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Line 985: v_style_id po_headers_all.style_id%TYPE; --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#4483042

981: v_loc_count NUMBER;--File.Sql.35 Cbabu := 0; --new variable for loc chk on 17-aug-00
983: v_tax_category_id JAI_PO_TAXES.tax_category_id%TYPE; -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
984: v_tax_category_id_holder JAI_PO_LINE_LOCATIONS.tax_category_id%TYPE; -- cbabu for EnhancementBug# 2427465
985: v_style_id po_headers_all.style_id%TYPE; --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#4483042
987: ------------------------------>
988: -- Check the vendor btn the vendor present in tax lines and that of suggested vendor in requisition lines
989: -- If they are same or any one is null then insert po vendor else keep the vendor in tact.

Line 1022: v_type_lookup_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.type_lookup_code%TYPE;

1018: v_ship_to_location_id NUMBER;
1019: v_price_override PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.price_override%TYPE;
1020: v_unit_meas_lookup_code PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.unit_meas_lookup_code%TYPE;
1021: v_line_uom PO_LINES_ALL.unit_meas_lookup_code%TYPE;
1022: v_type_lookup_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.type_lookup_code%TYPE;
1023: v_quot_class_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.quotation_class_code%TYPE;
1024: -- End, Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3193592
1026: CURSOR Fetch_Unit_Measure_Cur IS

Line 1023: v_quot_class_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.quotation_class_code%TYPE;

1019: v_price_override PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.price_override%TYPE;
1020: v_unit_meas_lookup_code PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.unit_meas_lookup_code%TYPE;
1021: v_line_uom PO_LINES_ALL.unit_meas_lookup_code%TYPE;
1022: v_type_lookup_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.type_lookup_code%TYPE;
1023: v_quot_class_code PO_HEADERS_ALL.quotation_class_code%TYPE;
1024: -- End, Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3193592
1026: CURSOR Fetch_Unit_Measure_Cur IS
1027: SELECT Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code

Line 1041: FROM Po_Headers_All

1037: CURSOR Fetch_Po_Vendor_Id_Cur( hdr_id IN NUMBER ) IS
1038: SELECT Vendor_Id, Vendor_SIte_Id, Currency_Code, Rate_Date, Rate_Type, Rate
1039: , type_lookup_code, quotation_class_code, -- Vijay Shankar for Bug# 3193592
1040: style_id --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#4483042
1041: FROM Po_Headers_All
1042: WHERE Po_Header_Id = hdr_id;
1044: /* Bug 4513549. Added by LGOPALSA
1045: Commented the following cursor as it is