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Line 222: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

218: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
219: --
220: g_package varchar2(80) := 'ben_manage_cwb_life_events';
221: --
222: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
223: g_rebuild_pl_id number := null;
224: g_rebuild_lf_evt_ocrd_dt date := null;
225: g_rebuild_business_group_id number := null;
226: g_opt_exists boolean;

Line 304: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);

300: --
301: begin
302: --
303: if g_debug then
304: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
305: end if;
306: l_sleep_time := null;
307: open c_get_sleep_time;
308: fetch c_get_sleep_time into l_sleep_time;

Line 314: hr_utility.set_location ('l_sleep_time = '||l_sleep_time||l_package,10);

310: l_sleep_time := '30';
311: end if;
312: close c_get_sleep_time;
313: if g_debug then
314: hr_utility.set_location ('l_sleep_time = '||l_sleep_time||l_package,10);
315: end if;
317: --
318: if p_num_cwb_processes <> 0 -- and p_master = 'Y'

Line 368: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,10);

364: --
365: end if;
366: --
367: if g_debug then
368: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,10);
369: end if;
370: --
371: commit;
372: --

Line 400: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);

396: --
397: begin
398: --
399: if g_debug then
400: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
401: end if;
402: --
403: /*
404: -- Work out if process is master

Line 424: hr_utility.set_location (l_package||' OUT NOCOPY slave loop ',20);

420: ,p_slave_errored => l_slave_errored
421: );
422: --
423: if g_debug then
424: hr_utility.set_location (l_package||' OUT NOCOPY slave loop ',20);
425: end if;
426: --
427: /*
428: -- Log process information

Line 439: hr_utility.set_location (l_package||' Write to file ',35);

435: ,p_benefit_action_id => p_benefit_action_id
436: );
437: --
438: end if;
439: hr_utility.set_location (l_package||' Write to file ',35);
440: --
441: benutils.write_table_and_file(p_table => true,
442: p_file => false);
443: */

Line 449: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,50);

445: commit;
446: --
447: p_slave_errored := l_slave_errored;
448: --
449: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,50);
450: --
451: end check_all_slaves_finished;
452: --
453: -- Evaluates element determination rule

Line 482: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

479: begin
480: --
481: if g_debug then
482: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
483: end if;
484: --
485: if p_element_det_rl is null then
486: --

Line 489: hr_utility.set_location('Incorrect args '||l_proc,15);

485: if p_element_det_rl is null then
486: --
487: if p_acty_base_rt_id is null then
488: --
489: hr_utility.set_location('Incorrect args '||l_proc,15);
490: --
491: hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
492: (p_api_name => l_proc,
493: p_argument => 'p_element_det_rl,p_acty_base_rt_id',

Line 504: hr_utility.set_location('No RL found '||l_proc,15);

500: if c_abr%NotFound then /* Bug 5141153 : Added if condition */
501: close c_abr;
502: --
503: if g_debug then
504: hr_utility.set_location('No RL found '||l_proc,15);
505: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,15);
506: end if;
507: --
508: return;

Line 505: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,15);

501: close c_abr;
502: --
503: if g_debug then
504: hr_utility.set_location('No RL found '||l_proc,15);
505: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,15);
506: end if;
507: --
508: return;
509: --

Line 519: hr_utility.set_location('element_det_rl: '||l_element_det_rl,25);

515: l_element_det_rl := p_element_det_rl;
516: end if;
518: if g_debug then
519: hr_utility.set_location('element_det_rl: '||l_element_det_rl,25);
520: end if;
522: l_outputs := benutils.formula
523: (p_formula_id => l_element_det_rl,

Line 549: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);

545: --
546: end loop;
547: --
548: if g_debug then
549: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
550: end if;
551: --
552: exception
553: when others then

Line 555: hr_utility.set_location('In exception block '||l_proc,10);

551: --
552: exception
553: when others then
554: if g_debug then
555: hr_utility.set_location('In exception block '||l_proc,10);
556: end if;
557: --
558: p_element_type_id := null;
559: p_input_value_id := null;

Line 588: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

585: begin
586: --
587: if g_debug then
588: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
589: end if;
590: --
591: ben_element_entry.get_abr_assignment
592: (p_person_id => p_person_id

Line 624: hr_utility.set_location('elt: '||p_element_type_id_out,10);

620: --
621: end if;
622: --
623: if g_debug then
624: hr_utility.set_location('elt: '||p_element_type_id_out,10);
625: hr_utility.set_location('inp: '||p_input_value_id_out,10);
626: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
627: end if;
628: --

Line 625: hr_utility.set_location('inp: '||p_input_value_id_out,10);

621: end if;
622: --
623: if g_debug then
624: hr_utility.set_location('elt: '||p_element_type_id_out,10);
625: hr_utility.set_location('inp: '||p_input_value_id_out,10);
626: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
627: end if;
628: --
629: exception

Line 626: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);

622: --
623: if g_debug then
624: hr_utility.set_location('elt: '||p_element_type_id_out,10);
625: hr_utility.set_location('inp: '||p_input_value_id_out,10);
626: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
627: end if;
628: --
629: exception
630: when others then

Line 632: hr_utility.set_location('In exception block '||l_proc,10);

628: --
629: exception
630: when others then
631: if g_debug then
632: hr_utility.set_location('In exception block '||l_proc,10);
633: end if;
634: --
635: p_element_type_id_out := null;
636: p_input_value_id_out := null;

Line 701: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

697: pln.effective_start_date and pln.effective_end_date;
698: begin
699: --
700: if g_debug then
701: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
702: hr_utility.set_location('p_currency_det_cd: '||p_currency_det_cd,10);
703: end if;
704: --
705: if nvl(p_currency_det_cd, 'AUTO') in ('STDRTEL', 'AUTO') then

Line 702: hr_utility.set_location('p_currency_det_cd: '||p_currency_det_cd,10);

698: begin
699: --
700: if g_debug then
701: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
702: hr_utility.set_location('p_currency_det_cd: '||p_currency_det_cd,10);
703: end if;
704: --
705: if nvl(p_currency_det_cd, 'AUTO') in ('STDRTEL', 'AUTO') then
706: --

