_id = l_grp_id
117 */	      order by u_group_name, group_id ;
119       cursor get_parent_group(l_par_group_id number) is
120              select grl.related_group_id,
121 		    grp.group_name,
122                     upper(grp.group_name) u_group_name
123              from   jtf_rs_grp_relations grl,
124 		    jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
125              where  grl.group_id = l_par_group_id
126              and    trunc(sysdate) between grl.start_date_active and nvl(grl.end_date_active,sysdate)
127              and    nvl(grl.delete_flag,'N') = 'N'
128              and    grl.related_group_id = grp.group_id
129              order by u_group_name, grl.related_group_id ;
131       r_get_parent_group get_parent_group%rowtype;
133       cursor get_child_group(l_child_group_id number) is
134              select grl.group_id,
135 		    grp.group_name,
136                     upper(grp.group_name) u_group_name
137              from   jtf_rs_grp_relations grl,
138 		    jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
139              where  grl.related_group_id = l_child_group_id
140              and    trunc(sysdate) between grl.start_date_active and nvl(grl.end_date_active,sysdate)
141              and    nvl(grl.delete_flag,'N') = 'N'
142              and    grl.group_id = grp.group_id
143              order by u_group_name,grl.group_id ;
145        r_get_child_group get_child_group%rowtype;
147     l_date_format                varchar2(15) := p_date_format ;
148     l_index                      NUMBER := 0;
149     l_user_id                    NUMBER := nvl(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID'),-1);
150     l_group_name                 VARCHAR2(70) := UPPER(p_group_name)||'%';
151     l_group_number               VARCHAR2(40)  := p_group_number ||'%';
152     l_group_id                   NUMBER        := p_group_id;
153     l_group_desc                 VARCHAR2(250) := UPPER(p_group_desc) || '%';
154     l_group_email                VARCHAR2(250) := UPPER(p_group_email) || '%';
155     l_from_date                  VARCHAR2(15)  := to_char(to_date(p_from_date,p_date_format),'DD-MM-RRRR');
156     l_to_date                    VARCHAR2(15)  := to_char(to_date(p_to_date,p_date_format),'DD-MM-RRRR');
157     l_range_high                 NUMBER;
158     TYPE group_qry_cur           IS REF CURSOR;
159     main_as_cur                  group_qry_cur;
160     l_qry                        VARCHAR2(2000);
161     l_bind_counter               NUMBER := 1;
162     TYPE bind_rec_type IS record (bind_value varchar2(500));
163     TYPE bind_tbl_type IS table OF bind_rec_type
164       INDEX BY binary_integer;
165     bind_table                   bind_tbl_type;
166     i                            integer := 1;
167     l_group_usage                VARCHAR2(240) := p_group_usage;
169     init_tbl_type		 grp_sum_tbl_type;
171 	l_has_more_records			BOOLEAN := FALSE;
173     x_total_rows := 1;
174     l_range_high := p_range_high + 1;
176     IF (p_called_from = 'DEFAULT' )THEN
177  	   IF p_user_id is null THEN
178           l_user_id    := nvl(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID'),-1);
179        ELSE l_user_id  := p_user_id;
180 	   END IF;
181     END IF;
182     IF (p_called_from = 'AS') THEN
183 	l_qry := ' ';
184         l_qry := ' select grp.group_id, grp.group_name, upper(grp.group_name) u_group_name, grp.group_desc, grp.group_number, grp.start_date_active, grp.end_date_active ';
185 --	l_qry := l_qry||'  from  jtf_rs_groups_vl where upper(group_name) like :b_group_name ' ;
186 --	i := l_bind_counter ;
187 --	bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_name;
189 	IF (p_group_usage IS NULL) THEN
190 	  l_qry := l_qry||'  from  jtf_rs_groups_vl grp ';
191         ELSE
192 	  l_qry := l_qry||'  from  jtf_rs_group_usages gu, jtf_rs_groups_vl grp ';
193         END IF;
195 	l_qry := l_qry||'  where upper(grp.group_name) like :b_group_name ' ;
196         i := l_bind_counter ;
197         bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_name;
199         IF p_group_usage IS NOT NULL THEN
200 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and gu.usage    = :b_usage ';
201 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and grp.group_id = gu.group_id ';
202 	  l_bind_counter := l_bind_counter + 1 ;
203 	  i := l_bind_counter ;
204 	  bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_usage ;
205         END IF;
207         IF p_group_number IS NOT NULL THEN
208 	  --l_qry := l_qry||' and group_number like '||''''||l_group_number||'''';
209 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and grp.group_number like :b_group_number ';
