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1 PACKAGE BODY inv_decimals_pub AS
2 /* $Header: INVDECPB.pls 120.4 2011/11/30 07:38:20 sadibhat ship $ */
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
6  |Procedure validate_compare_quantities(..)
7  |Returns the quantity converted from the first UOM in the second UOM.
8  |If quantities in 2 UOMs are already available, then this procedure will
9  |compare and validate these quantities based on conversion rates
10  |and UOM and decimal qty controls. This procedure may be used to validate
11  |scenarios where quatities are entered in dual UOMs. We want to make sure
12  |quantities are valid based on conversion, and conversion
13  |rate tolerances.
14  |
15  |Procedure validate_and_compare(
16  |p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER, -- version # of API
17  |p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2, -- whether to initialize list
18  |p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER, -- inventory_item_id
19  |p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER, -- organization_id
20  |p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER, -- item's lot control code
21  |p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2, -- lot number
22  |p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER, --sub lot control code
23  |p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2, -- sublot number
24  |p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER, -- qty in first UOM
25  |p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of fisrt qty
26  |p_to_uom_code			IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of second qty
27  |p_to_quantity_to_check	IN	NUMBER, -- qty in second UOM
28  |x_resultant_to_quantity OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER, -- calculated qty in second UOM
29  |x_comparison		 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,--Possible values are 1,0,-1,-99
30  |x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER, -- number of messages
31  |x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2, -- populated,if msg count = 1
32  |x_return_status	 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) -- return status
33  |
34  |Note: The comparisons are done in base UOM
35  | of the UOM class to which the first UOM belongs. x_comparison returns:
36  |-1		if from_quantity is less than to_quantity (A < B)
37  | 0		if from_quantity is equal to to_quantity (A = B)
38  | 1		if from_quantity is greater than to_quantity (A > B)
39  | -99	if the validations for the first/second quantity failed
40  | If the UOMs belong to different classes, then users can specify whether
41  | they want to use the effective interclass UOM conversion tolerance, say, T.
42  | CASE: p_use_interclass_tolerance = 1
43  | ------
44  | Q1 > Q2 if (Q1 - Q2) >= T
45  | Q1 = Q2 if ABS(Q1 - Q2) < T
46  | Q1 < Q2 if (Q1 - Q2 ) <= -T
47  |
48  |The output variable x_resultant_to_quantity will contain the converted
49  |quantity
50  |in the second UOM, using effective conversion rates.
51  |Usage: In a dual UOM scenario, this api will confirm whether quantities in
52  |the two UOMs are equal or not, based on x_comparison output variable.
53  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 -- Package Globals
56 -- a warning exception
57 	g_inv_warning	exception ;
58 	g_ret_warning	CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(1):= 'W';
61    g_package_name		CONSTANT	VARCHAR2(50) := 'INV_DECIMALS';
62    g_max_decimal_digits	CONSTANT	NUMBER := 9 ;
63    g_max_real_digits	CONSTANT	NUMBER := 10 ;
64    g_max_total_digits	CONSTANT	NUMBER := 19 ;
66 Procedure validate_compare_quantities(
67 		p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
68 		p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
69 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
70 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
71 		p_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
72 		p_lot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
73  		p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
74  		p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
75 		p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
76 		p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
77 		p_to_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
78 		p_to_quantity_to_check	IN	NUMBER,
79 		x_resultant_to_quantity	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
80 		x_valid_conversion	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
81  		x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
82  		x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
83 		x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) IS
87 null;
89 end validate_compare_quantities ;
92 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
93  |Function convert_UOM(..) return NUMBER ;
94  |Returns the quantity converted from the first unit into the second unit.
95  |If conversion is not possible, return status is failure.
