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Line 283: FUNCTION Company_Agent (P_Awt_Type_Code jl_zz_ap_awt_types.awt_type_code%TYPE,

279: The Following function verify if the company is agent for a withholding type.
280: The function receive the Supplier Withholding Type as parameter.
281: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
283: FUNCTION Company_Agent (P_Awt_Type_Code jl_zz_ap_awt_types.awt_type_code%TYPE,
284: P_Invoice_Id ap_invoices_all.invoice_id%TYPE)
285: return boolean is
286: /* bug 16010780
287: Cursor Company_Awt_Types (PC_Legal_Entity_ID xle_entity_profiles.legal_entity_id%TYPE)

Line 574: jl_zz_ap_awt_types awt

570: awt.city_code
571: FROM jl_zz_ap_supp_awt_types swt,
572: jl_zz_ap_sup_awt_cd swc,
573: ap_tax_codes_ALL tca, -- Add _ALL for MOAC
574: jl_zz_ap_awt_types awt
575: WHERE swt.vendor_id = C_vendor_id -- Select only for this Supplier
576: AND swt.wh_subject_flag = 'Y' -- Supp subject to the withholding tax type
577: AND swc.supp_awt_type_id = swt.supp_awt_type_id -- Join
578: AND swc.tax_id = tca.tax_id -- Join