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Line 3479: From po_lines_all pol,

3475: begin
3477: Select 'X'
3478: into line_exists
3479: From po_lines_all pol,
3480: Po_headers_all poh
3481: Where
3482: poh.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'
3483: AND poh.approved_flag = 'Y'

Line 3526: l_po_uom_code po_lines_all.unit_meas_lookup_code%type;

3522: l_model_qty Number := 0;
3523: l_ratio Number;
3524: l_prim_uom_qty Number;
3525: l_prim_uom Bom_cto_order_lines.order_quantity_uom%type;
3526: l_po_uom_code po_lines_all.unit_meas_lookup_code%type;
3527: l_po_uom Bom_cto_order_lines.order_quantity_uom%type;
3528: l_conv_qty Number;
3529: l_model_po_uom Bom_cto_order_lines.order_quantity_uom%type;
3530: l_model_order_uom Bom_cto_order_lines.order_quantity_uom%type;

Line 3580: From po_lines_all pol,

3576: Select pol.unit_price,
3577: muom.uom_code
3578: into l_unit_price,
3579: l_po_uom
3580: From po_lines_all pol,
3581: Po_headers_all poh,
3582: mtl_units_of_measure muom
3583: Where
3584: poh.type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET'

Line 3890: from po_lines_all pol,

3886: pol.closed_date,
3887: pol.tax_code_id,
3888: decode(poh.start_date,null,p_start_date,poh.start_date),
3889: decode(poh.end_date,null,p_end_date,poh.end_date)
3890: from po_lines_all pol,
3891: po_headers_all poh
3892: where pol.po_line_id =p_doc_line_id
3893: and poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id;

Line 3994: po_lines_all pol

3990: sysdate
3991: -- p_price*poll.price_discount/100
3992: -- price_discount
3993: from po_line_locations_all poll,
3994: po_lines_all pol
3995: where pol.po_line_id = p_doc_line_id
3996: and pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id;
3998: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN