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1 Package ame_ayl_ins AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: amaylrhi.pkh 120.0 2005/09/02 03:53 mbocutt noship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |------------------------------< ins_tl >----------------------------------|
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 -- {Start of Comments}
9 --
10 -- Description:
11 --   This procedure is the main interface for inserting rows into the
12 --   translated table.  It will insert a row into the translated (_TL)
13 --   table for the base language and every installed language.
14 --
15 -- Pre-requisites:
16 --   A unique surrogate key ID value has been assigned and a valid row
17 --   has been successfully inserted into the non-translated table.
18 --
19 -- In Parameters:
20 --   p_language_code must be set to the base or any installed language.
21 --
22 -- Post Success:
23 --   A fully validated row will be inserted into the _TL table for the
24 --   base language and every installed language.  None of the rows will
25 --   be committed to the database.
26 --
27 -- Post Failure:
28 --   If an error has occurred a pl/sql exception will be raised.
29 --
30 -- Developer Implementation Notes:
31 --   None.
32 --
33 -- Access Status:
34 --   Internal Development Use Only.
35 --
36 -- {End of Comments}
37 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 Procedure ins_tl
39   (p_language_code                in varchar2
40   ,p_action_type_id               in number
41   ,p_user_action_type_name        in varchar2
42   ,p_description                  in varchar2
43   );
44 --
45 end ame_ayl_ins;