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Line 43: -- 1. transform old fc recs to new cx rule data: cz_func_comp_specs => cz_rules

39: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40: -- Converting old functional companion data to configurator extension foramt.
41: -- Returns return_status 1 if the conversion process is successful, 0 otherwise.
42: -- The tasks performed here are as follows.
43: -- 1. transform old fc recs to new cx rule data: cz_func_comp_specs => cz_rules
44: -- 2. update cz_rule_folders's id and type: func_comp_id, FNC => rule_id, CXT
45: -- 3. convert old ui fc data to new cx form
46: -- cz_ui_nodes: func_comp_id => cx_command_name
47: -- cz_ui_node_props: old value_str type (5,6) => new value_str type (31,32)

Line 89: UPDATE cz_func_comp_specs

85: RAISE no_source_model_exc;
86: END;
87: l_stat := 1;
89: UPDATE cz_func_comp_specs
90: SET rule_folder_type = NULL
91: WHERE rule_folder_type IS NOT NULL AND deleted_flag = '0';
92: l_stat := 2;

Line 118: UPDATE cz_func_comp_specs

115: IF (fc_tbl.COUNT > 0 ) THEN
116: FOR j IN fc_tbl.FIRST .. fc_tbl.LAST LOOP
117: l_rule_id := get_next_rule_id;
118: UPDATE cz_func_comp_specs
119: SET rule_folder_type = l_rule_id
120: WHERE func_comp_id = fc_tbl(j);
121: l_stat := 3.2;

Line 165: FROM cz_func_comp_specs

161: ,model_ref_expl_id
162: ,rule_folder_id
163: ,name
164: ,desc_text
165: FROM cz_func_comp_specs
166: WHERE func_comp_id = fc_tbl(j);
168: l_fc_count := l_fc_count + 1;
169: l_stat := 3.4;

Line 178: FROM cz_func_comp_specs

175: -- convert fc data in ui subschema if there exists any
176: -- build fc to rule id lookup map
177: FOR fc_rec IN (SELECT func_comp_id, rule_folder_type
178: FROM cz_func_comp_specs
179: WHERE deleted_flag = '0'
180: AND rule_folder_type IS NOT NULL) LOOP
181: fc2rule_map(fc_rec.func_comp_id) := fc_rec.rule_folder_type;
182: END LOOP;