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Line 8334: l_pa_period_type pa_implementations.pa_period_type%TYPE;

8330: l_index NUMBER;
8332: l_period_set_name gl_sets_of_books.period_set_name%TYPE;
8333: l_accounted_period_type gl_sets_of_books.accounted_period_type%TYPE;
8334: l_pa_period_type pa_implementations.pa_period_type%TYPE;
8336: l_number_of_periods NUMBER;
8337: l_plan_start_date pa_periods.start_date%TYPE;
8338: l_plan_end_date pa_periods.end_date%TYPE;

Line 8457: -- replaced with pa_implementations_all table.

8453: ,l_accounted_period_type
8454: ,l_pa_period_type
8455: FROM pa_projects_all p
8456: -- MOAC changes
8457: -- replaced with pa_implementations_all table.
8458: --,pa_implementations a
8459: ,pa_implementations_all a
8460: ,gl_sets_of_books b
8461: WHERE p.project_id = p_target_project_id

Line 8458: --,pa_implementations a

8454: ,l_pa_period_type
8455: FROM pa_projects_all p
8456: -- MOAC changes
8457: -- replaced with pa_implementations_all table.
8458: --,pa_implementations a
8459: ,pa_implementations_all a
8460: ,gl_sets_of_books b
8461: WHERE p.project_id = p_target_project_id
8462: -- MOAC changes

Line 8459: ,pa_implementations_all a

8455: FROM pa_projects_all p
8456: -- MOAC changes
8457: -- replaced with pa_implementations_all table.
8458: --,pa_implementations a
8459: ,pa_implementations_all a
8460: ,gl_sets_of_books b
8461: WHERE p.project_id = p_target_project_id
8462: -- MOAC changes
8463: -- removed the nvl around the org_id.

Line 8534: ,pa_implementations i

8530: ,start_date
8531: INTO l_start_period
8532: ,l_start_period_start_date
8533: FROM gl_period_statuses g
8534: ,pa_implementations i
8535: WHERE g.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
8536: AND g.set_of_books_id = i.set_of_books_id
8537: AND g.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
8538: AND TRUNC(source_profile_info_rec.period1_start_date + p_shift_days) BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;