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1 PACKAGE pay_formula_results AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: pyfrrspr.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 05:08:33 appldev noship $ */
3 /*
4 +======================================================================+
5 |                Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                 |
6 |                   Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
7 |                        All rights reserved.                          |
8 +======================================================================+
10     Name        : hr_user_init_dedn
11     Filename	: pyusuidt.pkb
12     Change List
13     -----------
14     Date        Name          Vers    Bug No    Description
15     ----        ----          ----    ------    -----------
16     01-NOV-93   H.Parichabutr  1.0              Created by cutting
17                                                 procedures from "benchmark"
18 						package - since benchmark
19 						is not supported by core.
20 						Do not know if status proc or
21 						result rule api exist in any
22 						other package (i couldn't find
23 						them if they are).
24     01-NOV-93	hparicha	1.1		Updated formula result api
25 						to accept an element type id
26 						which can actually be an
27 						element type id or an
28 						input value id!  This will
29 						enable Indirect, Stop, and
30 						Update Recurring result rules
31 						to be created.
32 */
33 --.
34  ----------------------------- ins_stat_proc_rule ----------------------------
35  --  NAME
36  --    ins_stat_proc_rule
38  --    Creates a status processing rule for an element.
39  --  NOTES
40 --
41  FUNCTION ins_stat_proc_rule
42  (
43 --
44    p_business_group_id          NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
45    p_legislation_code           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
46    p_legislation_subgroup       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
47    p_effective_start_date       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
48    p_effective_end_date         DATE DEFAULT NULL,
49 --
50    p_element_type_id            NUMBER,
51    p_assignment_status_type_id  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
52    p_formula_id                 NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
53 --
54    p_processing_rule            VARCHAR2
55 --
57 --..
58 --.
59  ----------------------------- ins_form_res_rule ----------------------------
60  --  NAME
61  --    ins_form_res_rule
63  --    Creates a formula result rule for an element..
64  --  NOTES
65 --
66  FUNCTION ins_form_res_rule
67  (
68 --
69   p_business_group_id          NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
70   p_legislation_code           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
71   p_legislation_subgroup       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
72   p_effective_start_date       DATE DEFAULT NULL,
73   p_effective_end_date         DATE DEFAULT NULL,
74 --
75   p_status_processing_rule_id  NUMBER,
76   p_input_value_id             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
77 --
78   p_result_name                VARCHAR2,
79   p_result_rule_type           VARCHAR2,
80   p_severity_level             VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
81   p_element_type_id	       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
82 --
84 --..
85 --.
86 --..
87 END pay_formula_results;