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Line 21075: -- cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest

21071: -- Description
21072: -- This API physically removes the SRs and all its child objects after
21073: -- performing validations wherever required. This is a wrapper which
21074: -- delegates the work to another helper API named
21075: -- cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest
21076: --
21077: -- HISTORY
21078: --
21079: ----------------+------------+--------------------------------------------------

Line 21089: * cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest

21085: /*#
21086: * This API physically removes the SRs and all its child objects after
21087: * performing validations wherever required. This is a wrapper which delegates
21088: * the work to another helper API named
21089: * cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest
21090: * @param p_purge_set_id Id that helps identify a set of SRs that were purged
21091: * in a single batch
21092: * @param p_processing_set_id Id that helps the API in identifying the set of
21093: * SRs for which the child

Line 21300: || 'cs_sr_delete_util.delete_sr_validations'

21296: (
21297: FND_LOG.level_statement
21298: , L_LOG_MODULE || 'purge_valid_start'
21299: , 'calling the SR delete validation API '
21300: || 'cs_sr_delete_util.delete_sr_validations'
21301: );
21302: END IF;
21304: -- The following procedure call performs validations on child objects

Line 21310: CS_SR_DELETE_UTIL.Delete_Sr_Validations

21306: -- is used by the delete_servicerequest call to identify the SRs that
21307: -- can be actually purged.
21309: --Fix for bug 13619985
21310: CS_SR_DELETE_UTIL.Delete_Sr_Validations
21311: (
21312: p_api_version_number => 1.0
21313: , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
21314: , p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE

Line 21344: || 'cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest'

21340: (
21341: FND_LOG.level_statement
21342: , L_LOG_MODULE || 'purge_start'
21343: , 'calling the SR delete helper API '
21344: || 'cs_sr_delete_util.delete_servicerequest'
21345: );
21346: END IF;
21348: -- This call refers to the SRs in the global temp table with purge_status

Line 21353: CS_SR_DELETE_UTIL.Delete_ServiceRequest

21349: -- null and calls other child object delete APIs to delete the child objects
21350: -- of SRs and also deletes the SRs from the base and TL tables.
21352: --Fix for bug 13619985 - shramana
21353: CS_SR_DELETE_UTIL.Delete_ServiceRequest
21354: (
21355: p_api_version_number => 1.0
21356: , p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE
21357: , p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE