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Line 12: insert into wf_attribute_cache (

8: procedure InitCache(p_entity_type in varchar2,
9: p_entity_key_value in varchar2) is
10: pragma autonomous_transaction;
11: begin
12: insert into wf_attribute_cache (
13: entity_type,
14: entity_key_value,
15: attribute_name,
16: attribute_value,

Line 66: update wf_attribute_cache

62: --First lock the cache or call InitCache() if the attribute
63: --does not exist..
64: l_cacheLocked := FALSE;
65: while not (l_cacheLocked) loop
66: update wf_attribute_cache
67: set attribute_value = 'YES'
68: where entity_type = p_entity_type
69: and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value)
70: and attribute_name = 'CACHE_CHANGED';

Line 84: update wf_attribute_cache

80: end if;
82: --We acquired a lock on the entity_type/entity_key so we can update/create
83: --Attributes.
84: update wf_attribute_cache
85: set attribute_value = nvl(p_value, '*NULL*'),
86: last_update_date = sysdate,
87: change_number = nvl(p_change_number, change_number)
88: where entity_type = p_entity_type

Line 95: insert into wf_attribute_cache (

92: --No need to worry about race condition here because we have a lock on the
93: --entity_type/entity_key.
94: if SQL%notfound then
95: insert into wf_attribute_cache (
96: entity_type,
97: entity_key_value,
98: attribute_name,
99: attribute_value,

Line 198: from wf_attribute_cache

194: p_attribute||')');
195: end if;
197: select attribute_value into my_att_val
198: from wf_attribute_cache
199: where entity_type = upper(p_entity_type)
200: and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value)
201: and attribute_name = upper(p_attribute);

Line 292: delete from wf_attribute_cache

288: begin
289: if (p_entity_type = '*ALL*') then
290: purge_cache_attributes(sysdate);
291: elsif ((p_entity_type is NOT NULL) and (p_entity_key_value is NOT NULL)) then
292: delete from wf_attribute_cache
293: where entity_type = upper(p_entity_type)
294: and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value);
295: else
296: delete from wf_attribute_cache

Line 296: delete from wf_attribute_cache

292: delete from wf_attribute_cache
293: where entity_type = upper(p_entity_type)
294: and entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value);
295: else
296: delete from wf_attribute_cache
297: where ((entity_type is NULL) or (entity_type = upper(p_entity_type)))
298: and ((entity_key_value is NULL) or
299: (entity_key_value = upper(p_entity_key_value)));
300: end if;

Line 336: from wf_attribute_cache

333: cursor attribute_data is
334: select attribute_name aname,
335: attribute_value avalue
336: from wf_attribute_cache
337: where entity_type = my_ent_type
338: and entity_key_value = upper(p_event_key)
339: and attribute_name <> 'CACHE_CHANGED';

Line 383: delete from WF_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE

379: */
380: PROCEDURE purge_cache_attributes (p_enddate date) is
382: begin
383: delete from WF_ATTRIBUTE_CACHE
384: where LAST_UPDATE_DATE <= p_enddate;
385: exception
386: when no_data_found then
387: null;