Line 785: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);

781: p_input_value_id := l_input_value_id;
782: p_element_type_id := l_element_type_id;
783: --
784: if g_debug then
785: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
786: end if;
787: --
788: end determine_curr_code;

Line 801: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

797: begin
798: --
799: if g_debug then
800: l_proc := g_package|| '.p_add_to_recur_hrchy';
801: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
802: end if;
803: --
804: l_counter := nvl(g_hrchy_tbl.LAST, 0);
805: if l_counter > 0 and p_hrchy_search is not null then

Line 824: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);

820: --
821: end if;
822: --
823: if g_debug then
824: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
825: end if;
826: --
827: end p_add_to_recur_hrchy;
828: --

Line 934: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

930: l_ws_mgr_id number := null ;
931: l_per_in_ler_id number := null ;
932: begin
933: --
934: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
935: if g_debug then
936: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_person_id '||p_person_id,22);
937: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,23);
938: end if;

Line 936: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_person_id '||p_person_id,22);

932: begin
933: --
934: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
935: if g_debug then
936: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_person_id '||p_person_id,22);
937: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,23);
938: end if;
939: --
940: open c_mgr (p_person_id,p_pl_id,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_ler_id,p_business_group_id);

Line 937: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,23);

933: --
934: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
935: if g_debug then
936: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_person_id '||p_person_id,22);
937: hr_utility.set_location('MGR p_business_group_id '||p_business_group_id,23);
938: end if;
939: --
940: open c_mgr (p_person_id,p_pl_id,p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_ler_id,p_business_group_id);
941: fetch c_mgr into l_ws_mgr_id,l_per_in_ler_id ;

Line 945: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_per_in_ler_id '||l_per_in_ler_id,30);

941: fetch c_mgr into l_ws_mgr_id,l_per_in_ler_id ;
942: close c_mgr ;
943: --
944: if g_debug then
945: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_per_in_ler_id '||l_per_in_ler_id,30);
946: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_ws_mgr_id '||l_ws_mgr_id,40);
947: end if;
948: --
949: p_per_in_ler_id := l_per_in_ler_id ;

Line 946: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_ws_mgr_id '||l_ws_mgr_id,40);

942: close c_mgr ;
943: --
944: if g_debug then
945: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_per_in_ler_id '||l_per_in_ler_id,30);
946: hr_utility.set_location('MGR OUT l_ws_mgr_id '||l_ws_mgr_id,40);
947: end if;
948: --
949: p_per_in_ler_id := l_per_in_ler_id ;
950: p_ws_mgr_id := l_ws_mgr_id ;

Line 961: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_emp_per_in_ler_id '

957: p_lvl_num number ) is
958: begin
959: --
960: if g_debug then
961: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_emp_per_in_ler_id '
962: ||p_emp_per_in_ler_id,10);
963: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_mgr_per_in_ler_id '
964: ||p_mgr_per_in_ler_id || ' lvl = '
965: || p_lvl_num, 20);

Line 963: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_mgr_per_in_ler_id '

959: --
960: if g_debug then
961: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_emp_per_in_ler_id '
962: ||p_emp_per_in_ler_id,10);
963: hr_utility.set_location('insert_mgr_hrchy p_mgr_per_in_ler_id '
964: ||p_mgr_per_in_ler_id || ' lvl = '
965: || p_lvl_num, 20);
966: end if;
967: insert into ben_cwb_group_hrchy (

Line 1084: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

1080: begin
1081: --
1082: if g_debug then
1083: l_proc := g_package|| '.popu_group_pil_heir';
1084: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1085: end if;
1086: --
1087: lv_pl_id := p_group_pl_id;
1088: lv_business_group_id := p_group_business_group_id;

Line 1093: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_pl_id = ' || lv_pl_id, 9876);

1089: lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt := p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt;
1090: lv_ler_id := p_group_ler_id;
1091: --
1092: if g_debug then
1093: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_pl_id = ' || lv_pl_id, 9876);
1094: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = '
1095: || lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 9876);
1096: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_business_group_id = '
1097: || lv_business_group_id, 9876);

Line 1094: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = '

1090: lv_ler_id := p_group_ler_id;
1091: --
1092: if g_debug then
1093: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_pl_id = ' || lv_pl_id, 9876);
1094: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = '
1095: || lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 9876);
1096: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_business_group_id = '
1097: || lv_business_group_id, 9876);
1098: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_ler_id = ' || lv_ler_id, 9876);

Line 1096: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_business_group_id = '

1092: if g_debug then
1093: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_pl_id = ' || lv_pl_id, 9876);
1094: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = '
1095: || lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 9876);
1096: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_business_group_id = '
1097: || lv_business_group_id, 9876);
1098: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_ler_id = ' || lv_ler_id, 9876);
1099: end if;
1100: open c_pil(lv_pl_id, lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt);

Line 1098: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_ler_id = ' || lv_ler_id, 9876);

1094: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = '
1095: || lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 9876);
1096: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_business_group_id = '
1097: || lv_business_group_id, 9876);
1098: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc || ' lv_ler_id = ' || lv_ler_id, 9876);
1099: end if;
1100: open c_pil(lv_pl_id, lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt);
1101: fetch c_pil into l_emp_pil,l_mgr_person_id,l_person_id ;
1102: --

Line 1113: hr_utility.set_location(' l_emp_pil '||l_emp_pil,99);

1109: -- RECUR END
1110: --
1111: --
1112: if g_debug then
1113: hr_utility.set_location(' l_emp_pil '||l_emp_pil,99);
1114: hr_utility.set_location(' l_mgr_person_id '||l_mgr_person_id,99);
1115: end if;
1116: --
1117: <>

Line 1114: hr_utility.set_location(' l_mgr_person_id '||l_mgr_person_id,99);

1110: --
1111: --
1112: if g_debug then
1113: hr_utility.set_location(' l_emp_pil '||l_emp_pil,99);
1114: hr_utility.set_location(' l_mgr_person_id '||l_mgr_person_id,99);
1115: end if;
1116: --
1117: <>
1118: loop

Line 1127: hr_utility.set_location('Before mgr l_mgr_person_id '