96  |Function convert(
97  |p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
98  |p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2, -- whether to initialize list
99  |p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER, -- inventory_item_id
100  |p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER, -- organization_id
101  |p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER, -- item's lot control code
102  |p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2, -- lot number
103  |p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
104  |p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
105  |p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER, -- qty in first UOM
106  |p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of fisrt qty
107  |p_to_uom_code			IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of second qty
108  |x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
109  |x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
110  |x_return_status	 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
111  |					  return NUMBER ;
112  |If there is an error, then -99 is returned.
113  |1) From_quantity must be an absolute value.
114  |2) From_quantity will then converted to base UOM in the class,
115  |3) Then converted to base UOM of the
116  |   to_UOM class,
117  |4) Then converted to the quantity in to_UOM,
118  |5) Then rounded to 9 decimals
119  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
121 Function convert_UOM(
122 		p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
123 		p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
124 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
125 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
126 		p_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
127 		p_lot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
128 		p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
129  		p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
130 		p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
131 		p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
132 		p_to_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
133  		x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
134  		x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
135 		x_return_status		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) return NUMBER IS
139 return 0;
141 end convert_uom ;
144 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
145  | get_uom_properties(..)
146  | This procedure is used to interrogate the UOM.
147  | It returns:
148  | uom class, base uom.
149  | if the UOM is not found, the return status indicates this.
150  | Procedure get_uom_properties(
151  | p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
152  | p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2,
153  | p_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
154  | x_uom_class	 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
155  | x_base_uom	 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
156  | x_msg_count	 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
157  | x_msg_data	 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
158  | x_return_status OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
159  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
162 Procedure get_uom_properties(
163   p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
164   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
165   p_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
166   x_uom_class		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
167   x_base_uom		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
168   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
169   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
170   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) IS
174 null;
176 end get_uom_properties ;
180 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
181  | Procedure compare_quantities(..)
182  | Procedure compare_quantities(
183  |	p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
184  |	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2,
185  | 	p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
186  | 	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
187  |	p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
188  | 	p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
189  |	p_sub_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
190  |	p_sublot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
191  | 	p_fisrt_qauantity		IN	NUMBER,
192  |	p_first_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
193  |	p_second_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
194  | 	p_second_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
195  |	p_use_interclass_tolerance	IN	VARCHAR2, -- Yes = 1, 2 = No
196  |	x_comaprison_result	 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
197  |	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
198  |	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
199  |	x_return_status		 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
200  |
201  | This procedure compares the quantities A and B and returns result in the
202  | output variable x_comparison_result. The comparisons are done in base UOM
203  | of the UOM class to which the first UOM belongs:
204  |-1		if quantity A is less than quantity B (A < B)
205  | 0		if quantity A is equal to quantity B (A = B)
206  | 1		if quantity A is greater than quantity B (A > B)
207  | If the UOMs belong to different classes, then users can specify whether
208  | they want to use interclass UOM conversion tolerance, say, T.
209  | CASE: p_use_interclass_tolerance = 1
210  | ------
211  | Q1 > Q2 if (Q1 - Q2) >= T
212  | Q1 = Q2 if ABS(Q1 - Q2) < T
213  | Q1 < Q2 if (Q1 - Q2 ) <= -T
214  +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
216  Procedure compare_quantities(
217 	p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
218 	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
219  	p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
220  	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
221 	p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
222 	p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
223 	p_sub_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
224  	p_sublot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
225  	p_fisrt_qauantity		IN	NUMBER,
226 	p_first_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
227 	p_second_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
228  	p_second_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
229 	p_use_interclass_tolerance	IN	VARCHAR2,
230 	x_comaprison_result		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
231  	x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
232  	x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
233 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) IS
237 null;
239 end compare_quantities ;
243 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
244  | Procedure Validate_Quantity(
245  |	p_item_id			IN	NUMBER,
246  |	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
247  |	p_input_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
248  |	p_UOM_code			IN	VARCHAR2,
249  |	x_output_quantity	 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
250  |	x_primary_quantity	 OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
251  |	x_return_status		 OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
252  |
253  | Validates and returns the quantity in this manner (the caller does not need
254  | to adjust the result):
255  | This routine checks to make sure that the input quantity precision does not exceed
256  | the decimal precision. Max Precision is: 10 digits before the decimal point and
257  | 9 digits after the decimal point.
