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Line 28: FROM pay_user_tables

25: CURSOR chk_table_at_bg
26: IS
27: SELECT user_table_id
28: FROM pay_user_tables
29: WHERE user_table_name = X_USER_TABLE_NAME
30: AND business_group_id IS NOT NULL;
32: l_temp VARCHAR2(1);

Line 136: FROM pay_user_tables

132: SELECT user_table_id
133: ,object_version_number
134: INTO l_user_table_id
135: ,l_object_version_number
136: FROM pay_user_tables
137: WHERE user_table_name = X_USER_TABLE_NAME
138: AND (
139: legislation_code = X_LEGISLATION_CODE
140: OR

Line 187: FROM pay_user_tables

183: ) IS
184: CURSOR c_table_id
185: IS
186: SELECT user_table_id, user_key_units
187: FROM pay_user_tables
188: WHERE user_table_name = X_USER_TABLE_NAME
189: AND (
190: legislation_code = X_LEGISLATION_CODE
191: OR

Line 201: FROM pay_user_tables put,

197: CURSOR c_get_col_instance_id (p_user_row_id NUMBER)
198: IS
199: SELECT val.user_column_instance_id column_instance_id,
200: val.object_version_number object_version_number
201: FROM pay_user_tables put,
202: pay_user_rows_f pur,
203: pay_user_columns puc,
204: pay_user_column_instances_f val
205: WHERE val.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id

Line 258: l_user_key_units pay_user_tables.USER_KEY_UNITS%type;

255: l_user_row_id NUMBER;
256: l_display_sequence NUMBER;
257: l_user_table_id NUMBER;
258: l_user_key_units pay_user_tables.USER_KEY_UNITS%type;
259: l_start_date DATE;
260: l_end_date DATE;
261: l_effective_start_date DATE;
262: l_effective_end_date DATE;

Line 433: FROM pay_user_tables

429: ) IS
430: CURSOR c_table_id
431: IS
432: SELECT user_table_id
433: FROM pay_user_tables
434: WHERE user_table_name = X_USER_TABLE_NAME
435: AND (
436: legislation_code = X_LEGISLATION_CODE
437: OR

Line 538: FROM pay_user_tables put,

534: IS
535: SELECT pur.user_row_id,
536: puc.user_column_id,
537: pur.effective_start_date
538: FROM pay_user_tables put,
539: pay_user_rows_f pur,
540: pay_user_columns puc
541: WHERE pur.user_table_id = put.user_table_id
542: AND puc.user_table_id = put.user_table_id

Line 609: FROM pay_user_tables put,

605: l_user_col_instance_id,
606: l_object_version_number,
607: l_effective_start_date,
608: l_effective_end_date
609: FROM pay_user_tables put,
610: pay_user_rows_f pur,
611: pay_user_columns puc,
612: pay_user_column_instances_f val
613: WHERE val.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id