1123: <>
1124: loop
1125: --
1126: if g_debug then
1127: hr_utility.set_location('Before mgr l_mgr_person_id '
1128: ||l_mgr_person_id,10);
1129: end if;
1130: --
1131: mgr(l_mgr_person_id,

Line 1140: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id '

1136: l_mgr_person_id_out,
1137: l_mgr_pil);
1138: --
1139: if g_debug then
1140: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id '
1141: ||l_mgr_person_id,20);
1142: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id_out '
1143: ||l_mgr_person_id_out,20);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_pil '|| l_mgr_pil,30);

Line 1142: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id_out '

1138: --
1139: if g_debug then
1140: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id '
1141: ||l_mgr_person_id,20);
1142: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id_out '
1143: ||l_mgr_person_id_out,20);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_pil '|| l_mgr_pil,30);
1145: end if;
1146: --

Line 1144: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_pil '|| l_mgr_pil,30);

1140: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id '
1141: ||l_mgr_person_id,20);
1142: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_person_id_out '
1143: ||l_mgr_person_id_out,20);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('After Mgr l_mgr_pil '|| l_mgr_pil,30);
1145: end if;
1146: --
1147: --
1148: -- RECUR

Line 1155: -- hr_utility.set_location('level = ' || l_level, 99);

1151: l_mgr_per_id_pos := instr (l_heirarchy_string, '~'|| to_char(l_mgr_person_id_out) || '~');
1152: if l_mgr_per_id_pos > 0 then
1153: --
1154: l_recursive_found := true;
1155: -- hr_utility.set_location('level = ' || l_level, 99);
1156: -- hr_utility.set_location('l_heirarchy_string = ' || l_heirarchy_string, 99);
1157: -- Now go ahead and store in a pl/sql table so that we print each occurance only once
1158: p_add_to_recur_hrchy(l_heirarchy_string|| to_char(l_mgr_person_id_out) || '~',
1159: '~'||to_char(l_mgr_person_id) || '~' || to_char(l_mgr_person_id_out) || '~');

Line 1156: -- hr_utility.set_location('l_heirarchy_string = ' || l_heirarchy_string, 99);

1152: if l_mgr_per_id_pos > 0 then
1153: --
1154: l_recursive_found := true;
1155: -- hr_utility.set_location('level = ' || l_level, 99);
1156: -- hr_utility.set_location('l_heirarchy_string = ' || l_heirarchy_string, 99);
1157: -- Now go ahead and store in a pl/sql table so that we print each occurance only once
1158: p_add_to_recur_hrchy(l_heirarchy_string|| to_char(l_mgr_person_id_out) || '~',
1159: '~'||to_char(l_mgr_person_id) || '~' || to_char(l_mgr_person_id_out) || '~');
1160: --

Line 1175: hr_utility.set_location('BEN_94020_RECURSIVE_EMP_HEIRAR', 999);

1171: -- Bug 3748539
1172: -- This situation indicates it is a recursive supervisory heirarchy.
1173: -- Raise error and rollback the heirarchy rebuild.
1174: --
1175: hr_utility.set_location('BEN_94020_RECURSIVE_EMP_HEIRAR', 999);
1176: /* RECUR
1177: fnd_message.set_name('BEN', 'BEN_94020_RECURSIVE_EMP_HEIRAR');
1178: fnd_message.set_token('PERSONID',to_char(l_person_id));
1179: fnd_message.set_token('MGRPERSONID',to_char(l_mgr_person_id));

Line 1202: hr_utility.set_location('Emp EPE '||l_emp_pil , 20);

1198: OR l_mgr_person_id_out is null or l_recursive_found or
1199: l_level > 75) ;
1200: --call to insert routne
1201: if g_debug then
1202: hr_utility.set_location('Emp EPE '||l_emp_pil , 20);
1203: hr_utility.set_location('Mgr EPE '||l_mgr_pil , 30);
1204: hr_utility.set_location('Level '||l_level , 40);
1205: end if;
1206: --

Line 1203: hr_utility.set_location('Mgr EPE '||l_mgr_pil , 30);

1199: l_level > 75) ;
1200: --call to insert routne
1201: if g_debug then
1202: hr_utility.set_location('Emp EPE '||l_emp_pil , 20);
1203: hr_utility.set_location('Mgr EPE '||l_mgr_pil , 30);
1204: hr_utility.set_location('Level '||l_level , 40);
1205: end if;
1206: --
1207: --

Line 1204: hr_utility.set_location('Level '||l_level , 40);

1200: --call to insert routne
1201: if g_debug then
1202: hr_utility.set_location('Emp EPE '||l_emp_pil , 20);
1203: hr_utility.set_location('Mgr EPE '||l_mgr_pil , 30);
1204: hr_utility.set_location('Level '||l_level , 40);
1205: end if;
1206: --
1207: --
1208: --after call to insert routine

Line 1221: hr_utility.set_location(' End of mgr_loop ',99);

1217: l_recursive_found := false;
1218: l_heirarchy_string := '~'||to_char(l_person_id)||'~'||to_char(l_mgr_person_id)||'~';
1219: --
1220: if g_debug then
1221: hr_utility.set_location(' End of mgr_loop ',99);
1222: end if;
1223: end loop pil ;
1224: --
1225: close c_pil ;

Line 1229: hr_utility.set_location('Before call to delete_init_pil',10);

1225: close c_pil ;
1226: --
1227: --call to delete the intial pil records
1228: if g_debug then
1229: hr_utility.set_location('Before call to delete_init_pil',10);
1230: end if;
1231: update_init_pil(lv_pl_id, lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) ;
1232: if g_debug then
1233: hr_utility.set_location('After call to delete_init_pil',10);

Line 1233: hr_utility.set_location('After call to delete_init_pil',10);

1229: hr_utility.set_location('Before call to delete_init_pil',10);
1230: end if;
1231: update_init_pil(lv_pl_id, lv_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) ;
1232: if g_debug then
1233: hr_utility.set_location('After call to delete_init_pil',10);
1234: end if;
1236: -- Bug 4587770
1237: -- Backout already deletes the data, so no need to call again here,

Line 1287: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);

