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Line 2616: FROM pa_implementations a

2612: CURSOR gl_account_dets IS
2613: SELECT a.set_of_books_id
2614: , b.accounted_period_type
2615: , b.currency_code
2616: FROM pa_implementations a
2617: , gl_sets_of_books b
2618: WHERE a.set_of_books_id = b.set_of_books_id;
2619: CURSOR gl_eligible_amount IS
2620: SELECT nvl(sum( nvl(eligible_amount,0)*DECODE(subtract_flag,'Y',-1,1) ),0)

Line 4472: pa_implementations b

4468: select decode(p_run_period_type,'PA', b.pa_period_type, a.accounted_period_type),
4469: a.period_set_name,glp.period_year,glp.quarter_num,glp.period_num,end_date
4470: from gl_periods glp,
4471: gl_sets_of_books a,
4472: pa_implementations b
4473: where a.set_of_books_id = b.set_of_books_id
4474: and glp.period_set_name = a.period_set_name
4475: and glp.period_type = decode(p_run_period_type,'PA', b.pa_period_type,
4476: a.accounted_period_type)

Line 5524: pa_implementations imp

5520: /* Using gl_period_statuses instead of pa_periods for Bug 2757875 */
5521: (select /*+ NO_UNNEST */ -- Bug Fix: 3634912 added hint
5522: gl.period_name
5523: from gl_period_statuses gl,
5524: pa_implementations imp
5525: where pta.gl_period = gl.period_name
5526: and gl.set_of_books_id = imp.set_of_books_id
5527: and gl.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
5528: and gl.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 5606: pa_implementations imp

5602: and part.exclude_flag = 'N'
5603: and exists
5604: ( select gl.period_name
5605: from gl_period_statuses gl,
5606: pa_implementations imp
5607: where pta.gl_period = gl.period_name
5608: and gl.set_of_books_id = imp.set_of_books_id
5609: and gl.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
5610: and gl.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 6278: pa_implementations imp

6274: /* Using gl_period_statuses instead of pa_periods for bug 2757875 */
6275: (select /*+ NO_UNNEST */ -- Bug Fix: 3634912 added hint
6276: gl.period_name
6277: From gl_period_statuses gl,
6278: pa_implementations imp
6279: where pta.gl_period = gl.period_name
6280: and gl.set_of_books_id = imp.set_of_books_id
6281: and gl.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
6282: and gl.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 6377: pa_implementations imp

6373: and pars.exclude_flag = 'N'
6374: and Exists
6375: (select gl.period_name
6376: From gl_period_statuses gl,
6377: pa_implementations imp
6378: where pta.gl_period = gl.period_name
6379: and gl.set_of_books_id = imp.set_of_books_id
6380: and gl.application_id = pa_period_process_pkg.application_id
6381: and gl.adjustment_period_flag = 'N'

Line 7614: pa_implementations imp

7610: /* FP.M : Allocation Impact : pa_txn_accum pta */
7611: /* Commenting out pa_periods for bug 2757875 and using gl_period_statuses instead */
7612: -- pa_periods pp ,
7613: gl_period_statuses gl ,
7614: pa_implementations imp
7615: /* pa_alloc_run_sources pars */ /* Loop thru pa_alloc_run_sources. Bug 3749469 : Performance with pa_alloc_txn_accum_v. Filter for Project_Id and Task_Id */
7616: where /* Bug 3749469
7617: pars.rule_id = p_rule_id
7618: and pars.run_id = p_run_id

Line 8308: pa_implementations imp

8304: from pa_alloc_txn_accum_v pta, /* FP.M : Allocation Impact : pa_txn_accum pta, */
8305: /* Commenting out pa_periods and using gl_period_statuses instead for bug 2757875 */
8306: -- pa_periods pp ,
8307: gl_period_statuses gl,
8308: pa_implementations imp
8309: /* pa_alloc_run_targets part */ /* Loop thru pa_alloc_run_sources. Bug 3749469 : Performance with pa_alloc_txn_accum_v. Filter for Project_Id and Task_Id */
8310: where /* Bug 3749469 part.rule_id = p_rule_id
8311: and part.run_id = p_run_id
8312: and part.exclude_flag = 'N'

Line 9398: from pa_implementations ;

9394: from pa_alloc_runs
9395: where run_id = p_run_id ;
9396: cursor C_org_id is
9397: select org_id
9398: from pa_implementations ;
9399: run_rec C_run%ROWTYPE ;
9400: v_import_failed VARCHAR2(1) ;
9401: v_org_id NUMBER ;
9402: /* Bug No:- 2487147, UTF8 change : changed v_target_expnd_org to %TYPE */