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Line 1107: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.LoadDataSources(

1103: /* SSM SST Integration and Extension
1104: * For non-profile entities, the concept of select/de-select data-sources is obsoleted.
1106: -- IF g_loc_mixnmatch_enabled IS NULL THEN
1107: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.LoadDataSources(
1108: p_entity_name => 'HZ_LOCATIONS',
1109: p_entity_attr_id => g_loc_entity_attr_id,
1110: p_mixnmatch_enabled => g_loc_mixnmatch_enabled,
1111: p_selected_datasources => g_loc_selected_datasources );

Line 1115: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.AssignDataSourceDuringCreation (

1111: p_selected_datasources => g_loc_selected_datasources );
1112: -- END IF;
1113: */
1115: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.AssignDataSourceDuringCreation (
1116: p_entity_name => 'HZ_LOCATIONS',
1117: p_entity_attr_id => g_loc_entity_attr_id,
1118: p_mixnmatch_enabled => g_loc_mixnmatch_enabled,
1119: p_selected_datasources => g_loc_selected_datasources,

Line 1584: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.LoadDataSources(

1580: /* SSM SST Integration and Extension
1581: * For non-profile entities, the concept of select/de-select data-sources is obsoleted.
1582: * There is no need to check if the data-source is selected.
1584: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.LoadDataSources(
1585: p_entity_name => 'HZ_LOCATIONS',
1586: p_entity_attr_id => g_loc_entity_attr_id,
1587: p_mixnmatch_enabled => g_loc_mixnmatch_enabled,
1588: p_selected_datasources => g_loc_selected_datasources );

Line 1600: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.isDataSourceSelected (

1596: * For non-profile entities, the concept of select/de-select data-sources is obsoleted.
1597: * There is no need to check if the data-source is selected.
1599: g_loc_is_datasource_selected :=
1600: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY.isDataSourceSelected (
1601: p_selected_datasources => g_loc_selected_datasources,
1602: p_actual_content_source => l_old_location_rec.actual_content_source );
1603: */
1604: IF (p_location_rec.country IS NOT NULL AND