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Line 208: po_vendor_sites_all povs

204: decode(p_schedule_type, 'PLAN_SCHEDULE', paa.plan_schedule_type,
205: paa.ship_schedule_type)
206: FROM po_asl_attributes_val_v paa,
207: chv_bucket_patterns cbp,
208: po_vendor_sites_all povs
209: WHERE ((paa.using_organization_id = -1 and not exists
210: (SELECT *
211: FROM po_asl_attributes_val_v paa2
212: WHERE paa2.using_organization_id = x_organization_id

Line 714: po_vendor_sites pvs,

710: SELECT edi_flag
711: INTO x_transmission_method
712: FROM ece_tp_headers eth,
713: ece_tp_details etd,
714: po_vendor_sites pvs,
715: chv_schedule_headers csh
716: WHERE eth.tp_header_id = etd.tp_header_id
717: AND decode(csh.schedule_type, 'PLAN_SCHEDULE', 'SPSO', 'SSSO') =
718: etd.document_id

Line 846: SELECT vendor_site_code into x_vendor_code from po_vendor_sites where p_vendor_site_id = vendor_site_id and p_vendor_id = vendor_id;

842: x_vendor_name := 'No Vendor Provided';
843: END IF;
845: IF p_vendor_site_id is not null THEN
846: SELECT vendor_site_code into x_vendor_code from po_vendor_sites where p_vendor_site_id = vendor_site_id and p_vendor_id = vendor_id;
847: ELSE
848: x_vendor_code := 'No Vendor Site';
849: END IF;