1283: end;
1284: --
1285: end loop;
1286: if g_debug then
1287: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
1288: end if;
1289: --
1290: end popu_group_pil_heir;
1291: --

Line 1398: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);

1394: begin
1395: --
1396: if g_debug then
1397: l_proc := g_package|| '.get_group_plan_info';
1398: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1399: end if;
1400: --
1401: if g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id is null then
1402: --

Line 1455: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);

1451: --
1452: end if;
1453: --
1454: if g_debug then
1455: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);
1456: end if;
1457: --
1458: end get_group_plan_info;
1459: --

Line 1498: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,100);

1494: --
1495: --
1496: if g_debug then
1497: l_proc := g_package|| '.popu_cwb_tables';
1498: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,100);
1499: end if;
1500: --
1501: g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id := p_group_per_in_ler_id;
1502: --

Line 1508: hr_utility.set_location('p_group_per_in_ler_id: '||p_group_per_in_ler_id,111);

1504: --
1505: open c_cwb_hrchy(p_group_per_in_ler_id);
1506: fetch c_cwb_hrchy into l_emp_pil_id;
1507: --
1508: hr_utility.set_location('p_group_per_in_ler_id: '||p_group_per_in_ler_id,111);
1509: if c_cwb_hrchy%notfound then
1510: --
1511: insert into ben_cwb_group_hrchy (
1512: emp_per_in_ler_id,

Line 1568: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);

1564: end if;
1566: --
1567: if g_debug then
1568: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);
1569: end if;
1570: --
1571: end popu_cwb_tables;
1572: --

Line 1667: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,100);

1663: BEGIN
1664: --
1665: if g_debug then
1666: l_proc := g_package|| '.get_cwb_manager_and_assignment';
1667: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,100);
1668: end if;
1669: --
1670: hr_utility.set_location('p_hrchy_to_use_cd '|| p_hrchy_to_use_cd,100);
1671: --

Line 1670: hr_utility.set_location('p_hrchy_to_use_cd '|| p_hrchy_to_use_cd,100);

1666: l_proc := g_package|| '.get_cwb_manager_and_assignment';
1667: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,100);
1668: end if;
1669: --
1670: hr_utility.set_location('p_hrchy_to_use_cd '|| p_hrchy_to_use_cd,100);
1671: --
1672: OPEN c_get_assignment;
1673: FETCH c_get_assignment INTO l_get_assignment;
1674: CLOSE c_get_assignment;

Line 1720: hr_utility.set_location(' g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_ame_trn_cd '

1716: ELSIF p_hrchy_to_use_cd = 'AME' THEN
1717: -- Use AME Hierarchy to fetch manager hierarchy.
1718: l_application_id := 805; -- Default it to 805
1719: -- Fetch the next approver
1720: hr_utility.set_location(' g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_ame_trn_cd '
1721: || g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_ame_trn_cd, 20);
1722: hr_utility.set_location(' p_person_id '|| p_person_id, 20);
1723: --
1724: BEGIN

Line 1722: hr_utility.set_location(' p_person_id '|| p_person_id, 20);

1718: l_application_id := 805; -- Default it to 805
1719: -- Fetch the next approver
1720: hr_utility.set_location(' g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_ame_trn_cd '
1721: || g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_ame_trn_cd, 20);
1722: hr_utility.set_location(' p_person_id '|| p_person_id, 20);
1723: --
1724: BEGIN
1725: ame_api.getnextapprover (applicationidin => l_application_id,
1726: transactionidin => p_person_id,

Line 1736: hr_utility.set_location(' l_ame_approver.person_id '|| l_ame_approver.person_id, 20);

1732: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_94119_AME_APPL_ERR');
1733: fnd_message.set_token('AME_ERROR', SQLERRM);
1734: fnd_message.raise_error;
1735: END;
1736: hr_utility.set_location(' l_ame_approver.person_id '|| l_ame_approver.person_id, 20);
1737: --
1738: l_manager_id := l_ame_approver.person_id;
1739: --
1740: ELSIF p_hrchy_to_use_cd = 'RL' THEN

Line 1742: hr_utility.set_location(' process RULE hrchy_rl '||g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_rl, 20);

1738: l_manager_id := l_ame_approver.person_id;
1739: --
1740: ELSIF p_hrchy_to_use_cd = 'RL' THEN
1741: -- Use Rule to fetch Manager Id.
1742: hr_utility.set_location(' process RULE hrchy_rl '||g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_rl, 20);
1743: --
1744: l_outputs :=
1745: benutils.formula (p_formula_id => g_cache_group_plan_rec.hrchy_rl
1746: ,p_effective_date => NVL(g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,

Line 1772: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule ret MGR_ID '|| l_manager_id, 20);

1768: );
1769: --
1770: l_manager_id := TO_NUMBER(l_outputs(l_outputs.FIRST).VALUE);
1771: --
1772: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule ret MGR_ID '|| l_manager_id, 20);
1773: --
1774: -- Bug: 3979082: Changes end here
1775: END IF;
1776: --

Line 1782: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);

1778: p_assignment_id := l_assignment_id;
1779: --
1780: if g_debug then
1781: l_proc := g_package|| '.get_cwb_manager_and_assignment';
1782: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,100);
1783: end if;
1784: --
1785: EXCEPTION -- nocopy changes
1786: --

Line 1885: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);

1881: * ben_cwb_person_tasks.
1882: */
1883: if g_debug then
1884: l_package := g_package||'.del_all_cwb_pils';
1885: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
1886: end if;
1887: --
1888: -- This cursor can be avoided if it is fetched in main process.
1889: --

Line 1944: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,10);

1940: --
1941: end if;
1942: --
1943: if g_debug then
1944: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_package,10);
1945: end if;
1946: --
1947: end del_all_cwb_pils;
1948: --

Line 2055: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);

2051: --
2052: -- Clone the data for current plan only.
2053: -- Group plan cloning should happen at the end of the loop.
2054: --
2055: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
2056: open c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
2057: p_business_group_id,
2058: p_effective_date,
2059: p_pl_id);

Line 2069: hr_utility.set_location('p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ' || p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 1234);