258  | The routine also makes sure that if the item is serial number controlled, then
259  | the quantity in primary UOM is an integer number.
260  | The routine also makes sure that if the item's indivisible_flag is set to yes,
261  | then the item quantity is an integer in the primary UOM.
262  | The routine also checks if the profile, INV:DETECT TRUNCATION, is set to yes
263  | the item quantity in primary UOM also obeys max precision and that it is not zero
264  | if the input quantity was not zero.
265  | The procedure retruns a correct output quantity in the transaction UOM, returns the
266  | the primary quantity (in priamry UOM, of course), and returns a status of success,failure
267  | or warning.
268  |
269  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
271 Procedure Validate_Quantity(
272 	p_item_id			IN	NUMBER,
273 	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
274 	p_input_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
275 	p_UOM_code			IN	VARCHAR2,
276 	x_output_quantity		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
277 	x_primary_quantity		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
278 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2) IS
280   -- Constants
281      c_api_version_number CONSTANT NUMBER  	:= 1.0 ;
282      c_api_name 	  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= 'VALIDATE_QUANTITY';
284   -- Variables
285      l_qty_string		VARCHAR2(50);
286      l_decimal_len 		NUMBER; -- number of decimal digits
287      l_real_len			NUMBER; -- number of digits before decimal point
288      l_total_len		NUMBER; -- total number of digits
289      l_uom_class		VARCHAR2(50); -- uom class name
290      l_base_uom			VARCHAR2(50); -- base uom in class
291      l_primary_uom		VARCHAR2(10); -- primary uom of item
292      l_highest_factor		NUMBER; -- biggest factor in class w.r.t uom
293      l_lowest_factor		NUMBER; -- lowest factor in class w.r.t. uom
294      l_conv_factor		NUMBER;
295      l_exp_factor		NUMBER;
296      l_decimal_profile		VARCHAR2(240);
297      l_serial_control		NUMBER ;
298      l_do_conversion		NUMBER := 1;
299      l_raise_warning		NUMBER := 0;
300      l_indivisible_flag		VARCHAR2(10):= 'N';
304   -- initialize return status to success
305      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
307  -- now make sure that # of decimal digits does not exceed g_max_decimal_digits
308     if ( p_input_quantity <> ROUND(p_input_quantity, g_max_decimal_digits)) then
309        fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH');
310        x_output_quantity := ROUND(p_input_quantity, g_max_decimal_digits);
311        l_raise_warning := 1 ;
312     else
313        if (x_output_quantity IS NULL) then
314            x_output_quantity := p_input_quantity;
315        end if;
316     end if;
318   -- Now make sure that the length of real part of number doesn't exceed
319   -- g_max_real_digits
320     if ( trunc(abs(p_input_quantity)) > (POWER(10,g_max_real_digits) - 1) ) then
321        fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'MAX_REAL_LENGTH');
322        raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
323      end if;
325   -- now that in the given UOM the item quantity obeys the decimal precision rules
326   -- we can now make sure that when converted to primary qty, decimal precision
327   -- rules will still be obeyed.
330   -- get the item's primary uom, serial_number_control_code, and the item's indivisible flag
332      SELECT primary_uom_code, serial_number_control_code, NVL(indivisible_flag,'N')
333      INTO l_primary_uom, l_serial_control, l_indivisible_flag
334      FROM mtl_system_items
335      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
336      AND organization_id = p_organization_id ;
338      -- if the primary uom is same as input uom, then nothing more to validate
339      if ( l_primary_uom = p_uom_code) then
340        x_primary_quantity := p_input_quantity ;
341        l_do_conversion := 0;
342      end if;
344      if ( l_do_conversion = 1 ) then
345        -- get the conversion rate. call inv_convert.uom_convert procedure.
