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Line 1: package body wms_get_dest_loc_lpn as

1: package body wms_get_dest_loc_lpn as
2: /* $Header: WMSDLLWB.pls 115.10 2003/11/03 21:18:13 joabraha noship $ */
3: --
4: l_debug number := NVL(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'),0);
5: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Line 38: INV_LOG_UTIL.trace(p_message, 'WMS_GET_DEST_LOC_LPN', p_level);

34: p_message in varchar2
35: , p_level in number
36: ) is
37: begin
38: INV_LOG_UTIL.trace(p_message, 'WMS_GET_DEST_LOC_LPN', p_level);
39: end trace;
40: --
41: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42: -- |-----------------------< wms_dest_loc_w_item >----------------------------------|

Line 104: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_w_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);

100: -- ### Initialize API return status to success
101: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
103: if (l_debug = 1) then
104: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_w_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
105: trace(l_proc ||' ');
106: trace(l_proc ||' ');
107: trace(l_proc ||' Before calling package "wms_atf_dest_loc.get_seed_dest_loc"....', 1);
108: trace(l_proc ||' Input parameters...');

Line 145: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_w_item"....', 1);

141: trace(l_proc ||' x_subinventory_code = ' || x_subinventory_code);
142: trace(l_proc ||' x_loc_valid = ' || x_loc_valid);
143: trace(l_proc ||' ');
144: trace(l_proc ||' ');
145: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_w_item"....', 1);
146: end if;
148: end wms_dest_loc_w_item;
149: --

Line 216: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_wo_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);

212: -- ### Initialize API return status to success
213: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
215: if (l_debug = 1) then
216: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_wo_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
217: trace(l_proc ||' ');
218: trace(l_proc ||' ');
219: trace(l_proc ||' Before calling package "wms_atf_dest_loc.get_seed_dest_loc"....', 1);
220: trace(l_proc ||' Input parameters...');

Line 255: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_wo_item"....', 1);

251: trace(l_proc ||' x_subinventory_code = ' || x_subinventory_code);
252: trace(l_proc ||' x_loc_valid = ' || x_loc_valid);
253: trace(l_proc ||' ');
254: trace(l_proc ||' ');
255: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_loc_wo_item"....', 1);
256: end if;
258: end wms_dest_loc_wo_item;
259: --

Line 325: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_w_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);

321: -- ### Initialize API return status to success
322: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
324: if (l_debug = 1) then
325: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_w_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
326: trace(l_proc ||' ');
327: trace(l_proc ||' ');
328: trace(l_proc ||' Before calling package "wms_atf_dest_loc.get_seed_dest_lpn"....', 1);
329: trace(l_proc ||' Input parameters...');

Line 365: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_w_item"....', 1);

361: trace(l_proc ||' x_lpn_id = ' || x_lpn_id);
362: trace(l_proc ||' x_lpn_valid = ' || x_lpn_valid);
363: trace(l_proc ||' ');
364: trace(l_proc ||' ');
365: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_w_item"....', 1);
366: end if;
368: end wms_dest_lpn_w_item;
369: --

Line 432: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_wo_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);

428: -- ### Initialize API return status to success
429: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
431: if (l_debug = 1) then
432: trace(l_proc ||' Entering "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_wo_item"... '|| to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
433: trace(l_proc ||' ');
434: trace(l_proc ||' ');
435: trace(l_proc ||' Before calling package "wms_atf_dest_loc.get_seed_dest_lpn"....', 1);
436: trace(l_proc ||' Input parameters...');

Line 471: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_wo_item"....', 1);

467: trace(l_proc ||' x_lpn_id = ' || x_lpn_id);
468: trace(l_proc ||' x_lpn_valid = ' || x_lpn_valid);
469: trace(l_proc ||' ');
470: trace(l_proc ||' ');
471: trace(l_proc ||' Exiting procedure "wms_get_dest_loc_lpn.wms_dest_lpn_wo_item"....', 1);
472: end if;
474: end wms_dest_lpn_wo_item;

Line 476: end wms_get_dest_loc_lpn;

472: end if;
474: end wms_dest_lpn_wo_item;
476: end wms_get_dest_loc_lpn;