2065: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91668_NO_FIND_POPL_ENRT');
2066: fnd_message.raise_error;
2067: end if;
2068: close c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl;
2069: hr_utility.set_location('p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ' || p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 1234);
2070: hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_id = ' || l_ler_id, 1234);
2071: hr_utility.set_location('p_pl_id = ' || p_pl_id, 1234);
2072: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id, 1234);
2073: --

Line 2070: hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_id = ' || l_ler_id, 1234);

2066: fnd_message.raise_error;
2067: end if;
2068: close c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl;
2069: hr_utility.set_location('p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ' || p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 1234);
2070: hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_id = ' || l_ler_id, 1234);
2071: hr_utility.set_location('p_pl_id = ' || p_pl_id, 1234);
2072: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id, 1234);
2073: --
2074: ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per_perf

Line 2071: hr_utility.set_location('p_pl_id = ' || p_pl_id, 1234);

2067: end if;
2068: close c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl;
2069: hr_utility.set_location('p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ' || p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 1234);
2070: hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_id = ' || l_ler_id, 1234);
2071: hr_utility.set_location('p_pl_id = ' || p_pl_id, 1234);
2072: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id, 1234);
2073: --
2074: ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per_perf
2075: (p_validate => false,

Line 2072: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id, 1234);

2068: close c_popl_enrt_typ_cycl;
2069: hr_utility.set_location('p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt = ' || p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 1234);
2070: hr_utility.set_location('l_ler_id = ' || l_ler_id, 1234);
2071: hr_utility.set_location('p_pl_id = ' || p_pl_id, 1234);
2072: hr_utility.set_location('p_business_group_id = ' || p_business_group_id, 1234);
2073: --
2074: ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per_perf
2075: (p_validate => false,
2076: p_ptnl_ler_for_per_id => l_ptnl_ler_for_per_id,

Line 2097: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id ' ||

2093: p_pl_id => p_pl_id,
2094: p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
2095: p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id);
2096: --
2097: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id ' ||
2098: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id ,20);
2099: if p_pl_id = ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id
2100: then
2101: --

Line 2151: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' ||

2147: --
2148: */
2149: end if;
2150: --
2151: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' ||
2152: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 30);
2153: --
2154: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);
2155: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);

Line 2154: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);

2150: --
2151: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' ||
2152: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 30);
2153: --
2154: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);
2155: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);
2156: ben_Person_Life_Event_api.create_Person_Life_Event_perf
2157: (p_validate => false
2158: ,p_per_in_ler_id => l_curr_per_in_ler_id

Line 2155: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);

2151: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' ||
2152: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 30);
2153: --
2154: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);
2155: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);
2156: ben_Person_Life_Event_api.create_Person_Life_Event_perf
2157: (p_validate => false
2158: ,p_per_in_ler_id => l_curr_per_in_ler_id
2159: ,p_ler_id => l_ler_id

Line 2188: hr_utility.set_location('Call ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables', 40);

2184: -- plan design tables.
2185: --
2186: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id := l_curr_per_in_ler_id;
2187: --
2188: hr_utility.set_location('Call ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables', 40);
2189: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables(
2190: p_group_per_in_ler_id => l_curr_per_in_ler_id,
2191: p_group_pl_id => ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,
2192: p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt => ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,

Line 2207: hr_utility.set_location('Creating missing ben_cwb_person_groups', 50);

2203: loop
2204: --
2205: -- create row in ben_cwb_person_groups
2206: --
2207: hr_utility.set_location('Creating missing ben_cwb_person_groups', 50);
2208: insert into ben_cwb_person_groups
2209: (group_per_in_ler_id,
2210: group_pl_id ,
2211: group_oipl_id ,

Line 2311: hr_utility.set_location ('p_pl_id ' || p_pl_id,60);

2307: -- Populate
2309: -- Primary Key: PERSON_RATE_ID
2310: --
2311: hr_utility.set_location ('p_pl_id ' || p_pl_id,60);
2312: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id '||
2313: g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id ,60);
2314: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl '
2315: || g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl ,60);

Line 2312: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id '||

2309: -- Primary Key: PERSON_RATE_ID
2310: --
2311: hr_utility.set_location ('p_pl_id ' || p_pl_id,60);
2312: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id '||
2313: g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id ,60);
2314: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl '
2315: || g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl ,60);
2316: if ((p_pl_id = g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id and

Line 2314: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl '

2310: --
2311: hr_utility.set_location ('p_pl_id ' || p_pl_id,60);
2312: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id '||
2313: g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id ,60);
2314: hr_utility.set_location ('g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl '
2315: || g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl ,60);
2316: if ((p_pl_id = g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id and
2317: g_cache_group_plan_rec.plans_wthn_group_pl = 1
2318: ) OR

Line 2324: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate ' ,70);

2320: )
2321: then
2322: --
2323: if g_debug then
2324: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate ' ,70);
2325: end if;
2326: --
2327: for l_cpr_rec in c_person_rates(
2328: c_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt

Line 2717: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

2713: l_elpro_attcd_act_pln boolean := false; -- 5232223
2714: --
2715: begin
2716: --
2717: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
2718: -- decide the sudit log and supress report flag
2719: l_audit_log_flag := substr(P_audit_log_flag,1,1) ;
2720: l_supress_report := nvl(substr(P_audit_log_flag,2,1),'Y') ;
2721: l_run_rollup_only := nvl(p_run_rollup_only, 'N');

Line 2729: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);

2725: --- Y Y Y
2726: --- NN N N
2727: --- YN Y N
2728: --
2729: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
2730: hr_utility.set_location ('audit log '||l_audit_log_flag ,10);
2731: hr_utility.set_location ('supress log '|| l_supress_report ,10);
2732: hr_utility.set_location ('process rollup ' || p_run_rollup_only, 10);
2733: --

Line 2730: hr_utility.set_location ('audit log '||l_audit_log_flag ,10);

2726: --- NN N N
2727: --- YN Y N
2728: --
2729: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
2730: hr_utility.set_location ('audit log '||l_audit_log_flag ,10);
2731: hr_utility.set_location ('supress log '|| l_supress_report ,10);
2732: hr_utility.set_location ('process rollup ' || p_run_rollup_only, 10);
2733: --
2734: if p_online_call_flag = 'N' then