346        -- NOTE: this convert routines ROUNDS (not truncates) to precision specified
347        l_conv_factor := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
348         item_id		=> p_item_id,
349         precision	=> g_max_decimal_digits +2,
350         from_quantity   =>  p_input_quantity,
351         from_unit       => p_uom_code,
352         to_unit         => l_primary_uom,
353         from_name	=> null,
354         to_name	        => null);
356        x_primary_quantity := l_conv_factor;
358         -- Begin fix 2256336
359        IF x_primary_quantity <> TRUNC(x_primary_quantity) AND l_indivisible_flag = 'Y' THEN
360        l_conv_factor := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
361         item_id         => p_item_id,
362         precision       => g_max_decimal_digits +2,
363         from_quantity   => 1,
364         from_unit       => l_primary_uom,
365         to_unit         => p_uom_code,
366         from_name       => null,
367         to_name         => null);
368         IF l_conv_factor <> 0 THEN
369          x_primary_quantity := p_input_quantity/l_conv_factor ;
370         END IF;
371        END IF;
372         -- End fix 2256336
375      -- check if the profile detect_truncation is set. If yes, then make sure primary qty
376      -- also does not break decimal precision rules.
377      fnd_profile.get('INV_DETECT_TRUNCATION',l_decimal_profile);
379      if ( l_decimal_profile = '1' ) then -- '1'= yes, '2' = no
381        if ( x_primary_quantity <> ROUND(x_primary_quantity,g_max_decimal_digits) ) then
382          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH');
383 	 raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
384        end if;
386     -- Now make sure that the length of real part of number doesn't exceed
387     -- g_max_real_digits
388        if ( trunc(abs(x_primary_quantity)) > ( POWER(10,g_max_real_digits) - 1) ) then
389          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_MAX_REAL_LENGTH');
390          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
391        end if;
393      -- now check if the quantity in primary UOM is zero
394        if ( (x_primary_quantity = 0) AND (p_input_quantity <> 0) ) then
395          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_QTY_IS_ZERO');
396          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
397        end if;
399      end if;
401     end if;
403     -- if item has indivisible flag set, then make sure that quantity is integer in
404     -- primary UOM
406        /* Bug 13088436: Comparison between the rounded and truncated values always fail
407           when x_primary_quantity is on the lower side of the rounded value */
409        if (( l_indivisible_flag = 'Y' ) AND ( Round(x_primary_quantity,(g_max_decimal_digits-1)) <> TRUNC( Round(x_primary_quantity,(g_max_decimal_digits-1)))) ) then
410          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'DIVISIBILITY_VIOLATION');
411 	 raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
412        end if;
414     -- if item is serial number controlled, make the qty in primary UOM is integer
415     -- Assumption: Whenever an item is unser serial number control, teh quantity must be
416     -- integer in primary uom. Even if specific serial may not be required at the time, the
417     -- qty of a serial number should be integer in primary uom.
419        if ( (l_serial_control > 1 ) AND ( x_primary_quantity <> TRUNC(x_primary_quantity)) ) then
420          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'SERIAL_QTY_VIOLATION');
421 	 raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
422        end if;
424        if ( l_raise_warning = 1 ) then
425          raise g_inv_warning ;
426        end if;
429        when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
430          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error ;
432        when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
433          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
435        when g_inv_warning then
436 	 x_return_status := g_ret_warning ;
438        when others then
439          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
441          if (fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level
442            (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error))then
443            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_package_name,c_api_name);
444          end if;
446 end validate_quantity ;
448 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
449  | Procedure Validate_Quantity(
450  |      p_item_id                       IN      NUMBER,
451  |      p_organization_id               IN      NUMBER,
452  |      p_input_quantity                IN      NUMBER,
453  |      p_UOM_code                      IN      VARCHAR2,
454  |      p_max_decimal_digits            IN      NUMBER,
455  |      x_output_quantity               OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
456  |      x_primary_quantity              OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
457  |      x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2);
458  |
459  | This procedure overloads validate_quantity with one more parameter p_max_decimal_digits
460  | to adjust max precision. If the value of p_max_decimal_digits is null, then default
461  | it to g_max_decimal_digits. Other works the same as the above Validate_Quantity procedure.
