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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

**   28-APR-2004    EPASQUIN   Updated the pkg to use PA_RBS_ELEMENTS table
**                             instead of PA_PROJ_ELEM_VER_RBS.
PROCEDURE derive_parameters(
   p_project_id       NUMBER
  ,p_calendar_type    VARCHAR2
  ,p_calendar_id      NUMBER
  ,p_time_id          NUMBER
  ,p_wbs_element_id   NUMBER
  ,p_rbs_element_id   NUMBER
  ,p_commitment_flag              VARCHAR2
  ,p_time_flag                    VARCHAR2
  ,x_start_date                   OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,x_end_date                     OUT NOCOPY DATE
  ,x_task_id                      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_rev_categ_code               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_event_type_id                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_event_type                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_inventory_item_ids           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_org_id                       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_expenditure_category_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_expenditure_type_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_item_category_id             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_job_id                       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_person_type_id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_person_id                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_non_labor_resource_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_bom_equipment_resource_id    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_bom_labor_resource_id        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_vendor_id                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_resource_class_id            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_resource_class_code          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_person_type                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_expenditure_type             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_prg_project_id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
  ,x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) AS

inv_item_id_list  number_nestedtb;
Line: 111

             if ITD then all commitment transaction should select.

     If Non Commitment Transaction
             if PTD then all transaction within the the start and end reporting period.
             if ITD then all the transaction which are before end reporting period.  */

       x_start_date := TO_DATE('01-01-1950','DD/MM/YYYY');
Line: 124

           SELECT project_id
             INTO x_prg_project_id
             FROM pa_proj_elements
            WHERE proj_element_id = p_wbs_element_id ;
Line: 133

         SELECT start_date, end_date
            INTO l_start_date, l_end_date
                SELECT start_date, end_date
                 FROM   pji_time_ent_period_v  per
                       ,pji_time_rpt_struct  rpt
                WHERE  1=1
                  AND 'E' = p_calendar_type
                  AND per.ent_period_id = rpt.time_id
                  AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                  AND rpt.record_type_id = 256
                UNION ALL
                 SELECT start_date, end_date
                   FROM pji_time_cal_period_V      per
                       ,pji_time_cal_rpt_struct  rpt
                  WHERE 1=1
                    AND per.calendar_id   =  p_calendar_id
                    AND 'E' <> p_calendar_type
                    AND per.cal_period_id = rpt.time_id
                    AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                    AND rpt.record_type_id = 256
                    AND rpt.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
Line: 169

	 SELECT start_date, end_date
           INTO l_start_date, l_end_date
               SELECT start_date, end_date
                FROM   pji_time_ent_QTR_v  per
                      ,pji_time_rpt_struct  rpt
               WHERE  1=1
                 AND 'E' = p_calendar_type
                 AND per.ent_qtr_id = rpt.time_id
                 AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                 AND rpt.record_type_id = 512
               UNION ALL
                SELECT start_date, end_date
                  FROM pji_time_cal_qtr_V      per
                      ,pji_time_cal_rpt_struct  rpt
                 WHERE 1=1
                   AND per.calendar_id   =  p_calendar_id
                   AND 'E' <> p_calendar_type
                   AND per.cal_qtr_id = rpt.time_id
                   AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                   AND rpt.record_type_id = 512
                   AND rpt.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
Line: 199

	   SELECT start_date, end_date
           INTO l_start_date, l_end_date
               SELECT start_date, end_date
                FROM   pji_time_ent_year_v  per
                      ,pji_time_rpt_struct  rpt
               WHERE  1=1
                 AND 'E' = p_calendar_type
                 AND per.ent_year_id = rpt.time_id
                 AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                 AND rpt.record_type_id = 128
               UNION ALL
                SELECT start_date, end_date
                  FROM pji_time_cal_year_V      per
                      ,pji_time_cal_rpt_struct  rpt
                 WHERE 1=1
                   AND per.calendar_id   =  p_calendar_id
                   AND 'E' <> p_calendar_type
                   AND per.cal_year_id = rpt.time_id
                   AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
                   AND rpt.record_type_id = 128     /* Modified for bug 14622613 */
                   AND rpt.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
Line: 252

      SELECT start_date, closed_date --ACTUAL_FINISH_DATE, ACTUAL_START_DATE,
      INTO x_start_date, x_end_date
      FROM pa_projects_all
      WHERE project_id = p_project_id;
Line: 266

      SELECT start_date, end_date
      INTO x_start_date, x_end_date
        SELECT start_date, end_date
        pji_time_ent_period_v  per
        , pji_time_rpt_struct  rpt
        WHERE 1=1
        AND 'E' = p_calendar_type
        AND per.ent_period_id = rpt.time_id
        AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
        AND rpt.record_type_id = 256
        UNION ALL
        SELECT start_date, end_date
        pji_time_cal_period_V      per
        , pji_time_cal_rpt_struct  rpt
        WHERE 1=1
        AND per.calendar_id   =  p_calendar_id
        AND 'E' <> p_calendar_type
        AND per.cal_period_id = rpt.time_id
        AND rpt.report_date = TO_DATE(p_time_id,'j')
        AND rpt.record_type_id = 256
        AND rpt.calendar_id = p_calendar_id
Line: 311

    SELECT object_type
    INTO   l_object_type
    FROM   pa_proj_elements
    WHERE  proj_element_id = p_wbs_element_id;
Line: 334

           PA_RBS_ELEMENTS             rbs
          ,pa_event_types              et
          ,pa_resource_classes_b       rc
          ,pa_expenditure_types        expt
          --,PA_RBS_ELEMENT_NAMES_B      rbsn
        WHERE 1=1
          AND rbs.rbs_element_id = p_rbs_element_id
          AND rbs.resource_class_id  = rc.resource_class_id (+) -- Added outer joing for bug 3848087
          -- we want to obtain the rbs records regardless of event_type_id or expenditure_type_id
          AND rbs.event_type_id = et.event_type_id (+)
          AND rbs.expenditure_type_id = expt.expenditure_type_id (+)
          --AND rbs.element_version_id = rbsn.rbs_element_id
Line: 408

        SELECT system_person_type
        INTO x_person_type
        FROM per_person_types
        WHERE person_type_id = x_person_type_id;
Line: 435

        SELECT cat.inventory_item_id
        BULK COLLECT INTO inv_item_id_list
        pa_resource_classes_b cls
        , pa_plan_res_defaults def
        , mtl_item_categories cat
        WHERE 1=1
        AND cls.resource_class_id = def.object_id
        AND cls.resource_class_code = 'MATERIAL_ITEMS'
        AND def.object_type = 'CLASS'
        AND cat.organization_id = def.item_master_id
        AND cat.category_set_id = def.item_category_set_id
        AND category_id = x_item_category_id
Line: 525

    SELECT object_type
    INTO   l_object_type
    FROM   pa_proj_elements
    WHERE  proj_element_id = p_wbs_element_id;
Line: 551

      SELECT chargeable_flag, top_task_id
      INTO l_chargeable_flag, l_top_task_id
      FROM pa_tasks
      WHERE task_id = p_wbs_element_id;