Line 2731: hr_utility.set_location ('supress log '|| l_supress_report ,10);

2727: --- YN Y N
2728: --
2729: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
2730: hr_utility.set_location ('audit log '||l_audit_log_flag ,10);
2731: hr_utility.set_location ('supress log '|| l_supress_report ,10);
2732: hr_utility.set_location ('process rollup ' || p_run_rollup_only, 10);
2733: --
2734: if p_online_call_flag = 'N' then
2735: --

Line 2732: hr_utility.set_location ('process rollup ' || p_run_rollup_only, 10);

2728: --
2729: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_package,10);
2730: hr_utility.set_location ('audit log '||l_audit_log_flag ,10);
2731: hr_utility.set_location ('supress log '|| l_supress_report ,10);
2732: hr_utility.set_location ('process rollup ' || p_run_rollup_only, 10);
2733: --
2734: if p_online_call_flag = 'N' then
2735: --
2736: fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log,

Line 2760: hr_utility.set_location('Entire process', 8888);

2756: --
2757: if l_run_rollup_only = 'N'
2758: then
2759: --
2760: hr_utility.set_location('Entire process', 8888);
2761: --
2762: for l_count in c_pln(p_pl_id) loop
2763: --
2764: if p_benfts_grp_id is not null then

Line 2769: hr_utility.set_location('l_benfts_grp_id = ' || l_benfts_grp_id, 1234);

2765: --
2766: open c_benfts_grp(p_benfts_grp_id, l_count.business_group_id);
2767: fetch c_benfts_grp into l_benfts_grp_id;
2768: close c_benfts_grp;
2769: hr_utility.set_location('l_benfts_grp_id = ' || l_benfts_grp_id, 1234);
2770: --
2771: end if;
2772: --
2773: if p_person_selection_rule_id is not null then

Line 2778: hr_utility.set_location('l_person_selection_rule_id = '||l_person_selection_rule_id,4321);

2774: --
2775: open c_person_selection_rl(p_person_selection_rule_id,l_count.business_group_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt);
2776: fetch c_person_selection_rl into l_person_selection_rule_id ;
2777: close c_person_selection_rl ;
2778: hr_utility.set_location('l_person_selection_rule_id = '||l_person_selection_rule_id,4321);
2779: --
2780: end if;
2781: --
2782: if p_trace_plans_flag = 'N' then

Line 2900: hr_utility.set_location('hire dt = ' || l_per_rec.hire_date, 999);

2896: if l_per_rec.hire_date is null then
2897: --
2898: open get_per_info (p_person_id , l_effective_date);
2899: fetch get_per_info into l_per_rec;
2900: hr_utility.set_location('hire dt = ' || l_per_rec.hire_date, 999);
2901: hr_utility.set_location('leod dt = ' || l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 999);
2902: close get_per_info;
2903: --
2904: end if;

Line 2901: hr_utility.set_location('leod dt = ' || l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 999);

2897: --
2898: open get_per_info (p_person_id , l_effective_date);
2899: fetch get_per_info into l_per_rec;
2900: hr_utility.set_location('hire dt = ' || l_per_rec.hire_date, 999);
2901: hr_utility.set_location('leod dt = ' || l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt, 999);
2902: close get_per_info;
2903: --
2904: end if;
2905: --

Line 2911: hr_utility.set_location('Before call to p_single_per_clone_all_data', 999);

2907: -- l_per_rec.actual_termination_date < l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt or -- Changed for bug#7393142
2908: p_clone_all_data_flag = 'Y'
2909: then
2910: --
2911: hr_utility.set_location('Before call to p_single_per_clone_all_data', 999);
2912: -- Clone the data for current plan only.
2913: -- Group plan cloning should happen at the end of the loop.
2914: --
2915: l_USE_EFF_DT_FLAG := 'Y';

Line 3017: hr_utility.set_location('global_process - before call to cwb_group_pil', 1234);

3013: --Populate Missing Group Plan Information
3014: --
3015: fnd_file.put_line(which => fnd_file.log,
3016: buff => 'Started : Populating group plan data, ' || to_char(sysdate,'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'));
3017: hr_utility.set_location('global_process - before call to cwb_group_pil', 1234);
3018: if l_use_eff_dt_flag = 'N' then
3019: --
3020: g_error_log_rec.calling_proc := 'popu_cwb_group_pil_data';
3021: g_error_log_rec.step_number := 2;

Line 3118: hr_utility.set_location('trk_inelg ->'|| g_cache_group_plan_rec.trk_inelig_per_flag,99);

3114: l_elpro_attcd_act_pln := FALSE;
3115: end if;
3116: close c_elpros_attchd_loc;
3117: --
3118: hr_utility.set_location('trk_inelg ->'|| g_cache_group_plan_rec.trk_inelig_per_flag,99);
3119: --
3120: if NOT l_elpro_attcd_grp_pln
3121: and l_elpro_attcd_act_pln
3122: and g_cache_group_plan_rec.trk_inelig_per_flag = 'N' then

Line 3401: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :' || l_package,10);

3397: --
3398: begin
3399: --
3400: if g_debug then
3401: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :' || l_package,10);
3402: end if;
3403: --
3404: if p_pl_id = g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id then
3405: --

Line 3410: hr_utility.set_location ('Group rate ' ,15);

3406: -- Populate BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS
3408: --
3409: if g_debug then
3410: hr_utility.set_location ('Group rate ' ,15);
3411: end if;
3412: --
3413: /* Bug 3510081
3414: if g_cwb_person_groups_rec.ws_bdgt_val is not null

Line 3552: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate ' ,15);

3548: ) -- and (nvl(p_no_person_rates, 'N') = 'N')
3549: then
3550: --
3551: if g_debug then
3552: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate ' ,15);
3553: end if;
3554: --
3555: -- Find the group_oipl_id
3556: --

Line 3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);

3583: p_input_value_id => l_input_value_id,
3584: p_currency_cd => l_currency_cd);
3585: --
3586: if g_debug then
3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);
3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);
3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);
3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);
3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);

Line 3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);