210 	  l_bind_counter := l_bind_counter + 1 ;
211 	  i := l_bind_counter ;
212 	  bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_number ;
213         END IF;
215         IF p_group_desc IS NOT NULL THEN
216 	  --l_qry := l_qry||' and upper(group_desc) like '||''''||l_group_desc||'''' ;
217 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and upper(grp.group_desc) like :b_group_desc ' ;
218 	  l_bind_counter := l_bind_counter + 1 ;
219 	  i := l_bind_counter ;
220 	  bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_desc ;
221         END IF;
223 	IF p_group_email IS NOT NULL THEN
224 	  --l_qry := l_qry||' and upper(email_address) like '||''''||l_group_email||'''' ;
225 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and upper(grp.email_address) like :b_group_email ' ;
226 	  l_bind_counter := l_bind_counter + 1 ;
227 	  i := l_bind_counter ;
228 	  bind_table(i).bind_value := l_group_email ;
229 	END IF;
231 	IF ((p_from_date IS NOT NULL) OR (p_to_date IS NOT NULL))THEN
232 	  IF p_from_date IS NULL THEN
233 	    l_from_date := '01-01-1800';
234           ELSE l_from_date := l_from_date ;
235 	  END IF;
237 	  IF p_to_date IS NULL THEN
238 	    l_to_date := '31-12-4712';
239           ELSE l_to_date := l_to_date ;
240 	  END IF;
242 --        l_qry := l_qry||' and (( start_date_active between to_date('||''''||l_from_date||''''||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''
243 --			||') and to_date('||''''||l_to_date||''''||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''||'))';
244 --	  l_qry := l_qry||' OR (start_date_active < to_date('||''''||l_from_date||''''||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''
245 --			||') and (end_date_active IS NULL OR ';
246 --	  l_qry := l_qry||' end_date_active >= to_date('||''''||l_from_date||''''||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''||')))) ';
248 	  l_qry := l_qry||' and (( grp.start_date_active between to_date(:b_from_date '||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''
249 			||') and to_date(:b_to_date '||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''||'))';
250 	  l_qry := l_qry||' OR (grp.start_date_active < to_date(:b_from_date '||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''
251 			||') and (grp.end_date_active IS NULL OR ';
252 	  l_qry := l_qry||' grp.end_date_active >= to_date(:b_from_date '||','||''''||'DD-MM-RRRR'||''''||')))) ';
254 	  l_bind_counter := l_bind_counter + 1 ;
255 	  i := l_bind_counter ;
256 	  bind_table(i).bind_value := l_from_date ;
257 	  bind_table(i+1).bind_value := l_to_date ;
258 	  bind_table(i+2).bind_value := l_from_date ;
259 	  bind_table(i+3).bind_value := l_from_date ;
260         END IF;
262         l_qry := l_qry||'  order by u_group_name, grp.group_id ' ;
264 	l_bind_counter := bind_table.COUNT;
266    --   dbms_output.put_line(substr(l_qry,1,200));
267    --   dbms_output.put_line(substr(l_qry,201,400));
268    --   dbms_output.put_line(substr(l_qry,401,600));
270       END IF;
272     -- Open Cursor based on passed parameter
273     IF (p_called_from = 'QF') THEN
274        OPEN main_qf_cur(l_group_name);
275     ELSIF (p_called_from = 'AS') THEN
276        IF (l_bind_counter = 1) THEN
277          OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value;
278        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 2) THEN
279 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value;
280        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 3) THEN
281 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value;
282        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 4) THEN
283 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ;
284        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 5) THEN
285 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ,bind_table(5).bind_value ;
286        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 6) THEN
287 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ,bind_table(5).bind_value, bind_table(6).bind_value;
288        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 7) THEN
289 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ,bind_table(5).bind_value, bind_table(6).bind_value, bind_table(7).bind_value;
290        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 8) THEN
291 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ,bind_table(5).bind_value, bind_table(6).bind_value, bind_table(7).bind_value, bind_table(8).bind_value;
292        ELSIF (l_bind_counter = 9) THEN
293 	 OPEN main_as_cur FOR l_qry USING bind_table(1).bind_value, bind_table(2).bind_value, bind_table(3).bind_value, bind_table(4).bind_value ,bind_table(5).bind_value,
