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Line 43: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

39: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
40: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
41: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_procedure,
42: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_TABLE_STARTED',
43: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
44: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
45: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
46: update_wip_entities(p_migration_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
47: x_exception_count => x_failure_count);

Line 46: update_wip_entities(p_migration_run_id => p_migration_run_id,

42: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_TABLE_STARTED',
43: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
44: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
45: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
46: update_wip_entities(p_migration_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
47: x_exception_count => x_failure_count);
50: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log

Line 299: PROCEDURE update_wip_entities(p_migration_run_id IN NUMBER,

295: p_context => 'UPDATE_LAB_IND',
296: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
297: END update_batch_header;
299: PROCEDURE update_wip_entities(p_migration_run_id IN NUMBER,
300: x_exception_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS
301: l_wip_entity_id NUMBER;
302: l_batch_id NUMBER;
303: l_count NUMBER;

Line 315: FROM wip_entities

311: WHERE b.recipe_validity_rule_id = v.recipe_validity_rule_id(+)
312: AND b.organization_id IS NOT NULL
313: AND DECODE(batch_type, 0, l_batch_prefix, l_fpo_prefix)||batch_no
314: NOT IN (SELECT wip_entity_name
315: FROM wip_entities
316: WHERE organization_id = b.organization_id
317: AND ((b.batch_type = 0 AND entity_type = 10)
318: OR (b.batch_type = 10 AND entity_type = 9)));
319: */

Line 326: FROM wip_entities;

322: l_min_wip_entity_id NUMBER;
324: CURSOR get_max_entity_id IS
325: SELECT NVL(max(wip_entity_id), 0)
326: FROM wip_entities;
328: CURSOR get_min_entity_id IS
329: SELECT NVL(min(wip_entity_id), 0)
330: FROM gme_batch_header b, wip_entities w

Line 330: FROM gme_batch_header b, wip_entities w

326: FROM wip_entities;
328: CURSOR get_min_entity_id IS
329: SELECT NVL(min(wip_entity_id), 0)
330: FROM gme_batch_header b, wip_entities w
331: WHERE b.organization_id IS NOT NULL
332: AND DECODE(batch_type, 0, l_batch_prefix, l_fpo_prefix)||batch_no = w.wip_entity_name
333: and w.organization_id = b.organization_id
334: AND ((b.batch_type = 0 AND entity_type = 10)

Line 337: -- Let's get all batches minus the ones already in wip entities.

333: and w.organization_id = b.organization_id
334: AND ((b.batch_type = 0 AND entity_type = 10)
335: OR (b.batch_type = 10 AND entity_type = 9));
337: -- Let's get all batches minus the ones already in wip entities.
338: CURSOR get_batches IS
339: SELECT batch_no, b.organization_id, batch_type, v.inventory_item_id
340: FROM gme_batch_header b, gmd_recipe_validity_rules v
341: WHERE b.recipe_validity_rule_id = v.recipe_validity_rule_id(+)

Line 347: FROM wip_entities

343: MINUS
344: SELECT batch_no, b.organization_id, batch_type, v.inventory_item_id
345: FROM gme_batch_header b, gmd_recipe_validity_rules v,
346: (SELECT wip_entity_name, organization_id, entity_type
347: FROM wip_entities
348: WHERE wip_entity_id > l_min_wip_entity_id
349: AND entity_type IN (9, 10)) w
350: WHERE b.recipe_validity_rule_id = v.recipe_validity_rule_id(+)
351: AND b.organization_id IS NOT NULL

Line 385: INSERT INTO wip_entities

381: END IF;
383: FOR rec IN get_batches LOOP
384: BEGIN
385: INSERT INTO wip_entities
386: (wip_entity_id, organization_id,
387: last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date,
388: created_by, last_update_login, request_id,
389: program_application_id, program_id,

Line 394: VALUES (wip_entities_s.NEXTVAL,

390: program_update_date, wip_entity_name,
391: entity_type, description,
392: primary_item_id, gen_object_id
393: )
394: VALUES (wip_entities_s.NEXTVAL,
395: rec.organization_id, --ORGANIZATION_ID
397: 1, --LAST_UPDATED_BY,

Line 418: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

414: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
415: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
416: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected,
417: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_DB_ERROR',
418: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
419: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
420: p_db_error => SQLERRM,
421: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
422: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log

Line 426: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

422: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
423: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
424: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected,
425: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_TABLE_FAIL',
426: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
427: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
428: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
429: END;
430: END LOOP;

Line 433: FROM wip_entities;

429: END;
430: END LOOP;
431: SELECT MAX (wip_entity_id)
432: INTO l_wip_entity_id
433: FROM wip_entities;
435: SELECT MAX (batch_id)
436: INTO l_batch_id
437: FROM gme_batch_header;

Line 440: SELECT wip_entities_s.NEXTVAL

436: INTO l_batch_id
437: FROM gme_batch_header;
439: WHILE l_wip_entity_id < l_batch_id LOOP
440: SELECT wip_entities_s.NEXTVAL
441: INTO l_wip_entity_id
443: END LOOP;
444: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log

Line 448: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

444: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
445: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
446: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_procedure,
447: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_TABLE_SUCCESS',
448: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
449: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
450: p_token1 => 'PARAM1',
451: p_param1 => l_count,
452: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');

Line 460: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

456: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
457: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
458: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected,
459: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_DB_ERROR',
460: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
461: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
462: p_db_error => SQLERRM,
463: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
464: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log

Line 468: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',

464: gma_common_logging.gma_migration_central_log
465: (p_run_id => p_migration_run_id,
466: p_log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected,
467: p_message_token => 'GMA_MIGRATION_TABLE_FAIL',
468: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
469: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
470: p_app_short_name => 'GMA',
471: p_db_error => SQLERRM);
472: END update_wip_entities;

Line 472: END update_wip_entities;

468: p_table_name => 'WIP_ENTITIES',
469: p_context => 'CREATE_WIP_ENTITY',
470: p_app_short_name => 'GMA',
471: p_db_error => SQLERRM);
472: END update_wip_entities;
474: PROCEDURE update_from_doc_no(p_migration_run_id NUMBER) IS
475: BEGIN
476: UPDATE gme_gantt_document_filter