462  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
464 Procedure Validate_Quantity(
465         p_item_id                       IN      NUMBER,
466         p_organization_id               IN      NUMBER,
467         p_input_quantity                IN      NUMBER,
468         p_UOM_code                      IN      VARCHAR2,
469         p_max_decimal_digits            IN      NUMBER,
470         p_primary_uom                   IN      VARCHAR2,
471         p_indivisible_flag              IN      VARCHAR2,
472         x_output_quantity               OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
473         x_primary_quantity              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
474         x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2) IS
476   -- Constants
477      c_api_version_number CONSTANT NUMBER       := 1.0 ;
478      c_api_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50):= 'VALIDATE_QUANTITY';
480   -- Variables
481      l_qty_string               VARCHAR2(50);
482      l_decimal_len              NUMBER; -- number of decimal digits
483      l_real_len                 NUMBER; -- number of digits before decimal point
484      l_total_len                NUMBER; -- total number of digits
485      l_uom_class                VARCHAR2(50); -- uom class name
486      l_base_uom                 VARCHAR2(50); -- base uom in class
487      l_primary_uom              VARCHAR2(10) := p_primary_uom; -- primary uom of item
488      l_highest_factor           NUMBER; -- biggest factor in class w.r.t uom
489      l_lowest_factor            NUMBER; -- lowest factor in class w.r.t. uom
490      l_conv_factor              NUMBER;
491      l_exp_factor               NUMBER;
492      l_decimal_profile          VARCHAR2(240);
493      l_serial_control           NUMBER := 1;
494      l_do_conversion            NUMBER := 1;
495      l_raise_warning            NUMBER := 0;
496      l_indivisible_flag         VARCHAR2(10):= NVL(p_indivisible_flag, 'N');
497      l_max_decimal_digits       NUMBER := p_max_decimal_digits;
501   -- initialize return status to success
502      x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
504   -- put the default = g_max_decimal_digits if l_max_decimal_digits is null
505      if (l_max_decimal_digits IS NULL) then
506          l_max_decimal_digits := g_max_decimal_digits;
507      end if;
509   -- now make sure that # of decimal digits does not exceed l_max_decimal_digits
510     if ( p_input_quantity <> ROUND(p_input_quantity, l_max_decimal_digits)) then
511        fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH');
512        x_output_quantity := ROUND(p_input_quantity, l_max_decimal_digits);
513        l_raise_warning := 1 ;
514      else
515        if (x_output_quantity IS NULL) then
516            x_output_quantity := p_input_quantity;
517        end if;
518      end if;
520   -- Now make sure that the length of real part of number doesn't exceed
521   -- g_max_real_digits
522     if ( trunc(abs(p_input_quantity)) > (POWER(10,g_max_real_digits) - 1) ) then
523        fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'MAX_REAL_LENGTH');
524        raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
525      end if;
527   -- now that in the given UOM the item quantity obeys the decimal precision rules
528   -- we can now make sure that when converted to primary qty, decimal precision
529   -- rules will still be obeyed.
532   -- get the item's primary uom, serial_number_control_code, and the item's indivisible flag
533   IF (p_item_id IS NOT NULL) then
534      SELECT primary_uom_code, serial_number_control_code, NVL(indivisible_flag,'N')
535      INTO l_primary_uom, l_serial_control, l_indivisible_flag
536      FROM mtl_system_items
537      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
538      AND organization_id = p_organization_id ;
539   END IF;
541      -- if the primary uom is same as input uom, then nothing more to validate
542      if ( l_primary_uom = p_uom_code) then
543        x_primary_quantity := p_input_quantity ;
544        l_do_conversion := 0;
545      end if;
547      if ( l_do_conversion = 1 ) then
548        -- get the conversion rate. call inv_convert.uom_convert procedure.
