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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

     select nvl(min(ASG.effective_start_date), END_OF_TIME)
     from   per_all_assignments_f   ASG
     where  ASG.assignment_id         = p_assignment_id
       and  ASG.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date;
Line: 56

     select nvl(PTP.start_date, END_OF_TIME)
     from   per_time_periods  PTP
           ,per_assignments_f ASS
     where  ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and  p_upload_date       between ASS.effective_start_date
                                    and ASS.effective_end_date
       and  PTP.payroll_id    = ASS.payroll_id
       and  p_upload_date      between PTP.start_date
				   and PTP.end_date;
Line: 75

     select nvl(greatest(min(ASS.effective_start_date), p_expiry_date),
       from per_all_assignments_f ASS
      where ASS.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and ASS.effective_start_date <= p_upload_date
        and ASS.effective_end_date >= p_expiry_date;
Line: 89

   select ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(p_upload_date, 'Y'),
                       TO_CHAR(p_upload_date, 'MM') -
                              1, 1,
                              0, 2)
    from dual ;
Line: 284

  SELECT BT.balance_type_id
  FROM   pay_balance_types BT
  WHERE  BT.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id
            -- JURISDICTION_CODE context NB. if the jurisdiction code is
            -- used then only those adjustments which are for the same
            -- jurisdiction code can be included.
       and  ((p_source_id is null)    or
             (p_source_id is not null and p_source_id = p_bal_adj_source_id))
	    -- ORIGINAL_ENTRY_ID context NB. this context controls the expiry
	    -- date of the dimension in the same way as the QTD dimension. Any
	    -- existing balance adjustments that lie between the upload date
	    -- and the expiry date are all included. There is no special
	    -- criteria that has to be met.
  AND  1 = 1;
Line: 310

    select pbbl.source_id
    from   pay_balance_batch_lines pbbl
          ,hr_organization_units hou
    where  pbbl.batch_line_id = p_batch_line_id
      and  pbbl.source_id=hou.organization_id;
Line: 318

  SELECT source_id
  FROM   pay_temp_balance_adjustments
  WHERE  batch_line_id = p_test_batch_line_id;