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1 package ben_premium_plan_concurrent AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: benprplc.pkh 115.1 2003/01/01 00:00:39 mmudigon ship $ */
3 --
4 /* ============================================================================
5 *    Name
6 *       Premium Process Concurrent Manager Processes for Plan Premiums
7 *
8 *    Purpose
9 *       This package simply houses the concurrent manager and multi-thread
10 *       processes for Premium Calculation.
11 *
12 *    History
13 *      Date        Who        Version    What?
14 *      -------     ---------  -------    --------------------------------------
15 *      01-Nov-99   lmcdonal   115.0      Created
16 *
17 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 */
19 --
20 -- Global Cursors and Global variables.
21 --
22 g_record_error  exception;
23 g_debug         boolean := FALSE;
24 type rpt_str is table of varchar2(132) index by binary_integer;
25 g_rpt_cache     rpt_str;
26 g_rpt_cnt       binary_integer := 0;
27 -----------------------------------------------
28 type g_cache_log_file_rec is table of varchar2(255)
29      index by binary_integer;
30 g_cache_log_file g_cache_log_file_rec;
31 -----------------------------------------------
32 type g_cache_person_process_object is record
33     (person_id                ben_person_actions.person_id%type
34     ,person_action_id         ben_person_actions.person_action_id%type
35     ,object_version_number    ben_person_actions.object_version_number%type
36     ,ler_id                   ben_person_actions.ler_id%type
37         );
38 type g_cache_person_process_rec is table of g_cache_person_process_object
39     index by binary_integer;
40 g_cache_person_process g_cache_person_process_rec;
41 ------------------------------------------------------------------
42 --            PROCESS
43 ------------------------------------------------------------------
44 procedure process(errbuf                        out nocopy varchar2
45                  ,retcode                       out nocopy number
46                  ,p_benefit_action_id        in     number   default null
47                  ,p_effective_date           in     varchar2
48                  ,p_validate                 in     varchar2 default 'N'
49                  ,p_business_group_id        in     number
50                  ,p_pgm_id                   in     number   default null
51                  ,p_pl_typ_id                in     number   default null
52                  ,p_pl_id                    in     number   default null
53                  ,p_comp_selection_rule_id   in     number   default null
54                  ,p_debug_messages           in     varchar2 default 'N'
55                  ,p_first_day_of_month       in     varchar2
56                  ,p_mo_num                   in     number
57                  ,p_yr_num                   in     number
58                  ,p_threads            in     number
59                  ,p_chunk_size         in     number
60                  ,p_max_errors         in     number
61                  ,p_restart            in     boolean default FALSE ) ;
63 procedure do_multithread
64              (errbuf                     out nocopy varchar2
65              ,retcode                    out nocopy number
66              ,p_validate              in     varchar2 default 'N'
67              ,p_benefit_action_id     in     number
68              ,p_thread_id             in     number
69              ,p_effective_date        in     varchar2
70              ,p_business_group_id     in     number
71              ,p_mo_num                in     number
72              ,p_yr_num                in     number
73              ,p_first_day_of_month    in     varchar2
74              ) ;
75 End ben_premium_plan_concurrent;