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Line 878: from ghr_pa_requests par, ghr_pa_request_extra_info rei

874: is
875: cursor get_next_auth_date is
876: select nvl(max(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(rei_information3))+1,p_effective_date)
877: authentication_date
878: from ghr_pa_requests par, ghr_pa_request_extra_info rei
879: where par.person_id in ( select person_id from ghr_pa_requests where
880: pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id )
881: and par.effective_date = p_effective_date
882: and par.pa_notification_id is not null

Line 885: l_rei_rec ghr_pa_request_extra_info%rowtype ;

881: and par.effective_date = p_effective_date
882: and par.pa_notification_id is not null
883: and par.pa_request_id = rei.pa_request_id
884: and rei.information_type = 'GHR_US_PAR_NFC_INFO';
885: l_rei_rec ghr_pa_request_extra_info%rowtype ;
886: l_org_rec ghr_pa_request_ei_shadow%rowtype;
887: begin
888: for c_ad_rec in get_next_auth_date loop
889: l_rei_rec.information_type := 'GHR_US_PAR_NFC_INFO';