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Line 46: * select routing_status from fm_rout_hdr where routing_id is in

42: * the TO_STATUS of the routing, set the boolean to FALSE.
43: * IF the entity is Recipes THEN
44: * select formula_status from fm_form_mst where formula_id is in
45: * (select formula_id from gmd_recipes where recipe_id is current recipe)
46: * select routing_status from fm_rout_hdr where routing_id is in
47: * (select routing_id from gmd_recipes where recipe_id is current recipe)
48: * IF either formula or routing status returned by select is on-hold, obsolete
49: * or less than the TO_STATUS of the recipe, set the boolean to FALSE.
50: * IF the entity is Validity Rules THEN

Line 69: l_routing_defined FM_ROUT_HDR.ROUTING_ID%TYPE;

66: l_cur_dependent_status GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
67: l_cur_routing_status GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
68: l_lowest_allowed_status GMD_STATUS.STATUS_CODE%TYPE;
69: l_routing_defined FM_ROUT_HDR.ROUTING_ID%TYPE;
70: Dependent_Status_OK BOOLEAN := TRUE;
73: /* entity_types: 3=recipe, 4=routing, 5=validity rule*/

Line 133: From fm_rout_hdr r

129: * get the routing status */
130: IF Dependent_Status_OK AND l_routing_defined is not NULL THEN
131: OPEN Routing_Status_cur FOR
132: Select r.routing_status
133: From fm_rout_hdr r
134: Where r.routing_id = l_routing_defined;
136: FETCH Routing_Status_cur into l_cur_routing_status;
137: IF (l_cur_routing_status between 800 and 899)

Line 222: FROM fm_rout_hdr h,fm_rout_dtl d

220: CURSOR Cur_Check_oprn_recp(l_oprn_id NUMBER) IS
221: SELECT count(*)
222: FROM fm_rout_hdr h,fm_rout_dtl d
223: WHERE h.routing_id = d.routing_id
224: AND d.oprn_id = l_oprn_id
225: AND (h.routing_status between 700 and 799
226: OR h.routing_Status between 400 and 499