3584: p_currency_cd => l_currency_cd);
3585: --
3586: if g_debug then
3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);
3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);
3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);
3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);
3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);
3592: end if;

Line 3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);

3585: --
3586: if g_debug then
3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);
3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);
3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);
3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);
3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);
3592: end if;

Line 3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);

3586: if g_debug then
3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);
3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);
3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);
3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);
3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);
3592: end if;
3594: insert into ben_cwb_person_rates

Line 3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);

3587: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PER_IN_LER_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_per_in_ler_id,15);
3588: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PERSON_ID ' || p_person_id ,15);
3589: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate PL_ID ' || p_pl_id,15);
3590: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate GROUP_PL_ID ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,15);
3591: hr_utility.set_location ('Person rate LF_EVT_OCRD_DT ' || g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,15);
3592: end if;
3594: insert into ben_cwb_person_rates
3595: (person_rate_id ,

Line 3714: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :' || l_package,10);

3710: --
3711: end if;
3712: --
3713: if g_debug then
3714: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :' || l_package,10);
3715: end if;
3716: --
3717: end populate_cwb_rates;
3718: --

Line 3735: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

3731: --
3732: l_ler_id number ;
3733: begin
3734: --
3735: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
3736: if g_debug then
3737: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :' || l_package,10);
3738: end if;
3739: --

Line 3737: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :' || l_package,10);

3733: begin
3734: --
3735: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
3736: if g_debug then
3737: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :' || l_package,10);
3738: end if;
3739: --
3740: -- Steps
3741: --

Line 3763: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 1',20);

3759: l_ler_id ;
3760: close c_pil;
3762: if g_debug then
3763: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 1',20);
3764: end if;
3765: --
3766: -- Step 1
3767: begin

Line 3789: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 1',20);

3785: --
3786: end;
3787: --
3788: if g_debug then
3789: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 1',20);
3790: --
3791: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 2 ',20);
3792: end if;
3793: --

Line 3791: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 2 ',20);

3787: --
3788: if g_debug then
3789: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 1',20);
3790: --
3791: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 2 ',20);
3792: end if;
3793: --
3794: --Step 2
3795: -- Don't insert for the pil,0,0 record since it is

Line 3833: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 2 ',20);

3829: --
3830: end;
3831: --
3832: if g_debug then
3833: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 2 ',20);
3834: --
3835: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 3 ',20);
3836: end if;
3837: --

Line 3835: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 3 ',20);

3831: --
3832: if g_debug then
3833: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 2 ',20);
3834: --
3835: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 3 ',20);
3836: end if;
3837: --
3838: begin
3839: --

Line 3862: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 3 ',20);

3858: --
3859: end;
3860: --
3861: if g_debug then
3862: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 3 ',20);
3863: --
3864: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Calling popu_pel_heir',20);
3865: end if;
3866: --

Line 3864: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Calling popu_pel_heir',20);

3860: --
3861: if g_debug then
3862: hr_utility.set_location ('After Step 3 ',20);
3863: --
3864: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Calling popu_pel_heir',20);
3865: end if;
3866: --
3867: begin
3868: --

Line 3882: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 5',20);

3878: --
3879: end;
3880: --
3881: if g_debug then
3882: hr_utility.set_location ('Before Step 5',20);
3883: end if;
3884: --
3885: begin
3886: --

Line 3946: hr_utility.set_location ('Afert Step 5',20);

3942: --
3943: end if;
3944: --
3945: if g_debug then
3946: hr_utility.set_location ('Afert Step 5',20);
3947: hr_utility.set_location ('After Calling popu_pil_heir',20);
3948: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : rebuild_heirarchy',30);
3949: end if;
3950: --

Line 3947: hr_utility.set_location ('After Calling popu_pil_heir',20);

3943: end if;
3944: --
3945: if g_debug then
3946: hr_utility.set_location ('Afert Step 5',20);
3947: hr_utility.set_location ('After Calling popu_pil_heir',20);
3948: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : rebuild_heirarchy',30);
3949: end if;
3950: --
3951: --

Line 3948: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : rebuild_heirarchy',30);

3944: --
3945: if g_debug then
3946: hr_utility.set_location ('Afert Step 5',20);
3947: hr_utility.set_location ('After Calling popu_pil_heir',20);
3948: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : rebuild_heirarchy',30);
3949: end if;
3950: --
3951: --
3952: end rebuild_heirarchy ;

Line 4042: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering : ' || l_proc,30);

4038: --
4039: begin
4040: --
4041: if g_debug then
4042: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering : ' || l_proc,30);
4043: end if;
4044: --
4045: -- Create the potential and per in ler in group plan.
4046: --

Line 4081: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);

4077: p_effective_date => l_effective_date, -- ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
4078: p_manager_id => l_ws_mgr_id,
4079: p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id ) ;
4080: --
4081: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);
4082: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);
4083: --
4084: -- Create the group person life event
4085: --

Line 4082: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);

4078: p_manager_id => l_ws_mgr_id,
4079: p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id ) ;
4080: --
4081: hr_utility.set_location('l_ws_mgr_id = ' || l_ws_mgr_id, 1234);
4082: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);
4083: --
4084: -- Create the group person life event
4085: --
4086: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' || ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 1234);

Line 4086: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' || ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 1234);

4082: hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id = ' || l_assignment_id, 1234);
4083: --
4084: -- Create the group person life event
4085: --
4086: hr_utility.set_location('group_pl_id = ' || ben_manage_cwb_life_events.g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id, 1234);
4087: ben_Person_Life_Event_api.create_Person_Life_Event_perf
4088: (p_validate => false
4089: ,p_per_in_ler_id => l_curr_per_in_ler_id
4090: ,p_ler_id => p_group_ler_id

Line 4113: hr_utility.set_location('Call ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables', 1234);

4109: --
4110: -- Per in ler created is a group per in ler so populate other
4111: -- plan design tables.
4112: --
4113: hr_utility.set_location('Call ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables', 1234);
4114: if p_use_eff_dt_flag = 'Y' then
4115: --
4116: ben_manage_cwb_life_events.popu_cwb_tables(
4117: p_group_per_in_ler_id => l_curr_per_in_ler_id,

Line 4142: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables before for loop', 1234);

