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Line 24: type grp_opt_type is table of ben_oipl_f.opt_id%type;

20: -- For a given oipl which is attached to a group oipl, this function
21: -- get_opt_ordr_in_grp finds the order num of the option in the group options
22: -- by searching l_grp_opt.
23: --
24: type grp_opt_type is table of ben_oipl_f.opt_id%type;
25: g_grp_opt grp_opt_type;
26: --
27: function get_opt_ordr_in_grp(oipl_opt in number)
28: return number is

Line 495: from ben_oipl_f oipl

491: ,tc.rndg_cd tot_comp_rndg_cd
492: ,oc.acty_base_rt_id oth_comp_abr_id
493: ,oc.nnmntry_uom oth_comp_nnmntry_uom
494: ,oc.rndg_cd oth_comp_rndg_cd
495: from ben_oipl_f oipl
496: ,ben_opt_f opt
497: ,ben_oipl_f group_oipl
498: ,ben_pl_f pl
499: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ws

Line 497: ,ben_oipl_f group_oipl

493: ,oc.nnmntry_uom oth_comp_nnmntry_uom
494: ,oc.rndg_cd oth_comp_rndg_cd
495: from ben_oipl_f oipl
496: ,ben_opt_f opt
497: ,ben_oipl_f group_oipl
498: ,ben_pl_f pl
499: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f ws
500: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f db
501: ,ben_acty_base_rt_f wb

Line 590: from ben_oipl_f

586: -- cursor for fetching the ordr_num for oipls of group plan
587: cursor csr_grp_opt_ordr(p_group_pl_id number
588: ,p_effective_date date)is
589: select opt_id
590: from ben_oipl_f
591: where pl_id = p_group_pl_id
592: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
593: order by ordr_num;
594: --