549        -- NOTE: this convert routines ROUNDS (not truncates) to precision specified
550        l_conv_factor := inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
551         item_id         => p_item_id,
552         precision       => l_max_decimal_digits +2,
553         from_quantity   => p_input_quantity,
554         from_unit       => p_uom_code,
555         to_unit         => l_primary_uom,
556         from_name       => null,
557         to_name         => null);
559        x_primary_quantity := l_conv_factor ;
562      -- check if the profile detect_truncation is set. If yes, then make sure primary qty
563      -- also does not break decimal precision rules.
564      fnd_profile.get('INV_DETECT_TRUNCATION',l_decimal_profile);
566      if ( l_decimal_profile = '1' ) then -- '1'= yes, '2' = no
568        if ( x_primary_quantity <> ROUND(x_primary_quantity,l_max_decimal_digits) ) then
569          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_MAX_DECIMAL_LENGTH');
570          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
571        end if;
573     -- Now make sure that the length of real part of number doesn't exceed
574     -- g_max_real_digits
575        if ( trunc(abs(x_primary_quantity)) > ( POWER(10,g_max_real_digits) - 1) ) then
576          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_MAX_REAL_LENGTH');
577          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error;
578        end if;
580      -- now check if the quantity in primary UOM is zero
581        if ( (x_primary_quantity = 0) AND (p_input_quantity <> 0) ) then
582          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'PRI_QTY_IS_ZERO');
583          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
584        end if;
586      end if;
588     end if;
590     -- if item has indivisible flag set, then make sure that quantity is integer in
591     -- primary UOM
593        if (( l_indivisible_flag = 'Y' ) AND ( Round(x_primary_quantity,(l_max_decimal_digits-1)) <> TRUNC(x_primary_quantity)) ) then
594          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'DIVISIBILITY_VIOLATION');
595          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
596        end if;
598     -- if item is serial number controlled, make the qty in primary UOM is integer
599     -- Assumption: Whenever an item is unser serial number control, teh quantity must be
600     -- integer in primary uom. Even if specific serial may not be required at the time, the
601     -- qty of a serial number should be integer in primary uom.
603        if ( (l_serial_control > 1 ) AND ( x_primary_quantity <> TRUNC(x_primary_quantity)) ) then
604          fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'SERIAL_QTY_VIOLATION');
605          raise fnd_api.g_exc_error ;
606        end if;
608        if ( l_raise_warning = 1 ) then
609          raise g_inv_warning ;
610        end if;
613        when fnd_api.g_exc_error then
614          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error ;
616        when fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error then
617          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
619        when g_inv_warning then
620          x_return_status := g_ret_warning ;
622        when others then
623          x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
625          if (fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level
626            (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error))then
627            fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_package_name,c_api_name);
628          end if;
630 end Validate_Quantity;
634 function get_primary_quantity(
635 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
636 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
637 		p_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
638 		p_quantity		IN	NUMBER) return number IS
640  -- local variables
641   l_primary_uom		VARCHAR2(10);
643      -- if input qty is null, assume 0, in which case we return 0 as converted
644      -- qty also
645      if ( ( p_quantity IS NULL ) OR (p_quantity = 0) ) then
646        return 0;
647      end if;
649      SELECT primary_uom_code
650      INTO l_primary_uom
651      FROM mtl_system_items
652      WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
653      AND organization_id = p_organization_id ;
655 return( inv_convert.inv_um_convert(
656       item_id		=> p_inventory_item_id,
657       precision		=> 9,
658       from_quantity     => p_quantity,
659       from_unit         => p_uom,
660       to_unit           => l_primary_uom,
661       from_name		=> null,
662       to_name	        => null) );
663 end get_primary_quantity ;