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Line 28: 05-Mar-97 J.Alloun 40.8 Changed all occurances of system.dual

24: 19-Jul-95 D.Kerr 40.6 Changes to support initial balance
25: upload.
26: 02-Oct-95 D.Kerr 40.7 310643 : overloads for insert_row,
27: update_row and delete_row
28: 05-Mar-97 J.Alloun 40.8 Changed all occurances of system.dual
29: to sys.dual for next release requirements.
30: 08-Dec-03 T.Habara 115.1 Bug 3285363. Modified cursor C3 in
31: insert_row().
32: Added commit, dbdrv, whenever oserror.

Line 29: to sys.dual for next release requirements.

25: upload.
26: 02-Oct-95 D.Kerr 40.7 310643 : overloads for insert_row,
27: update_row and delete_row
28: 05-Mar-97 J.Alloun 40.8 Changed all occurances of system.dual
29: to sys.dual for next release requirements.
30: 08-Dec-03 T.Habara 115.1 Bug 3285363. Modified cursor C3 in
31: insert_row().
32: Added commit, dbdrv, whenever oserror.
33: Added nocopy changes.

Line 88: CURSOR C2 IS SELECT pay_balance_feeds_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;

84: l_balance_feed_id number:= X_Balance_Feed_Id;
85: CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM pay_balance_feeds_f
86: WHERE balance_feed_id = l_balance_feed_id;
87: --
88: CURSOR C2 IS SELECT pay_balance_feeds_s.nextval FROM sys.dual;
89: --
90: -- Bug 3285363.
91: -- Modified cursor C3 to select only those initial feed elements
92: -- that are available in the business group/legislation.