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APPS.INV_LABEL_PVT10 dependencies on OE_SETS

Line 1019: oe_sets.set_name ship_set_name,

1015: oline.packing_instructions,
1016: pp.name project_name,
1017: ras.name salesreps_name,
1018: to_char(oline.schedule_arrival_date, G_DATE_FORMAT_MASK),
1019: oe_sets.set_name ship_set_name,
1020: osmv.meaning shipping_method_name,
1021: ar_lookups.meaning tax_exempt_reason,
1022: oline.tax_code,
1023: oline.tax_exempt_flag,

Line 1176: OE_SETS,

1172: --
1173: PA_PROJECTS pp,
1174: --ORG_FREIGHT_VL ofv,
1175: RA_SALESREPS ras,
1176: OE_SETS,
1178: MTL_PARAMETERS ship_from_org
1179: WHERE oline.line_id = p_line_id
1180: AND oline.sold_to_org_id = oline_rc.customer_id(+)

Line 1186: AND oline.ship_set_id = oe_sets.set_id(+)

1182: AND oline.ship_to_contact_id = shiptoc.contact_id(+)
1183: AND oline.invoice_to_contact_id = invc.contact_id(+)
1184: AND oline.intmed_ship_to_contact_id = isc.contact_id(+)
1185: AND oline.salesrep_id = ras.salesrep_id(+)
1186: AND oline.ship_set_id = oe_sets.set_id(+)
1187: AND oline.ship_to_contact_id = rcship.contact_id(+)
1188: AND oline.shipping_method_code = osmv.lookup_code(+)
1189: AND oline.tax_exempt_reason_code = ar_lookups.lookup_code(+)
1190: and ar_lookups.lookup_type(+) = 'TAX_REASON'

Line 1579: oe_sets.set_name ship_set_name,

1575: oline.packing_instructions,
1576: pp.name project_name,
1577: ras.name salesreps_name,
1578: to_char(oline.schedule_arrival_date, G_DATE_FORMAT_MASK),
1579: oe_sets.set_name ship_set_name,
1580: osmv.meaning shipping_method_name,
1581: ar_lookups.meaning tax_exempt_reason,
1582: oline.tax_code,
1583: oline.tax_exempt_flag,

Line 1690: OE_SETS,

1686: ) invc,
1687: PA_PROJECTS pp,
1688: --ORG_FREIGHT_VL ofv,
1689: RA_SALESREPS ras,
1690: OE_SETS,
1692: MTL_PARAMETERS ship_from_org
1693: WHERE oline.line_id = p_line_id
1694: AND oline.deliver_to_contact_id = dcontact.contact_id(+)

Line 1697: AND oline.ship_set_id = oe_sets.set_id(+)

1693: WHERE oline.line_id = p_line_id
1694: AND oline.deliver_to_contact_id = dcontact.contact_id(+)
1695: AND oline.intmed_ship_to_contact_id = isc.contact_id(+)
1696: AND oline.salesrep_id = ras.salesrep_id(+)
1697: AND oline.ship_set_id = oe_sets.set_id(+)
1698: AND oline.ship_to_contact_id = rcship.contact_id(+)
1699: AND oline.shipping_method_code = osmv.lookup_code(+)
1700: AND oline.tax_exempt_reason_code = ar_lookups.lookup_code(+)
1701: and ar_lookups.lookup_type(+) = 'TAX_REASON'