4138: if nvl(g_cache_cpg_rec.count, 0) = 0 then
4139: --
4140: -- Cache the cwb_person_groups data.
4141: --
4142: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables before for loop', 1234);
4143: i := 1;
4144: for l_cpg_rec in c_cpg(p_group_pl_id, p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) loop
4145: --
4146: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables for loop i = ' || to_char(i), 1234);

Line 4146: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables for loop i = ' || to_char(i), 1234);

4142: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables before for loop', 1234);
4143: i := 1;
4144: for l_cpg_rec in c_cpg(p_group_pl_id, p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt) loop
4145: --
4146: hr_utility.set_location('popu_cwb_tables for loop i = ' || to_char(i), 1234);
4147: g_cache_cpg_rec(i) := l_cpg_rec;
4148: i := i+1;
4149: --
4150: end loop;

Line 4163: hr_utility.set_location (' populate g_cache_cpg_rec', 1234);

4159: */
4161: IF NVL (g_cache_cpg_rec.COUNT, 0) = 0
4162: THEN
4163: hr_utility.set_location (' populate g_cache_cpg_rec', 1234);
4164: i := 1;
4166: FOR l_pl_dsgn IN c_pl_dsgn (g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_pl_id,
4167: g_cache_group_plan_rec.group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt

Line 4334: hr_utility.set_location('Creating missing ben_cwb_person_groups', 1234);

4330: end if;
4331: --
4332: -- create row in ben_cwb_person_groups
4333: --
4334: hr_utility.set_location('Creating missing ben_cwb_person_groups', 1234);
4335: insert into ben_cwb_person_groups
4336: (group_per_in_ler_id,
4337: group_pl_id ,
4338: group_oipl_id ,

Line 4453: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : ' || l_proc,30);

4449: end loop;
4450: end if;
4451: --
4452: if g_debug then
4453: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving : ' || l_proc,30);
4454: end if;
4455: end popu_missing_person_pil;
4456: --
4457: procedure popu_cwb_group_pil_data (

Line 4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);

4509: --
4510: begin
4511: --
4512: if g_debug then
4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);

Line 4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);

4510: begin
4511: --
4512: if g_debug then
4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);
4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);

Line 4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);

4511: --
4512: if g_debug then
4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);
4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);
4519: end if;

Line 4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);

4512: if g_debug then
4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);
4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);
4519: end if;
4520: /*

Line 4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);

4513: hr_utility.set_location('Entering popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);
4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);
4519: end if;
4520: /*
4521: popu_missing_pil(p_mode, p_group_pl_business_group_id, p_group_pl_id,

Line 4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);

4514: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_per_in_ler_id , 1234);
4515: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_pl_id , 1234);
4516: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_lf_evt_ocrd_dt , 1234);
4517: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_business_group_id , 1234);
4518: hr_utility.set_location('= ' ||p_group_ler_id , 1234);
4519: end if;
4520: /*
4521: popu_missing_pil(p_mode, p_group_pl_business_group_id, p_group_pl_id,
4522: p_group_ler_id, p_effective_date, p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt)

Line 4582: hr_utility.set_location(' popu_cwb_group_pil_data : per id = ' || l_rec.person_id, 10);

4578: for l_rec in c_missing_group_pils loop
4579: --
4580: -- Populate group pil and associated data for this person.
4581: --
4582: hr_utility.set_location(' popu_cwb_group_pil_data : per id = ' || l_rec.person_id, 10);
4583: if p_use_eff_dt_flag = 'N' then
4584: --
4585: popu_missing_person_pil(
4586: p_mode => 'ABCD',

Line 4644: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);

4640: --
4641: end loop;
4642: --
4643: if g_debug then
4644: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving popu_cwb_group_pil_data', 10);
4645: end if;
4646: end popu_cwb_group_pil_data;
4647: --
4648: procedure global_online_process_w

Line 4675: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);

4671: l_cache_group_plan_rec_temp g_cache_group_plan_type;
4672: --
4673: begin
4674: --
4675: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc,10);
4676: l_effective_date := to_char(p_effective_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
4677: l_lf_evt_ocrd_dt := to_char(nvl(p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt,p_effective_date),'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS');
4678: --
4679: fnd_msg_pub.initialize;

Line 4685: hr_utility.set_location ('Before : p_backout_global_cwb_event ',10);

4681: -- If backout is requested then first back out and call online.
4682: --
4683: if p_backout_and_process_flag = 'Y' then
4684: --
4685: hr_utility.set_location ('Before : p_backout_global_cwb_event ',10);
4686: ben_cwb_back_out_conc.p_backout_global_cwb_event(
4687: p_effective_date => p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt
4688: ,p_validate => p_validate
4689: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id

Line 4814: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :sum_oipl_rates_and_upd_pl_rate ' ,10);

4810: --
4811: begin
4812: --
4813: if g_debug then
4814: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :sum_oipl_rates_and_upd_pl_rate ' ,10);
4815: end if;
4816: --
4817: -- Fetch all ben_cwb_person_rates for the person
4818: -- for the plan, for lf_evt_ocrd_dt if there exists oipl for this plan

Line 4862: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :sum_oipl_rates_and_upd_pl_rate ' ,10);

4858: end loop;
4859: --
4860: end if;
4861: if g_debug then
4862: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :sum_oipl_rates_and_upd_pl_rate ' ,10);
4863: end if;
4864: --
4865: end sum_oipl_rates_and_upd_pl_rate;
4866: --

Line 4929: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :auto_allocate_budgets ' ,10);

4925: l_pop_cd varchar2(30);
4926: --
4927: begin
4928: if g_debug then
4929: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering :auto_allocate_budgets ' ,10);
4930: end if;
4931: --
4932: for l_high_mgr_cpg_rec in c_high_mgr_cpg(p_group_pl_id , p_lf_evt_ocrd_dt )
4933: loop

Line 5014: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :auto_allocate_budgets ' ,10);

5010: --
5011: end loop;
5012: --
5013: if g_debug then
5014: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving :auto_allocate_budgets ' ,10);
5015: end if;
5016: --
5017: end auto_allocate_budgets;
5018: --