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Line 862: -- Attribute1 in pay_element_types_f is from this point

858: -- which are assigned in the set_ele_var_ids procedure.
859: -- The second part of the validation checks the link from the deleted element
860: -- entry to ensure that the element type does not contain either Y,E or D in
861: -- the attribute1 column. If it does then an error is raised.
862: -- Attribute1 in pay_element_types_f is from this point
863: -- to be used as a flag to identify that it is a deduction element
864: --
865: dummy integer;
866: l_attrib1 pay_element_entries_f.attribute1%TYPE := NULL;

Line 880: FROM pay_element_types_f pt,

876: --
877: IF (dummy = 0) THEN
878: SELECT pt.attribute1
879: INTO l_attrib1
880: FROM pay_element_types_f pt,
881: pay_element_links_f pl
882: WHERE
883: pl.element_link_id = g_ele_link_id AND
884: pt.element_type_id = pl.element_type_id AND

Line 886: FROM pay_element_types_f pt2

882: WHERE
883: pl.element_link_id = g_ele_link_id AND
884: pt.element_type_id = pl.element_type_id AND
885: pt.effective_start_date = (SELECT max(pt2.effective_start_date)
886: FROM pay_element_types_f pt2
887: WHERE
888: (pt2.effective_start_date <=
889: TRUNC(sysdate))
890: AND

Line 967: FROM pay_element_types_f et

963: -- being stored globally from the row level 'BEFORE' trigger.
964: --
965: CURSOR csr_count_same_rep_name IS
966: SELECT 1
967: FROM pay_element_types_f et
968: WHERE et.business_group_id
969: = hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.business_group_id
970: AND (NVL(et.legislation_code,-99)
971: = NVL(hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.legislation_code,-99))