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Line 369: ff_contexts fc3,

365: ) IS
366: SELECT fai.value
367: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
368: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
369: ff_contexts fc3,
370: ff_contexts fc2,
371: ff_archive_items fai
372: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
373: and fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id)

Line 370: ff_contexts fc2,

366: SELECT fai.value
367: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
368: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
369: ff_contexts fc3,
370: ff_contexts fc2,
371: ff_archive_items fai
372: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
373: and fai.context1 = to_char(p_ass_act_id)
374: /* context assignment action id */

Line 512: ff_contexts fc3,

508: ) IS
509: SELECT fai.value
510: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
511: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
512: ff_contexts fc3,
513: ff_contexts fc2,
514: ff_archive_items fai
515: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = cp_user_entity_id
516: and fai.context1 = to_char(cp_ass_act_id)

Line 513: ff_contexts fc2,

509: SELECT fai.value
510: FROM ff_archive_item_contexts con3,
511: ff_archive_item_contexts con2,
512: ff_contexts fc3,
513: ff_contexts fc2,
514: ff_archive_items fai
515: WHERE fai.user_entity_id = cp_user_entity_id
516: and fai.context1 = to_char(cp_ass_act_id)
517: /* context assignment action id */