294              bind_table(6).bind_value, bind_table(7).bind_value, bind_table(8).bind_value, bind_table(9).bind_value;
295        END IF;
296     ELSE
297        OPEN  main_uid_cur(l_user_id);
298     END IF;
300     LOOP
302 		exit when l_has_more_records = TRUE;
304          -- Fetch Cursor based on passed parameter
305      IF (p_called_from = 'QF') THEN
306         FETCH main_qf_cur INTO r_main_cur;
307 	IF main_qf_cur%notfound THEN
308 	  x_total_rows := x_total_rows - 1;
309 	  exit;
310         END IF;
311      ELSIF (p_called_from = 'AS') THEN
312 	FETCH main_as_cur INTO r_main_cur;
313 	IF main_as_cur%notfound THEN
314 	  x_total_rows := x_total_rows - 1;
315 	  exit;
316         END IF;
317      ELSE
318 	FETCH main_uid_cur INTO r_main_cur;
319 	IF main_uid_cur%notfound THEN
320 	  x_total_rows := x_total_rows - 1;
321 	  exit;
322         END IF;
323      END IF;
325      exit when x_total_rows = l_range_high;
327      OPEN get_parent_group(r_main_cur.group_id);
328      r_get_parent_group.group_name := NULL;
329      r_get_parent_group.related_group_id := NULL;
330      FETCH  get_parent_group into r_get_parent_group;
331      CLOSE get_parent_group;
333      OPEN get_child_group(r_main_cur.group_id);
334      FETCH  get_child_group into r_get_child_group;
336      IF (get_child_group%NOTFOUND) THEN
337         IF (x_total_rows between p_range_low and p_range_high) OR (p_range_high = -1) THEN
338            IF (p_range_high = -1) AND (mod(l_index, p_range_low) = 0) THEN
339 	      x_result_tbl := init_tbl_type;
340 	      l_index := 0;
341 	   END IF;
343            l_index := l_index + 1;
344 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_id := r_main_cur.group_id ;
345 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_name := r_main_cur.group_name ;
346 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_desc := r_main_cur.group_desc ;
347 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_number := r_main_cur.group_number ;
348 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).start_date_active := r_main_cur.start_date_active ;
349 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).end_date_active := r_main_cur.end_date_active ;
350 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).start_date_active := r_main_cur.start_date_active ;
351 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).parent_group := r_get_parent_group.group_name ;
352 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).parent_group_id := r_get_parent_group.related_group_id ;
353         END IF;
355 	x_total_rows := x_total_rows + 1;
357      ELSE
358        LOOP
359         IF (x_total_rows between p_range_low and p_range_high) OR (p_range_high = -1) THEN
360            IF (p_range_high = -1) AND (mod(l_index, p_range_low) = 0) THEN
361 	      x_result_tbl := init_tbl_type;
362 	      l_index := 0;
363 	   END IF;
365            l_index := l_index + 1;
366 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_id := r_main_cur.group_id ;
367 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_name := r_main_cur.group_name ;
368 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_desc := r_main_cur.group_desc ;
369 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).group_number := r_main_cur.group_number ;
370 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).start_date_active := r_main_cur.start_date_active ;
371 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).end_date_active := r_main_cur.end_date_active ;
372 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).start_date_active := r_main_cur.start_date_active ;
373 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).parent_group := r_get_parent_group.group_name ;
374 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).parent_group_id := r_get_parent_group.related_group_id ;
375 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).child_group := r_get_child_group.group_name ;
376 	   x_result_tbl(l_index).child_group_id := r_get_child_group.group_id ;
377          END IF;
379  	 x_total_rows := x_total_rows + 1;
380 	 FETCH get_child_group into r_get_child_group;
381 	 exit when get_child_group%notfound;
382      IF (x_total_rows = l_range_high) THEN
383 		l_has_more_records := TRUE;
384 		exit;
385 	 END IF;
386 	END LOOP;
387       END IF;
388       CLOSE get_child_group;
389     END LOOP; -- of Fetch Cursor based on passed parameter
391     IF (p_called_from = 'QF') THEN
392        CLOSE main_qf_cur ;
393     ELSIF (p_called_from = 'AS') THEN
394        CLOSE main_as_cur ;
395     ELSE
396        CLOSE  main_uid_cur;
397     END IF;
399 END Get_Group;